PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 490 Description The sybase_fetch_field() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.7 and PHP 4.0, returns an object containing properties of the field referenced in the result set at the field_offset or the next field if no offset is specified. The properties of the return object are name, column_source, max_length, and numeric (1 if TRUE). sybase_fetch_object() Syntax int sybase_fetch_object (int result) Description The sybase_fetch_object() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, returns an object that contains data from the fetched row with the data accessible using the field names. sybase_fetch_row() Syntax array sybase_fetch_row (int result) Description The sybase_fetch_row() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, returns a zero-based array containing one row of data from the result set. sybase_field_seek() Syntax int Sybase_field_seek (int result ,int field_offset) Description PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 491 The sybase_field_seek() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, seeks to the specified field_offset in the result set. sybase_free_result() Syntax int sybase_free_result (int result) Description The sybase_free_result() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, frees all resources associated with the result set. sybase_num_fields() Syntax int sybase_num_fields (int result) Description The sybase_num_fields() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, returns the number of fields in the result set. sybase_num_rows() Syntax Sybase_num_rows (string result) Description The sybase_num_rows() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, returns the number of rows in a result set and is typically used with a select statement. sybase_pconnect() Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 492 int sybase_pconnect (string servername, string username, string password) Description The sybase_pconnect() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, is similar to sybase_connect() except that the connection isn't terminated at the end of a script's processing. sybase_query() Syntax int sybase_query (string query, int link_identifier) Description The sybase_query() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, sends the query to the database using the link_identifier connection. If no link exists, the function will try to establish a connection as though sybase_connect() were called. sybase_result() Syntax int sybase_result (int result, int row, mixed field) Description The sybase_result() function, which is available with PHP 3.0 and higher, returns the contents of the cell located at the field and row in the result set. The field parameter can be the name (use alias column name if aliased), offset, or table name dot field name ( tablename . fieldname ). sybase_select_db() Syntax int sybase_select_db (sting database_name , int link_identifier) PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 493 Description The sybase_select_db() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, sets the current active database for the given link_identifier to the given database_name . If no connection is given, the last opened one will be used; if none exists, an attempt to establish one will be made. PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 494 Chapter 11. Chapter Utility Extensions Within the PHP programming languages you will find many different utility extensions. These extensions represent some of the more useful shrink-wrapped functions of the language itself. They include the following: • Calendar • Compression • Date and time • Encryption • GNU recode • Image • Regular expression Calendar This set of calendar functions represents items from both the MCAL (Modular Calendar Access Library) module and built-in functionality within PHP. MCAL The MCAL set of functions operates in very much the same manner as the IMAP functions. You open a stream to a particular calendar and then perform operations on it. To use these functions, you need to download the MCAL library from , compile and install it, and compile PHP with the with- mcal option. Note The functions in this set were added in PHP 3.0.13 unless otherwise stated. The functions in the MCAL library use some predefined constants. These are shown in Table 11.1 . Table 11.1. Constants Used in the MCAL Library Type Constant MCAL_SUNDAY Day of Week MCAL_MONDAY . PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 490 Description The sybase_fetch_field() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.7 and PHP 4.0, returns an object containing. result ,int field_offset) Description PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 491 The sybase_field_seek() function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, seeks to the specified field_offset. function, which is available in PHP 3.0 and higher, returns the number of rows in a result set and is typically used with a select statement. sybase_pconnect() Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary