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PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P45 docx

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  • Cover

  • PHP Developer's Dictionary

  • About the Authors

  • Acknowledgments

    • Tell Us What You Think!

  • Introduction

    • Who Should Buy This Book?

    • Organization of the Chapters

    • Writing Conventions

  • Chapter 1. Basic PHP Background and History

    • Advantages of PHP 4

    • Installation

      • PHP Installation General Overview

      • Configuration Options

      • Types, Variables, and Constants

      • Arrays

      • Strings

      • Type Conversion

      • Variables

      • Constants

    • Operators and Mathematical Functions

      • Expressions and Operators

      • Control Structures

      • Mathematical Functions

    • Functions, Classes, and Objects

      • Functions

      • Classes and Objects

  • Chapter 2. Generating HTML

    • Generating Dynamic Content

      • Defining Dynamic Content

      • Using Request Variables to Generate Content

      • Using the Environment to Generate Content

    • Working with the Filesystem

      • Directory Functions

      • Filesystem Functions

    • HTTP Authentication

      • Overview

      • Limitations

      • Other Authentication Methods

    • Working with Email

      • Email Overview

      • Email and PHP

    • Calendar and Date Functions

      • Overview of Time and Date Functions

      • Calendar Functions

  • Chapter 3. Database Access

    • Working with Connections and Data Sources

      • Setting Up the Database

    • Using PostgreSQL and PHP

      • PostgreSQL Overview

      • Connecting Postgres and PHP

    • Select, Insert, Update, and Delete Queries

      • Insert Queries

      • Select Queries with PHP

      • Working with the Result Set

      • Update Queries

      • Delete Queries

    • Other Database Functions

      • Error Messages

      • Transaction Management

      • Persistent Database Connections

      • Large Objects

  • Chapter 4. The Core PHP 4 Language

    • Basic Syntax

      • Tags

      • Comments

      • Constants

      • Control Structures and Statements

      • Escape Characters

      • Objects and Functions

      • Operators

      • Predefined Variables

  • Chapter 5. PHP Language Extensions

    • Arbitrary-Precision Mathematics

      • bcadd()

      • bccomp()

      • bcdiv()

      • bcmod()

      • bcmul()

      • bcpow()

      • bcscale()

      • bcsqrt()

      • bcsub()

    • Array

      • array()

      • array_count_values()

      • array_diff()

      • array_flip()

      • array_intersect()

      • array_keys()

      • array_merge()

      • array_merge_recursive()

      • array_multisort()

      • array_pad()

      • array_pop()

      • array_push()

      • array_rand()

      • array_reverse()

      • array_shift()

      • array_slice()

      • array_splice()

      • array_unique()

      • array_unshift()

      • array_values()

      • array_walk()

      • arsort()

      • asort()

      • compact()

      • count()

      • current()

      • each()

      • end()

      • extract()

      • in_array()

      • key()

      • krsort()

      • ksort()

      • list()

      • next()

      • pos()

      • prev()

      • range()

      • reset()

      • rsort()

      • shuffle()

      • sizeof()

      • sort()

      • uasort()

      • uksort()

      • usort()

    • Dynamic Loading

      • dl()

    • Hash()

      • mhash_get_hash_name()

      • mhash_get_block_size()

      • mhash_count()

      • mhash()

    • Mathematical

      • abs()

      • acos()

      • asin()

      • atan()

      • atan2()

      • base_convert()

      • bindec()

      • ceil()

      • cos()

      • decbin()

      • dechex()

      • decoct()

      • deg2rad()

      • exp()

      • floor()

      • getrandmax()

      • hexdec()

      • log()

      • log10()

      • max()

      • min()

      • mt_rand()

      • mt_srand()

      • mt_getrandmax()

      • number_format()

      • octdec()

      • pi()

      • pow()

      • rad2deg()

      • rand()

      • round()

      • sin()

      • sqrt()

      • srand()

      • tan()

    • Miscellaneous

      • connection_aborted()

      • connection_status()

      • connection_timeout()

      • define()

      • defined()

      • die()

      • eval()

      • exit()

      • func_get_arg()

      • func_get_args()

      • func_num_args()

      • function_exists

      • get_browser()

      • ignore_user_abort()

      • iptcparse()

      • leak()

      • pack()

      • register_shutdown_function()

      • serialize()

      • sleep()

      • uniqid()

      • unpack()

      • unserialize()

      • usleep()

    • PHP Options and Information

      • assert()

      • assert_options()

      • error_log()

      • error_reporting()

      • extension_loaded()

      • getenv()

      • get_cfg_var()

      • get_current_user()

      • get_magic_quotes_gpc()

      • get_magic_quotes_runtime()

      • getlastmod()

      • getmyinode()

      • getmypid()

      • getmyuid()

      • getrusage()

      • phpcredits()

      • phpinfo()

      • phpversion()

      • php_logo_guid()

      • php_sapi_name()

      • putenv()

      • set_magic_quotes_runtime()

      • set_time_limit()

      • zend_logo_guid()

    • String

      • addcslashes()

      • addslashes()

      • bin2hex()

      • chop()

      • chr()

      • chunk_split()

      • convert_cyr_string()

      • count_chars()

      • crc32()

      • crypt()

      • echo()

      • explode()

      • flush()

      • get_html_translation_table

      • get_meta_tags()

      • htmlentities()

      • htmlspecialchars()

      • implode()

      • join()

      • levenshtein()

      • ltrim()

      • md5()

      • metaphone()

      • nl2br()

      • ob_start()

      • ob_get_contents()

      • ob_end_flush()

      • ob_end_clean()

      • ob_implicit_flush()

      • ord()

      • parse_str

      • print()

      • printf()

      • quoted_printable_decode()

      • quotemeta()

      • rawurldecode()

      • rawurlencode()

      • setlocale()

      • similar_text()

      • soundex()

      • sprintf()

      • strcasecmp()

      • strchr()

      • strcmp()

      • strcspn()

      • strip_tags()

      • stripcslashes()

      • stripslashes()

      • stristr()

      • strlen()

      • strpos()

      • strrchr()

      • str_repeat()

      • strrev()

      • strrpos()

      • strspn()

      • strstr()

      • strtok()

      • strtolower()

      • strtoupper()

      • str_replace()

      • strtr()

      • substr()

      • substr_replace()

      • trim()

      • ucfirst

      • ucwords()

    • Variable

      • doubleval()

      • empty()

      • gettype()

      • intval()

      • is_array()

      • is_boolean()

      • is_double()

      • is_float()

      • is_int()

      • is_integer()

      • is_long()

      • is_numeric()

      • is_object()

      • is_real()

      • is_string()

      • isset()

      • print_r()

      • settype()

      • strval()

      • unset()

      • var_dump()

  • Chapter 6. Protocol Extensions

    • FTP

      • ftp_cdup()

      • ftp_chdir()

      • ftp_connect()

      • ftp_delete()

      • ftp_fget()

      • ftp_fput()

      • ftp_get()

      • ftp_login()

      • ftp_mdtm()

      • ftp_mkdir()

      • ftp_nlist()

      • ftp_pasv()

      • ftp_put()

      • ftp_pwd()

      • ftp_quit()

      • ftp_rawlist()

      • ftp_rename()

      • ftp_rmdir()

      • ftp_site()

      • ftp_size()

      • ftp_systype()

    • HTTP

      • header()

      • setcookie()

    • IMAP, POP3, and NNTP

      • imap_8bit()

      • imap_alerts()

      • imap_append()

      • imap_base64()

      • imap_binary()

      • imap_body()

      • flags

      • imap_check()

      • imap_clearflag_full()

      • imap_close()

      • imap_createmailbox()

      • imap_delete()

      • imap_deletemailbox()

      • imap_errors()

      • imap_expunge()

      • imap_fetch_overview()

      • imap_fetchbody()

      • flags

      • imap_fetchheader()

      • flags

      • imap_fetchstructure()

      • imap_fetchstructure()

      • imap_getmailboxes()

      • imap_getsubscribed()

      • imap_header()

      • imap_headers()

      • imap_last_error()

      • imap_listmailbox()

      • imap_listsubscribed()

      • imap_mail()

      • imap_mail_compose()

      • imap_mail_copy()

      • imap_mail_move()

      • imap_mailboxmsginfo()

      • imap_msgno()

      • imap_num_msg()

      • imap_num_recent()

      • imap_open()

      • imap_ping()

      • imap_qprint()

      • imap_renamemailbox()

      • imap_reopen()

      • imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist()

      • imap_rfc822_parse_headers()

      • imap_rfc822_write_address()

      • imap_scanmailbox()

      • imap_search()

      • imap_search()

      • imap_setflag_full()

      • imap_sort()

      • imap_status()

      • imap_status()

      • imap_subscribe()

      • imap_uid()

      • imap_undelete()

      • imap_unsubscribe()

      • imap_utf7_decode()

      • imap_utf7_encode()

      • imap_utf8()

    • LDAP

      • ldap_add()

      • ldap_bind()

      • ldap_close()

      • ldap_connect()

      • ldap_count_entries()

      • ldap_delete()

      • ldap_dn2ufn()

      • ldap_err2str()

      • ldap_errno()

      • ldap_error()

      • ldap_explode_dn()

      • ldap_first_attribute()

      • ldap_first_entry()

      • ldap_free_result()

      • ldap_get_attributes()

      • ldap_get_dn()

      • ldap_get_entries()

      • ldap_get_values()

      • ldap_get_values_len()

      • ldap_list()

      • dereference

      • ldap_mod_add()

      • ldap_mod_del()

      • ldap_mod_replace()

      • ldap_modify()

      • ldap_next_attribute()

      • ldap_next_entry()

      • ldap_read()

      • dereference

      • ldap_search()

      • dereference

      • ldap_unbind()

    • SNMP

      • snmp_get_quick_print()

      • snmp_set_quick_print()

      • snmpget()

      • snmpset()

      • snmpwalk()

      • snmpwalkoid()

  • Chapter 7. Internet-Related Extensions

    • Apache Specific

      • apache_lookup_uri()

      • apache_lookup_uri()

      • apache_note()

      • getallheaders()

      • virtual()

    • Mail

      • mail()

    • Network

      • checkdnsrr()

      • closelog()

      • debugger_off()

      • debugger_on()

      • fsockopen()

      • gethostbyaddr()

      • gethostbyname()

      • gethostbynamel()

      • getmxrr()

      • getprotobyname()

      • getprotobynumber()

      • getservbyname()

      • getservbyport()

      • openlog()

      • option

      • facility

      • pfsockopen()

      • set_socket_blocking()

      • syslog()

    • Session Handling

      • session_start()

      • session_destroy()

      • session_name()

      • session_module_name

      • session_save_path()

      • session_id()

      • session_register()

      • session_unregister()

      • session_is_registered()

      • session_decode()

      • session_encode()

    • URL

      • base64_decode()

      • base64_encode()

      • parse_url()

      • urldecode()

      • urlencode()

    • VMailMgr

      • vm_adduser()

      • vm_addalias()

      • vm_passwd()

      • vm_delalias()

      • vm_deluser()

    • WDDX

      • wddx_serialize_value()

      • wddx_serialize_vars()

      • wddx_packet_start()

      • wddx_packet_end()

      • wddx_add_vars()

      • wddx_deserialize()

  • Chapter 8. Document-Related Extensions

    • Aspell

      • aspell_new()

      • aspell_check()

      • aspell_check_raw()

      • aspell_suggest()

    • Pspell

      • pspell_new()

      • pspell_check()

      • pspell_suggest()

    • ClibPDF

      • cpdf_global_set_document_limits()

      • cpdf_set_creator()

      • cpdf_set_title()

      • cpdf_set_subject()

      • cpdf_set_keywords()

      • cpdf_open()

      • cpdf_close()

      • cpdf_page_init()

      • cpdf_finalize_page()

      • cpdf_finalize()

      • cpdf_output_buffer()

      • cpdf_save_to_file()

      • cpdf_set_current_page()

      • cpdf_begin_text()

      • cpdf_end_text()

      • cpdf_show()

      • cpdf_show_xy()

      • cpdf_text()

      • cpdf_set_font()

      • cpdf_set_leading()

      • cpdf_set_text_rendering()

      • cpdf_set_horiz_scaling()

      • cpdf_set_text_rise()

      • cpdf_set_text_matrix()

      • cpdf_set_text_pos()

      • cpdf_set_char_spacing()

      • cpdf_set_word_spacing()

      • cpdf_continue_text()

      • cpdf_stringwidth()

      • cpdf_save()

      • cpdf_restore()

      • cpdf_translate()

      • cpdf_scale()

      • cpdf_rotate()

      • cpdf_setflat()

      • cpdf_setlinejoin()

      • cpdf_setlinecap()

      • cpdf_setmiterlimit()

      • cpdf_setlinewidth()

      • cpdf_setdash()

      • cpdf_moveto()

      • cpdf_rmoveto()

      • cpdf_curveto()

      • cpdf_lineto()

      • cpdf_rlineto()

      • cpdf_circle()

      • cpdf_arc()

      • cpdf_rect()

      • cpdf_closepath()

      • cpdf_stroke()

      • cpdf_closepath_stroke()

      • cpdf_fill()

      • cpdf_fill_stroke()

      • cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke()

      • cpdf_clip()

      • cpdf_setgray_fill()

      • cpdf_setgray_stroke()

      • cpdf_setgray()

      • cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill()

      • cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke()

      • cpdf_setrgbcolor()

      • cpdf_add_outline()

      • cpdf_set_page_animation()

      • cpdf_import_jpeg()

      • cpdf_place_inline_image()

      • cpdf_add_annotation()

    • Forms Data Format

      • fdf_open()

      • fdf_close()

      • fdf_create()

      • fdf_save()

      • fdf_get_value()

      • fdf_set_value()

      • fdf_next_field_name()

      • fdf_set_ap()

      • fdf_set_status()

      • fdf_get_status()

      • fdf_set_file()

      • fdf_get_file()

    • Hyperwave

      • hw_array2objrec()

      • hw_children()

      • hw_childrenobj()

      • hw_close()

      • hw_connect()

      • hw_cp()

      • hw_deleteobject()

      • hw_docbyanchor()

      • hw_docbyanchorobj()

      • hw_documentattributes()

      • hw_documentbodytag()

      • hw_documentcontent()

      • hw_documentsetcontent()

      • hw_documentsize()

      • hw_errormsg()

      • hw_edittext()

      • hw_error()

      • hw_free_document()

      • hw_getparents()

      • hw_getparentsobj()

      • hw_getchildcoll()

      • hw_getchildcollobj()

      • hw_getremote()

      • hw_getremotechildren()

      • hw_getsrcbydestobj()

      • hw_getobject()

      • hw_getandlock()

      • hw_gettext()

      • hw_getobjectbyquery()

      • hw_getobjectbyqueryobj()

      • hw_getobjectbyquerycoll()

      • hw_getobjectbyquerycollobj()

      • hw_getchilddoccoll()

      • hw_getchilddoccollobj()

      • hw_getanchors()

      • hw_getanchorsobj()

      • hw_mv()

      • hw_identify()

      • hw_incollections()

      • hw_info()

      • hw_inscoll()

      • hw_insdoc()

      • hw_insertdocument()

      • hw_insertobject()

      • hw_mapid()

      • hw_modifyobject()

      • hw_new_document()

      • hw_objrec2array()

      • hw_outputdocument()

      • hw_pconnect()

      • hw_pipedocument()

      • hw_root()

      • hw_unlock()

      • hw_who()

      • hw_username()

    • PDF

      • pdf_get_info()

      • pdf_set_info()

      • pdf_open()

      • pdf_close()

      • pdf_begin_page()

      • pdf_end_page()

      • pdf_show()

      • pdf_show_boxed()

      • pdf_show_xy()

      • pdf_set_font()

      • pdf_set_leading()

      • pdf_set_parameter()

      • pdf_set_text_rendering()

      • pdf_set_horiz_scaling()

      • pdf_set_text_rise()

      • pdf_set_text_matrix()

      • pdf_set_text_pos()

      • pdf_set_char_spacing()

      • pdf_set_word_spacing()

      • pdf_skew()

      • pdf_continue_text()

      • pdf_stringwidth()

      • pdf_save()

      • pdf_restore()

      • pdf_translate()

      • pdf_scale()

      • pdf_rotate()

      • pdf_setflat()

      • pdf_setlinejoin()

      • pdf_setlinecap()

      • pdf_setmiterlimit()

      • pdf_setlinewidth()

      • pdf_setdash()

      • pdf_moveto()

      • pdf_curveto()

      • pdf_lineto()

      • pdf_circle()

      • pdf_arc()

      • pdf_rect()

      • pdf_closepath()

      • pdf_stroke()

      • pdf_closepath_stroke()

      • pdf_fill()

      • pdf_fill_stroke()

      • pdf_closepath_fill_stroke()

      • pdf_endpath()

      • pdf_clip()

      • pdf_setgray_fill

      • pdf_setgray_stroke()

      • pdf_setgray()

      • pdf_setrgbcolor_fill()

      • pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke()

      • pdf_setrgbcolor()

      • pdf_add_outline()

      • pdf_set_transition()

      • pdf_set_duration()

      • pdf_open_gif

      • pdf_open_memory_image()

      • pdf_open_jpeg()

      • pdf_close_image()

      • pdf_place_image()

      • pdf_put_image()

      • pdf_execute_image()

      • pdf_add_annotation()

    • XML Parser

      • xml_parser_create()

      • xml_set_object()

      • xml_set_element_handler()

      • xml_set_character_data_handler()

      • xml_set_processing_instruction_handler()

      • xml_set_default_handler()

      • xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler()

      • xml_set_notation_decl_handler()

      • xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler()

      • xml_parse()

      • xml_get_error_code()

      • xml_error_string()

      • xml_get_current_line_number()

      • xml_get_current_column_number()

      • xml_get_current_byte_index()

      • xml_parser_free()

      • xml_parser_set_option()

      • xml_parser_get_option()

      • utf8_decode()

      • utf8_encode()

  • Chapter 9. System Extensions

    • Directory

      • chdir()

      • dir()

      • closedir()

      • opendir()

      • readdir()

      • rewinddir()

    • Filesystem

      • basename()

      • chgrp()

      • chmod()

      • chown()

      • clearstatcache()

      • copy()

      • dirname()

      • diskfreespace()

      • fclose()

      • feof()

      • fgetc()

      • fgetcsv()

      • fgets()

      • fgetss()

      • file()

      • file_exists()

      • fileatime()

      • filectime()

      • filegroup()

      • fileinode()

      • filemtime()

      • fileowner()

      • fileperms()

      • fileperms()

      • fileperms()

      • filesize()

      • filetype()

      • flock()

      • flock()

      • fopen()

      • fopen()

      • fpassthru()

      • fputs()

      • fread()

      • fseek()

      • ftell()

      • fwrite()

      • set_file_buffer()

      • is_dir()

      • is_executable()

      • is_file()

      • is_link()

      • is_readable()

      • is_writeable()

      • link()

      • linkinfo()

      • mkdir()

      • pclose()

      • popen()

      • readfile()

      • readlink()

      • rename()

      • rewind()

      • rmdir()

      • stat()

      • stat()

      • lstat()

      • lstats()

      • symlink()

      • tempnam()

      • touch()

      • umask()

      • unlink()

    • NIS

      • yp_get_default_domain()

      • yp_order()

      • yp_master()

      • yp_match()

      • yp_first()

      • yp_next()

      • yp_errno()

      • yp_errno()

      • yp_err_string()

      • yp_err_string()

    • POSIX

      • posix_kill()

      • posix_getpid()

      • posix_getppid()

      • posix_getuid()

      • posix_geteuid()

      • posix_getgid()

      • posix_getegid()

      • posix_setuid()

      • posix_setgid()

      • posix_getgroups()

      • posix_getlogin()

      • posix_getpgrp()

      • posix_setsid()

      • posix_setpgid()

      • posix_getpgid()

      • posix_setsid()

      • posix_uname()

      • posix_uname()

      • posix_times()

      • posix_uname()

      • posix_ctermid()

      • posix_ttyname()

      • posix_isatty()

      • posix_getcwd()

      • posix_mkfifo()

      • posix_getgrnam()

      • posix_getgrnam()

      • posix_getgrgid()

      • posix_getgrnam()

      • posix_getpwnam()

      • posix_getpwnam()

      • posix_getpwuid()

      • posix_getpwnam()

      • posix_getrlimit()

      • posix_getrlimit()

    • Program Execution

      • escapeshellcmd()

      • exec()

      • passthru()

      • system()

    • Semaphore and Shared Memory

      • sem_get()

      • sem_acquire()

      • sem_release()

      • shm_attach()

      • shm_detach()

      • shm_remove()

      • shm_put_var()

      • shm_get_var()

      • shm_remove_var()

  • Chapter 10. Chapter Database Extensions

    • Database Abstraction Layer

      • dba_close()

      • dba_delete()

      • dba_exists()

      • dba_fetch()

      • dba_firstkey()

      • dba_insert()

      • dba_nextkey()

      • dba_open()

      • dba_optimize()

      • dba_popen()

      • dba_replace()

      • dba_sync()

    • dBASE

      • dbase_create()

      • dbase_open()

      • dbase_close()

      • dbase_pack()

      • dbase_add_record()

      • dbase_replace_record()

      • dbase_delete_record()

      • dbase_get_record()

      • dbase_get_record_with_names()

      • dbase_numfields()

      • dbase_numrecords()

    • DBM

      • dbmopen()

      • dbmclose()

      • dbmexists()

      • dbmfetch()

      • dbminsert()

      • dbmreplace()

      • dbmdelete()

      • dbmfirstkey()

      • dbmnextkey()

      • dblist()

    • FilePro

      • filepro()

      • filepro_fieldname()

      • filepro_fieldtype()

      • filepro_fieldwidth()

      • filepro_retrieve()

      • filepro_fieldcount()

      • filepro_rowcount()

    • Informix

      • ifx_connect()

      • ifx_pconnect()

      • ifx_close()

      • ifx_query()

      • ifx_prepare()

      • ifx_do()

      • ifx_error()

      • ifx_errormsg()

      • ifx_affected_rows()

      • ifx_getsqlca()

      • ifx_fetch_row()

      • ifx_htmltbl_result()

      • ifx_fieldtypes()

      • ifx_fieldproperties()

      • ifx_num_fields()

      • ifx_num_rows()

      • ifx_free_result()

      • ifx_create_char()

      • ifx_free_char()

      • ifx_update_char()

      • ifx_get_char()

      • ifx_create_blob

      • ifx_copy_blob()

      • ifx_free_blob()

      • ifx_get_blob()

      • ifx_update_blob()

      • ifx_blobinfile_mode()

      • ifx_textasvarchar()

      • ifx_byteasvarchar()

      • ifx_nullformat()

      • ifxus_create_slob()

      • ifx_free_slob()

      • ifxus_close_slob()

      • ifxus_open_slob()

      • ifxus_tell_slob()

      • ifxus_seek_slob()

      • ifxus_read_slob()

      • ifxus_write_slob()

    • InterBase

      • ibase_connect()

      • ibase_pconnect()

      • ibase_close()

      • ibase_query()

      • ibase_fetch_row()

      • ibase_fetch_object()

      • ibase_free_result()

      • ibase_prepare()

      • ibase_execute()

      • ibase_free_query()

      • ibase_timefmt()

      • ibase_num_fields()

    • Microsoft SQL Server

      • mssql_close()

      • mssql_connect()

      • mssql_data_seek()

      • mssql_fetch_array()

      • mssql_fetch_field()

      • mssql_fetch_object()

      • mssql_fetch_row()

      • mssql_field_length()

      • mssql_field_name()

      • mssql_field_seek()

      • mssql_field_type()

      • mssql_free_result()

      • mssql_get_last_message

      • mssql_min_error_severity()

      • mssql_min_message_severity()

      • mssql_num_fields()

      • mssql_num_rows()

      • mssql_pconnect()

      • mssql_query()

      • mssql_result()

      • mssql_select_db()

    • mSQL

      • msql()

      • msql_affected_rows()

      • msql_close()

      • msql_connect()

      • msql_create_db()

      • msql_createdb()

      • msql_data_seek()

      • msql_dbname()

      • msql_drop_db()

      • msql_dropdb()

      • msql_error()

      • msql_fetch_array()

      • msql_fetch_field()

      • msql_fetch_object()

      • msql_fetch_row()

      • msql_fieldname()

      • msql_field_seek()

      • msql_fieldtable()

      • msql_fieldtype()

      • msql_fieldflags()

      • msql_fieldlen()

      • msql_free_result()

      • msql_freeresult()

      • msql_list_fields()

      • msql_listfields()

      • msql_list_dbs()

      • msql_listdbs()

      • msql_list_tables()

      • msql_listtables()

      • msql_num_fields()

      • msql_num_rows()

      • msql_numfields()

      • msql_numrows()

      • msql_pconnect()

      • msql_query()

      • msql_regcase()

      • msql_result()

      • msql_select_db()

      • msql_selectdb()

      • msql_tablename()

    • MySQL

      • mysql_affected_rows()

      • mysql_change_user()

      • mysql_close()

      • mysql_connect()

      • mysql_create_db()

      • mysql_data_seek()

      • mysql_db_name()

      • mysql_db_query()

      • mysql_drop_db()

      • mysql_errno()

      • mysql_error()

      • mysql_fetch_array()

      • mysql_fetch_field()

      • mysql_fetch_lengths()

      • mysql_fetch_object()

      • mysql_fetch_row()

      • mysql_field_name()

      • mysql_field_seek()

      • mysql_field_table()

      • mysql_field_type()

      • mysql_field_flags()

      • mysql_field_len()

      • mysql_free_result()

      • mysql_insert_id()

      • mysql_list_fields()

      • mysql_list_dbs()

      • mysql_list_tables()

      • mysql_num_fields()

      • mysql_num_rows()

      • mysql_pconnect()

      • mysql_query()

      • mysql_result()

      • mysql_select_db()

      • mysql_tablename()

    • ODBC

      • odbc_autocommit()

      • odbc_binmode()

      • odbc_close()

      • odbc_close_all()

      • odbc_commit()

      • odbc_connect()

      • odbc_cursor()

      • odbc_do()

      • odbc_exec()

      • odbc_execute()

      • odbc_fetch_into()

      • odbc_fetch_row()

      • odbc_field_name()

      • odbc_field_type()

      • odbc_field_len()

      • odbc_free_result()

      • odbc_longreadlen()

      • odbc_num_fields()

      • odbc_pconnect()

      • odbc_prepare()

      • odbc_num_rows()

      • odbc_result()

      • odbc_result_all()

      • odbc_rollback()

      • odbc_setoption()

    • Oracle

      • ora_bind()

      • ora_close()

      • ora_columnname()

      • ora_columntype()

      • ora_commit()

      • ora_commitoff()

      • ora_commiton()

      • ora_error()

      • ora_errorcode()

      • ora_exec()

      • ora_fetch()

      • ora_getcolumn()

      • ora_logoff()

      • ora_logon()

      • ora_open()

      • ora_parse()

      • ora_rollback()

    • Oracle 8

      • ocidefinebyname()

      • ocibindbyname()

      • ocilogon()

      • ociplogon()

      • ocinlogon()

      • ocilogoff()

      • ociexecute()

      • ocicommit()

      • ocirollback()

      • ocinewdescriptor()

      • ocirowcount()

      • ocinumcols()

      • ociresult()

      • ocifetch()

      • ocifetchinto()

      • ocifetchstatement()

      • ocicolumnisnull()

      • ocicolumnsize()

      • ociserverversion()

      • ocistatementtype()

      • ocinewcursor()

      • ocifreestatement()

      • ocifreecursor()

      • ocicolumnname()

      • ocicolumntype()

      • ociparse()

      • ocierror()

      • ociinternaldebug()

    • PostgreSQL

      • pg_close()

      • pg_cmdtuples()

      • pg_connect()

      • pg_dbname()

      • pg_errormessage()

      • pg_exec()

      • pg_fetch_array()

      • pg_fetch_object()

      • pg_fetch_row()

      • pg_fieldisnull()

      • pg_fieldname()

      • pg_fieldnum()

      • pg_fieldprtlen()

      • pg_fieldsize()

      • pg_fieldtype()

      • pg_freeresult()

      • pg_getlastoid()

      • pg_host()

      • pg_loclose()

      • pg_locreate()

      • pg_loopen()

      • pg_loread()

      • pg_loreadall()

      • pg_lounlink()

      • pg_lowrite()

      • pg_numfields()

      • pg_numrows()

      • pg_options()

      • pg_pconnect()

      • pg_port()

      • pg_result()

      • pg_tty()

    • Sybase

      • sybase_affected_rows()

      • sybase_close()

      • sybase_connect()

      • sybase_data_seek()

      • sybase_fetch_array()

      • sybase_fetch_field()

      • sybase_fetch_object()

      • sybase_fetch_row()

      • sybase_field_seek()

      • sybase_free_result()

      • sybase_num_fields()

      • sybase_num_rows()

      • sybase_pconnect()

      • sybase_query()

      • sybase_result()

      • sybase_select_db()

  • Chapter 11. Chapter Utility Extensions

    • Calendar

      • MCAL

      • mcal_append_event()

      • mcal_close()

      • mcal_date_compare()

      • mcal_date_compare()

      • mcal_create_calendar()

      • mcal_date_valid()

      • mcal_day_of_week()

      • mcal_day_of_year()

      • mcal_days_in_month()

      • mcal_delete_event()

      • mcal_delete_calendar()

      • mcal_event_add_attribute()

      • mcal_event_init()

      • mcal_event_set_alarm()

      • mcal_event_set_category()

      • mcal_event_set_class()

      • mcal_event_set_description()

      • mcal_event_set_end()

      • mcal_event_set_start()

      • mcal_event_set_title()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_daily()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_none()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_weekly()

      • mcal_event_set_recur_yearly()

      • mcal_expunge()

      • mcal_fetch_current_stream_event()

      • mcal_fetch_event()

      • mcal_is_leap_year()

      • mcal_list_alarms()

      • mcal_list_events()

      • mcal_next_recurrence()

      • mcal_open()

      • mcal_popen()

      • mcal_rename_calendar()

      • mcal_reopen()

      • mcal_snooze()

      • mcal_store_event()

      • mcal_time_valid()

      • Miscellaneous

      • easter_date()

      • easter_days()

      • frenchtojd()

      • gregoriantojd()

      • jddayofweek()

      • mode

      • jdmonthname()

      • mode

      • jdtofrench()

      • jdtogregorian()

      • jdtojewish()

      • jdtojulian()

      • jdtounix()

      • jewishtojd()

      • juliantojd()

      • unixtojd()

    • Compression

      • gzclose()

      • gzcompress()

      • gzeof()

      • gzfile()

      • gzgetc()

      • gzgets()

      • gzgetss()

      • gzopen()

      • gzpassthru()

      • gzputs()

      • gzread()

      • gzrewind()

      • gzseek()

      • gztell()

      • gzuncompress()

      • gzwrite()

      • readgzfile()

    • Date and Time

      • checkdate()

      • date()

      • format

      • getdate()

      • gettimeofday()

      • gmdate()

      • format

      • gmmktime()

      • gmstrftime()

      • localtime()

      • microtime()

      • mktime()

      • strftime()

      • strtotime()

      • time()

    • Encryption

      • mcrypt_cbc()

      • mcrypt_cfb()

      • mcrypt_create_iv()

      • source

      • mcrypt_ecb()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_block_size()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_key_size()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name()

      • mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes()

      • mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm()

      • mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode()

      • mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode()

      • mcrypt_enc_self_test()

      • mcrypt_encrypt()

      • mcrypt_decrypt()

      • mcrypt_generic()

      • mcrypt_generic_end()

      • mcrypt_generic_init()

      • mcrypt_get_block_size()

      • mcrypt_get_cipher_name()

      • mcrypt_get_key_size()

      • mcrypt_get_iv_size()

      • mcrypt_list_algorithms()

      • mcrypt_list_modes()

      • mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size()

      • mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size()

      • mcrypt_module_get_algo_supported_key_sizes()

      • mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm()

      • mcrypt_module_is_bl ck_algorithm_mode()

      • mcrypt_module_is_block_mode()

      • mcrypt_module_open()

      • mcrypt_module_self_test()

      • mcrypt_ofb()

      • mdecrypt_generic()

    • GNU Recode

      • recode()

      • recode_file()

      • recode_string()

    • Image

      • getimagesize()

      • imagearc()

      • imagechar()

      • imagecharup()

      • imagecolorallocate()

      • imagecolordeallocate()

      • imagecolorat()

      • imagecolorclosest()

      • imagecolorexact()

      • imagecolorresolve()

      • imagegammacorrect()

      • imagecolorset()

      • imagecolorsforindex()

      • imagecolorstotal()

      • imagecolortransparent()

      • imagecopy()

      • imagecopyresized()

      • imagecreate()

      • imagecreatefromgif()

      • imagecreatefromjpeg()

      • imagecreatefrompng()

      • imagedashedline()

      • imagedestroy()

      • imagefill()

      • imagefilledpolygon()

      • imagefilledrectangle()

      • imagefilltoborder()

      • imagefontheight()

      • imagefontwidth()

      • imagegif()

      • imagepng()

      • imagejpeg()

      • imageinterlace()

      • imageline()

      • imageloadfont()

      • imagepolygon()

      • imagepsbbox()

      • imagepsencodefont()

      • imagepsfreefont()

      • imagepsloadfont()

      • imagepsextendfont()

      • imagepsslantfont()

      • imagepstext()

      • imagerectangle()

      • imagesetpixel()

      • imagestring()

      • imagestringup()

      • imagesx()

      • imagesy()

      • imagettfbbox()

      • imagettftext()

      • imagetypes()

    • Regular Expressions

      • Native PHP

      • ereg()

      • ereg_replace()

      • eregi()

      • eregi_replace()

      • split()

      • spliti()

      • sql_regcase()

      • Perl Semantics

      • preg_match()

      • preg_match_all()

      • order

      • preg_replace()

      • preg_split()

      • preg_quote()

      • preg_grep()

  • Chapter 12. PHP Compilation Options

    • Enable, Disable, and Help

      • disable-short-tags

      • disable-syntax-hl

      • disable-unified-odbc

      • enable-bcmath

      • enable-c9x-inline

      • enable-debug

      • enable-debugger

      • enable-discard-path

      • enable-force-cgi-redirect

      • enable-magic-quotes

      • enable-safe-mode

      • enable-sysvsem

      • enable-sysvshm

      • enable-track-vars

      • enable-url-includes

      • help

    • With

      • with-adabas

      • with-apache

      • with-config-file-path

      • with-custom-odbc

      • with-dbase

      • with-exec-dir

      • with-fhttpd

      • with-filepro

      • with-iodbc

      • with-ldap

      • with-mcrypt

      • with-msql

      • with-mysql

      • with-openlink

      • with-oracle

      • with-pgsql

      • with-solid

      • with-sybase

      • with-sybase-ct

      • with-system-regex

      • with-velocis

      • with-xml

  • Chapter 13. PHP Directives

    • General

      • asp_tags

      • auto_append_file

      • auto_prepend_file

      • cgi_ext

      • display_errors

      • doc_root

      • error_log

      • error_reporting

      • open_basedir

      • gpc_order

      • ignore_user_abort

      • include_path

      • isapi_ext

      • log_errors

      • magic_quotes_gpc

      • magic_quotes_runtime

      • magic_quotes_sybase

      • max_execution_time

      • memory_limit

      • nsapi_ext

      • short_open_tag

      • sql.safe_mode

      • track_errors

      • track_vars

      • upload_tmp_dir

      • user_dir

      • variable_order

      • warn_plus_overloading

    • Extension Loading

      • enable_dl

      • extension_dir

      • extension

    • Browser Compatibility

      • browscap

    • Mail

      • SMTP

      • sendmail_from

      • sendmail_path

    • Database

      • MySQL mysql.allow_persistent

      • mysql.default_host

      • mysql.default_user

      • mysql.default_password

      • mysql.max_persistent

      • mysql.max_links

      • mSQL msql.allow_persistent

      • msql.max_persistent

      • msql.max_links

      • Postgres pgsql.allow_persistent

      • pgsql.max_persistent

      • pgsql.max_links

      • Sybase sybase.allow_persistent

      • sybase.max_persistent

      • sybase.max_links

      • Sybase-CT sybct.allow_persistent

      • sybct.max_persistent

      • sybct.max_links

      • sybct.min_server_severity

      • sybct.min_client_severity

      • sybct.login_timeout

      • sybct.timeout

      • sybct.hostname

      • Informix ifx.allow_persistent

      • ifx.max_persistent

      • ifx.max_links

      • ifx.default_host

      • ifx.default_user

      • ifx.default_password

      • ifx.blobinfile

      • ifx.textasvarchar

      • ifx.byteasvarchar

      • ifx.charasvarchar

      • ifx.nullformat

      • Unified ODBC uodbc.default_db

      • uodbc.default_user

      • uodbc.default_pw

      • uodbc.allow_persistent

      • uodbc.max_persistent

      • uodbc.max_links

    • BC Math

      • bcmath.scale

    • Debugger

      • debugger.host

      • debugger.port

      • debugger.enabled

    • Safe Mode

      • safe_mode

      • safe_mode_exec_dir

    • Apache

      • php_value

      • php_flag

      • php_admin_value

      • php_admin_flag

      • engine

  • Back cover

  • Exit

Nội dung

PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 220 The imap_open() function opens an IMAP stream to the specified mailbox . To accomplish this connection, you must pass the appropriate username and password . If the attempt fails, an error will be returned. When using this function, the syntax for mailbox is important. The first portion of the mailbox value is the server name, path, and port number, which are contained in brackets, "{ } " . Following the brackets, you can specify a folder or group name depending on the type of server to which you are connecting. The optional flags parameter is a bit mask that can contain one or more of the items in Table 6.11 . Table 6.11. Values for the Bit Mask Value Description CL_EXPUNGE Expunge mailbox automatically when closing connection. OP_ANONYMOUS Don't use or update an .newsrc for news (NNTP only). OP_HALFOPEN Open a connection but not a mailbox (for IMAP and NNTP names). OP_READONLY Open mailbox in read-only mode. This function can be used to connect to an IMAP, POP3, or NNTP server. Sample syntax for these connections are as follows: $mbox = imap_open("{ imap.mcp.com:143} INBOX", "raw", "mypass"); //IMAP $mbox = imap_open("{ pop3.mcp.com/pop3:110", "raw", "mypass"); //POP3 $mbox = imap_open("{ news.mcp.com/nntp:119} comp.lang", "raw", "mypass"); //NNTP imap_ping() Syntax int imap_ping(int imap_stream) Description The imap_ping() function will check whether imap_stream is still active and will return 1 . If not, 0 will be returned. imap_qprint() Syntax string imap_qprint(string string) Description PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 221 The imap_qprint() function will convert a quoted-printable string to an 8-bit string, which it returns. For more information on this conversion, you can check out Section 6.7 The imap_qprint() function will convert a quoted-printable string to an 8-bit string, which it returns. For more information on this conversion, you can check out in the Request For Comments (RFC) 2045, which can be found at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2045.txt . imap_renamemailbox() Syntax int imap_renamemailbox(int imap_stream, string old_name, string new_name) Description The imap_renamemailbox() function will rename the specified mailbox from old_name to new_name . Check the entry for imap_open() for how to format these names, which include the server name, port, and mailbox name. imap_reopen() Syntax int imap_reopen(int imap_stream, string mailbox [, string flags]) Description The imap_reopen() function will reopen the imap_stream , but to a new mailbox . The optional flags parameter is a bit mask that can contain one or more of the items in Table 6.12 . Table 6.12. Values for the Bit Mask Value Description CL_EXPUNGE Expunge mailbox automatically when closing connection. OP_ANONYMOUS Don't use or update an .newsrc for news (NNTP only). OP_HALFOPEN Open a connection but not a mailbox (for IMAP and NNTP names). OP_READONLY Open mailbox in read-only mode. imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist() Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 222 array imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist(string address, string default_host) Description The imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.2, parses the address on the default_host and returns an array of objects with the properties in Table 6.13 . Table 6.13. Properties of the Returned Object Property Description mailbox The username of the mailbox. host The host name. personal The personal name. adl At domain source route. The following is a quick example of how this works: $address = "John Doe, mcp.com, jdoe"; $adrlist = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($address,"mcp.com"); reset($adrlist); while(list($key,$value)=each($adrlist)){ print "mailbox: ".$value->mailbox."<br>\ n"; print "host: ".$value->host."<br>\ n"; print "personal: ".$value->personal."<br>\ n"; print "adl: ".$value->adl."<p>\ n"; } imap_rfc822_parse_headers() Syntax object imap_rfc822_parse_headers(string headers [, string default_host]) Description The imap_rfc822_parse_headers() function, which was added in PHP 4.0, returns an object with information on the headers You can use the optional default_host parameter to specify the default host for the function to use . imap_rfc822_write_address() Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 223 string imap_rfc822_write_address(string mailbox, string host, string personal) Description The imap_rfc822_write_address() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.2, returns a properly formatted email address according to the Request For Comments (RFC) 822. // writes "John Doe <jdoe@mcp.com> echo imap_rfc822_write_address('jdoe', 'mcp.com', 'John Doe') imap_scanmailbox() Syntax array imap_scanmailbox (int imap_stream, string text) Description The imap_scanmailbox() function searches the mailbox connected to by imap_stream for the occurrence of text in the mailbox. All matching occurrences are stored in the returned array. If you do not want to limit the returned data by specifying text , use the imap_listmailbox() function. imap_search() Syntax array imap_search(int imap_stream, string criteria, int flags) Description The imap_search() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.12, searches the mailbox connected to by imap_stream for the occurrence of criteria in the mailbox. criteria is a list of space-separated keywords and values. If one of the values must contain a value, such as "John Doe", you must include that value in quotes. The possible keywords that can be used are in Table 6.14. Table 6.14. Keywords That Can Be Used with imap_search() Keyword Description PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 224 ALL All messages matching the rest of the criteria. ANSWERED Match messages with the \ \ ANSWERED flag. BCC "string" Match messages with "string" in the Bcc field. BEFORE "date" Match messages with Date: before "date" . BODY "string" Match messages with "string" in the body of the message. CC "string" Match messages with "string" in the Cc field . DELETED Match deleted messages. FLAGGED Match messages with \ \ FLAGGED set. FROM "string" Match messages with "string" in the From field. KEYWORD "string" Match messages with "string" as a keyword. NEW Match new messages. OLD Match old messages. ON "date" Match messages with Date matching "date". RECENT Match messages with \ \ RECENT set. SEEN Match messages with \ \ SEEN set. SINCE "date" Match messages with Date after "date" . SUBJECT "string" Match messages with "string" in the Subject field. TEXT "string" Match messages with text "string" . TO "string" Match messages with "string" in the To field. UNANSWERED Match messages that have not been answered. UNDELETED Match messages that are not deleted. UNFLAGGED Match messages that are not flagged. UNKEYWORD "string" Match messages that do not have the keyword "string" . UNSEEN Match messages that have not been read yet. All matching occurrences from the criteria used are stored in the returned array. imap_setflag_full() Syntax string imap_setflag_full(int imap_stream, string sequence, string message_flag [, string flag]) Description The imap_setflag_full() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.3, sets the message_flag on the messages specified by sequence . The optional flag is a bit mask that can be ST_UID , which specifies that sequence contains UIDs instead of sequence numbers. The sequence itself can be any of the following: • \ \ Seen . PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 220 The imap_open() function opens an IMAP stream to the. will be returned. imap_qprint() Syntax string imap_qprint(string string) Description PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 221 The imap_qprint() function will convert a quoted-printable. names). OP_READONLY Open mailbox in read-only mode. imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist() Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 222 array imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist(string address, string

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 05:20