PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 100 Description The HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET variable contains the contents of the HTTP Accept- Charset: header if the user-agent sent it to the server. HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE Syntax string HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE Description The HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE variable contains the contents of the HTTP Accept- Language: header if the user-agent sent it to the server. HTTP_CONNECTION Syntax string HTTP_CONNECTION Description The HTTP_CONNECTION variable contains the contents of the HTTP Connection: header if the user-agent sent it to the server. HTTP_ENCODING Syntax string HTTP_ENCODING Description The HTTP_ENCODING variable contains the contents of the HTTP Accept-Encoding: header if the user-agent sent it to the server. HTTP_HOST Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 101 string HTTP_HOST Description The HTTP_HOST variable contains the contents of the HTTP Host: header if the user- agent sent it to the server. HTTP_REFERER Syntax string HTTP_REFERER Description The HTTP_REFERER variable contains the URL of the page from which the user-agent came. This might not be sent by the user-agent. HTTP_USER_AGENT Syntax string HTTP_USER_AGENT Description The HTTP_USER_AGENT variable contains the contents of the HTTP User_Agent: header if the user-agent sent it to the server. For instance, if you access this when an Internet Explorer 5.5 browser on Windows NT 4 makes a request, you get the following: echo HTTP_USER_AGENT; // writes "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)" PATH_TRANSLATED Syntax string PATH_TRANSLATED PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 102 Description The PATH_TRANSLATED variable contains the actual filesystem path to the file being processed. QUERY_STRING Syntax string QUERY_STRING Description The QUERY_STRING variable contains everything sent to the server after the ? character in a URL. So, if were sent, the value of this variable would be name=allen&gender=male . REMOTE_ADDR Syntax string REMOTE_ADDR Description The REMOTE_ADDR variable contains the IP address of the user-agent making the request to the server. REMOTE_PORT Syntax string REMOTE_PORT Description The REMOTE_PORT variable contains the port number being used by the user-agent making the request to the server. PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 103 REQUEST_METHOD Syntax string REQUEST_METHOD Description The REQUEST_METHOD variable contains the value of the type of request made. Within the HTTP world, this could be a value such as GET, POST, HEAD, or PUT. REQUEST_URI Syntax script REQUEST_URI Description The REQUEST_URI variable contains the actual PATH_INFO that was requested by the user-agent. For example, it could hold a value such as /sports/baseball/news.html. SCRIPT_FILENAME Syntax string SCRIPT_FILENAME Description The SCRIPT_FILENAME variable contains the complete pathname of the file being parsed by the PHP interpreter. SCRIPT_NAME Syntax string SCRIPT_NAME PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 104 Description The SCRIPT_NAME variable contains the current script's path. SERVER_ADMIN Syntax string SERVER_ADMIN Description The SERVER_ADMIN variable is an Apache-only setting. It contains the value of the server's administrator directive setting in the Apache configuration file. SERVER_NAME Syntax string SERVER_NAME Description The SERVER_NAME variable contains the name of the server host processing the PHP page. If the server is a virtual server, it will contain the virtual host information. SERVER_PORT Syntax string SERVER_PORT Description The SERVER_PORT variable contains the port number on which the server is running. The default setting for Web servers on the Internet is port 80. SERVER_PROTOCOL Syntax . contains the complete pathname of the file being parsed by the PHP interpreter. SCRIPT_NAME Syntax string SCRIPT_NAME PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 104 Description The SCRIPT_NAME. the HTTP Accept-Encoding: header if the user-agent sent it to the server. HTTP_HOST Syntax PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 101 string HTTP_HOST Description The HTTP_HOST . (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)" PATH_TRANSLATED Syntax string PATH_TRANSLATED PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 102 Description The PATH_TRANSLATED variable contains