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Professional Information Technology-Programming Book part 172 ppt

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Remove the Eject Option from the Start Menu (Windows 2000) This tweak allows you to remove the "Eject PC" option from the Windows 2000 Start menu. Show Log Off Option on the Start Menu (Windows Me/2000) This setting controls whether the 'Log Off [Username]' option is shown on the Start Menu. Sort Start Menu and Favorites in Alphabetical Order (All Windows) This tweak allows you to alphabetically sort the Start Menu and Favorites Menu. Show Programs in the Frequently Used Programs List (Windows XP) This setting allows you to decide which programs may be shown in the most frequently used programs list on the Windows Start menu. Show Favorites on the Start Menu (Windows 2000/XP) This setting controls whether the Favorites folder is shown on the Start Menu. Remove Suspend from the Start Menu (Windows 95/98/Me) If the Suspend option doesn't work as it should, or you simply want to remove the option from the Start Menu, then use this tweak. Remove Frequent Programs List from the Start Menu (Windows XP) This restriction removes the list of frequently used programs from the Start menu. Remove Pinned Programs List from the Start Menu (Windows XP) This restriction removes the pinned programs list from the Start menu. It also removes the Internet and E-mail checkboxes from the Start menu. Remove Username from the Start Menu (Windows XP) This restriction hides the current username normally displayed at the top of the Windows XP Start Menu. Remove "All Programs" Button from the Start Menu (Windows XP) This restriction is used to remove the "All Programs" button which displays a list of all the installed applications. Home : Windows : Start Menu and Taskbar : Documents and Folders Change the Number of Recent Documents Displayed (Windows 2000/Me/XP) This setting is used to specify the number of documents and files that are kept in the recent documents section of the Start menu. Hide Start Menu Subfolders (All Windows) This setting can be used to hide any custom sub-folders from being shown in the top section of the Start Menu and therefore only displaying direct file shortcuts. Clear Recent Documents When Windows Exits (All Windows) Popular This restriction will clear the list of recent documents on the Start Menu when Windows exits. Show Cascading Control Panel Items (Windows 2000/Me/XP) This tweak controls whether the Control Panel is shown as a cascading menu or as a simple folder link on the Start Menu. Show Cascading Network Connections (Windows 2000/Me/XP) This tweak makes the 'Network and Dial-up Connections' folder on the Start Menu into a cascading menu instead of a simple folder link. Show Cascading My Documents Folder (Windows 2000/Me/XP) This tweak makes the 'My Documents' folder on the Start Menu into a cascading folder, which then give you direct access to sub-folders without having to open the main 'My Documents' directory first. Show Cascading Printers Folder (Windows 2000/Me/XP) This tweak controls whether the 'Printers' sub-folder under 'Settings' on the Start Menu, is displayed as a cascading folder. Show Cascading My Pictures Folder (Windows 2000/Me/XP) This setting causes the "My Pictures" folder on the Start Menu to act as a cascading folder. Expand Special Folder on the Start Menu (All Windows) Popular Want easy access to the contents of a special folder? With this tip you can add an expanding special folders to the start menu for quick shortcuts to their contents. Home : Windows : Start Menu and Taskbar : Taskbar Clear Past Icons from the Tray Notification Area (Windows XP) This tweak allows you to clear the Past Items list in the customized notifications area of the systray. Change the Taskbar Group Size (Windows XP) This setting defines the number of open windows of the same application before they are grouped together on the taskbar. Disable Balloon Tips (Windows XP) Windows sometimes offers tips and advice to new users by opening a balloon window from the taskbar. The feature can disabled using this tweak. Automatically Hide Inactive Tray Icons (Windows XP) This setting controls whether running tray programs should be hidden automatically when they are not active. Remove the Start Banner on the Taskbar (All Windows) Popular Hide the bouncing arrow and the "Click Here to Begin" caption that appear on the taskbar when you start Windows. Group Similar Taskbar Buttons (Windows XP) This setting is used to control whether similar items are grouped together as a single item or are displayed as individual buttons on the taskbar. Disable Taskbar Context Menus (All Windows) This setting removes the context menus (right click on the taskbar) for the system tray, including the Start button, Tab control, and Clock. Lock the Size and Position of the Taskbar (Windows Me/XP) This setting is used to lock or unlock the size and position of the taskbar on the Windows desktop. Home : Windows : Startup and Shutdown Clear the Page File at System Shutdown (Windows NT/2000/XP) Popular Windows does not normally clear or recreate the page file. On a heavily used system this can be both a security threat and performance drop. Enabling this setting will cause Windows to clear the page file whenever the system is shutdown. Enable Font Smoothing on the Welcome Screen (Windows XP) Windows XP includes a new feature called Clear Type which is designed to make fonts more readable on LCD and low resolution screens. This tweak allows you to enable font smoothing on the Welcome screen where it is normally disabled. Specify the Response Time for Hung Applications (All Windows) This setting controls the amount of time to wait for a response from a hung application before the system task manager automatically terminates the task. Automatically Ending Hung Applications (All Windows) Popular When this tweak is enabled it will force Windows to shutdown immediately ending all tasks without attempting to safely close any applications that have hung. Change the Log Off and Shutdown Settings (Windows NT/2000) These settings control what action the system should take when the Log Off and Shutdown commands are used. Enable Quick Reboot (Windows NT/2000) This setting allows you to use the quick reboot function to restart Windows immediately without shutting down. When enabled, press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Delete for a quick reboot. Manage the Windows Prefetcher Service (Windows XP) The Windows XP Prefetcher component helps to shorten the amount of time it takes to start programs by fetching and storing commonly used files. This tweak allows you to manage the service and cache. Manage the Programs Run at Windows Startup (All Windows) Popular You can automatically start programs whenever Windows launches. If you have programs automatically starting that you have not loaded then you can remove them using this tip as well. Enable Shutdown Event Tracker (Windows XP) The Shutdown Event Tracker provides a simple and standard mechanism you can use to consistently document the reasons for shutting down or restarting your computer. The information provided is recorded in the system log in Event Viewer. Read Environment Variables in Autoexec.bat File (Windows NT/2000/XP) When this value is enabled the variables declared in the Autoexec.bat file will be parsed and included in the current user environment. Control Whether the Windows Desktop is Loaded (Windows 95/98) By default Windows automatically loads the Windows Desktop (or GUI) at startup. With this key you can control whether the GUI is loaded or if you just want the MS-DOS prompt. Suppress Safe Mode Warning Message (Windows 95/98/Me) Enabling this setting suppresses the safe mode warning message when booting up, and bypasses the Startup menu. Allow Booting to the Previous Operating System (Windows 95/98/Me) If you installed an upgrade version of Windows, you can normally press F4 to boot your previous version of Windows. This option can be disabled. Change the Function Key Timeout (Windows 95/98/Me) Windows normally enables the function keys during the boot sequence for 2 seconds, these keys allow you to control the boot process. The duration can be changed using this tweak. Disable Function Keys During the Boot Sequence (Windows 95/98/Me) By default Windows 9x enables the function keys on boot, these allow you to control the boot process. For example pressing F5 while the "Starting Windows 95 " message is displayed will boot Windows in Safe Mode. Modify the Duration that the Startup List is Displayed (Windows NT/2000/XP) Popular This setting allows you to change the default 30 second timeout for the Startup List which normally allows you time to choose and boot an alternative operating system. Disable Save Settings at Exit (All Windows) When Windows exits it normally saves the desktop layout, including icon location, appearance and other parameters. This setting disables any changes from being saved therefore allowing you to preserve a configured layout. Control Whether Scandisk is Run Automatically (Windows 95/98/Me) When Windows is incorrectly shutdown, or the turn is power turned off, the system will attempt to run Scandisk on the next boot. This setting control whether automatic checking is disabled, prompts before running, or runs automatically. Show the Windows Boot Menu (Windows 95/98/Me) Windows does not display the boot menu normally unless a key is pressed during . can use to consistently document the reasons for shutting down or restarting your computer. The information provided is recorded in the system log in Event Viewer. Read Environment Variables

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 03:20