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PHP and MySQL Web Development - P90 doc

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  • PHP and MySQL Web Development

  • Copyright

  • Table of Contents

  • Introduction

  • Part I: Using PHP

    • Chapter 1: PHP Crash Course

    • Chapter 2: Storing and Retrieving Data

    • Chapter 3: Using Arrays

    • Chapter 4: String Manipulation and Regular Expressions

    • Chapter 5: Reusing Code and Writing Functions

    • Chapter 6: Object-Oriented PHP

  • Part II: Using MySQL

    • Chapter 7: Designing Your Web Database

    • Chapter 8: Creating Your Web Database

    • Chapter 9: Working with Your MySQL Database

    • Chapter 10: Accessing Your MySQL Database from the Web with PHP

    • Chapter 11: Advanced MySQL

  • Part III: E-commerce and Security

    • Chapter 12: Running an E-commerce Site

    • Chapter 13: E-commerce Security Issues

    • Chapter 14: Implementing Authentication with PHP and MySQL

    • Chapter 15: Implementing Secure Transactions with PHP and MySQL

  • Part IV: Advanced PHP Techniques

    • Chapter 16: Interacting with the File System and the Server

    • Chapter 17: Using Network and Protocol Functions

    • Chapter 18: Managing the Date and Time

    • Chapter 19: Generating Images

    • Chapter 20: Using Session Control in PHP

    • Chapter 21: Other Useful Features

  • Part V: Building Practical PHP and MySQL Projects

    • Chapter 22: Using PHP and MySQL for Large Projects

    • Chapter 23: Debugging

    • Chapter 24: Building User Authentication and Personalization

    • Chapter 25: Building a Shopping Cart

    • Chapter 26: Building a Content Management System

    • Chapter 27: Building a Web-Based Email Service

    • Chapter 28: Building a Mailing List Manager

    • Chapter 29: Building Web Forums

    • Chapter 30: Generating Personalized Documents in Portable Document Format (PDF)

    • Chapter 31: Connecting to Web Services with XML and SOAP

  • Part VI: Appendixes

    • Appendix A: Installing PHP and MySQL

    • Appendix B: Web Resources

  • Index

  • What’s On the CD-ROM?

Nội dung

417 Implementing Simple Sessions $_SESSION['myvar'] = 5; or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['myvar'] = 5; If you are using an older version of PHP, or if you have register_globals turned on, in order for a variable to be tracked from one script to another, you can to register it with a call to session_register().For example, to register the variable $myvar,you could use the following code $myvar = 5; session_register('myvar'); Note that you need to pass a string containing the name of the variable to session_register().This string should not include the $ symbol. This will record the variable name and track its value.The variable will be tracked until the session ends, or until you manually deregister it. You can register more than one variable at once by providing a comma-separated list of variable names; for example session_register('myvar1', 'myvar2'); If you are using the $_SESSION or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS arrays, do not try and use the session_register() function. Using Session Variables To bring a session variable into scope so that it can be used, you must first start a session. You can then access the variable via the arrays $_SESSION or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS as, for example, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['myvar']. If you have register_globals turned on you can access it via its short form name, for example $myvar. If you have register_globals on, bear in mind that a session variable cannot be overridden by GET or POST data, which is a good security feature, but something to bear in mind when coding. On the other hand, you need to be careful when checking if session variables have been set (via, say, isset() or empty()). Remember that variables can be set by the user via GET or POST.You can check a variable to see if it is a registered session variable by calling the session_is_registered() function.You call this function like this: $result = session_is_registered('myvar'); This will check whether $myvar is a registered session variable and return true or false. If using $_SESSION or $HTTP_POST_VARS you should NOT use the session_is_reg- istered() function.You can just check whether the array elements are set directly using, for example: if (isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['myvar'])) 25 525x ch20 1/24/03 2:57 PM Page 417 418 Chapter 20 Using Session Control in PHP Deregistering Variables and Destroying the Session When you are finished with a session variable, you can deregister it. If you are using the $_SESSION or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS arrays, you can do this directly, for example: unset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['myvar']); If you have register_globals on, you need to clear session variables using the session_unregister() function, as follows: session_unregister("myvar"); Again, this function requires the name of the variable you want to deregister as a string, without the $ symbol.This function can only deregister a single session variable at a time (unlike session_register()).You can, however, use session_unset() to deregister all the current session variables. Do not try to use the session_unregister() function if you are using $_SESSION or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS directly. When you are finished with a session, you should first deregister all the variables and then call session_destroy(); to clean up the session ID. Simple Session Example Some of this might seem a little abstract, so let’s look at an example.We’ll implement a set of three pages. On the first page, we’ll start a session and register the variable $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var'].The code to do this is shown in Listing 20.1. Listing 20.1 page1.php—Starting a Session and Registering a Variable <?php session_start(); $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var'] = "Hello world!"; echo 'The content of $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[\'sess_var\'] is ' .$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var'].'<br />'; ?> <a href="page2.php">Next page</a> We have registered the variable and set its value.The output of this script is shown in Figure 20.1. 25 525x ch20 1/24/03 2:57 PM Page 418 419 Simple Session Example Figure 20.1 Initial value of the session variable shown by page1.php. The final value of the variable on the page is the one that will be available on subsequent pages. At the end of the script, the session variable is serialized, or frozen, until it is reloaded via the next call to session_start(). We therefore begin the next script by calling session_start().This script is shown in Listing 20.2. Listing 20.2 page2.php—Accessing a Session Variable and Deregistering It <?php session_start(); echo 'The content of $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[\'sess_var\'] is ' .$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var'].'<br />'; unset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var']); ?> <a href="page3.php">Next page</a> After calling session_start(), the variable $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var'] is avail- able with its previously stored value, as you can see in Figure 20.2. Figure 20.2 The value of the session variable has been passed along via the session ID to page2.php. 25 525x ch20 1/24/03 2:57 PM Page 419 420 Chapter 20 Using Session Control in PHP After we have used the variable, we unset it.The session still exists, but the variable $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var'] is no longer a registered variable. Finally we pass along to page3.php, the final script in our example.The code for this script is shown in Listing 20.3. Listing 20.3 page3.php—Ending the Session <?php session_start(); echo 'The content of $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[\'sess_var\'] is ' .$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var'].'<br />'; session_destroy(); ?> As you can see in Figure 20.3, we no longer have access to the persistent value of $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var']. With some PHP versions prior to 4.3 you might encounter a bug when trying to unset elements of $HTTP_SESSION_VARS or $_SESSION. If you find that you are unable to unset elements (that is, they stay set) you can revert to using session_unreg- ister() to clear these variables. Using session_unregister() is no longer recommended, but if you want your code to work reliably on all versions of PHP4 it is your only option. Figure 20.3 The deregistered variable is no longer available. We finish by calling session_destroy() to dispose of the session ID. 25 525x ch20 1/24/03 2:57 PM Page 420 421 Implementing Authentication with Session Control Configuring Session Control There is a set of configuration options for sessions that you can set in your php.ini file. Some of the more useful options, and a description of each, are shown in Table 20.1. Table 20.1 Session Configuration Options Option Name Default Effect session.auto_start 0 (disabled) Automatically starts sessions. session.cache_expire 180 Sets time-to-live for cached session pages, in minutes. session.cookie_domain none Domain to set in session cookie. session.cookie_lifetime 0How long the session ID cookie will last on the user’s machine.The default, 0, will last until the browser is closed. session.cookie_path /Path to set in session cookie. session.name PHPSESSID The name of the session that is used as the cookie name on a user’s system. session.save_handler files Defines where session data is stored.You can set this to point to a database, but you have to write your own functions. session.save_path /tmp The path where session data is stored. More generally, the argument passed to the save handled and defined by session.save_handler. session.use_cookies 1 (enabled) Configures sessions to use cookies on the client side. Implementing Authentication with Session Control Finally, we will look at a more substantial example using session control. Possibly the most common use of session control is to keep track of users after they have been authenticated via a login mechanism. In this example, we will combine authentication from a MySQL database with use of sessions to provide this functionality. This functionality will form the basis of the project in Chapter 24,“Building User Authentication and Personalization,” and will be reused in the other projects. We will reuse the authentication database we set up in Chapter 14,“Implementing Authentication with PHP and MySQL,” for using mod_auth_mysql.You can check Listing 14.3 in that chapter for details of the database. 25 525x ch20 1/24/03 2:57 PM Page 421 . session and register the variable $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var'].The code to do this is shown in Listing 20.1. Listing 20.1 page1 .php Starting a Session and Registering a Variable < ?php session_start(); $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['sess_var']. authentication database we set up in Chapter 14,“Implementing Authentication with PHP and MySQL, ” for using mod_auth _mysql. You can check Listing 14.3 in that chapter for details of the database. 25. variable. Finally we pass along to page3 .php, the final script in our example.The code for this script is shown in Listing 20.3. Listing 20.3 page3 .php Ending the Session < ?php session_start(); echo 'The

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 03:20