AutoI Technology Curriculum Book part 97 ppsx

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AutoI Technology Curriculum Book part 97 ppsx

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Return Value Return the Handle of the splash window that can be used in ControlSetText. Remarks To skip an optional parameter, leaving it's default value intact, use: "" for a string parameters -1 for a numeric parameters Only one SplashImage/Text window is allowed at one time; so if you wish to cycle through multiple images/text, simply call SplashImageOn/SplashTextOn again with the new information. Even better is to use ControlSetText to update text without flicker If the text is center and multiline, the ControlSetText will not override the number of lines created by the SplashTextOn. Splash with opt=1 cannot be moved and cannot be activated by click. Standard font names include: Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Lucida Console, Microsoft Sans Serif, System, Tahoma, Times New Roman, and WingDings See Appendix for a complete font list Use @LF to display several lines. Related SplashOff, SplashImageOn, ControlSetText, ToolTip Example SplashTextOn("Title", "Message goes here.", -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "", 24) Sleep(3000) SplashOff() ;; FLICKER $message = "" SplashTextOn("TitleFoo", $message, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "") For $x = 1 to 20 $message = $message & $x & @LF SplashTextOn("TitleFoo", $message, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "") Sleep(100) Next ;; SMOOTH $message = "" SplashTextOn("TitleFoo", $message, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "") For $x = 1 to 20 $message = $message & $x & @LF ControlSetText("TitleFoo", "", "Static1", $message) sleep(100) Next Function Reference ToolTip Creates a tooltip anywhere on the screen. ToolTip ( "text" [, x [, y [, "title" [, icon [, options]]]]] ) Parameters text The text of the tooltip. (An empty string clears a displaying tooltip) x, y [optional] The x,y position of the tooltip. title [optional] The title for the tooltip Requires IE5+ icon [optional] Pre-defined icon to show next to the title: Requires a title. 0 = No icon, 1 = Info icon, 2 = Warning icon, 3 = Error Icon options [optional] Sets different options for how the tooltip will be displayed (Can be added together): 1 = Display as Balloon Tip Requires IE5+ 2 = Center the tip at the x,y coordinates instead of using them for the upper left corner. 4 = Force the tooltip to always be visible confining it to monitor borders if necessary. If multiple monitors are used, then the tooltip will "snap-to" the nearest monitor. Return Value Success: Returns 1. Failure: Returns 0 when title length is greater than 99. Remarks To skip an optional parameter, leaving it's default value intact, use the Default keyword. If the x and y coordinates are omitted the, tip is placed near the mouse cursor. A Tooltip will appear until the script terminates or ToolTip("") is called. You may use @CR or @LF to create multi-line tooltips. To display an icon, you must specify a non-empty title. The icon appears on the same row as the title and thus requires a title to be present. If using the center flag, the center of the tooltip will be at the coordinates specified. If using the center flag with a Balloon Tip, the stem will be centered on the balloon and will point to the coordinates specified. Related TrayTip, Default Example ; This will create a tooltip in the upper left of the screen ToolTip("This is a tooltip", 0, 0) Sleep(2000) ; Sleep to give tooltip time to display Function Reference AdlibDisable Disables the adlib functionality. AdlibDisable ( ) Parameters None. Return Value None. Remarks None. Related AdlibEnable Example AdlibDisable() Function Reference AdlibEnable Enables Adlib functionality. AdlibEnable ( "function" [, time] ) Parameters function The name of the adlib function to call. time [optional] how often in milliseconds to call the function. Default is 250 ms. Return Value None. Remarks Every 250 ms (or time ms) the specified "function" is called typically to check for unforeseen errors. For example, you could use adlib in a script which causes an error window to pop up unpredictably. The adlib function should be kept simple as it is executed often and during this time the main script is paused. Also, the time parameter should be used carefully to avoid CPU load. Related AdlibDisable, Call Example AdlibEnable("myadlib") ; Exit Func myadlib() If WinActive("Error") Then ;

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 01:20

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