selected. If you want to set a treeview item as a default item which means painting it bold you can use $GUI_DEFBUTTON - to turn it off just use another value but $GUI_DEFBUTTON, for instance 0. This state will not be returned by GUICtrlGetState. If $GUI_DROPACCEPTED is set to a visible control a drag&drop can be taken in account. The edit/input control will be set with the filename. For other controls on reception of $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED, @GUI_DRAGID will return the controlID from where the drag start (-1 if from a file, @GUI_DRAGFILE contain the filename being dropped) and @GUI_DROPID returns the controlID of the dropped control. Only dragging a ListviewItem will start the drag & drop process. The @GUI_DRAGID will be the ListView controlID. Related ColorMode (Option), GUICtrlCreate , GUICtrlSetData Example #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Example() Func Example() Local $msg GUICreate("My GUI state") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered GUICtrlCreateLabel("my disable label", 10, 20) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) ; the label is in disable state GUICtrlCreateButton("my button", 50, 50) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) ; the focus is on this button GUISetState() ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd EndFunc ;==>Example Function Reference GUICtrlSetStyle thay đổi Style của control. GUICtrlSetStyle ( controlID, style [, exStyle] ) Parameters controlID control id style kiểu, xem GUI Control Styles Appendix. exStyle kiểu mở rộng, xem Extended Style Table. Return Value Success: Returns 1. Failure: Returns 0. Remarks Some styles cannot be changed dynamically, check MSDN documentation. $CBS_UPPERCASE combo style is one example. Related GUICtrlCreate Example #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Example() Func Example() Local $msg GUICreate("My GUI style") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered GUICtrlCreateLabel("my label which will split on several lines", 10, 20, 100, 100) GUICtrlSetStyle(-1, $SS_RIGHT) GUISetState() ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd EndFunc ;==>Example Function Reference GUICtrlSetTip đặt một đoạn căn bản sẽ hiện thị trên (bên ngoài) control khi để chuột đủ lâu trên control GUICtrlSetTip ( controlID, tiptext [, "title" [, icon [, options]]]]] ) Parameters controlID control id tiptext đoạn văn bản title tên tiêu đề (IE 5+) icon icon hiện thị (IE 5+) 0 = No icon 1 = Info icon (thông tin) 2 = Warning icon (cảnh báo) 3 = Error Icon (lỗi) options 1 = hiện thị kiểu Balloon Tip (IE 5+) 2 = căn giữa. Return Value Success: Returns 1. Failure: Returns 0. Remarks This tip text is displayed in a tooltip rectangular area. To skip an optional parameter, leaving it's default value intact, use the Default keyword. You may use @CR or @LF to create multi-line tooltips. The title, icon and Balloon Tip option all require Internet Explorer 5.0 or later in order to function. To display an icon, you must specify a non-empty title. The icon appears on the same row as the title and thus requires a title to be present. Related GUICtrlSet , Default Example #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) Example() Func Example() Local $msg GUICreate("My GUI control tip") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered GUICtrlCreateLabel("my label", 10, 20) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "tip of my label") GUISetState() ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd EndFunc ;==>Example Function Reference . Returns 1. Failure: Returns 0. Remarks Some styles cannot be changed dynamically, check MSDN documentation. $CBS_UPPERCASE combo style is one example. Related GUICtrlCreate Example #include