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Applied Oracle Security: Developing Secure Database and Middleware Environments- P17 pptx

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134 Part II: Oracle Database Vault realm_name =>'Sales History' , grantee => 'ANTHONY' , rule_set_name => NULL , auth_options => dbms_macutl.g_realm_auth_participant ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. With the successful authorizations, you can see that MARY and ANTHONY can work in unison to administer the SH application schema, but within the control of their realm authorization: mary@aos> Create a table for staging warehouse data mary@aos>CREATE TABLE sh.sales_staging ( prod_id NUMBER NOT NULL ,cust_id NUMBER NOT NULL ,time_id DATE NOT NULL ,channel_id NUMBER NOT NULL ,promo_id NUMBER NOT NULL ,quantity_sold NUMBER(10,2) NOT NULL ); Table created. mary@aos> As the realm owner, grant access on the new table to OE mary@aos>GRANT SELECT ON sh.sales_staging TO oe; Grant succeeded. mary@aos> As the realm owner, grant a realm protected role mary@aos>GRANT sales_select_role TO oe; Grant succeeded. anthony@aos> Anthony can administrator realm protected objects anthony@aos>ALTER TABLE sh.sales_staging ADD amount_sold NUMBER(10,2) NOT NULL; Table altered. anthony@aos> Anthony cannot grant access to the new table anthony@aos> due to his realm participant status anthony@aos>GRANT SELECT ON sh.sales_staging TO hr; GRANT SELECT ON sh.sales_staging TO hr * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-47401: realm violation for grant object privilege on SH.SALES_STAGING ORA-06512: at "DVSYS.AUTHORIZE_EVENT", line 55 Chapter 5: Database Vault Fundamentals 135 ORA-06512: at line 31 anthony@aos> Anthony cannot grant access to realm roles anthony@aos> due to his realm participant status anthony@aos>GRANT sales_select_role TO hr; GRANT sales_select_role TO hr * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-47401: realm violation for grant role privilege on SALES_SELECT_ROLE. ORA-06512: at "DVSYS.AUTHORIZE_EVENT", line 55 ORA-06512: at line 31 Once MARY grants SELECT access on the new table to the OE account, this account can query the table, because realms honor direct object privilege usage: oe@aos> SELECT cust_id, amount_sold, tax_amount FROM sh.sales_staging; CUST_ID AMOUNT_SOLD TAX_AMOUNT 987 1232.16 52.37 1660 616.08 26.18 1762 410.72 17.46 1843 308.04 13.09 1948 246.43 10.47 2273 205.36 8.73 2380 176.02 7.48 2683 154.02 6.55 2865 136.91 5.82 9 rows selected. Realm Authorizations Controlled with DBV Rule Sets Realm authorizations can be configured so that authorization is controlled using a DBV rule set that define the conditions (when, where, how) in which a session may leverage system ANY privileges on objects protected by the realm. This feature is extremely important if you want to provide a higher level of assurance that data is accessed or manipulated in the context of its intended usage. The concept of intended usage is crucial to your ability to ensure compliance regulations are met and insider threats are minimized. We can demonstrate the impact of a DBV rule set on realm authorizations. MARY is the primary database administrator of the objects protected by the Sales History realm and ANTHONY is the alternate database administrator of these objects, possibly while MARY is on vacation or has called in sick. If MARY were out on vacation or were sick, we might expect the company’s security system not to have a record of her “badging-in” for the day or the Human Resources system may have a record of her vacation dates. A DBV rule set named CheckPrimaryAdminStatus could be created that integrates into these types of systems to determine whether the primary application DBA MARY is working on a particular day. The rule set can dynamically query these systems to decide whether to “turn off” a realm authorization. This type of integration 136 Part II: Oracle Database Vault can be accomplished by updating the realm authorization previously defined for ANTHONY to use the new rule set: dbvowner@aos> modify the realm authorization for ANTHONY dbvowner@aos> to be based on the Disabled DBV Rule Set dbvowner@aos>BEGIN dbms_macadm.update_realm_auth ( realm_name =>'Sales History' , grantee => 'ANTHONY' , rule_set_name => 'CheckPrimaryAdminStatus' , auth_options => dbms_macutl.g_realm_auth_participant ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. If ANTHONY attempts to leverage his realm authorization after this modification and MARY is at work, the previously successful DDL commands he could issue would be denied. anthony@aos> Attempt an ALTER TABLE command that was previously allowed anthony@aos> ALTER TABLE sh.sales_staging ADD unit_of_measure VARCHAR2(10); ALTER TABLE sh.sales_staging ADD unit_of_measure VARCHAR2(10) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-47401: realm violation for alter table on SH.SALES_STAGING ORA-06512: at "DVSYS.AUTHORIZE_EVENT", line 55 ORA-06512: at line 31 DBV rule sets powerfully impact realm authorizations in contributing the conditional (when, where, how) aspect of a sound security policies. DBV rule sets also provide critical auditing and error-handling capabilities that we will explore a bit later in the chapter. Command Rules In the preceding section, we discussed how DBV realms protect an application schema’s objects and database roles from the use of the powerful system ANY privileges that database administrators are typically granted. The DBV product will intercept database commands as they are submitted to the database kernel’s SQL engine. Once the command is intercepted, the DBV kernel-resident code will examine the realm protection configuration to determine whether or not to allow the command. Command rules are a second type of DBV protection and are part of the same enforcement process flow that provides a layer of security within DBV. Statement-level controls are examined and enforced immediately after the realm protections are evaluated. Command rules do not consider whether system ANY privileges or even direct object privileges are used, but focus on the command being used and the object being affected. Command rules are like database triggers, but they were designed as a separate DBV security mechanism in which declarative rules can be applied to the execution of SQL statements and PL/SQL packages, provided a user had some permission to execute the statement. This means a user must have some level of database permission to execute a statement before command rule can be enforced. Chapter 5: Database Vault Fundamentals 137 TIP Statement execution = DB privilege + DBV command rule. This implies that a realm authorization that would allow for a command to be executed can be overruled by a command rule. Further, an object does not need to be protected by a realm for a command rule to be evaluated. A fundamental difference in the behavior of command rules and realms is that command rules apply both to the use of system ANY privileges and direct object privileges. The following table compares the differences between these two controls: DBV Control Direct Object Privileges System ANY Privileges DBV realm Implicitly allowed Requires that realm authorization and realm authorization rule are set to TRUE (if defined) DBV command rule Rule set must be TRUE Rule set must be TRUE Let’s look at an example to demonstrate the relationship of DBV realms and command rules. An organization’s IT policy should have controls on the types of database administration that can occur when critical systems are being used by the general user population. An organization’s IT department will typically create system maintenance windows to make system changes in addition to configuration management procedures for validating these changes before they are deployed. Building on the realm examples, we can use DBV command rules to establish controls based on a business rule such as a system maintenance window for the activities of the database administrators who manage the objects protected by the Sales History realm. We first need to identify the rules are a system maintenance window using a DBV rule set: dbvowner@aos> First, define the "system maintenance window" rule. dbvowner@aos> The IT department's policy allows for system dbvowner@aos> maintenance on Fridays from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. dbvowner@aos> BEGIN dbms_macadm.create_rule( rule_name => 'Is Maintenance Timeframe' , rule_expr => 'TRIM(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,''DAY'')) = ''FRIDAY'' AND TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,''HH24'') BETWEEN 17 AND 23' ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. dbvowner@aos> We need to define a DBV Rule Set as a container dbvowner@aos> for the 'Is Maintenance Timeframe' rule. dbvowner@aos> This rule set defines the auditing and error handling dbvowner@aos> for any DBV control that uses the Rule Set dbvowner@aos>BEGIN dbms_macadm.create_rule_set( rule_set_name => 'Is System Maintenance Allowed', description => 'Checks to determine if the system maintenance is allowed', enabled =>dbms_macutl.g_yes, eval_options =>dbms_macutl.g_ruleset_eval_all, audit_options =>dbms_macutl.g_ruleset_audit_fail, 138 Part II: Oracle Database Vault fail_options =>dbms_macutl.g_ruleset_fail_show, fail_message =>NULL, fail_code =>NULL, handler_options =>dbms_macutl.g_ruleset_handler_off, handler =>NULL); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. dbvowner@aos> We can now associate the DBV Rules we want to be true dbvowner@aos> for the DBV Rule Set to evaluate to true dbvowner@aos>BEGIN dbms_macadm.add_rule_to_rule_set ( rule_set_name => 'Is System Maintenance Allowed' , rule_name => 'Is Maintenance Timeframe' ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. A DBV rule set controls the auditing and error-handling aspects for any DBV component with which it is used. This means that auditing on failure for a DBV rule set will audit when the rule set is used with a DBV command rule or DBV realm authorization. The DBV rule set contains just one DBV rule, ‘Is Maintenance Timeframe’, but an organization could define additional rules that might be required to match the business rules for system maintenance. Once the DBV rule set is defined, a DBV command rule for a potentially dangerous database command such as DROP TABLE can be defined to use this DBV rule set to protect any of the tables in the SH object owner account: dbvowner@aos> BEGIN dbms_macadm.create_command_rule ( command => 'DROP TABLE' ,rule_set_name => 'Is System Maintenance Allowed' ,object_owner => 'SH' ,object_name => '%' ,enabled => 'Y' ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. If the junior database administrator ANTHONY attempts to issue the DROP TABLE command outside of this maintenance window time frame on one of the objects protected by the Sales History realm, the command will fail our DBV command rule: anthony@aos>SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DAY') "DAY_OF_WEEK", TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24') "HOUR_OF_DAY" FROM DUAL; DAY_OF_WEEK HO MONDAY 10 Chapter 5: Database Vault Fundamentals 139 1 row selected. anthony@aos>DROP TABLE SH.SALES; DROP TABLE SH.SALES * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-47401: realm violation for drop table on SH.SALES ORA-06512: at "DVSYS.AUTHORIZE_EVENT", line 55 ORA-06512: at line 31 This example shows that DBV realms allow you to meet compliance regulations for separation of duty, and DBV command rules allow you to lay your organization’s business rules on top of these compliance regulations. Command Rule Components A DBV command rule is configured for a specific database command being controlled by a DBV rule set. The DBV security administrator will define the policy to state the following: When this command is attempted, evaluate this rule set to determine whether or not to allow the command. You cannot define a DBV command rule for a group of database commands. For example, you cannot create a single DBV command rule for a group of DDL commands such as CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, and DROP TABLE. Each individual database command must have a DBV command rule configured as we did for the DROP TABLE example earlier. Command rules can be enabled and disabled by the security administrator in the same way realms are enabled and disabled. Command rules can be further qualified by configuring an object owner and/or an object name according to the following options: 1. If the object owner and object name is not specified, the command rule applies to all object owners and object names when the command is issued. An alternative form of the DROP TABLE example could have specified the object_owner parameter as '%'. 2. If a command rule is configured with a specific object owner only and any object name ('%'), as demonstrated in the DROP TABLE example, if the result set evaluates to TRUE, the command is allowed if the command applies to any object the object owner specified. 3. If a command rule is configured with both an object owner and object name, the command rule evaluation applies to a single object. It is possible to define multiple command rules for the same database command, such as DROP TABLE, where one or more command rules are defined for specific object owners and one command rule is defined for all object owners. For example, the security administrator can define multiple command rules for the DROP TABLE database command as follows: dbvowner@aos> DROP TABLE for objects owned by SH dbms_macadm.create_command_rule ( command => 'DROP TABLE' ,rule_set_name => 'Is System Maintenance Allowed' ,object_owner => 'SH' 140 Part II: Oracle Database Vault ,object_name => '%' ,enabled => 'Y' ); dbvowner@aos> DROP TABLE for objects owned by any account dbvowner@aos> BEGIN dbms_macadm.create_command_rule ( command => 'DROP TABLE' ,rule_set_name => 'Is System Backup Completed' ,object_owner => '%' ,object_name => '%' ,enabled => 'Y' ); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. In this example, the security administrator has defined the first DROP TABLE command rule to check the system maintenance timeframe when the objects are owned by the account SH. The second DROP TABLE command rule checks to see if the system backup has completed when the objects are owned by any account. When multiple DBV command rules apply to a database command that is attempted, all the DBV command rules must be authorized for the command to be allowed. With this example, if ANTHONY were to attempt to issue the command DROP TABLE SH.SALES, the rule sets Is System Maintenance Allowed and Is System Backup Completed would have to evaluate to TRUE for the command to be allowed. Certain commands, such as CREATE TABLESPACE or ALTER SYSTEM, can only be defined with option one because objects such as tablespaces are not defined within an object owner and the concept of an owner does not apply in the Oracle database. In these cases, simply use the percent ('%') parameter for the object_owner and object_name parameters. The ability to specify more than one command rule for any given object is an important point, because it allows the security administrator to define specific general access control policies. Many packaged applications for accounting and financials use complex database logic to ensure the integrity of the information that is managed by the application. If database administrators can make direct updates to the tables on which these applications rely, outside of the packaged application code, the guarantee that the compliance regulations are met or insider threats are mitigated is questionable. These packaged applications often perform monthly, quarterly, and yearly closing processes in which summary statistics and financial statements are generated. Once a close process starts, controls should be in place to ensure that data that feeds into these summary statistics and financial statements are not modified during the process. With DBV command rules, we can enforce the two types of controls. For example, if we consider the Sales History schema, we specify the specific to general policy around the SH.SALES table as follows (and shown in Figure 5-7): 1. UPDATE commands are allowed only on the table SH.SALES when executed from the SH.SALES_TRANSACTION package. 2. UPDATE commands are not allowed on any table in the SH application schema during the monthly accounting close process. Let’s look at an example of the command rule configuration for part of this example. First we must define the rules and rule set that will establish the conditions in which the command can be executed. The DBV rule will leverage an Oracle PL/SQL package named DBMS_UTILITY that comes with Oracle Database to determine whether we are using the SALES_TRANSACTION package for the SQL UPDATE. The DBMS_UTILITY package has a function named FORMAT_ Chapter 5: Database Vault Fundamentals 141 CALL_STACK that returns the read-only PL/SQL call stack message that is maintained by (and secured in) the database kernel code. If we embed the DBMS_UTILITY call within our SALES_ TRANSACTION procedure, we can see the information the FORMAT_CALL_STACK function provides: sh@aos>CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY sh.sales_transaction AS PROCEDURE update_sales(customer in NUMBER, amount in NUMBER) IS BEGIN show the output of the DBMS_UTILITY function DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ( DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK ); perform the SQL UPDATE UPDATE sh.sales SET amount_sold = amount WHERE cust_id = customer; END; END; / Package body created. sh@aos> enable DBMS_OUTPUT tracing sh@aos> SET SERVEROUT ON SIZE 10000 sh@aos> execute the procedure to sh@aos> show the DBMS_UTILITY capability sh@aos>BEGIN sh.sales_transaction.update_sales( customer => 305 , amount => 200 ); END; / FIGURE 5-7 DBV command rules support business rules 142 Part II: Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL Call Stack object line object handle number name 0xa11a3ee0 5 package body SH.SALES_TRANSACTION 0xa1e66428 2 anonymous block PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Note that embedding the DBMS_UTILITY call into your own code is not required to enable DBV command rule controls. This was simply added to the trusted package to demonstrate the information maintained by the DBMS_UTILITY package while the trusted package is executing. Armed with this useful information, we can add logic to our DBV rule set to search the read-only call stack information provided by the database kernel for the name of the procedure we trust for SQL UPDATE: dbvowner@aos> first lets create the conditional rule that dbvowner@aos> we are using the trusted sales transaction code dbvowner@aos>BEGIN dbms_macadm.create_rule( rule_name => 'Called From Sales Transaction Package' , rule_expr => 'INSTR(UPPER(DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK), ''PACKAGE BODY SH.SALES_TRANSACTION'') > 0' ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. dbvowner@aos> next create a rule set that will group our rules dbvowner@aos>BEGIN dbms_macadm.create_rule_set( rule_set_name =>'Using Financials Application', description =>'Checks to verify commands are executed from trusted financials packages', enabled =>dbms_macutl.g_yes, eval_options =>dbms_macutl.g_ruleset_eval_all, audit_options =>dbms_macutl.g_ruleset_audit_fail, fail_options =>dbms_macutl.g_ruleset_fail_show, fail_message =>NULL, fail_code =>NULL, handler_options =>dbms_macutl.g_ruleset_handler_off, handler =>NULL); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. dbvowner@aos> associate the rule name to the rule set name dbvowner@aos>BEGIN dbms_macadm.add_rule_to_rule_set ( rule_set_name => 'Using Financials Application' Chapter 5: Database Vault Fundamentals 143 , rule_name => 'Called From Sales Transaction Package' ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. dbvowner@aos> finally create our Command Rule for UPDATE on SH.SALES dbvowner@aos>BEGIN dbms_macadm.create_command_rule ( command => 'UPDATE' ,rule_set_name => 'Using Financials Application' ,object_owner => 'SH' ,object_name => 'SALES' ,enabled => 'Y' ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. If we test the UPDATE command as our Sales History realm owner, MARY, the command will fail unless she is using our trusted sales transaction package: mary@aos> attempt the direct table update mary@aos> UPDATE sh.sales SET amount_sold = 200 WHERE cust_id = 305; UPDATE sh.sales * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges mary@aos> attempt to use the trusted package mary@aos>BEGIN sh.sales_transaction.update_sales( customer => 305 , amount => 200 ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. The trusted PL/SQL package code issues the same type of SQL UPDATE statement MARY attempted from the SQL*Plus, but our DBV command rule is designed to allow only the SQL UPDATE statement when it comes from PL/SQL package code. Our example leverages DBV rule sets to provide auditing and error-handling capabilities that we will explore in the next section. Commands Supported in Command Rules Database commands within the Oracle database can be categorized as follows: SELECT A read-only query against a table or view, for example. Data Manipulation Language Write actions such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE against a table or view, for example, or EXECUTE actions on PL/SQL code. ■ ■ . to allow the command. You cannot define a DBV command rule for a group of database commands. For example, you cannot create a single DBV command rule for a group of DDL commands such as CREATE. ALTER TABLE, and DROP TABLE. Each individual database command must have a DBV command rule configured as we did for the DROP TABLE example earlier. Command rules can be enabled and disabled. to define multiple command rules for the same database command, such as DROP TABLE, where one or more command rules are defined for specific object owners and one command rule is defined for

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Mục lục

    Applied Oracle Security: Developing SecureDatabase and MiddlewareEnvironments

    Part I: Oracle Database Security New Features

    1 Security Blueprints and New Thinking

    Encrypting Data Stored in the Database

    The Transparent Data Encryption Solution

    Tablespace Encryption: New with Oracle 11g

    3 Applied Auditing and Audit Vault

    An Era of Governance

    Auditing for Nonsecurity Reasons

    The Audit Data Warehouse


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