ptg adobe fLash professionaL Cs5 CLassroom in a book 241 2 Select the Text tool. 3 In the Properties inspector, select TLF Text and Read Only. In the Character section, choose Times New Roman for Family, Bold for Style, 20.0 for Size, 14.0 for Leading, and black for Color. You may choose a similar font if Times New Roman is unavailable on your computer. For TLF Text, you have the option of choosing Read Only, Selectable, or Editable. • Read Only displays text that can’t be selected or edited by the end user. • Selectable displays text that the user can select to copy. • Editable displays text that the user can select and edit. Use the Editable option for text input fields, such as login and passwords. You’ll use the Editable option later in this lesson to create the Mortgage Calculator. 4 Click the top-left corner of the Stage where you want to begin adding text. Begin entering the address of the featured property, 198 7th Avenue, South Slope. Exit the Text tool by choosing the Selection tool. Download from Library of Wow! ebook ptg 242 LESSON 7 Using Text 5 In the Properties inspector, position the text at X=90 and Y=10. 6 Choose the Text tool again. 7 In the Properties inspector, select TLF Text and Read Only. In the Character section, choose Times New Roman for Family, Bold for Style, 12.0 for Size, 12.0 for Leading, and white for Color. 8 Click on the dark green banner to place the beginning of your next piece of text and enter the section title About the Neighborhood. 9 Create a third piece of text at the top of the dark brown area with the section title Mortgage Calculator. 10 Position the About the Neighborhood title at X=70 and Y=460. Position the Mortgage Calculator title at X=480 and Y=460. Note: The registration of text is at the top-left corner of the text box. Note: You can also click and drag with the Text tool to define a text box at a set width and height. You can always change the dimensions of the text box to accommodate your text. Download from Library of Wow! ebook ptg adobe fLash professionaL Cs5 CLassroom in a book 243 Creating vertical text Although vertical text is not common, it can be useful for unusual displays. For many Asian languages, vertical text is essential to display them correctly. In this les- son, you’ll use a vertical orientation for the overall banner title. 1 Select the Text tool. 2 In the Properties inspector, select TLF Text and Read Only. In the Character section, choose Arial Narrow for Family, Regular for Style, 38.0 for Size, and white for Color. 3 From the orientation pull-down menu, choose Vertical. Note: In the Character section of the Properties inspector, you can choose 270° to change the orientation of the individual characters as well as the lines of text. Download from Library of Wow! ebook ptg 244 LESSON 7 Using Text 4 Click on the black vertical banner to place the beginning of your text and enter the banner title Meridien Real Estate Live Your Dream. Modifying characters Use the Character and Advanced Character options in the Properties inspector to modify the way your text appears. You’ve already used different colors, font fami- lies, font sizes, and orientations. Now you’ll explore some less obvious options. 1 Double-click the top address and select the “th” characters. 2 In the Character section of the Properties inspector, select the Superscript option. e “th” becomes smaller and is raised from the baseline as a superscript. Download from Library of Wow! ebook ptg adobe fLash professionaL Cs5 CLassroom in a book 245 3 Exit the Text tool by selecting the Selection tool, and click an empty part of the Stage to deselect the text. 4 Hold down the Shift key and select the bottom two text titles, About the Neighborhood and Mortgage Calculator. 5 In the Advanced Character section of the Properties inspector, choose Upper Case from the Case menu. e characters in the two selected bottom titles change to all uppercase. 6 Double-click the vertical banner text and select the words Meridien Real Estate. Download from Library of Wow! ebook ptg 246 LESSON 7 Using Text 7 In the Advanced Character section of the Properties inspector, choose Upper Case from the Case menu. e selected words in the banner title change to all uppercase. 8 Select the last three words of the banner title, Live Your Dream. 9 In the Properties inspector, change the font size to 22 and Baseline shift to 6.0. e selected words in the banner title become smaller and are shifted upward from their baseline. e variations in size and baseline shift in the banner title create a more pleasing design. Adding Multiple Columns Now you’ll add the text description of the property and some details about the neighborhood. e text will appear in different columns. For the property details, you’ll add a three-column text description, and for the neighborhood, you’ll add a two-column text description. 1 Select the Text tool. Download from Library of Wow! ebook ptg adobe fLash professionaL Cs5 CLassroom in a book 247 2 In the Properties inspector, select TLF Text and Read Only. In the Character section, choose Times New Roman for Family, Bold for Style, 14.0 for Size, 16.0 for Leading, and black for Color. Make sure you switch back to horizontal text. 3 Click on the top horizontal banner below the address and drag out a long text box to define the width and height of the text. 4 In the Container and Flow section of the Properties inspector, enter 3 for the Columns option. Your selected text box becomes enabled to display three columns. 5 Enter text in the text box that provides details of this hypothetical property, such as the number of rooms, number of beds, and so on. Press Return or Enter after each line. You can copy the information from the text file 07SampleRealEstateText1.txt in the 07Start folder. Download from Library of Wow! ebook ptg 248 LESSON 7 Using Text e text is displayed in three columns. As text in the first column reaches the bottom of the text box, the next line appears at the top of the next column. 6 Exit the Text tool by choosing the Selection tool, and click an empty part of the Stage to deselect the text. 7 Select the Text tool again. Now you’ll create the text for the About the Neighborhood section. 8 In the Properties inspector, select TLF Text and Read Only. In the Character section, choose Times New Roman for Family, Regular for Style, 12.0 for Size, 12.0 for Leading, and black for Color. 9 Click on the bottom green bar below the About the Neighborhood title and drag out a text box so that it takes up most of the light green space. 10 In the Container and Flow section of the Properties inspector, enter 2 for the Columns option. Your selected text box becomes enabled to display two columns. Download from Library of Wow! ebook ptg adobe fLash professionaL Cs5 CLassroom in a book 249 11 Open the text file 07SampleRealEstateText1.txt in the 07Start folder if it’s not already open. Copy the Latin placeholder text in the About the Neighborhood section and paste it into the two-column text box. e text is displayed in two columns. As text in the first column reaches the bottom of the text box, the next line appears at the top of the next column. Modifying the text box If your text doesn’t entirely fit in its text box, Flash displays a red cross at the bottom-right corner. e red cross means there is overflow text that is not visible. To see more of the text, you can enlarge the text box. 1 Select the Text tool or the Selection tool. 2 Move your mouse cursor over one of the solid blue squares surrounding the text box. Your mouse cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, indicating the direction in which you can modify the size of the text box. 3 Click and drag to make the text box wider or taller to fit the text. e text box gets resized, and the text reflows to accommodate the new dimensions. Note: In the Container and Flow section of the Properties inspector, you can also modify the gutter, the space between columns, and the padding between the text and the boundaries of the text box to help you get the exact text layout you desire. Note: You can also resize a text box by entering new Width and Height values in the Properties inspector. However, do not resize a text box with the Transform panel or the Free Transform tool. Doing so will squash or stretch the contents of the text box and distort the text. Download from Library of Wow! ebook ptg 250 LESSON 7 Using Text Wrapping Text Long passages of text are visually boring. Instead, if you can wrap text around pho- tographs or graphic elements, you create more visual interest and a more pleasing design. Take a look at any magazine in print or online, and you’ll see how text flows around photos to help integrate the elements on the page. In this section, you’ll add some graphic elements to the realtor site—an animated slide show and a photo of the real estate agent—and create text that wraps around them both. You create wrapping text by linking separate text boxes. Text will flow from one text box to another as if in a single container. Adding the graphics e animated slide show and the graphic of the real estate agent have already been created and are in the Library panel for you to use. 1 Insert a new layer and rename it images. Drag the images layer under the banner layer. 2 In the Library panel, select the photos movie clip symbol. 3 Drag the photos movie clip symbol from the Library panel to the Stage. Position the movie clip instance at X=0 and Y=230. Note: Linked text boxes are also referred to as “threaded text containers.” Download from Library of Wow! ebook . some less obvious options. 1 Double-click the top address and select the “th” characters. 2 In the Character section of the Properties inspector, select the Superscript option. e “th” becomes. more pleasing design. Adding Multiple Columns Now you’ll add the text description of the property and some details about the neighborhood. e text will appear in different columns. For the property. Wow! ebook ptg adobe fLash professionaL Cs5 CLassroom in a book 249 11 Open the text file 07SampleRealEstateText1.txt in the 07Start folder if it’s not already open. Copy the Latin placeholder