ASP.NET 4 Unleased - p 133 ppt

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ASP.NET 4 Unleased - p 133 ppt

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ptg 1294 CHAPTER 28 Maintaining Application State WARNING Don’t use the web configuration file in Listing 28.16 without modifying the values of both the decryptionKey and validationKey attributes. Those values must be secret. You can use the GenerateKeys.aspx page discussed in Chapter 27, “Using ASP.NET Membership,” to generate new values for these attributes. After you complete these configuration steps, Session state information is stored in the ASP.NET State Server automatically. You don’t need to modify any of your application code when you switch to out-of-process Session state. Configuring SQL Server Session State If you want to store Session state in the most reliable way possible, you can store Session state in a Microsoft SQL Server database. Because you can set up failover SQL Server clus- ters, Session state stored in SQL Server should survive just about anything, including a major nuclear war. You must complete the following two steps to enable SQL Server Session state: 1. Configure your database to support SQL Server Session state. 2. Configure your application to use SQL Server Session state. You can use the aspnet_regsql tool to add the necessary tables and stored procedures to your database to support SQL Server Session state. The aspnet_regsql tool is located in the following path: \WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\[version]\aspnet_regsql.exe NOTE If you open the Visual Studio Command Prompt, you don’t need to navigate to the Microsoft.NET folder to use the aspnet_regsql tool. Executing the following command enables SQL Server Session state for a database server named YourServer. aspnet_regsql -C “Data Source=YourServer;Integrated Security=True” -ssadd When you execute this command, a new database is created on your database server named ASPState. The ASPState database contains all the stored procedures used by Session state. However, by default, Session state information is stored in the TempDB database. When your database server restarts, the TempDB database is cleared automatically. If you want to use SQL Server Session state with a failover cluster of SQL Servers, you can’t store Session state in the TempDB database. Also, if you want Session state to survive database restarts, you can’t store the state information in the TempDB database. From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1295 Using Session State If you execute the following command, Session state is stored in the ASPState database instead of the TempDB database: aspnet_regsql -C “Data Source=YourServer;Integrated Security=True” -ssadd -sstype p This command includes a -sstype p switch. The p stands for persistent. Session state stored in the ASPState database is called persistent Session state because it survives data- base server restarts. Finally, you can store Session state in a custom database. The following command stores Session state in a database named MySessionDB: aspnet_regsql -C “Data Source=YourServer;Integrated Security=True” ➥ -ssadd -sstype c -d MySessionDB Executing this command creates a new database named MySessionDB that contains both the tables and stored procedures for storing Session state. The -sstype switch has the value c for custom. The command also includes a -d switch that enables you to specify the name of the new database. If you want to remove the Session state tables and stored procedures from a server, you can execute the following command: aspnet_regsql -C “Data Source=YourServer;Integrated Security=True” -ssremove Executing this command removes the ASPState database. It does not remove a custom Session state database. You must remove a custom database manually. After you configure your database server to support Session state, you must configure your ASP.NET application to connect to your database. You can use the web configuration file in Listing 28.17 to connect to a database named YourServer. LISTING 28.17 Web.Config <?xml version=”1.0”?> <configuration> <system.web> <sessionState mode=”SQLServer” sqlConnectionString=”Data Source=YourServer;Integrated Security=True” sqlCommandTimeout=”30” /> <machineKey decryption=”AES” validation=”SHA1” decryptionKey=”306C1FA852AB3B0115150DD8BA30821CDFD125538A0C606DACA ➥ 53DBB3C3E0AD2” validationKey=”61A8E04A146AFFAB81B6AD19654F99EA7370807F18F5002725D 28 From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1296 CHAPTER 28 Maintaining Application State ➥ AB98B8EFD19C711337E26948E26D1D174B159973EA0BE8CC9CAA6AAF513BF84E44 ➥ B2247792265” /> </system.web> </configuration> The sessionState element includes three attributes. The mode attribute is set to the value SQLServer to enable SQL Server Session state. The second attribute, sqlConnectionString, contains the connection string to the Session state database. Finally, the sqlCommandTimeout specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds before a command that retrieves or stores Session state times out. The configuration file in Listing 28.17 includes a machineKey element. If your Session state database is located on a different machine than your ASP.NET application, you are required to include a machineKey element that contains explicit encryption and validation keys. WARNING Don’t use the web configuration file in Listing 28.16 or 28.17 without modifying the val- ues of both the decryptionKey and validationKey attributes. Those values must be secret. You can use the GenerateKeys.aspx page discussed in Chapter 27 to gener- ate new values for these attributes. If you select the option to store Session state in a custom database when executing the aspnet_regsql tool, you need to specify the name of the custom database in your config- uration file. You can use the web configuration file in Listing 28.18. LISTING 28.18 Web.config <?xml version=”1.0”?> <configuration> <system.web> <sessionState mode=”SQLServer” sqlConnectionString=”Data Source=YourServer; Integrated Security=True;database=MySessionDB” sqlCommandTimeout=”30” allowCustomSqlDatabase=”true”/> <machineKey decryption=”AES” validation=”SHA1” decryptionKey=”306C1FA852AB3B0115150DD8BA30821CDFD125538A0C606DACA From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1297 Using Profiles ➥ 53DBB3C3E0AD2” validationKey=”61A8E04A146AFFAB81B6AD19654F99EA7370807F18F5002725D ➥ AB98B8EFD19C711337E26948E26D1D174B159973EA0BE8CC9CAA6AAF513BF84E44 ➥ B2247792265” /> </system.web> </configuration> The sessionState element in the configuration file in Listing 28.18 includes an allowCustomSqlDatabase attribute. Furthermore, the sqlConnectionString attribute contains the name of the custom database. Enabling SQL Server session state has no effect on how you write your application code. You can initially build your application using in-process Session state and, when you have the need, you can switch to SQL Server Session state. NOTE ASP.NET 4 introduced a new option to compress session state for the out-of-process providers (SQL Server and State Server). You can enable compression when using these providers by setting the compressionEnabled option to true. <sessionState mode=”SqlServer” sqlConnectionString=”data source=dbserver;Initial Catalog=aspnetstate” allowCustomSqlDatabase=”true” compressionEnabled=”true” /> This compresses the session state before storing it, which can substantially improve performance. Using Profiles The ASP.NET Framework provides you with an alternative to using cookies or Session state to store user information: the Profile object. The Profile object provides you with a strongly typed, persistent form of session state. You create a Profile by defining a list of Profile properties in your application root web configuration file. The ASP.NET Framework dynamically compiles a class that contains these properties in the background. For example, the web configuration file in Listing 28.19 defines a Profile that contains three properties: firstName, lastName, and numberOfVisits. 28 From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1298 CHAPTER 28 Maintaining Application State LISTING 28.19 Web.Config <?xml version=”1.0”?> <configuration> <system.web> <profile> <properties> <add name=”firstName” /> <add name=”lastName” /> <add name=”numberOfVisits” type=”Int32” defaultValue=”0” /> </properties> </profile> </system.web> </configuration> When you define a Profile property, you can use any of the following attributes: . name—Enables you to specify the name of the property. . type—Enables you to specify the type of the property. The type can be any custom type, including a custom component that you define in the App_Code folder. (The default type is string.) . defaultValue—Enables you to specify a default value for the property. . readOnly—Enables you to create a read-only property. (The default value is false.) . serializeAs—Enables you to specify how a property is persisted into a static repre- sentation. Possible values are Binary, ProviderSpecific, String, and Xml. (The default value is ProviderSpecific.) . allowAnonymous—Enables you to allow anonymous users to read and set the prop- erty. (The default value is false.) . provider—Enables you to associate the property with a particular Profile provider. . customProviderData—Enables you to pass custom data to a Profile provider. After you define a Profile in the web configuration file, you can use the Profile object to modify the Profile properties. For example, the page in Listing 28.20 enables you to modify the firstName and lastName properties with a form. Furthermore, the page auto- matically updates the numberOfVisits property each time the page is requested (see Figure 28.7). From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1299 Using Profiles LISTING 28.20 ShowProfile.aspx <%@ Page Language=”C#” %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> <script runat=”server”> void Page_PreRender() { lblFirstname.Text = Profile.firstName; lblLastName.Text = Profile.lastName; Profile.numberOfVisits++; lblNumberOfVisits.Text = Profile.numberOfVisits.ToString(); } protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Profile.firstName = txtNewFirstName.Text; Profile.lastName = txtNewLastName.Text; } </script> 28 FIGURE 28.7 Displaying Profile information. From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1300 CHAPTER 28 Maintaining Application State <html xmlns=”” > <head id=”Head1” runat=”server”> <title>Show Profile</title> </head> <body> <form id=”form1” runat=”server”> <div> First Name: <asp:Label id=”lblFirstname” Runat=”server” /> <br /><br /> Last Name: <asp:Label id=”lblLastName” Runat=”server” /> <br /><br /> Number of Visits: <asp:Label id=”lblNumberOfVisits” Runat=”server” /> <hr /> <asp:Label id=”lblNewFirstName” Text=”New First Name:” AssociatedControlID=”txtNewFirstName” Runat=”server” /> <asp:TextBox id=”txtNewFirstName” Runat=”server” /> <br /><br /> <asp:Label id=”lblNewLastName” Text=”New Last Name:” AssociatedControlID=”txtNewLastName” Runat=”server” /> <asp:TextBox id=”txtNewLastName” Runat=”server” /> <br /><br /> <asp:Button id=”btnUpdate” Text=”Update Profile” From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1301 Using Profiles 28 OnClick=”btnUpdate_Click” Runat=”server” /> </div> </form> </body> </html> Profile properties are exposed as strongly typed properties. The numberOfVisits property, for example, is exposed as an integer property because you defined it as an integer property. It is important to understand that Profile properties are persistent. If you set a Profile property for a user, and that user does not return to your website for 500 years, the prop- erty retains its value. Unlike Session state, when you assign a value to a Profile property, the value does not evaporate after a user leaves your website. The Profile object uses the Provider model. The default Profile provider is the SqlProfileProvider. By default, this provider stores the Profile data in a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express database named ASPNETDB.mdf, located in your application’s App_Data folder. If the database does not exist, it is created automatically the first time that you use the Profile object. By default, you cannot store Profile information for an anonymous user. The ASP.NET Framework uses your authenticated identity to associate Profile information with you. You can use the Profile object with any of the standard types of authentication supported by ASP.NET Framework, including both Forms and Windows authentication. (Windows authentication is enabled by default.) NOTE Later in this section, you learn how to store Profile information for anonymous users. Creating Profile Groups If you need to define a lot of Profile properties, you can make the properties more manageable by organizing the properties into groups. For example, the web configuration file in Listing 28.21 defines two groups named Preferences and ContactInfo. LISTING 28.21 Web.Config <?xml version=”1.0”?> <configuration> <system.web> <profile> From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1302 <properties> <group name=”Preferences”> <add name=”BackColor” defaultValue=”lightblue”/> <add name=”Font” defaultValue=”Arial”/> </group> <group name=”ContactInfo”> <add name=”Email” defaultValue=”Your Email”/> <add name=”Phone” defaultValue=”Your Phone”/> </group> </properties> </profile> </system.web> </configuration> The page in Listing 28.22 illustrates how you can set and read properties in different groups. LISTING 28.22 ShowProfileGroups.aspx <%@ Page Language=”C#” %> <%@ Import Namespace=”System.Drawing” %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> <script runat=”server”> void Page_Load() { // Display Contact Info lblEmail.Text = Profile.ContactInfo.Email; lblPhone.Text = Profile.ContactInfo.Phone; // Apply Preferences Style pageStyle = new Style(); pageStyle.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(Profile.Preferences. ➥ BackColor); pageStyle.Font.Name = Profile.Preferences.Font; Header.StyleSheet.CreateStyleRule(pageStyle, null, “html”); } </script> <html xmlns=”” > <head id=”Head1” runat=”server”> <title>Untitled Page</title> </head> <body> CHAPTER 28 Maintaining Application State From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1303 Using Profiles 28 <form id=”form1” runat=”server”> <div> Email: <asp:Label id=”lblEmail” Runat=”server” /> <br /><br /> Phone: <asp:Label id=”lblPhone” Runat=”server” /> </div> </form> </body> </html> Supporting Anonymous Users By default, anonymous users cannot modify Profile properties. The problem is that ASP.NET Framework has no method of associating Profile data with a particular user unless the user is authenticated. If you want to enable anonymous users to modify Profile properties, you must enable a feature of ASP.NET Framework called Anonymous Identification. When Anonymous Identification is enabled, a unique identifier (a GUID) is assigned to anonymous users and stored in a persistent browser cookie. NOTE You can enable cookieless anonymous identifiers. Cookieless anonymous identifier s work just like cookieless sessions: The anonymous identifier is added to the page URL instead of a cookie. You enable cookieless anonymous identifiers by setting the cookie- less attribute of the anonymousIdentification element in the web configuration file to the value UseURI or AutoDetect. Furthermore, you must mark all Profile properties that you want anonymous users to modify with the allowAnonymous attribute. For example, the web configuration file in Listing 28.23 enables Anonymous Identification and defines a Profile property that can be modified by anonymous users. From the Library of Wow! eBook . in the ASPState database instead of the TempDB database: aspnet_regsql -C “Data Source=YourServer;Integrated Security=True” -ssadd -sstype p This command includes a -sstype p switch. The p stands. </html> Profile properties are exposed as strongly typed properties. The numberOfVisits property, for example, is exposed as an integer property because you defined it as an integer property. It. you to specify the name of the property. . type—Enables you to specify the type of the property. The type can be any custom type, including a custom component that you define in the App_Code

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 18:20

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