ptg 1244 CHAPTER 27 Using ASP.NET Membership . enableSearchMethods—Enables the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider class to use additional methods. You must enable this attribute when using the Web Site Administration Tool. . attributeMapPasswordQuestion—Enables you to map the Membership security ques- tion to an Active Directory attribute. . attributeMapPasswordAnswer—Enables you to map the Membership security answer to an Active Directory attribute. . attributeMapFailedPasswordAnswerCount—Enables you to map the Membership MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts property to an Active Directory attribute. . attributeMapFailedPasswordAnswerTime—Enables you to map the Membership PasswordAttemptWindow property to an Active Directory attribute. . attributeMapFailedPasswordAnswerLockoutTime—Enables you to map the Membership PasswordAnswerAttemptLockoutDuration property to an Active Directory attribute. After you finish these configuration steps, you can use the ActiveDirectoryMembership Provider in precisely the same way that you can use the SqlMembershipProvider. When you use the Login control, users are validated against Active Directory. When you use the CreateUserWizard control, new users are created in Active Directory. Creating a Custom Membership Provider Because ASP.NET Membership uses the provider model, you can easily extend ASP.NET membership by creating a custom Membership provider. There are two main situations in which you might need to create a custom Membership provider. First, imagine that you have an existing ASP.NET 1.x or ASP classic application. You are currently storing membership information in your own custom set of database tables. Furthermore, your table schemas don’t easily map to the table schemas used by the SqlMembershipProvider. In this situation, it makes sense to create a custom Membership provider that reflects your existing database schema. If you create a custom Membership provider, you can use your existing database tables with ASP.NET Membership. Second, imagine that you need to store membership information in a data store other than Microsoft SQL Server or Active Directory. For example, your organization might be committed to Oracle or DB2. In that case, you need to create a custom Membership provider to work with the custom data store. In this section, we create a simple custom Membership provider: an XmlMembershipProvider that stores membership information in an XML file. From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1245 Using ASP.NET Membership 27 Unfortunately, the code for the XmlMembershipProvider is too long to place here. The code is included on the book’s website in a file named XmlMembershipProvider.cs, located in the App_Code folder. The XmlMembershipProvider class inherits from the abstract MembershipProvider class. This class has more than 25 properties and methods that you are required to implement. For example, you are required to implement the ValidateUser() method. The Login control calls this method when it validates a username and password. You also are required to implement the CreateUser() method. This method is called by the CreateUserWizard control when a new user is created. The web configuration file used to set up the XmlMembershipProvider is contained in Listing 27.25. LISTING 27.25 Web.Config <?xml version=”1.0”?> <configuration> <system.web> <authentication mode=”Forms” /> <membership defaultProvider=”MyMembershipProvider”> <providers> <add name=”MyMembershipProvider” type=”AspNetUnleashed.XmlMembershipProvider” dataFile=”~/App_Data/Membership.xml” requiresQuestionAndAnswer=”false” enablePasswordRetrieval=”true” enablePasswordReset=”true” passwordFormat=”Clear” /> </providers> </membership> </system.web> </configuration> Notice that the XmlMembershipProvider supports a number of attributes. For example, it supports a passwordFormat attribute that enables you to specify whether passwords are stored as hash values or as plain text. (It does not support encrypted passwords.) The XmlMembershipProvider stores membership information in an XML file named Membership.xml, located in the App_Data folder. If you want, you can add users to the file From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1246 CHAPTER 27 Using ASP.NET Membership by hand. Alternatively, you can use the CreateUserWizard control or the Web Site Administration Tool to create new users. A sample of the Membership.xml file is contained in Listing 27.26. LISTING 27.26 App_Data\Membership.xml <credentials> <user name=”Steve” password=”secret” email=”” /> <user name=”Andrew” password=”secret” email=”” /> </credentials> The sample code folder on the book’s website includes a Register.aspx, Login.aspx, and ChangePassword.aspx page. You can use these pages to try out different features of the XmlMembershipProvider. WARNING Dynamic XPath queries are open to XPath Injection Attacks in the same way that dynamic SQL queries are open to SQL Injection Attacks. When writing the XmlMembershipProvider class, I avoided using methods such as the SelectSingleNode() method to avoid XPath Injection Attack issues, even though using this method would result in leaner and faster code. Sometimes, it is better to be safe than fast. Using the Role Manager Instead of configuring authorization for particular users, you can group users into roles and assign authorization rules to the roles. For example, you might want to password- protect a section of your website so that only members of the Administrators role can access the pages in that section. Like ASP.NET Membership, the Role Manager is built on the existing ASP.NET authentica- tion framework. You configure role authorization rules by adding an authorization element to one or more web configuration files. Furthermore, like ASP.NET Membership, the Role Manager uses the provider model. You can customize where role information is stored by configuring a particular Role provider. The ASP.NET Framework includes three role providers: . SqlRoleProvider—Enables you to store role information in a Microsoft SQL Server database. . WindowsTokenRoleProvider—Enables you to use Microsoft Windows groups to repre- sent role information. From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1247 Using the Role Manager 27 . AuthorizationStoreRoleProvider—Enables you to use Authorization Manager to store role information in an XML file, Active Directory, or Activity Directory Lightweight Directory Services (ADLDS). In the following sections, you learn how to configure each of these Role providers. You also learn how to manage role information programmatically by working with the Roles application programming interface. Configuring the SqlRoleProvider The SqlRoleProvider is the default role provider. You can use the SqlRoleProvider to store role information in a Microsoft SQL Server database. The SqlRoleProvider enables you to create custom roles. You can make up any roles that you need. You can use the SqlRoleProvider with either Forms authentication or Windows authenti- cation. When Forms authentication is enabled, you can use ASP.NET Membership to repre- sent users and assign the users to particular roles. When Windows authentication is enabled, you assign particular Windows user accounts to custom roles. I assume, in this section, that you use Forms authentication. WARNING The Web Site Administration Tool does not support assigning users to roles when Windows authentication is enabled. When Windows authentication is enabled, you must assign users to roles programmatically. The web configuration file in Listing 27.27 enables the SqlRoleProvider. LISTING 27.27 Web.Config <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?> <configuration> <system.web> <roleManager enabled=”true” /> <authentication mode=”Forms” /> </system.web> </configuration> The Role Manager is disabled by default. The configuration file in Listing 27.27 simply enables the Role Manager. Notice that the configuration file also enables Forms authentication. If you don’t want to type the file in Listing 27.27, you can let the Web Site Administration Tool create the file for you. Open the Web Site Administration Tool in Visual Web From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1248 CHAPTER 27 Using ASP.NET Membership FIGURE 27.10 Enabling Roles with the Web Site Administration Tool. Developer by selecting Website, ASP.NET Configuration. Next, click the Security tab and the Enable roles link (see Figure 27.10). After you enable the Role Manager, you need to create some roles. You can create roles in two ways. You can use the Web Site Administration Tool or you can create the roles programmatically. Open the Web Site Administration Tool and click the Create or Manage Roles link located under the Security tab. At this point, you can start creating roles. I’ll assume that you have created a role named Managers. After you create a set of roles, you need to assign users to the roles. Again, you can do this by using the Web Site Administration Tool or you can assign users to roles programmatically. If you have not created any users for your application, create a user now by clicking the Create User link under the Security tab. Notice that you can assign a user to one or more roles when you create the user (see Figure 27.11). You can click the Create or Manage Roles link to assign roles to users at a later date. After you finish creating your roles and assigning users to the roles, you can use the roles in the authentication section of a web configuration file. For example, imagine that your website includes a folder named SecretFiles and you want only members of the Managers role to be able to access the pages in that folder. The web configuration file in Listing 27.28 blocks access to anyone except members of the Managers role to the SecretFiles folder. From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1249 Using the Role Manager 27 FIGURE 27.11 Assigning a new user to a role. LISTING 27.28 Web.Config <?xml version=”1.0”?> <configuration> <system.web> <authorization> <allow roles=”Managers”/> <deny users=”*”/> </authorization> </system.web> </configuration> The configuration file in Listing 27.28 authorizes Managers and denies access to everyone else. If you prefer, you can manage authorization with the Web Site Administration Tool. Behind the scenes, this tool creates web configuration files that contain authorization elements (in other words, it does the same thing as we just did). Under the Security tab, click the Create Access Rules link. Select the SecretFiles folder from the tree view, the Managers role, Allow (see Figure 27.12). Click the OK button to create From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1250 CHAPTER 27 Using ASP.NET Membership FIGURE 27.12 Creating authorization rules. the rule. Next, create a second access rule to deny access to users not in the Managers role. Select the SecretFiles folder, All Users, Deny. Click the OK button to add the new rule. Using a Different Database with the SqlRoleProvider By default, the SqlRoleProvider uses the same Microsoft SQL Server Express database as ASP.NET Membership: the AspNetDB.mdf database. This database is created for you auto- matically in your application’s root App_Data folder. If you want to store role information in another Microsoft SQL Server database, then you must perform the following two configuration steps. . Configure the database so that it contains the necessary database objects. . Configure your application to use the new database. Before you can store role information in a database, you need to add the necessary tables and stored procedures to the database. The easiest way to add these objects is to use the aspnet_regsql command-line tool. This tool is located in the following folder: \WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\[version] NOTE You d on’t ne ed to n avigate to the Micro soft.NE T folder w hen you op en the SDK Command Prompt. From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1251 Using the Role Manager 27 FIGURE 27.13 Using the SQL Server Setup Wizard. If you execute aspnet_regsql without any parameters, the ASP.NET SQL Server Setup Wizard opens (see Figure 27.13). You can use this wizard to connect to a database and add the necessary database objects automatically. Alternatively, you can set up a database by executing the following two SQL batch files. . InstallCommon.sql . InstallRoles.sql These batch files are located in the same folder as the aspnet_regsql tool. After you set up your database, you need to configure a new SqlRoleProvider that includes the proper connection string for your database. The web configuration file in Listing 27.29 configures a new provider named MyRoleProvider that connects to a data- base named MyDatabase located on a server named MyServer. LISTING 27.29 Web.Config <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?> <configuration> <connectionStrings> <add name=”MyConnection” connectionString=”Data Source=MyServer; ➥ Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase”/> From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1252 CHAPTER 27 Using ASP.NET Membership </connectionStrings> <system.web> <authentication mode=”Forms” /> <roleManager enabled=”true” defaultProvider=”MyRoleProvider”> <providers> <add name=”MyRoleProvider” type=”System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider” connectionStringName=”MyConnection”/> </providers> </roleManager> </system.web> </configuration> The configuration file in Listing 27.29 creates a new default RoleManager named MyRoleProvider. Notice that the MyRoleProvider provider includes a connectionStringName attribute that points to the MyConnection connection. Configuring the WindowsTokenRoleProvider When you use the WindowsTokenRoleProvider, roles correspond to Microsoft Windows groups. You must enable Windows authentication when using the WindowsTokenRoleProvider. You cannot use Forms authentication or ASP.NET Membership with the WindowsTokenRoleProvider. The configuration file in Listing 27.30 configures the WindowsTokenRoleProvider as the default provider. LISTING 27.30 Web.Config <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?> <configuration> <system.web> <authentication mode=”Windows” /> <roleManager enabled=”true” defaultProvider=”MyRoleProvider”> <providers> <add name=”MyRoleProvider” type=”System.Web.Security.WindowsTokenRoleProvider” /> </providers> </roleManager> From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 1253 Using the Role Manager 27 FIGURE 27.14 Displaying different content to members of the Windows Administrators group. </system.web> </configuration> The page in Listing 27.31 contains a LoginView control. The LoginView control displays different content to the members of the Windows Administrators group than it displays to everyone else (see Figure 27.14). LISTING 27.31 ShowWindowsRoles.aspx <%@ Page Language=”C#” %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> <html xmlns=”” > <head id=”Head1” runat=”server”> <title>Show Windows Roles</title> </head> <body> <form id=”form1” runat=”server”> <div> <asp:LoginView id=”LoginView1” Runat=”server”> <RoleGroups> <asp:RoleGroup Roles=”BUILTIN\Administrators”> From the Library of Wow! eBook . /> <membership defaultProvider=”MyMembershipProvider”> <providers> <add name=”MyMembershipProvider” type=”AspNetUnleashed.XmlMembershipProvider” dataFile=”~/App_Data/Membership.xml”. Directory. Creating a Custom Membership Provider Because ASP. NET Membership uses the provider model, you can easily extend ASP. NET membership by creating a custom Membership provider. There are two main. Membership PasswordAttemptWindow property to an Active Directory attribute. . attributeMapFailedPasswordAnswerLockoutTime—Enables you to map the Membership PasswordAnswerAttemptLockoutDuration property