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696 Two-Port Circuits If more than two units are connected in cascade, the a parameters of the equivalent two-port circuit can be found by successively reducing the original set of two-

Trang 1

696 Two-Port Circuits

If more than two units are connected in cascade, the a parameters of

the equivalent two-port circuit can be found by successively reducing the original set of two-port circuits one pair at a time

Example 18.5 illustrates how to use Eqs 18.74-18.77 to analyze a cas-cade connection with two amplifier circuits

Two identical amplifiers are connected in

cas-cade, as shown in Fig 18.11 Each amplifier is

described in terms of its h parameters The values

are h u = 1000 H, h n = 0.0015, h n = 100, and

h 22 = 100 /xS Find the voltage gain V 2 /V g

10.25 X 10-6,

Figure 18.11 • The circuit for Example 18.5


The first step in finding V 2 /V g is to convert from

h parameters to a parameters The amplifiers are

identical, so one set of a parameters describes

the amplifiers:

«n =

«12 =

«21 =

-Ah +0.05 - 4

-h n



5 x 10

= -lo a,

-h 22 -100 x 10~6

«12 = «11 «12 + «12«22

= (5 X 1 0 ^ ) ( - 1 0 ) + ( - 1 0 ) ( - 1 0- 2)

= 0.095 a ,

«21 = «21«11 + «22«21

= (-KT6)(5 X 10~4) + (-0.01)(-10- 6)

= 9.5 x 10~9S,

«22 = «21«12 + «22«22

= ( - 1 0 ^ ) ( - 1 0 ) + ( - 1 0- 2)2

= 1.1 X 10-4 From Table 18.2,

V g («n + «2iZ<,)Zi + a l2 + a 22 Z R


h 2 \

- 1

100 •10-6S


"* = % - wo = -, 0

Next we use Eqs 18.74-18.77 to compute the

a parameters of the cascaded amplifiers:

«n = «ii«'n + «i2«2i

= 25 x 10- 8 + ( - 1 0 ) ( - 1 0- 5)

[10.25 X 10- 6 + 9.5 X 10-9(500)]104 + 0.095 + 1.1 X 10-4(500)

~ 0.15 + 0.095 + 0.055

_ \tf_


= 33,333.33

Thus an input signal of 150 /JLV is amplified to an

output signal of 5 V For an alternative approach to

finding the voltage gain V 2 IV g , see Problem 18.41

Trang 2


Objective 3—Know how to analyze a cascade interconnection of two-port circuits

18.7 Each element in the symmetric bridged-tee

circuit shown is a 15 ft resistor Two of these

bridged tees are connected in cascade between a

dc voltage source and a resistive load The dc

voltage source has a no load voltage of 100 V and

an internal resistance of 8 ft The load resistor is

adjusted until maximum power is delivered to

the load Calculate (a) the load resistance, (b) the

load voltage, and (c) the load power

/ l

^-+ za







~ * c —




NOTE: Also try Chapter Problem 18.40

(a) 14.44 ft;


(c) 17.73 W

Practical Perspective

Characterizing an Unknown Circuit

We make the following measurements to find the h parameters for our "black

box" amplifier:

With Port 1 open, apply 50 V at Port 2 Measure the voltage at Port 1 and the current at Port 2:

V { = 50 mV; /2 = 2.5 A

With Port 2 short-circuited, apply 2.5 mA at Port 1 Measure the volt-age at Port 1 and the current at Port 2:

V, = 1.25 V; /2 = 3.75 A

Calculate the h parameters according to Eq 18.14:

hu =

—-h\ =






v2=() 0.0025


v 2=0 0.0025

= 500 ft; h 12 = 77


= 1500; ^22 = 7 7




50 = 10

- 3

-7- = 50 mS

50 Now we use the terminated two-port equations to determine whether or not

it is safe to attach a 2 V(rms) source with a 100 ft internal impedance to Port 1 and use this source together with the amplifier to drive a speaker modeled as a 32 ft resistance with a power rating of 100 W Here we find the value of /2 fr°m TaD^e 1 8-2 :


h (1 + h 22 Z L )(h n + Z g ) - h l2 h 2l Z L


" [1 + (0.05)(32)][500 + 100] - (1500)(10^)(32)

= 1.98 A(rms) Calculate the power to the 32 ft speaker:

P = Rll = (32)(1.98)2 = 126 W

The amplifier would thus deliver 126 W to the speaker, which is rated at

100 W, so it would be better to use a different amplifier or buy a more pow-erful speaker

Trang 3

698 Two-Port Circuits


• The two-port model is used to describe the performance

of a circuit in terms of the voltage and current at its

input and output ports (See page 678.)

• The model is limited to circuits in which

• no independent sources are inside the circuit between

the ports;

• no energy is stored inside the circuit between the ports;

• the current into the port is equal to the current out of

the port; and

• no external connections exist between the input and

output ports

(See page 678.)

• Two of the four terminal variables (Vi, /i, V 2 , />) a r e

independent; therefore, only two simultaneous

equa-tions involving the four variables are needed to describe

the circuit (See page 680.)

• The six possible sets of simultaneous equations

involv-ing the four terminal variables are called the z-, y-, a-, b-,

h-, and g-parameter equations See Eqs 18.1-18.6 (See

page 680.)

• The parameter equations are written in the s domain The

dc values of the parameters are obtained by setting s ~ 0,

and the sinusoidal steady-state values are obtained by

setting $ = jw (See page 680.)

Any set of parameters may be calculated or measured by invoking appropriate short-circuit and open-circuit con-ditions at the input and output ports See Eqs 18.7-18.15 (See pages 681 and 682.)

The relationships among the six sets of parameters are given in Table 18.1 (See page 684.)

A two-port circuit is reciprocal if the interchange of an

ideal voltage source at one port with an ideal ammeter

at the other port produces the same ammeter reading The effect of reciprocity on the two-port parameters is given by Eqs 18.28-18.33 (See page 687.)

A reciprocal two-port circuit is symmetric if its ports

can be interchanged without disturbing the values of the terminal currents and voltages The added effect

of symmetry on the two-port parameters is given by Eqs 18.38-18.43 (See page 688)

The performance of a two-port circuit connected to a Thevenin equivalent source and a load is summarized by the relationships given in Table 18.2 (See page 690.) Large networks can be divided into subnetworks by means of interconnected two-port models The cas-cade connection was used in this chapter to illustrate the analysis of interconnected two-port circuits (See page 694.)


Sections 18.1-18.2

18.1 Find the h and g parameters for the circuit in

Example 18.1

18.2 Find the y parameters for the circuit shown in

Fig P18.2

Figure P18.3



± 1ft

AAA- f W V

4 ft M

12 ft V-,

Figure P18.2



8 f t

20 ft 4 f t



18.3 Find the z parameters for the circuit in Fig PI8.3

18.4 Use the results obtained in Problem 18.3 to

calcu-late the y parameters for the circuit in Fig PI8.3

18.5 Find the h parameters for the circuit in Fig PI8.5

Figure P18.5


Trang 4

18.6 Find the b parameters for the circuit shown in 18.11 Find the g parameters for the operational amplifier

Fig P18.6 circuit shown in Fig PI 8.11

Figure P18.6

20 n

Figure P18.ll

l i o n

-VW #


5 0


18.7 Select the values of R h R 2 , and i?3 in the circuit

in Fig P18.7 so that h u = 4 ft, h u = 0.8,

h 2] = - 0 8 , and/*22 = 0.14 S

18.12 The operational amplifier in the circuit shown

in Fig P18.12 is ideal Find the h parameters of

the circuit

Figure P18.7



!± r /?i

:Ri i ^ 3

1 /2



Figure P18.12

400 fi

18.8 Find the a parameters for the circuit in Fig PI8.8 18.13 The following direct-current measurements were

made on the two-port network shown in Fig PI8.13 Figure P18.8

'v l kn

• 'Wv

V, 10"4V 1)50/! 140 kH V 2

Port 2 Open

K, = 20 mV

Is -5V /, = 0.25 juA

Port 2 Short-Circuited

l x = 200 fiA

h = 50 fiA

V { = 10 V Calculate the g parameters for the network

18.9 Use the results obtained in Problem 18.8 to

calcu-late the g parameters of the circuit in Fig PI8.8

18.10 Find the h parameters of the two-port circuit shown


Figure P18.10

Figure P18.13




I ion /20a 20011

I ™


i :

— <


=:-/ioon v:

> •

- / +

-*< h



18.14 a) Use the measurements given in Problem 18.13

to find the y parameters for the network

b) Check your calculations by finding the

y parameters directly from the g parameters

found in Problem 18.13

18.15 Derive the expressions for the h parameters as functions of the g parameters

Trang 5

700 Two-Port Circuits

18.16 Derive the expressions for the b parameters as

functions of the h parameters

18.17 Derive the expressions for the g parameters as

functions of the z parameters

18.18 Find the ^-domain expressions for the a parameters

of the two-port circuit shown in Fig P18.18

Figure P18.18

*i 1F i „ k

' • ' :4H

18.19 Find the ^-domain expressions for the z parameters

of the two-port circuit shown in Fig P18.19

Figure P18.19

18.20 Find the frequency-domain values of the a

parame-ters for the two-port circuit shown in Fig P18.20

Figure P18.20


20 n

18.21 Find the h parameters for the two-port circuit

shown in Fig P18.20

18.22 a) Use the defining equations to find the s-domain

expressions for the h parameters for the circuit

in Fig PI 8.22

b) Show that the results obtained in (a) agree with

the /i-parameter relationships for a reciprocal

symmetric network

Figure P18.22

18.23 Is the two-port circuit shown in Fig PI8.23 sym-metric? Justify your answer

Figure P18.23

Section 18.3

18.24 Derive the expression for the voltage gain V 2 /V\ of the circuit in Fig 18.7 in terms of the y parameters

18.25 Derive the expression for the input impedance

(Zin = Vj//i) of the circuit in Fig 18.7 in terms of

the b parameters

18.26 Derive the expression for the voltage gain V 2 /V g °f

the circuit in Fig 18.7 in terms of the h parameters 18.27 Derive the expression for the current gain I 2 /l\

of the circuit in Fig 18.7 in terms of the

g parameters

18.28 Find the Thevenin equivalent circuit with respect

to port 2 of the circuit in Fig 18.7 in terms of the

z parameters

18.29 The b parameters of the amplifier in the circuit

shown in Fig PI8.29 are

h n = 25;

b lx = -1.25 S;

b l2 = 1 kO;

b 22 = - 4 0

Find the ratio of the output power to that supplied

by the ideal voltage source

Figure P18.29

loo a

Trang 6

18.30 The y parameters for the two-port amplifier circuit

in Fig PI 8.30 are

y u = 2 m S ; y n = -2 /xS;

y 2 \ = 100 mS; y 22 = - 5 0 JJLS

The internal impedance of the source is 2500 + /0 ft,

and the load impedance is 70,000 + jO 0 The ideal

voltage source is generating a voltage

v g = 80 V 2 cos 4000r mV

a) Find the rms value of V 2

b) Find the average power delivered to Z L

c) Find the average power developed by the ideal

voltage source

Figure P18.30





V 2 |





1 +

| ^ 2



_ J

z L

18.31 For the terminated two-port amplifier circuit in

Fig P18.30, find

a) the value of Z L for maximum average power

transfer to Z L

b) the maximum average power delivered to Zi

c) the average power developed by the ideal voltage

source when maximum power is delivered to Z L

18.32 The linear transformer in the circuit shown in

Fig P18.32 has a coefficient of coupling of 0.75 The

transformer is driven by a sinusoidal voltage source

whose internal voltage is v g = 260 cos 4000^ V The

internal impedance of the source is 25 + ;0 ft

a) Find the frequency-domain a parameters of the

linear transformer

b) Use the a parameters to derive the Thevenin

equivalent circuit with respect to the terminals

of the load

c) Derive the steady-state time-domain expression

for ih

Figure P18.32

25 a


50 O o.75 4 0 0 °


12.5 mH

18.33 The g parameters for the two-port circuit in

Fig PI 8.33 are

1 ! Q

^ = 6 ";6S' £12 = -0.5 + /0.5;

- / 0 5 ; g 22 = 1.5 + /2.5ft

The load impedance Z L is adjusted for maximum

average power transfer to Z L The ideal voltage

source is generating a sinusoidal voltage of

v g = 42V2" cos 5000* V

a) Find the rms value of V 2 b) Find the average power delivered to Z L

c) What percentage of the average power developed

by the ideal voltage source is delivered by ZL?

Figure P18.33

18.34 The following dc measurements were made on the

resistive network shown in Fig P18.34

Measurement 1

V, = 4V /, - 5 raA

h = -200 mA

Measurement 2 V! = 20 mV /, = 20 juA

V 2 = 40 V

/2 = 0 A

A variable resistor R 0 is connected across port

2 and adjusted for maximum power transfer to R ()

Find the maximum power

Figure P18.34


5.25 mvf+



250 O + ) " Resistive network



V-, i


i k n

Trang 7

702 Two-Port Circuits

18.35 The following measurements were made on a

resis-tive two-port network:

Condition 1 - create a short circuit at port 2 and

apply 20 V to port 1:

Measurements: I : = 1 A; h = - 1 A

Condition 2 - create an open circuit at port 1 and

apply 80 V to port 2:

Measurements: V { = 400 V; I 2 = 3 A

Find the maximum power that this two-port circuit

can deliver to a resistive load at port 2 when port 1

is driven by a 4 A dc current source with an internal

resistance of 60 O

Figure P18.38



a c


b 1 d


d 2







•^WV f -VS-V * - • c

18.36 a) Find the s-domain expressions for the g

parame-ters of the circuit in Fig PI 8.36

b) Port 2 in Fig P18.36 is terminated in a resistance

of 400 O, and port 1 is driven by a step voltage

source v x (t) = 30u(t) V Find v 2 (t) for t > 0 if

C = 0.2 /xF and L = 200 mH

R = 72 kH IR

Figure P18.36

1/rC 1/sC



18.39 The networks A and B in the circuit in Fig PI8.39

are reciprocal and symmetric For network A, it is

known that a' n = 5 and a\ 2 = 24 O

a) Find the a parameters of network B

b) Find V2 when Vg = 75/CT V,

Z g = 1/tT n , and ZL = 10/0° a

Figure P18.39

18.37 a) Find the y parameters for the two-port network

in Fig PI8.37

b) Find v 2 for t > 0 when v 8 = 50u(t) V

Figure P18.37

Section 18.4

18.38 The h parameters of the first two-port circuit in

Fig PI8.38(a) are

h n = 1000 O; h n = 5 x 10-4:

/i2i = 40; h 22 = 25 fiS

The circuit in the second two-port circuit is shown

in Fig P18.38(b), where R = 72 kH Find v a if

v n = 9 mV dc

1 r 50 j is nAj 5 a,j is a 512



18.40 Tlie z and _y parameters for the resistive two-ports

in Fig P18.40 are given by

z\\ = - r - U ; );n = 200/xS;



z21 = - k O ; y2l = -800/xS

Z22 = v ^i i ; -y22 = 4W A<S;

Calculate t>0 if 1?» = 30 m V dc

Trang 8

Figure P18.40




Sections 18.1-18.4

18.41 a) Show that the circuit in Fig P18.41 is an

equiva-lent circuit satisfied by the //-parameter equations

b) Use the /i-parameter equivalent circuit of (a) to

find the voltage gain V^Vg in the circuit in

Fig 18.11

Figure P18.41


18.42 a) Show that the circuit in Fig PI 8.42 is an

equiva-lent circuit satisfied by the z-parameter equations

b) Assume that the equivalent circuit in Fig PI 8.42

is driven by a voltage source having an internal

impedance of Z? ohms Calculate the Thevenin

equivalent circuit with respect to port 2 Check

your results against the appropriate entries in

Table 18.2

Figure P18.42


-o-h(Z[2 ~ Zl\)

-•II tl\ ^22 — ^21




18.43 a) Show that the circuit in Fig P18.43 is also an

equivalent circuit satisfied by the z-parameter


b) Assume that the equivalent circuit in Fig PI8.43

is terminated in an impedance of Z L ohms at

port 2 Find the input impedance V\jl\ Check

your results against the appropriate entry in Table 18.2

Figure P18.43 /

• -+


?11 - *12

z 12

— I I —

^22 ~~ - ¾

l 2

\ ^ +

A(*21 _ ^12)

18.44 a) Derive two equivalent circuits that are satisfied

by the y-parameter equations Hint: Start with Eqs 18.2 Add and subtract y2\V 2 to the first equation of the set Construct a circuit that satis-fies the resulting set of equations, by thinking in terms of node voltages Derive an alternative equivalent circuit by first altering the second equation in Eq 18.2

b) Assume that port 1 is driven by a voltage source having an internal impedance Z?, and port 2 is

loaded with an impedance Z L Find the current

gain /2//1 Check your results against the appro-priate entry in Table 18.2

18.45 a) Derive the equivalent circuit satisfied by the

^-parameter equations

b) Use the g-parameter equivalent circuit derived

in part (a) to solve for the output voltage in

Problem 18.38 Hint: Use Problem 3.65 to simplify

the second two-port circuit in Problem 18.38

18.46 a) What conditions and measurements will allow

you to calculate the b parameters for the "black

box" amplifier described in the Practical Perspective?

b) What measurements will be made if the

result-ing b parameters are equivalent to the h

param-eters calculated in the Practical Perspective?

18.47 Repeat Problem 18.46 for the z parameters

Trang 10

Appendix m\

r \

The Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations

Circuit analysis frequently involves the solution of linear simultaneous

equations Our purpose here is to review the use of determinants to solve

such a set of equations The theory of determinants (with applications) can

be found in most intermediate-level algebra texts (A particularly good

reference for engineering students is Chapter 1 of E.A Guillemin's The

Mathematics of Circuit Analysis [New York: Wiley, 1949] In our review

here, we will limit our discussion to the mechanics of solving simultaneous

equations with determinants

A.l Preliminary Steps

The first step in solving a set of simultaneous equations by determinants is

to write the equations in a rectangular (square) format In other words, we

arrange the equations in a vertical stack such that each variable occupies

the same horizontal position in every equation For example, in Eqs A.l,

the variables i h /2, and /3 occupy the first, second, and third position,

respectively, on the left-hand side of each equation:

21/! - 9/2 - 12/3 = - 3 3 ,

- 8 / , - 4*2 + 22/3 = 50

Alternatively, one can describe this set of equations by saying that i\

occupies the first column in the array, i 2 the second column, and f3 the

third column

If one or more variables are missing from a given equation, they can

be inserted by simply making their coefficient zero Thus Eqs A.2 can be

"squared up" as shown by Eqs A 3 :

2v x - v 2 = 4,

lv\ + 2?;3 = 5;

2V] - v 2 + 0v3 = 4,

7y, + 0v 2 + 2v 3 = 5

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 16:20

