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Freeland - Molecular Ecology (Wiley, 2005) - Answer potx

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Answers to Review Questions Chapter 1 1.1. (i) Nucleotide inser tion. This is a frameshift mutation. Following this mutation, all but the first triplet encode different amino acids. The functionality is changed and therefore mutation is unlikely to be neutral. (ii) Nucleotide substitution in which a C was replaced with an A (trans- version). The original (CCC) and derived (CCA) codons both specify proline. This is therefore a synonymous substitution and is probably neutral. 1.2. There are 13 transitions and 13 transversions, therefore the ratio is 1.0. 1.3. The primer pair is shown in bold below (in the positions that the primers would anneal to the sequences during PCR): 5 0 – CTCACTTTCCTCCACGAAACAGGCTCAAACAACCCAACGGGCATCCCCTCAGATTGCGAC –3 0 3 0 — GGGAGTCTAACGCTG — 5 0 5 0 — CTCACTTTCCTCCAC — 3 0 3 0 – GAGTGAAAGGAGGTGCTTTGTCCGAGTTTGTTGGGTTGCCCGTAGGGGAGTCTAACGCTG –5 0 1.4. The sequence is: TGTGGAAGACCTAAT. Molecular Ecology Joanna Freeland # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Chapter 2 2.1. Advantages include:  High mutation rates, therefore relatively likely to detect variation.  Conserved arrangement of sequences, therefore many universal primers are available.  No recombination and uniparental inheritance make it relatively easy to retrace genetic lineages.  Small effective population size compared with most nuclear genes, there- fore sensitive to demographic processes.  Maternally inherited, therefore can be useful when studying hybridization. Disadvantages include:  Small effective population size compared with most nuclear genes, there- fore may exaggerate the effects of past events and lead to underestimation of genetic diversity.  Acts as a single locus and therefore there is no scope for comparing the genealogies of multiple genes.  Maternally inherited and therefore can give an incomplete picture, e.g. if only males disperse.  Mitochondrial pseudogenes are common in some species. 2.2. (i) Both chloroplasts and mitochondria are maternally inherited in angio- sperms, therefore this comparison would have to compare data from one of the organelle genomes (dispersed only by seeds) to data from the nuclear genome (dispersed by both pollen and seeds). (ii) In g ymnosperms, mtDNA is maternally inherited (dispersed by seeds only), and cpDNA is paternally inherited (dispersed by pollen only) and therefore would provide a useful comparison. Alternatively, data from cpDNA (dispersed by pollen) could be compared to nuclear data (dispersed by both pollen and seeds). (iii) Because mtDNA is inherited maternally and Y chromosomes are inherited paternally, different dispersal patterns in males and females could be deduced from a comparison of mtDNA and Y chromosome data; alternatively, a comparison between autosomal loci and mtDNA or Y chromosome markers should reveal any contradictory patterns between the sexes. 328 ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS 2.3. The total number of alleles is 2ð28Þ¼56. There are a total of 18 homozygotes and so there must be 10 heterozygotes, therefore the frequency of A 1 ¼ ½2ð10Þþ10=56 ¼ 53:6 per cent and the frequency of A 2 ¼½2ð8Þþ10=56 ¼ 46:4 per cent. 2.4. The recognition sites for each enzyme are shown in bold: 1: GATTATACATAGCTACTAGATACAGATACTATTTTTAGGGGCGTATGCTCGG ATCTATAGACCTAGTACTAGATACTAGGAAAACCCGTTGTGTCGCGTGCTGA 2: GATTATACATAGTTACTAGATACAGATACTATTTTTAGGGGCGTATGCTCGG ATCTATAGACCTAGTACTAGATACTAGGAAAACCCGTTGTGTCGCGTGCTGA Sequence 1 will be cut at two sites and therefore will produce three bands. Sequence 2 will be cut at one site and therefore will produce two bands. 2.5. According to Table 2.4, the average divergence of protein-coding regions in mammalian mtDNA is 2 per cent per million years, which, if the mutation rate is constant, will equal approximately 1 per cent per 500 000 years. We would expect, therefore, to find approximate 5 bp differences in our 500 bp sequence. 2.6. Some of the factors are:  Variability: are you comparing individuals, populations or species?  Mode of inheritance: would a biparentally or uniparentally inherited marker be more appropriate?  Dominant versus co-dominant data: do you wish to readily calculate allele frequencies?  Will you need to infer the evolutionary histories of populations or species? If so, sequence data may be most appropriate.  Time, money and expertise: what are your logistical constraints? Chapter 3 3.1. (i) Total number of alleles ¼ 2(3969þ3174þ927) ¼ 16140 Total number of E alleles ¼ 2(3969)þ3174¼11112 Total number of e alleles ¼ 2(927)þ3174¼5028 ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS 329 Frequency of E allele (p)¼11112/16140¼0.6885 Frequency of e allele (q)¼1Àp¼1À0.6885 ¼ 0.3115 (ii) If the population was in HWE, we would expect the genotype fre- quencies to be equal to: p 2 þ 2pq þ q 2 ¼ð0:6885Þ 2 þ 2ð0:6885Þ ð0:3115Þþð0:3115Þ 2 ¼ 0:474 þ 0:429 þ 0:0970. (iii) There are a total of 8070 individuals in this population. If the popu- lation was in HWE we would expect to find 8070(0.474) ¼ 3825 individuals with the genoty pe EE (p 2 ), 8070(0.429)¼3462 individuals with the genotype Ee (2pq) a nd 807 0(0.097)¼783 individuals with the genotype ee (q 2 ). (iv)  2 ¼ ÆðO À EÞ 2 =E ¼ð3969 À 3825Þ 2 =3825 þð3174 À 3462Þ 2 =3462 þð927 À 783Þ 2 =783 ¼ 5:42 þ 23:96 þ 26:48 ¼ 55:86 With one degree of freedom, this  2 is highly significant (P<0.001), which means that the observed distribution of genotypes in this population is significantly different from that expected if the population was in HWE. 3.2. N e ¼ 4ðN ef ÞðN em Þ=ðN ef þ N em Þ For population 1: N e ¼ 4ð68Þð41Þ=ð68 þ 41Þ¼11152=109 ¼ 102:3; therefore N e =N c ¼ 102:3=109 ¼ 0:939 For population 2: N e ¼ 4ð57Þð52Þ=ð57 þ 52Þ¼11856=109 ¼ 108:8; therefore N e =N c ¼ 108:8=109 ¼ 0:998 3.3. (i) Long-term N e ¼ t=½ð1=N e1 Þþð1=N e2 Þþð1=N e3 ÞþÁÁÁð1=N et Þ ¼ 6=½ð1=10 4 Þþð1=10 4 Þþð1=10 4 Þþð1=10 3 Þþð1=10 4 Þþð1=10 4 Þ ¼ 6=0:0015 ¼ 4000 (ii) Current N e =N c ¼ 4000=10000 ¼ 0:4: 330 ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS 3.4. (i) 1=ð2N e Þ¼1=40 ¼ 0:025 ¼ 2:5% lost each generation (ii) 1=N ef ¼ 1=10 ¼ 0:10 ¼ 10% lost each generation 3.5. Possible explanations:  Selection  Inbreeding  Insufficient sample size (sample size influences H o more than it influ- ences H e )  Null alleles  Wahlund effect Chapter 4 4.1. F IT ¼ F IS þ F ST ÀðF IS ÞðF ST Þ ¼ 0:085 þ 0:136 Àð0:085Þð0:136Þ ¼ 0:085 þ 0:136 À 0:01156 ¼ 0:209 4.2. N e m ¼ð1=F ST À 1Þ=4 ¼ð1=0:136 À 1Þ=4 ¼ 1:588 4.3. Factors that may explain the discrepancy in N e m are:  Selection of markers used to estimate N e m .  Not an island model.  Populations are not at equilibrium.  Mark recapture studies targeted the wrong areas.  Mark recapture covered only the breeding season; adults may disperse at other times. ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS 331 4.4. (i) Gene flow genetic differentiation is inversely proportional to gene flow. (ii) N e in the absence of appreciable levels of gene flow at least some genetic differentiation will be attributable to genetic drift, and the rate of drift depends on N e . (iii) Local adaptation and strength of selection pressure if selection is strong enough then population differentiation will occur despite ongoing gene flow. 4.5. Yes microsatellite divergence is generally higher than AFLP, which can be attributed to different mutation rates, but there is one outlier (AFLP locus 4) that shows particularly high divergence and may have been subjected to natural selection. 4.6. Assuming that F ST reflects genetic divergence as a result of drift, Q ST is lower than expected if height was a neutral QTL and therefore it appears that a fixed height has been selected for in these populations. Chapter 5 5.1. The Isthmus of Panama emerged approximately 3 million years ago. Sequence divergence ¼ 23/750 ¼ 0.0307 ¼ 3.1 per cent per 3 million years, or approxi- mately 1 per cent per million years. Assumptions:  That cytochrome b evolves at the same rate in the fish species for which the clock was calibrated and the species that are the subjects of the other studies.  That the evolutionary rate of cy tochrome b is constant along the entire gene (relevant if a non-homologous region of cy tochrome b is being comp a re d ) .  That the cytochrome b clock has been constant over time (relevant if the species in the other studies had diverged substantially more or less than 3 million years ago). 5.2. The expected time until all gene copies coalesce is a) 4N e ¼ 4ð200Þ¼800, and b) 200. These calculations are based on a number of assump- tions including constant population size, no natural selection, and random mating. 332 ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS 5.3. The most parsimonious network, i.e. the one that requires the fewest mutation steps, is: 1 23 4 5 6 7 Figure 5.18 The bars over the connecting lines represent the number of mutations that are required between each haplotype. Haplotype 1 is most likely to be the ancestral haplotype because it is central to the network and has the largest number of connections. 5.4. The two processes are:  Retention of ancestral polymorphism. If two populations or species have recently diverged, lineage sorting will not yet have resulted in monophyly and therefore alleles will be shared because they were present in the common ancestor.  Hybridization alleles may introgress from one species to another. 5.5. (i) Haldane’s rule states that these are more likely to be birds than mammals, because in birds the males are the homogametic sex. (ii) This is more likely to be a tension zone, because female hybrids apparently have extremely low fitness levels. (iii) Although nuclear DNA may introgress, mitochondrial DNA is unlikely to be exchanged between species to any extent because it is transmitted maternally and very few female hybrids survive. Chapter 6 6.1. Yes. Males can be excluded if they have no alleles that match the chick’s alleles at one or more loci, and this is true of males 1, 2, 3, and 6. At locus 1, the chick’s band 2 must have come from the mother, and therefore male 4 can also be excluded (he can’t have provided the chick’s band 1). This means that all except male 5 can be excluded from paternity. ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS 333 6.2. Just as males tend to have a relatively high variation in reproductive success in polygynous mating systems, we may expect females to have a relatively high variation in polyandrous mating systems because, unless the population has a male-biased sex ratio, not all females will be able to defend a territory and attract multiple mates. 6.3. ð0:5 À 0:45Þþð0:5 À 0:50Þ=ð1 À 0:45Þþð1 À 0:50Þ¼ð0:05 þ 0Þ=ð0:55 þ 0:50Þ¼0:05=1:05 ¼ 0:048 6.4. No. In monogynous (single queen) colonies, workers have a higher related- ness with their sisters (0.75) than their brothers (0.25) and therefore their ideal sex ratio should be 3:1 compared with the queen’s ideal of 1 : 1. In polygynous (multiple queens) colonies, full-siblings will be less frequent and therefore the ideal sex ratio for workers will be less than 3 : 1 (i.e. closer to the queen’s ideal), in which case conflict should be weaker. 6.5. (i) Dispersal is male-biased because genetic differentiation is lower for males than for females. (ii) Dispersal is male-biased because genetic differentiation is higher for mtDNA (maternally inherited) loci than for nuclear (biparentally inherited) loci. (iii) Dispersal is male-biased because negative values of AIc mean that an individual is likely to be a recent immigrant and the overall AIc values were negative in males but not in females. (iv) Dispersal is female-biased because local relatedness values were higher for males than for females. Chapter 7 7.1. Although ver y few insect species have been evaluated, 72 per cent of those that have are classified as threatened. This, in conjunction w ith the high proportion of evaluated species that are threatened in other taxonomic groups, suggests that the demise of many species may be imminent. 7.2. A reduction in population size leads to an increase in the rate of genetic drift. Genetic drift reduces the diversity of populations through the loss of alleles. A reduction in alleles leads to an increase in homo- zogygosity, which in turn is a reflection of increased inbreeding because individuals will be more likely to share two copies of an allele that is identical by descent. 334 ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS 7.3. Population bottleneck Gene flow Polygynous mating system* Small N e ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓N e ↑ N e ↑ VRS ↓ Selection ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ H e ↑ H e ↓ N e ↑ Drift ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↑ ∆F ↓ ∆F ↑ ∆F ↑ ∆F 7.4. When inbreeding depression results from dominance, deleterious alleles are increasingly likely to be homozygous and therefore expressed, in which case they may be eliminated following natural selection, i.e. purged. In over- dominance, heterozygotes are fitter than homozygotes. Overdominance there- fore requires both relevant alleles to be maintained within the population, meaning that there is no scope for the purging of deleterious alleles. 7.5.  ¼ 1 ÀðX I =X 0 Þ¼1 Àð0:6=0:805Þ¼0:255 7.6. Founder effect, genetic swamping and outbreeding depression. 7.7. The most conservative approach would be to move only those individuals with haplotype 3 from Seymour Norte to Baltra. Because haplotype 3 has been found nowhere other than these two islands, it is reasonable to conclude that the Seymour Norte haplotype 3 individuals are direct descendants of the Baltra population that we introduced to that island in the 1930s. The individuals on Seymour Nor te with haplotype 2, on the other hand, could have come from nearby Santa Cruz instead of Baltra and therefore may be less suitable for repopulating Isla Baltra. Chapter 8 8.1. The average number of individuals that would have to be screened in each population before duplicate genotypes are found is taken from the probabilit y of identity calculations, and would be 1=1:1  10 À5 % 90909 (B), 1=2:2  10 À5 % 45454 (LM) and 1=4:6  10 À2 % 22 (TN). These loci therefore would be suitable for individual identification in wildlife forensics when used in populations B and LM but not in TN. This difference in efficacy is due to the substantially lower levels of genetic diversity in TN (according to H e and total number of alleles) compared with the other two populations. ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS 335 8.2. Cer vus unicolor, the Sambar deer. This species is a prized trophy in the South Pacific, but hunting is tightly regulated throughout much of its range. 8.3. There are a number of possible explanations for these data, but perhaps the simplest explanation is that because genetic diversity was high in Mexico and low further north, the cotton boll likely colonized the USA from Mexico, (the low genetic diversity further north is consistent with a founder effect). Relatively high F ST and low Nm between regions suggests that long-distance gene flow is limited and therefore the northwards spread of the boll weevil could be attributed to rare long-distance dispersal events (this is also consistent with a founder effect). 8.4. The N e /N c of the composite wild-hatchery populations can be lower than that of the ‘pure’ wild population if:  The genetic diversity is lower in hatchery versus wild fish.  The overall genetic diversity is decreased following the genetic swamping of wild fish with genetically less variable hatchery fish.  Outbreeding depression lowers the fitness of hybrids, in which case the proportion of less genetically variable hatchery fish would remain relatively high.  There is an increase in VRS following the more intense competition that may result from an elevated N c (Chapter 3). 336 ANSWERS TO REVIEW QUESTIONS [...]... 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