Troubleshooting 101: Diagnostics in IIS 7.0 • Chapter 17 867 Using IIS Manager To start the confi guration Failed Request Tracing Rules, you use IIS Manager to enable Failed Request Tracing for a given Web application. Although you can defi ne rules by virtual directory or by Web application level, the failed request tracing feature must be enabled at the site level fi rst: 1. Using IIS Manager, navigate down to your target Web site. 2. Click Failed Request Tracing Rules and then click the Open Feature in the Actions pane. 3. Click Edit Site Tracing … from the Actions pane. 4. Check the Enable check box. 5. Defi ne the directory location where all failed request fi les will be stored and the maximum number of log fi les you’d like maintained. 6. Click the OK button. Centralized Tracing for ASP.NET and IIS 7.0 Following the theme of integrating ASP.NET and IIS 7.0, tracing information is now aggregated into the same pipeline. In addition to the integration is the theme of extensibility, which allows Web developers to add their own tracing information into that same pipeline. This gives administrators and developers a single fi le that defi nes all the tracing information for all components that interact within a given request. This capability is not only great for testing purposes during a development phase, but it also provides a wealth of information while you’re working on issues in production. Let’s fi rst take a look at a simple scenario where an ASP.NET developer can plug into the IIS 7.0 tracing infrastructure. Create a simple .aspx page with the following code and save it as simpletrace.aspx: <%@ Page language=“C#” trace=“true” %> <% Trace.Write(“HowToCheatIIS7- Chapter 6: Interesting Info”); Trace.Warn(“HowToCheatIIS7- Chapter 6: Issue”); Response.Write(“hello, world”); %> If you now browse to this page, you’ll see a wealth of information at the bottom of the page (see Figures 17.8 and 17.9). It also includes the tracing information we defi ned within the Tracing Information section. 868 Chapter 17 • Troubleshooting 101: Diagnostics in IIS 7.0 Figure 17.8 Hello, World’s Trace Information Figure 17.9 Hello Word Information Troubleshooting 101: Diagnostics in IIS 7.0 • Chapter 17 869 There is nothing new here to experienced ASP.NET developers. That’s actually the cool part! Although this tool was available in ASP.NET before IIS 7.0, it only maintained information from ASP.NET. With the @Page declaration having the trace attribute set to true, we will still only see ASP.NET-based information on this page. Now it’s time to see the centralized view of ASP.NET and IIS information in action. To do this, you must defi ne the kind of information you want the Failed Request Tracing Rules to capture and store for you: 1. Using IIS Manager, navigate down to your target Web application. 2. Click Failed Request Tracing Rules and then click the Open Feature in the Actions pane. 3. From the Actions pane, click the Add…link. 4. From the Specify Content to Trace page, select ASP.NET (*.aspx) and click Next. 5. From the Defi ne Trace Conditions page, check the Status Codes check box and enter 200 as the status code. 6. From the Select Trace Providers page, select only the following options: ■ Providers: ASPNET ■ Verbosity: Verbose ■ Areas: Page 7. Click Finish. You’ll now see the rule shown in Figure 17.10 in the Failed Request Tracing Rules page. 870 Chapter 17 • Troubleshooting 101: Diagnostics in IIS 7.0 Using your browser, navigate back to the simpletrace.aspx page. You should see the same result. But now we need to look at the trace fi le that was produced by IIS 7.0: 1. Click the Windows button and click Computer. 2. Navigate to the folder where the defi ned Failed Tracing Rules should be stored. The default location is %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles\W3SVC1\. Here you should see all the failed request fi les for this site. The format is in FR######.xml, where ###### is a number which increments with each new failed request being created. If you use a program like Notepad to open the contents of one of the failed request fi les, you’ll notice that the fi le is actually just XML (the fi le extension points that out as well). By having the results stored in an XML format, Microsoft has opened up the possibilities of what can be done with this data—including pulling the data periodically from the local folder and storing it in a rich database such as SQL Server 2005! There is also a fi le named freb.xsl that is an XML style sheet used to give the failed requests a nice look and feel when you open a failed request fi le using Internet Explorer. In fact, Figure 17.11 shows the failed request fi le for our previous request using Internet Explorer. Figure 17.10 A Failed Request Rule Troubleshooting 101: Diagnostics in IIS 7.0 • Chapter 17 871 NOTE Microsoft is continuing to invest in the IIS 7.0 platform and embedding those changes in the server version of IIS 7.0, which will ship as part of Windows Server 2008. One such improvement is an updated style sheet for the Failed Request Tracing fi les. The past style sheet (Windows Vista) was great in terms of providing a more pleasant viewing experience of the FRT fi le versus a straight Notepad view of the XML, but it still required the user to hunt through the entire contents to fi nd any warnings or failures. The new version of the style sheet (Windows Server 2008) will provide a simplifi ed view of the trace fi le and focus on the warnings and failures within the contents. However, the user can still expand the views to see the entire contents. The goal was to reduce the amount of data users have to sift through each time they look at a Failed Request Trace. As with the version of IIS 7.0 that ships with Windows Vista, the Windows Server 2008 version of IIS 7.0 will continue to provide all the rich tracing information in the same XML format. With the release of Windows Server 2008, administrators will be able to store the FRT fi les on a remote share via a UNC path. At the time of this writing, Windows Server 2008 has yet to ship, so these features could change or could be cut in the fi nal release of the product. Figure 17.11 A Failed Request File . be stored and the maximum number of log fi les you’d like maintained. 6. Click the OK button. Centralized Tracing for ASP.NET and IIS 7.0 Following the theme of integrating ASP.NET and IIS 7.0,. local folder and storing it in a rich database such as SQL Server 2005! There is also a fi le named freb.xsl that is an XML style sheet used to give the failed requests a nice look and feel when. will provide a simplifi ed view of the trace fi le and focus on the warnings and failures within the contents. However, the user can still expand the views to see the entire contents. The goal