Disaster Recovery with Exchange Server 2007 • Chapter 9 577 As you can see in Figure 9.3, you now have the option of entering a description for the respective backup job, as well as specify whether the backed-up data should be appended to an existing backup. In addition, you can create a scheduled backup job so it runs, let’s say, every day at midnight. By clicking the Advanced button, you also have the option of having the backed-up data verifi ed when the job completes. Figure 9.2 Selecting the Storage Groups to Be Backed Up 578 Chapter 9 • Disaster Recovery with Exchange Server 2007 Typically, you should set up an automated backup job schedule, but for the purpose of this example we’ll just choose to back up the databases once. When ready, click Start Backup. When the backup job has completed, you can view a report, which will contain any warnings or errors that might occur during the backup. That’s how you back up the Mailbox and Public Folder databases, as well as commit and delete any existing transaction log fi les using the Windows 2003 Backup tool. Sounds simple, right? Some of you might wonder whether there isn’t anything else you need to back up on an Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server? The answer is no critical fi les at least since you can always recover an Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server using the Setup /Mode:RecoverServer command (shown later in the chapter), but it’s always a good idea to back up the System State of the respective server as well. Backing Up an Exchange 2007 Hub Transport Server Since an Exchange 2007 Server with the Hub Transport Server role installed was designed to store all confi guration data in the Active Directory confi guration container, not much needs to be backed up on a server with this role installed either. But just as with the Mailbox server role, you should back up the System State. Some of you may be wondering why I haven’t mentioned anything about backing up the message queues stored in an ESE database on an Exchange 2007 Hub Transport Server… Well, there shouldn’t be any need to do so since you can mount the message queues on another existing, or newly installed, Hub Transport server if required. You just need to retrieve the mail.que (which, by default, is located under C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\data\Queue) from the failed Hub Transport server. Figure 9.3 Backup Job Information Disaster Recovery with Exchange Server 2007 • Chapter 9 579 One thing you might want to back up regarding an Exchange 2007 Hub Transport Server is the Message Tracking and Protocol logs which, by default, are located under C:\Program Files\ Microsoft\Exchange Server\TransportRoles\Logs. These fi les can be backed up using a fi le level backup. As is the case with a Mailbox Server, you can recover a Hub Transport server using the Setup/Mode:RecoverServer command. Backing Up an Exchange 2007 Client Access Server When using Exchange 2007 Server with the Client Access Server role installed, there are several fi les you should back up. The fi rst, and perhaps most important, to back up is the IIS Metabase, which among other things is used to store OWA Virtual Directory confi guration data. You can back up the IIS confi guration on a CAS using the following command: get-owavirtualdirectory “owa (default web site)” | export-clixml owa.xml -depth 1 In order to restore the IIS confi guration from the owa.xml fi le, you need to use a Windows PowerShell script similar to the following (save it as Restore-OWA.PS1 or use some other meaningful name): $ErrorActionPreference = ‘stop’ $savedprops = @( ‘DirectFileAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled’, ‘DirectFileAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled’, ‘WebReadyDocumentViewingOnPublicComputersEnabled’, ‘WebReadyDocumentViewingOnPrivateComputersEnabled’, ‘ForceWebReadyDocumentViewingFirstOnPublicComputers’, ‘ForceWebReadyDocumentViewingFirstOnPrivateComputers’, ‘RemoteDocumentsActionForUnknownServers’, ‘ActionForUnknownFileAndMIMETypes’, ‘WebReadyFileTypes’, ‘WebReadyMimeTypes’, ‘WebReadyDocumentViewingForAllSupportedTypes’, NOTE For step-by-step instructions on how to move a message queue from a failed Hub Transport server to another Hub Transport server in the organization, search under “Working with the Queue Database on Transport Servers” in the Exchange 2007 Documentation Help fi le. 580 Chapter 9 • Disaster Recovery with Exchange Server 2007 ‘AllowedFileTypes’, ‘AllowedMimeTypes’, ‘ForceSaveFileTypes’, ‘ForceSaveMimeTypes’, ‘BlockedFileTypes’, ‘BlockedMimeTypes’, ‘RemoteDocumentsAllowedServers’, ‘RemoteDocumentsBlockedServers’, ‘RemoteDocumentsInternalDomainSuffi xList’, ‘LogonFormat’, ‘ClientAuthCleanupLevel’, ‘DefaultDomain’, ‘FormsAuthentication’, ‘BasicAuthentication’, ‘DigestAuthentication’, ‘WindowsAuthentication’, ‘GzipLevel’, ‘FilterWebBeaconsAndHtmlForms’, ‘Notifi cationInterval’, ‘DefaultTheme’, ‘UserContextTimeout’, ‘ExchwebProxyDestination’, ‘VirtualDirectoryType’, ‘RedirectToOptimalOWAServer’, ‘DefaultClientLanguage’, ‘LogonAndErrorLanguage’, ‘UseGB18030’, ‘UseISO885915’, ‘OutboundCharset’, ‘CalendarEnabled’, ‘ContactsEnabled’, ‘TasksEnabled’, ‘JournalEnabled’, ‘NotesEnabled’, ‘RemindersAndNotifi cationsEnabled’, ‘PremiumClientEnabled’, ‘SpellCheckerEnabled’, ‘SearchFoldersEnabled’, Disaster Recovery with Exchange Server 2007 • Chapter 9 581 ‘SignaturesEnabled’, ‘ThemeSelectionEnabled’, ‘JunkEmailEnabled’, ‘UMIntegrationEnabled’, ‘WSSAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled’, ‘WSSAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled’, ‘ChangePasswordEnabled’, ‘UNCAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled’, ‘UNCAccessOnPrivateComputersEnabled’, ‘ActiveSyncIntegrationEnabled’, ‘AllAddressListsEnabled’, ‘InternalUrl’, ‘ExternalUrl’ ) $vdir = import-clixml $args[0] ‘Recreating “ ‘ + $vdir.name + ’ ”‘ + ’ owa version: ’ + $vdir.owaversion if ($vdir.owaversion -eq ‘Exchange2007’) { new-owavirtualdirectory -website $vdir.website -internalurl $vdir.internalurl -externalurl $vdir.externalurl } else { new-owavirtualdirectory -website $vdir.website -owaversion $vdir. owaversion -name $vdir.displayname -virtualdirectorytype $vdir. virtualdirectorytype } $new = get-owavirtualdirectory $vdir.name ‘Restoring properties’ foreach ($prop in $savedprops) { if ($prop -eq ‘ExchwebProxyDestination’ -or $prop -eq ‘VirtualDirectoryType’) { continue } $new.$prop = $vdir.$prop } $new | set-owavirtualdirectory To restore the IIS confi guration data that were saved in the owa.xml fi le, type Restore-OWA. PS1 owa.xml. In addition to the IIS metabase, you should back up the System State and the fi les listed in Table 9.1. . command. Backing Up an Exchange 2007 Client Access Server When using Exchange 2007 Server with the Client Access Server role installed, there are several fi les you should back up. The fi rst, and. to back up regarding an Exchange 2007 Hub Transport Server is the Message Tracking and Protocol logs which, by default, are located under C:Program Files Microsoft Exchange ServerTransportRolesLogs up on an Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server? The answer is no critical fi les at least since you can always recover an Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server using the Setup /Mode:RecoverServer command (shown