An excellent introduction to C++ for competent C programmers. If you don't already have a C++ book that you like, try this one. Van der Linden, Peter. Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1994. Written by a member of Sun Microsystems' compiler development team, this book helps to fill the gaps in knowledge between an ordinary C programmer and a guru. Although not entirely necessary, an understanding of these advanced topics can only make you a better embedded programmer. This book is an excellent reference as well as an entertaining read. Van Sickle, Ted. Programming Microcontrollers in C. Solana Beach, Calif.: HighText Publications, 1994. Like many of the embedded programming books that I've found, this one is specific to a particular processor family. However, because the book is well written and Motorola's microcontrollers are quite popular, some readers will still find it useful. Magazines and Conferences Embedded Systems Programming A monthly publication devoted specifically to the issues embedded software developers face on the job. Every article and column is packed with practical advice and written in a casual style familiar to readers of this and other Nutshell Handbooks. I highly recommend that everyone reading this sentence immediately put my book down and take a few minutes to sign up for a free subscription at It usually takes several months to get going, but is well worth the wait. In addition, you might want to purchase a copy of the CD-ROM archive. This searchable database contains hundreds of past articles and columns and was an indispensable reference in the creation of this book. More information is available at Embedded Systems Conference A technical conference hosted several times each year by the publishers of the magazine just described. The conference has been running for about 10 years, and the number of exhibitors and attendees continues to grow each year. The knowledge to be gained here far outweighs the cost of traveling to the conference and attending the classes. I try to go as often as I can. World Wide Web Chip Directory ( An unbelievably large collection of information about common processors and peripherals. This is not the only such site on the Web, but it is one of the best maintained and it has links to many of the others. CPU Info Center ( Tons of information about new and old processors alike. Includes a section specifically about common embedded processors. CRC Pitstop ( A site dedicated to information about CRC implementation, including Ross Williams' "Painless Guide to CRC Error Detection Algorithms." The latter is the most readable explanation of CRC calculations I've ever found. Electronic Engineers' Toolbox ( Focused on embedded systems, real-time software development issues, and Internet-enabling technologies, the "EE Toolbox" is designed to make your job easier. The publishers of this site have identified, indexed, and summarized thousands of relevant Internet resources and brought them all together in one place. Embedded Intel Architecture ( Intel's home page for their embedded processor line, including the 80188EB. In addition to technical information about the hardware, there are also free development and debugging tools and example source code listings. news:comp.arch.embedded A newsgroup devoted to many of the topics discussed in this book. Discussions frequently involve software development tools and processes, comparisons of commercial real-time operating systems, and suggestions for processor selection criteria. news:comp.realtime Another good newsgroup for embedded systems discussion. This one tends to focus more heavily on real-time scheduling issues, however, so not all of the information is relevant. A list of FAQs from this group can be found at • Table of Contents • Index • Reviews • Reader Reviews • Errata Regular Expression Pocket R eference By Tony Stubblebine Publisher : O'Reilly Pub Date : August 2003 ISBN : 0 - 596 - 00415 - X Pages : 100 Ideal as an introduction for beginners and a quick reference for advanced programmers, Regular Expression Pocket Reference is a comprehensive guide to regular expression APIs for C, Perl, PHP, Java, .NET, Python, vi, and the POSIX regular expression libraries. This handy book offers programmers a complete overview of the syntax and semantics of regular expressions, which are at the heart of every text-processing application. When you've reached a sticking point and need to get to a solution quickly, the new Regular Expression Pocket Reference is the book you'll want to have. Chapter 1. Regular Expression Pocket Reference Regular expressions (known as regexps or regexes) are a way to describe text through pattern matching. You might want to use regular expressions to validate data, to pull pieces of text out of larger blocks, or to substitute new text for old text. Regular expression syntax defines a language you use to describe text. Today, regular expressions are included in most programming languages as well as many scripting languages, editors, applications, databases, and command-line tools. This book aims to give quick access to the syntax and pattern-matching operations of the most popular of these languages. 1.1 About This Book This book starts with a general introduction to regular expressions. The first section of this book describes and defines the constructs used in regular expressions and establishes the common principles of pattern matching. The remaining sections of the book are devoted to the syntax, features, and usage of regular expressions in various implementations. The implementations covered in this book are Perl, Java, .NET and C#, Python, PCRE, PHP, the vi editor, JavaScript, and shell tools. 1.1.1 Conventions Used in This Book The following typographical conventions are used in this book: Italic Used for emphasis, new terms, program names, and URLs Constant width Used for options, values, code fragments, and any text that should be typed literally Constant width italic Used for text that should be replaced with user-supplied values 1.1.2 Acknowledgments The world of regular expressions is complex and filled with nuance. Jeffrey Friedl has written the definitive work on the subject, Mastering Regular Expressions (O'Reilly), a work on which I relied heavily when writing this book. As a convenience, this book provides page references to Mastering Regular Expressions, Second Edition (MRE) for expanded discussion of regular expression syntax and concepts. This book simply would not have been written if Jeffrey Friedl had not blazed a trail ahead of me. Additionally, I owe him many thanks for allowing me to reuse the structure of his book and for his suggestions on improving this book. Nat Torkington's early guidance raised the bar for this book. Philip Hazel, Ron Hitchens, A.M. Kuchling, and Brad Merrill reviewed individual chapters. Linda Mui saved my sanity and this book. Tim Allwine's constant regex questions helped me solidify my knowledge of this topic. Thanks to Schuyler Erle and David Lents for letting me bounce ideas off of them. Lastly, many thanks to Sarah Burcham for her contributions to Section 1.11 and for providing the inspiration and opportunity to work and write for O'Reilly. . 1994. Like many of the embedded programming books that I've found, this one is specific to a particular processor family. However, because the book is well written and Motorola's microcontrollers. practical advice and written in a casual style familiar to readers of this and other Nutshell Handbooks. I highly recommend that everyone reading this sentence immediately put my book down