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HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 146 ppt

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The next function we'll cover, MainObjectArray::Set (Figure newquant.13), is the counterpart to Get. The MainObjectArray::Set function (from quantum\newquant.cpp) (Figure newquant.13) codelist/newquant.13 This function takes two arguments, the element number in the main object array and the quantum number of that object's big pointer quantum. After checking that the element number is valid, it calculates the block number and element number in which the desired entry will be found, then calls the MainObjectBlock::Set function for the m_BlockPtr variable of the appropriate block in the main object array. Finally, if the entry being stored is equal to NoObject and the element number of this element is less than the current "lowest free object", then we update that variable to indicate that we should start looking at this place in the main object array the next time we are searching for a free object. The MainObjectArray::FindAvailableObject Function The next function we'll cover, MainObjectArray::FindAvailableObject (Figure newquant.14), is used to find an available entry in the main object array when we want to create a new object. The MainObjectArray::FindAvailableObject function (from quantum\newquant.cpp) (Figure newquant.14) codelist/newquant.14 This isn't terribly complicated either. It searches the main object list block by block, starting with the entry corresponding to the last known value of the "lowest free object" variable and continuing until it finds an empty entry (i.e., one whose value is NoObject). Once it finds such an entry, it calculates the corresponding element number in the main object array and returns it as the result after storing it in the "lowest free object" variable. 25 The MainObjectArray::GetModifiableElement Function The next function we'll cover, MainObjectArray::GetModifiableElement (Figure newquant.15), is used to retrieve a ModifiableElement value from a main object. The MainObjectArray::GetModifiableElement function (from quantum\newquant.cpp) (Figure newquant.15) codelist/newquant.15 Among its many uses, GetModifiableElement is the function that a FlexArray uses to retrieve values, so it is quite important to the functioning of our test program. Although it is somewhat longer than most of the other functions we've seen so far, it's really not too complicated, and it will serve as a good introduction to the more complex functions in this class. We start by using the Get member function to look up the big pointer array quantum number for the object in which the element is contained. Once we have that quantum number, we call the function QuantumFile::MakeBigPointerBlockPtr to create a handle object that will allow us to access that quantum as a big pointer array. Next, we calculate which big pointer array entry contains the quantum number of the little pointer block that contains the element reference that we'll use to access the actual data. Once we know that, we can call the BigPointerBlock::GetBigArrayElement function to retrieve the quantum number for that little pointer block. Then we call the function QuantumFile::MakeLittlePointerBlockPtr to create a handle object that will allow us to access that quantum as a little pointer array. Once we have done that, we calculate which element in the little pointer array is the element reference to the element we are interested in, and retrieve that element reference from the little pointer array. Now we're ready to access the element itself, assuming that it actually exists. First, though, we have to account for the possibility that it is a null item, that is, one that contains no data. If this is the case, we return an empty (i.e., default-constructed) ModifiableElement. Why have I handled this case separately, rather than storing a zero-length ModifiableElement in the leaf block? A null item is an optimization: we could treat items containing no data like all other items. However, special handling for this case is worthwhile, since it is very common. For example, a word processor might store each line of a file as a string, removing the trailing null from each string before storing it; with that approach, strings consisting only of a trailing null would be stored as null items. The advantage of using null items is that, rather than occupying an item index slot indicating a length of zero, they are represented by item references that contain a special quantum number called NO_QUANTUM and a special item number called NULL_ITEM_NUMBER, neither of which can appear in a real item reference. This means that a null item does not occupy any space in a item index, and that we can avoid loading a quantum to retrieve its value. However, let us suppose that the element reference is not null. In that case, we call QuantumFile::MakeLeafPointerBlockPtr to create a handle object that will allow us to access items in the quantum containing the desired item. Then we use QuantumBlock::GetModifiableItem to retrieve the actual item and return it to the caller. The MainObjectArray::PutElement Function The next function we'll cover, MainObjectArray::PutElement, shown in Figure newquant.16, is used to store a ModifiableElement value into a main object. The MainObjectArray::PutElement function (from quantum\newquant.cpp) (Figure newquant.16) codelist/newquant.16 This starts out by using a preprocessor macro called qfassert to check whether the size of the item to be stored is legal, i.e., that it is less than the maximum allowable item size. 26 After that, the code is very similar to its counterpart, GetModifiableElement, until we retrieve the item reference from the little pointer array. Then, if the item reference is not null, we call QuantumBlock::DeleteItem to delete the current contents of that element. Then we check whether the size of the element to be stored is zero; if so, we store a null reference in the little pointer array (as noted previously). On the other hand, if we have some data to be stored, we have to find a place to store it. The most logical place to look is in the quantum that we have most recently used to store something for this object, and this information is therefore maintained by the big pointer block access code in the BigPointerBlock class. 27 Therefore, we check whether there may be enough free space in that quantum by calling QuantumFile::QGetFreeSpace. 28 Because a free space code is only one byte (to reduce the size of the free space list), it cannot exactly represent the amount of free space in a quantum. Therefore, if the free space list entry indicates that this quantum may have enough space for the item, we have to retrieve the quantum via QuantumFile::MakeLeafBlockPtr and then call QuantumBlock::CalculateFreeSpace to calculate its free space more precisely. If the actual free space is larger than the size of the item, then we have found the quantum we will use to store the item. However, if that quantum does not have enough space to store the item, then we will have to search for one that does. That is handled by QuantumFile::FindSpaceForItem, which returns the number of the first quantum that fits the bill. At this point, we have a quantum in which to store the item. Therefore, after setting the "last quantum added to" member variable, we set the quantum number in the element reference to that quantum number. Then we call QuantumBlock::AddItem to add the item to that quantum, and set the item number in the element reference to the value returned from that function. Finally, we update the little array pointer that points to the newly added element. The MainObjectArray::GetMainObjectElementCount Function The next function, MainObjectArray::GetMainObjectElementCount (Figure newquant.17), is used to retrieve the number of elements that a main object currently contains. The MainObjectArray::GetMainObjectElementCount function (from quantum\newquant.cpp) (Figure newquant.17) codelist/newquant.17 You might think that this would be a trivial "get" function that merely returns the value of a member variable, but that is not the case. The reason is that this information is stored in the quantum file itself, as part of the big pointer array, because it needs to be maintained between executions of this program (or any other program that might want to use the file). However, it's not too complicated. After using the Get function to retrieve the quantum number of the big pointer array for the object, it uses QuantumFile::MakeBigPointerBlockPtr to provide access to the big pointer array. Then it calls BigPointerBlock::GetBigArrayElementCount to retrieve the value to be returned. The MainObjectArray::GetMainObjectMaxElementCount Function The next function, MainObjectArray::GetMainObjectMaxElementCount (Figure newquant.18), is used to retrieve the maximum number of elements that a main object is permitted to contain. Because it is exactly like the previous function except for the function it calls in the BigPointerBlock class, I'll just list it without further comment. The MainObjectArray::GetMainObjectMaxElementCount function (from quantum\newquant.cpp) (Figure newquant.18) codelist/newquant.18 The MainObjectArray::CreateMainObject Function The next function we'll cover, MainObjectArray::CreateMainObject, shown in Figure newquant.19, is used to create a new main object. The MainObjectArray::CreateMainObject function (from quantum\newquant.cpp) (Figure newquant.19) codelist/newquant.19 This function is somewhat complex, but that should be understandable because it takes quite a bit of work to create a new main object. We start off by checking whether the user has asked to create a zero-length object. Such an object would cause complications in the way that the size of the little pointer array is calculated; namely, the calculation of the number of blocks needed to hold the little pointer arrays (LittlePointerBlockCount) produces correct results for all values of the element count that are greater than 0 but produces a nonsensical result when the element count is 0. Because arrays can grow in size, a zero-element array may be a reasonable thing to create, so I didn't want to disallow them; the simplest solution, and the one I adopted, was to treat a request to create a zero-element array as a request for a one-element array. Because a zero-length object isn't very useful until it has been resized, this isn't likely to surprise the user. Once that detail has been handled, we compute a free space entry indicating that this block is no longer available for use. Then we continue by calling QuantumFile::FindEmptyBlock to find a block for the big pointer array, then calling QuantumFile::MakeBigPointerBlockPtr to allow access to that block as a big pointer block. Now we are ready to begin setting up the big pointer block for use. We start by calling BigPointerBlock::Clear to erase any previous data in the block. 29 Next, we call BigPointerBlock::SetQuantumType to set the type of the quantum to indicate that it contains a big pointer array; this information is used for consistency checking when accessing a quantum that is supposed to be a big pointer array . The next function we'll cover, MainObjectArray::Set (Figure newquant.13), is the counterpart to Get. The MainObjectArray::Set function (from quantum ewquant.cpp) (Figure newquant.13). less than the maximum allowable item size. 26 After that, the code is very similar to its counterpart, GetModifiableElement, until we retrieve the item reference from the little pointer array is not the case. The reason is that this information is stored in the quantum file itself, as part of the big pointer array, because it needs to be maintained between executions of this program

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 03:20