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HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 23 pot

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adding Austin, Texas, and Durango, Colorado. It's time to write some code ourselves, instead of letting Rails do all the work. You're going to need to update your trails table to point to the right row in the new locations table. You'll do so by adding a new database column that points to location_id, like this: alter table trails add location_id int(6); You also need to tell Rails about the relationship. Modify the trails model and the Location model to reflect the new relationships, like this: class Trails < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :location end class Locations < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :trails end Figure 7-1. This application has less than 10 lines of code and configuration, because Rails inferred the structure from the database A little description here is interesting. You've created a subclass of the ActiveRecord class in the Base module. You've then fired a method called belongs_to and passed it a symbol for the Locations class. This method will fire more metaprogramming code that actually adds the properties and methods to your code that will manage the relationships for you. Next, you're going to have to edit the trails view and controller to edit a location. The scaffolding created the new controllers and views under trails and locations, respectively. It's time to modify some of the view code. The view code consists of HTML, with Ruby scripting mixed in, between the <% and %> tags. First, you'll need to make sure the view has all the information it needs. You'll do this in the edit method, in the controller. Change the edit method in trails_controller.rb to create a property called @locations that has all the locations: class TrailsController < ApplicationController def edit @trail = Trail.find(@params[:id]) @locations = Location.find_all end end It's also time to take over the full view that lets you edit a trail. You'll want the user to pick a location from a pick list with all possible locations. Change app/views/trails/edit.rhtml to look like this: <html> <head><title>Edit a Trail</title></head> <body> <h1>Edit Trail</h1> <form action=" /update" method="POST"> <input id="trial_id" name="trail[id]" size="20" type="hidden" value="<%= @recipe.id %>" /> <p><b>Name</b><br> <input id="trail_name" name="trail[name]" size="20" type="text" value="<%= @trail.name %>" /> </p> <p><b>Location:</b><br> <%= collection_select("trail", "location_id", @locations, "id","city") %> <p><b>Description</b><br> <textarea cols="40" id="trail_description" name="trail[description]" rows="20" wrap="virtual"> <%= @trail.description %> </textarea> </p> <input type="submit" value="Update" /> </form> <a href="/trail/show/<%= @trail.id %>"> Show </a> | <a href="/trail/list"> Back </a> </body> </html> As with most applications, your scaffolding won't hold up infinitely. Often you'll want to replace most of the view code. Rails lets you build toward the goal, instead of creating all of a model, view, and controller right off the bat. Notice the code in bold. It adds an option value for all the locations (which you specified in the edit method of the controller), and selects the one that matches the one that reflects the model, shown in the variable trails.location.city. Finally, you'll need to show the new data in the trail list, and in the show method. The idea is exactly the same. Add a line to the show.rhtml view right above the links on the bottom of the page: <p> <b>Location:</b> <%=h @trail.location.city %> </p> That's pretty simple. You're just getting the location from the model passed in by the controller. The list view uses the same technique. You can edit the table from the app/views/trails/list view: <table> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Location</th> </tr> <% for trail in @trails %> <tr> <td><%= trail.name %></td> <td><%= trail.location.city %></td> <td><%= link_to 'Show', :action => 'show', :id => trail %></td> <td><%= link_to 'Edit', :action => 'edit', :id => trail %></td> <td><%= link_to 'Destroy', {:action => 'destroy', :id => trail}, : confirm => "Are you sure?" %></td> </tr> <% end %> </table> Figure 7-2 shows you the result, with the location of each trail in the main list. Keep in mind that all trails have to have locations. If one of yours doesn't, you will get an error here. This tutorial has already gone on long enough, but I hope you can appreciate the power and flow of Rails development. You can quickly get your application rolling, because Rails discovers your application structure from Figure 7- 2. This list comes from an application that allows you to view and update a database, with trails in one table and locations in another the database design. You then turn changes around quickly, because the feedback cycle requires you only to code/reload. You're building quality beyond what PHP can give you, because you're building with a proven model/view/controller design pattern, with built-in features for logging, caching, and automated testing. Now that you've seen what Rails can do, take a look under the hood to see some of this magician's secrets. 7.3. Under the Hood As you've seen, the Rails framework is also made up of several existing frameworks, including Active Record, Action Pack, and a few others. Active Record handles relational database access. Action Pack processes requests, and manages the model/view/controller separation. Rails provides the integration and the rest. 7.3.1. Active Record Active Record implements the Active Record design pattern by Martin Fowler in Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (Addison Wesley). It's effectively a wrapper around a database table, with domain logic built into the wrapper. The Rails implementation adds two important innovations: you can do inheritance and manage relationships. These are some of the major features. Automatic properties Active Record automatically adds properties, with accessors, to model objects. It also adds methods for simple CRUD database methods automatically. For example, in the view you just wrote, the view accesses the name property in trail, though the root model was empty: class Trail < ActiveRecord::Base end Association management Rails uses methods to add methods that manage associations, automatically. You saw this example where a location has many trails: class Location < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :trails end As you have seen, has_many is a method, and :trails is a symbol, in this case, for the Ruby class trails. Composition You can use Active Record to compose objects from multiple tables, like this: class Location < ActiveRecord::Base composed_of :street, :class_name => "Street", :mapping => %w(street name) end Inheritance Inheritance works, putting all subclasses in a single table with the parents: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base end class Bike < Product end Other features Of course, a full Active Record discussion is beyond the scope of this book, but these are some of the other features you can use. You can build recursive relationships, like trees. You can use Active Record to validate certain types of rules (for instance, there must be an existing location for a new trail). Active Record can notify an email address when some significant event happens. Active Record also has good plumbing. It supports transactions and error logging. You can look at the metadata for the columns for a table, and support multiple database types. It also provides support that makes it easy for you to build test fixtures. Active Record is a powerful framework and a credible competitor to Java's ORM frameworks. 7.3.2. Action Pack Action Pack deals with requests in two parts: the controller and the view. Requests come into Action Pack through a dispatcher. The dispatcher routes the request to a controller, which invokes any model logic and sends the request to a template- driven view system. The template engine fires the Ruby template, which may execute Ruby code, and returns the resulting HTML to the browser. The flow, shown in Figure 7-3, is reminiscent of Struts. There are a few differences. For example, the controller has a group of actions, instead of encapsulating each action in a different class. If you wanted to refactor, you'd let actions share methods. Figure 7-3. Ruby on Rails is actually made up of several existing frameworks, most notably Active Record and Action Pack The Action Pack splits the request into a controller part and a view part. With Rails, a whole lot happens automatically. In some ways, that's bad. You can't see all the methods or the attributes on your class, and you don't even know what they are unless you look at the database. In other ways, it's a highly productive way to work. You can change your model, schema, and view in many cases just by adding columns to the schema. Let's take a fuller look at the capabilities of Action Pack. Capabilities Action Pack goes beyond simple request processing. It contains many capabilities that make it easier to develop web applications. I'll touch on some of the major capabilities here. As you've seen, Action Pack uses Ruby as the scripting language. Java developers frown on embedding Java into a JSP, but I'd suggest that code will be in the view regardless of whether it's in Ruby. Early on, some vocal zealots overreacted to the early proliferation of Java scriptlets and decreed that MVC means "no code on the page." Many Ruby developers believe that code that is concerned with the view (and only the view) does belong on the page. Burying Java code in a custom tag only complicates and confuses the issue. Ruby provides a far friendlier scripting language than JSTL tags, for example. Like servlets, Action Pack lets you attach filters for things like authentication. Action Pack also handles some convenience design elements, like automatically paginating your result sets and providing navigation links. Action Pack also has some features that make it easier to build components, like helper classes (to render a date, for example), a layout sharing feature (similar to Tiles, if you're familiar with Struts), intracomponent communication, and pretty good Ajax integration. Like Struts and Spring, Action Pack provides good support for building and validating forms. You'll need to manage your solution, and Action Pack builds in some features to help. It enables logging, caching at three levels (page, action, and fragment), and benchmarking support. Developers can use integrated support for unit testing and debugging. It's not as powerful as Struts in some ways, but it's much simpler, and highly customizable. . notably Active Record and Action Pack The Action Pack splits the request into a controller part and a view part. With Rails, a whole lot happens automatically. In some ways, that's bad. You. competitor to Java's ORM frameworks. 7.3.2. Action Pack Action Pack deals with requests in two parts: the controller and the view. Requests come into Action Pack through a dispatcher. The dispatcher

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 03:20