Choose the correct relative pronoun for each sentence: !"#$$$$$$ !"%"#"&" ' ( ' ) ' *"#$$$$$$$"%"'"%" ' ( ' ) ' ""*#$$$$$$$+*&" ' ( ' ' ) , #$$$$$$'''"*"-#'!" ' ( '" ) ' . /#$$$$$$$*#'%'&" ' ( ' ' ) ' 0 1"#'""&"#22222222222!" ( " % ) ' "3"& '"22222222*&" ( ) % 4 5+6!-'!!&"! 5522222222222 5 (+ ( "+ "+ ) +" /7'22222222+6"- %" ( ) #22222222%"% * ( '%" ) '" +'%"8!%2222+6* ( * ) , *""9#2222222222-"!" ' ( ) ' : /""%222222222222222 ""& ( "& "& ) "& ; 22222222". ( " " ) * ./%'#222222222222% & ( *&' & ) "&' 40 a! ( "a&" !a ) &a8 II. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the rst one using Relative Pronoun. /"&"!&* /"!"* /" 4 '"! /' /*'!! <""='* /* '4 / /-%*&>!%*&#"?+/@$A@$B $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ , """")! ?A/A9C$(D/9A$B $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ : C'"A@"- ?+/@$A@$B $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ; CE*""A@*-!?+/@$A@$B $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ . /F%G"HI-IJKL*IM%N $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 0 /OPN*QR-IS*LLM-IL*LN!%TL / . '"22222222*&" ( ) % 4 5+6!-'!!&"! 5522222222222. * ./%'#222222222222% & ( *&' & ) "&' 40 a! ( "a&" !a ) &a8 II. Rewrite the second sentence so that it. /"&"!&* /"!"* /" 4 '"! /' /*'!!