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Tự học HTML và CSS trong 1 giờ - part 75 pot

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ptg <title>, 70-71 <tr>, 262, 305 <tt>, 135, 168 <u>, 135, 168 <ul>, 82, 95 <var>, 168 as logical style tags, 133 <video>, 366-370, 382, 386 <wbr>, 169 XHTML 1.0 and, 55 HTML Tidy, 538, 695 HTML validators, 695 Cynthia Says, 588-589 HTML-Kit text editor, 57, 695 HTML5, 55, 535, 577-578, 590 benefits, 575-576 deficiencies, 577 DOCTYPEs, 577 migrating to, 575 XML, 578 HTML5.org, 698 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 19, 121 specifications website, 698 URLs, 123-124 HTTP servers. See Web servers hyperlinks, images, 228-231 hypertext. See links Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) hypertext references. See href attributes Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). See HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) I <i> tag, 116, 135, 168 icons (navigation), 229-231 id attribute, 177-178 IDs (CSS), 177-178 naming conventions, 208 IE (Internet Explorer). See Internet Explorer IETester, 694 if statement (JavaScript), 421-422 <iframe> tag, 521-523, 528 image attribute, <input> tag, 351 image galleries, 662 image-maps.com, 695 imagemaps, 695 client-side imagemaps, 243-244 area tag, 248-249 associating with images, 249 circle coordinates, 247 image selection, 244 imagemap creation software, 246 jukebox image example, 250-254 map tag, 248-249 polygon coordinates, 246-247 rectangle coordinates, 248 text-only browsers, 244 troubleshooting, 257 coordinates, determining, 245-246 server-side imagemaps, 243-244 images, 212 adding to web pages, 216-218 aligning with text, 220-222 alternative text, 215-216 as links, 228-231 background images, 238-240 borders, 229, 233 bullets, 243 client-side imagemaps, 243 area tag, 248-249 associating with images, 249 circle coordinates, 247 image selection, 244 imagemap creation software, 246 jukebox image example, 250-254 map tag, 248-249 polygon coordinates, 246-247 rectangle coordinates, 248 text-only browsers, 244 troubleshooting, 257 coordinates, getting from browsers, 251 extensions, case sensitivity, 212 GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), 213, 256 Halloween House web page example, 216-218 height/width, 232 image etiquette, 254-255 image size, 553-554 <img> tag, 214-215 inline images, 214-215, 219 JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 213-214, 256 navigation icons, 229-231 PNG (Portable Network Graphics), 214 scaling, 232 server-side imagemaps, 243-244 spacing around, 226, 228 submit buttons, creating with, 327-328 tiling, 238 tools, 699 troubleshooting, 604 when to use, 552-553 716 HTML tags Download from www.wowebook.com ptg wrapping text around, 223-224, 226 writing accessible HTML, 585 <img> tag, 214-215, 255-256 align attribute, 220-224 alt attribute, 215-216, 584 border attribute, 229 CSS backgrounds, 242 height attribute, 232, 554 hspace attribute, 226-227 longdesc attribute, 585 src attribute, 215 usemap attribute, 249-250 vspace attribute, 226-227 width attribute, 232 important class, 177-178 in unit (CSS), 181 includes (PHP), 647-650 increment operator (++), 418 indented HTML code, 73 index files, 599-600 indexes PHP arrays, 624 inequality operator (, =), 422 inline frames, 521-523 <input> tag, 314-315, 325 button attribute, 351 checked attribute, 325, 351 radio, 327 file attribute, 351 form control creation, 321-322 check box controls, 325-326 file upload controls, 329-330 generic buttons, 328 hidden form fields, 329 password controls, 323-324 radio buttons, 326-327 reset buttons, 325 submit buttons, 324 submit buttons, images as, 327-328 text controls, 322-323 checkbox attribute, 351 hidden attribute, 351 image attribute, 351 password attribute, 350 radio attribute, 351 reset attribute, 351 submit attribute, 350 text attribute, 350 type attribute, 350 button, 328 file, 329 hidden, 329 radio, 326 value attribute, 323, 325 installation page, WordPress, 671 installing Google Analytics, 614 MediaWiki, 675-676 web applications, 688 Internet media types, 372 Internet Explorer, 9, 15, 693 document type definition (DTD), 188 Internet presence providers (IPPs), 596 Internet service providers (ISPs), 596, 617 intranets, 9, 26 IPPs (Internet presence providers), 596 IrfanView, 212 IrfanView.com, 699 ISO-Latin-1 character set, 150 ISPs (Internet service providers), 596, 617 is_array() function, 626 italic text, design tips, 541 iterations, loops, 422 iTunes website, 697 J Java Enterprise Edition, 653 JavaScript, 12, 22, 412 advantages of, 412-413, 432 alert message, 431 anatomy of scripts, 414 arguments, 416, 424 arrays, 427 browsers compatibility, 433 integration, 413 comparison operators, 421 control structures, 421-424 data types, 426 development environments, 433 document object, 429 documentation, 432 DOM, accessing, 448 ease of use, 412-413 elements, hiding/showing, 443-451 environment, 428-429 event handlers, 430 event-driven models of execution, 412 events, 429-432 expressions, 417-418 external files, placing in, 556-558 for loops, 423 form validation, 436 checkform() function, 437 code listing, 439-440, 442-443 onsubmit event handler, 437 selected variable, 438 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com JavaScript 717 Download from www.wowebook.com ptg thisform object, 438 forms, required fields, 438-439 functions, 424-426 anonymous functions, 447 history object, 429 if statement, 421-422 interactivity of, 14 libraries, 459-460 Dojo, 461 enabling users, 485 Google Web Toolkit, 462 jQuery, 461-484 Midori, 462 MochiKit, 462 MooTools, 462 Prototype, 461-462 slowly loading pages, 485 Yahoo, UI (YUI), 461 linked windows, opening, 523-526 location object, 429 looping statements, 422-423 objects, 427-428 operators, 417-418 parameters, 424 reserved words, 419 <script> tag, 414-415 server efficiency, 413 syntax, 415-428, 433 validation function, 437 variables, 418-420 web pages adding content to, 452-455 integrating, 456 websites, 696 while loops, 423-424 window object, 429 Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 213, 256 journals (web), 28 JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 213, 256 jQuery JavaScript library, 461-463, 696 adding/removing content, 474-477 AJAX, 480-484 Attributes, manipulating, 473-474 binding events, 465 classes, manipulating, 468-471 enabling users, 485 form values, manipulating, 471-473 hiding and showing elements, 466-467 modifying page styles, 466-468 modifying web page content, 468-477 retrieving style sheet properties, 467-468 sample script, 463-464 slowly loading pages, 485 special effects, 478-480 jukebox imagemap, 250-254 JW Player, 378-380, 384 K <kbd> tag, 168 as logical style tags, 133 Konqueror, 18 <label> tag, 314, 351 displaying label elements, 320-321 L layout, 543 absolute positioning, 394-396 colors/fonts, 397-398 consistent layout, 545 CSS, positioning, 196-205 fixed, 395 floated columns, 401-402 group-related information, 544 headings, 543-544 HTML, 51, 391-394 liquid, 395 measurements, 408 re-ordering sections, 398-399 redesigning, 400-401 style sheet, 394-398 tables, 390-391, 408 layout style sheets, writing, 394-401 left property (CSS positioning), 196 <legend> tag, 351 length units (CSS), 180-181 Lesson 1 Exercises, 23 Lesson 1 Quiz, 22 Lesson 2 Exercises, 48 Lesson 2 Quiz, 48 Lesson 3 Exercises, 65-66 Lesson 3 Quiz, 65 Lesson 4 Exercises, 80 Lesson 4 Quiz, 79 Lesson 5 Exercise, 98 Lesson 5 Quiz, 97 Lesson 6 Exercises, 130 Lesson 6 Quiz, 130 Lesson 7 Exercise, 172 Lesson 7 Quiz, 172 Lesson 8 Exercise, 209 Lesson 8 Quiz, 208-209 Lesson 9 Exercise, 258 Lesson 9 Quiz, 257-258 Lesson 10 Exercise, 310 Lesson 10 Quiz, 309-310 Lesson 11 Exercise, 353 Lesson 11 Quiz, 352 Lesson 12 Exercise, 388 Lesson 12 Quiz, 387-388 718 JavaScript Download from www.wowebook.com ptg Lesson 13 Exercise, 410 Lesson 13 Quiz, 409 Lesson 14 Exercise, 434 Lesson 14 Quiz, 433-434 Lesson 15 Exercise, 457 Lesson 15 Quiz, 457 Lesson 16 Exercise, 487 Lesson 16 Quiz, 486 Lesson 17 Exercise, 530 Lesson 17 Quiz, 529-530 Lesson 18 Exercise, 566 Lesson 18 Quiz, 565 Lesson 19 Exercise, 592 Lesson 19 Quiz, 591-592 Lesson 20 Exercise, 618 Lesson 20 Quiz, 617-618 Lesson 21 Exercise, 655 Lesson 21 Quiz, 654-655 Lesson 22 Exercise, 689 Lesson 22 Quiz, 689 <li> tag, 82, 86-87, 95 libraries (JavaScript), 459-460 Dojo, 461 Google Web Toolkit, 462 jQuery, 461-463 adding/removing content, 474-477 AJAX, 480-484 binding events, 465 enabling users, 485 hiding and showing elements, 466-467 manipulating attributes, 473-474 manipulating classes, 468-471 manipulating form values, 471-473 modifying page styles, 466-468 modifying web page content, 468-477 retrieving style sheet properties, 467-468 sample script, 463-464 slowly loading pages, 485 special effects, 478-480 Midori, 462 MochiKit, 462 MooTools, 462 Prototype, 461-462 Yahoo, UI (YUI), 461 line breaks (tables), setting, 278-280 line feeds, 601 linear organization, websites, 35-36 linear with alternatives organization, websites, 36-37 linear/hierarchical organization, websites, 38-39 link attribute (body tag), 237-238 link checkers, 695 link menus, 539 creating, 110-112, 161-162 <link> tag, 127, 175 linked windows, 491 accessibility, 587 base tag, 496-498 creating, 491-496, 499-500 frameset tag, 499-500 cols attribute, 500-501 rows attribute, 501-502 JavaScript, opening with, 523-526 links, 127-129 active state, 206 anchors, 113 creating, 113-114 hash signs and, 119 linking in same page, 120 sample exercises, 115-119 colors, 555 creating, 100 sample exercise, 101-105 <a> tags, 100-101 CSS, modifying with, 206-207 definitions as links, 551 explicit navigation links, 550 “here” links, 549-550 home page links, 558 hover state, 206 images, 228-231 implicit navigation links, 550 link menus creating, 110-112 design tips, 546-547 local pages, pathnames, 105-107 navigation links, 541 remote pages, linking to, 108-110 text links, design tips, 547-548 troubleshooting, 604 web pages, adding to, 452-454 when to use, 550, 552 writing accessible HTML, 583-584 Links Web browser, 18, 694 Linode, 597 liquid layouts, 395 list-style property, 96 list-style-image properties, unordered lists, 89 list-style-image property, 96 list-style-position properties, unordered lists, 89 list-style-position property, 96 list-style-type property, 96 listings 13.1 (Using div Tags to Create Sections for Positioning), 392-393 13.2 (Style Sheet for Page Layout), 395 13.3 (Style Sheet for Colors and Fonts), 397-398 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com listings 719 Download from www.wowebook.com ptg 13.4 (Moving One Section Before Another), 399 13.5 (Float-Based Layouts in CSS), 401-402 13.6 (Randomly Organized Style Sheet), 405-406 13.7 (Better-Organized Style Sheet), 406-407 lists, 82-83 customizing, numbered lists, 85-87 glossary lists, 90 HTML tags for, 82-83 importance of, 539 nesting lists, 92-93 ordered lists, 83-87 other uses for, 94-95 unordered lists, 87-89 Little Brother, 11-12 LiveCounter, 693 loading external data, AJAX, 481-484 local pages, linking, pathnames, 105-107 location object (JavaScript), 429 log file parsers, 696 log files, 613 Google Analytics, 614-616 logical style tags, 132-134 longdesc attribute (frame tag), 506 longdesc attribute (frameset tag), 528 longdesc attribute (img tag), 585 loop attribute (audio tag), 384 loop attribute (video tag), 367 loops for loops, 423 iterations, 422 JavaScript, 422-423 PHP, 630 controlling loop execution, 632-633 for, 631 foreach, 630-631 while and do…while loops, 632 while loops, 423-424 Lynx, 18, 694 formatted text, 135 <legend> tag, grouping controls, 340-341 M magazines, 29 magic target names, 520 Mailto URLs, 21, 125-126 main topics, determining, 31-32 management, file management, 594 manipulating classes, jQuery, 468-471 map tag, 248-249 Mapedit program, 246, 695 marginheight attribute (frame tag), 506 marginheight attribute (frameset tag), 527 marginheight attribute (iframe tag), 521, 528 margins CSS box model, 185-189 frame margins, 506 marginwidth attribute (frame tag), 506 marginwidth attribute (frameset tag), 527 marginwidth attribute (iframe tag), 521, 528 marketing. See advertising markup languages, 53 maxlength attribute (<input> tag), 322-323 measurement units (CSS), 180-181 measurements, 408 media attribute, <link> tag, 175 media types (Internet), 372 MediaTemple.com, 700 MediaWiki, 662, 674-677, 687 downloading and installing, 675-676 MediaWiki.org, 699 menus creating with <option> and <select> tags, 332-334 link menus creating, 110-112 design tips, 546-547 messages, alert messages, displaying, 438 meta tags, 611 method attribute (<form> tag), 313-314, 319 get method, 313-314 get/post methods, 319-320 post method, 313-314 methods DOM, accessing, 454 getElementsByClassName(), 460 Microsoft ASP.NET, 653 Microsoft Bing, 610 Microsoft Internet Explorer, 9, 15-16 document type definition (DTD), 188 Microsoft Internet Information Server, 697 Microsoft Silverlight, 698 middle alignment (images), 220 Midori JavaScript library, 462 MIME types list website, 697 Mint website, 696 minus sign (-) subtraction operator, 418 mm unit (CSS), 181 MochiKit JavaScript library, 462 720 listings Download from www.wowebook.com ptg modulus operator (%), 418 MooTools JavaScript library, 462 Mosaic, 9 Movable Type, 699 movies, embedding, SWFObject, 376-377 moving files betwen Web servers, 600 carriage returns/line feeds, 601 filename restrictions, 601 FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 601-603 Moving One Section Before Another listing (13.4), 399 Mozilla Developer Center, 694 Mozilla Firefox, 9, 17, 693 MSDN (Microsoft Developer’s Network) Online, 694 multimedia embedding, embed tag, 375 web pages, scaling down, 590 multiple attribute, <option> tag, 334 multiplication operator (*), 418 MySpace, advertising websites via, 606 MySQL, 666 myString function (JavaScript), 424 N name attribute (<a> tag), 114 name attribute (<frame> tag), 506 name attribute (<frameset> tag), 528 name attribute (<iframe> tag), 521, 528 name attribute (<map> tag), 248 name attribute (<object> tag), 373 named entities, 150 named frames, 517 names domain names, registering, 596 filenames, 599-601 frame names, 506, 517 naming colors, 234-235 frames, 517 naming conventions, CSS classes and IDs, 208 navigation adding to web pages, 572-573 breadcrumbnavigation, 572 DOM, node properties, 450, 341-342 navigation icons, 229-231 navigation links, 541 nested tags, 70 nesting framesets, 516 tables, 309 nesting lists, 92-93 nesting tags, 105 Network Solutions website, 596 networks intranet, 26 intranets, 9 newsgroups, accessing, 19 newspapers (online), 12-13 Ning.com, 45 <nobr> tag, 169 node properties, DOM, navigating, 450 noembed tag, 375 noframes tag, 503-504, 519-520, 528 non-anonymous FTP, URLs, 125 noresize attribute (frame tag), 506 noresize attribute (frameset tag), 527 noresize attribute (iframe tag), 521 noshade attributes without values, 145 nowrap attribute (<td> tag), 279-280, 307 nowrap attribute (<th> tag), 279-280, 307 number of pages, determining, 558-561 numbered entities, 150 numbered lists customizing, 85-87 HTML tags for, 83 NYPL Online Style Guide, 697 O object tag, 386 alternative content, 374 attributes, 373 embedding Flash multimedia, 370-374 video tag, using with, 382 object-oriented PHP, 652 objects JavaScript, 427-428 thisform, 438 Ogg Theora container format, 362 converting to, 366 versus H.264 codec, 387 <ol> tag, 82-83, 86, 95 onblur event handler, 430 onchange event handler, 430 onclick event handler, 430 onfocus event handler, 430 online books, 11 online documentation, 29 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com online documentation 721 Download from www.wowebook.com ptg online newspapers, 12-13 onload event handler, 430 onmouseover event handler, 430 onselect event handler, 430 onsubmit event handler, 430, 437 onunload event handler, 430 opening HTML tags, 56 Opera, 18, 693 operators JavaScript, 417-418 string concatenation operators, 627 opinion gathering websites, 29 optimizing search engines, 611 <option> tag, 351 ordered lists, 83 customizing, 84-87 numbered lists, 83 organizing HTML documents, 598 default index files, 599-600 directories, 599 filenames, 599-600 Web server setup, 598-599 style sheets, 404-406 websites, 539-540 <option> tag menus, creating, 332-334 multiple attribute, 334 selected attribute, 334 P <p> tag, 169, 385 packaged software, 664 deploying applications, 666 relational databases, 664-666 padding CSS box model, 185-189 page descriptions, creating, 160 page layout, 543 absolute positioning, 394-396 colors/fonts, 397-398 consistent layout, 545 CSS, positioning, 196-205 fixed, 395 floated columns, 401-402 group-related information, 544 headings, 543-544 HTML, 51, 391-394 liquid, 395 measurements, 408 re-ordering sections, 398-399 redesigning, 400-401 style sheet, 394-398 tables, 390-391, 408 page-level styles (CSS), creating, 174 pages. See web page Pair.com, 700 paragraphs, HTML tags for, 75 param tag, 386 parameters, JavaScript, 424 parent target name, 520 parsing HTML documents, 51 password attribute, <input> tag, 350 password controls, creating with <input> tag, 323-324 password protection, 595 passwords, forms for, creating, 312-315, 317 pathnames absolute pathnames, 106-107 local pages, linking, 105-107 relative pathnames, 107 releative pathnames, 105-106 paying for search placement, 612 PBworks.com, 45 pc unit (CSS), 181 percent sign (%) email addresses, 126 modulus operator, 418 URL escape codes, 122 percentage units (CSS), 181 percentages measurements, 408 widths, specifying with, 270 permissions, checking, 604 personal information, websites, 28 photograph hosting, Flickr, 682-684 Photoshop, 212 PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), 619-622, 653-654 arrays, 624-626 built-in functions, 633 comments, 622-623 conditional operators, 629-630 conditional statements, 628-629 cookies, 652 database connectivity, 651 expanding knowledge of, 650-651 file uploads, 652 files, deploying and editing, 654 includes, 647-650 loops, 630 controlling execution, 632-633 for, 631 foreach, 630-631 while and do…while loops, 632 object-oriented PHP, 652 processing forms, 636-637 722 online newspapers Download from www.wowebook.com ptg parameters with multiple values, 637-638 presenting forms, 642-647 validating forms, 638-642 regular expressions, 651 running on your computer, 621-622 scripts, browser dependence, 654 sending email, 652 server-side scripting, 698 sessions, 652 strings, 626-628 user-defined functions, 634 returning values, 635 variables, 623-624 PHP and MySQL Web Development, 650 PHP interpreter, 621 physical style tags, 135-136 Pilgrim, Mark, 589 pixels, measurements, 408 planning pages. See also content, 157 plug-ins, 10 Plug-ins page, WordPress, 673 plug-ins page attribute (embed tag), 375 plus sign (+) addition operator, 418 PNG (Portable Network Graphics), 214 polls, websites, 29 polygons, imagemap coordinates, 246-247 pop-up windows JavaScript, opening with, 523-526 setting up, 524 popup() function, 524-525 port numbers, URLs, 122 Portable Network Graphics (PNG), 214 positioning (CSS), 196-197 absolute positioning, 199-201 relative positioning, 197-198 static positioning, 196 top/left/bottom/right properties, 196 z-index property (stacking), 202-205 post method (<form> tag), 313-314, 319-320 Posterous.com, 44, 699 PostgreSQL, 666 posting pages, WordPress, 672 pound signs (#) CSS and, 178 numbered entities, 150 <pre> tag, 139-141, 168 preformatted text, 139-141 preload attribute (audio tag), 384 preload attribute (video tag), 367 preparing images for Web, 212 presenting forms, PHP, 642-647 preventing cross-site scripting, 636-637 processing forms (PHP), 636-637 parameters with multiple values, 637-638 presenting forms, 642-647 validating forms, 638-642 programs form validation script, 436 checkform() function, 437 code listing, 439-443 onsubmit event handler, 437 selected variable, 438 thisform object, 438 Mapedit, 246 progressive enhancement, web pages, 532 promoting websites. See advertising websites proofreading, 543 properties CSS (cascading style sheets) background-attachment, 239 background-position, 239 color, 236 font-family, 170 font-size, 170 font-style, 170 font-variant, 170 font-weight, 170 text-align, 170 text-decoration, 170 list-style, 96 list-style-image, 96 list-style-position, 96 list-style-type, 96 style sheets, retrieving, 467-468 protocols FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 601-603 Prototype JavaScript library, 461-462 pt unit (CSS), 181 publishing websites, 29 file organization, 598 default index files, 599-600 directories, 599 filenames, 599-600 Web server setup, 598-599 moving files between Web servers, 600 carriage returns/line feeds, 601 case sensitivity, 601 filename restrictions, 601 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com publishing websites 723 Download from www.wowebook.com ptg FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 601-603 online books, 11 Web servers, 594 authentication, 595 choosing, 595-597 file management, 594 file types, 594 media types, 594 security, 595 server-side processing, 595 server-side scripts and forms processing, 594 px unit (CSS), 181 Q QuickTime, 697 container format, 362 QuirksMode.org, 695-696 quizzes Lesson 1, 22 Lesson 2, 48 Lesson 3, 65 Lesson 4, 79 Lesson 5, 97 Lesson 6, 130 Lesson 7, 172 Lesson 8, 208-209 Lesson 9, 257-258 Lesson 10, 309-310 Lesson 11, 352 Lesson 12, 387-388 Lesson 13, 409 Lesson 14, 433-434 Lesson 15, 457 Lesson 16, 486 Lesson 17, 529-530 Lesson 18, 565 Lesson 19, 591-592 Lesson 20, 617-618 Lesson 21, 654-655 Lesson 22, 689 quotation HTML tags. See <blockquote> tag, 147 quotation marks (“), href attributes, 103 R radio attribute, <input> tag, 351 radio buttons, creating with <input> tag, 326-327 Randomly Organized Style Sheet listing (13.6), 405-406 readonly form controls, creating, 342-343 RealNetworks, 697 rectangles, imagemap coordinates, 248 reducing image file sizes, 553-554 Register.com, 597 registering domain names, 596 registration form example (form controls), 334, 337-339 registration forms, 14 regular expressions, PHP, 651 rel attribute, <link> tag, 175 related_posts() function, 674 relational databases, 664-666 relative pathnames, 105-106 linking local pages, 105-107 versus absolute pathnames, 107 relative positioning (CSS), 197-198 relative units (CSS), 180-181 remote pages, linking to, 108-110 reports, Google Analytics, 615-616 require_once, 649-650 reserved characters (character entities), 152 reserved words, JavaScript, 419 reset attribute, <input> tag, 351 reset buttons, creating with <input> tag, 325 retrieving style sheet properties, JQuery, 467-468 reverse scaling, images, 232 right alignment (images), 223-224 right property (CSS positioning), 196 rows (tables), 262 see also cells alignment, 300-302 creating, 262-264 grouping, 300-302 rows attribute (frameset tag), 501-502, 514-515, 527 rowspan attribute, 308 rowspan attribute (<td> tag), 288 rowspan attribute (<th> tag), 288 Ruby on Rails, 653 rules attribute, 307 S <s> tag, 135, 168 Safari, 693 Safari (Apple), 9, 18 <samp> tag, 168 as logical style tag, 133 samples creating and formatting pages, 157 adding attributes, 166-167 adding content, 158-159 adding tables of contents, 159 724 publishing websites Download from www.wowebook.com ptg Bookworm web page code, 163-165 frameworks, 157-158 link menus, 161-162 page descriptions, 160 planning the page, 157 signatures, 163 testing results, 165-166 unordered lists, 162-163 HTML documents, creating, 59, 76-77 link menus, creating, 110-112 linking anchors, 115-119 linking remote pages, 108-110 links, creating, 101, 103-105 scripts, JQuery, 463-464 tables creating, 266-269 service specification table, 290-294, 296 Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL, and Apache All in One, 650 sans-serif fonts, 62 scaling images, 232 scanning web pages, 539-540 school servers, 595 SCP (Secure Copy), 46 screen magnifiers, 581 screen readers, 581 <script> tag, JavaScript, 415 script.aculo.us, 696 scripts cross-site scripting, preventing, 636-637 JavaScript code listing, 439-443 documentation, 432 for loops, 423 form validation, 436-438 if statement, 422 while loops, 423-424 PHP, browser dependence, 654 servers-side scripts and forms processing, 594 scrolling frames, 506-507 scrolling attribute (<frame> tag), 506-507 scrolling attribute (<frameset> tag), 527 scrolling attribute (<iframe> tag), 521, 528 Search Engine Watch website, 609 search engines, 609 adding to web pages, 569-570 Ask.com, 610 Bing, 610 choosing, 617 Google, 609-610 optimization, 611 placement, paying for, 612 Search Engine Watch website, 609 site rankings, 610 Yahoo, 610 Section 508, 580-581 Secure Copy (SCP), 46 Secure FTP (SFTP), 46 Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 595 security authentication, 595 file permissions, checking, 604 forms, 343 SSL (Secure Socket Layer), 595 web aplications, 688 Web servers, 595 <select> tag, 332-334, 351 selected attribute, <option> tag, 334 selected variable, 438 selectors (CSS), 176 classes, 177-178 contextual selectors, 176-177 IDs, 177-178 self target name, 520 semicolons, named entities, 150 sending email, PHP, 652 serifs, 62 server administration websites, 697 server efficiency, JavaScript, 413 server-side file processing, 595 server-side images, 243-244 server-side scripting, websites, 698 server-side scripts and forms processing, 594 servers (Web), 594 see also web servers authentication, 595 choosing, 595 bandwidth limitations, 598 domain parking, 597 IPPs (Internet presence providers), 596 ISPs (Internet service providers), 596 personal servers, 597 school servers, 595 Web presence providers, 596 work servers, 595 file management, 594 file types, 594 media types, 594 moving files between, 600 carriage returns/line feeds, 601 filename restrictions, 601 FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 601-603 security, 595 How can we make this index more useful? Email us at indexes@samspublishing.com servers (Web) 725 Download from www.wowebook.com . creating, 59, 7 6-7 7 link menus, creating, 11 0 -1 1 2 linking anchors, 11 5 -1 1 9 linking remote pages, 10 8 -1 1 0 links, creating, 10 1, 10 3 -1 0 5 scripts, JQuery, 46 3-4 64 tables creating, 26 6-2 69 service. 25 7-2 58 Lesson 10 , 30 9- 310 Lesson 11 , 352 Lesson 12 , 38 7-3 88 Lesson 13 , 409 Lesson 14 , 43 3-4 34 Lesson 15 , 457 Lesson 16 , 486 Lesson 17 , 52 9-5 30 Lesson 18 , 565 Lesson 19 , 5 9 1- 592 Lesson 20, 617 - 618 Lesson. web page code, 16 3 -1 6 5 frameworks, 15 7 -1 5 8 link menus, 16 1 -1 6 2 page descriptions, 16 0 planning the page, 15 7 signatures, 16 3 testing results, 16 5 -1 6 6 unordered lists, 16 2 -1 6 3 HTML documents,

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 21:20