A Simple YUI Calendar For example, clicking through to the calendar link reveals how you can make your own calendars, a common feature needed by many websites. Here’s how you can recreate the calendar example shown at: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/calendar/multi.html To do so, locate all the following files in the build folder of the downloaded YUI dis- tribution on your hard disk, and copy them to your web folder (bearing in mind that assets is a folder, not a file): • fonts/fonts-min.css • calendar/assets • yahoo-dom-event /yahoo-dom-event.js • calendar/calendar-min.js Now you can type in the document in Example 19-3, calendar.html, which, when you call it up in your browser, will look like Figure 19-5. Figure 19-5. A YUI calendar Other Uses for YUI | 401 Example 19-3. calendar.html—a multiselect calendar <html><head><title>YUI Calendar</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fonts-min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/skins/sam/calendar.css" /> <script src="yahoo-dom-event.js"></script> <script src="calendar-min.js"></script> </head><body class="yui-skin-sam"> <div id="cal1Container"></div> <script> YAHOO.namespace("example.calendar") YAHOO.example.calendar.init = function() { YAHOO.example.calendar.cal1 = new YAHOO.widget.Calendar("cal1", "cal1Container", { MULTI_SELECT: true } ) YAHOO.example.calendar.cal1.render() } YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(YAHOO.example.calendar.init) </script> </body></html> All that remains to do is place the following DIV where you want it on your web page, and the calendar will appear there: <div id="cal1Container"></div> You can also link directly to the various files on the Yahoo! server by modifying the three lines that link to the YUI libraries to read as follows: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/calendar/assets/skins/sam/calendar.css" /> <script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js"> </script> <script src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.7.0/build/calendar/calendar-min.js"> </script> All the other YUI features are just as easy to use, and require you only to carefully read the accompanying documentation before copying and pasting the supplied code. There’s even a link to the YUI Dependency Configurator supplied with each example, which will build a copy-and- paste script to load all the dependent JavaScript and CSS files for any feature, directly from the Yahoo! servers. I hope you have a lot of fun using the resources supplied by YUI (and any of the other frameworks you try). If you do, you’ll find yourself saved from reinventing the wheel time and time again. 402 | Chapter 19: Using YUI for Ajax and More In the next and final chapter I’ll bring everything you’ve learned so far together into a social networking application. Test Your Knowledge: Questions Question 19-1 What is YUI’s method of implementing an Ajax connection? Question 19-2 Write a callback object for YUI called callback to reference a success handler called succeeded and a failure handler called failed. Question 19-3 Write a GET call to asyncRequest that references the program getdata.php and a callback object. Question 19-4 How can you encode the URL mysite.com/message?m=123, which contains the ? symbol, so that if sent as a GET request it will be treated just as a string and not interpreted? See the section “Chapter 19 Answers” on page 451 in Appendix A for the answers to these questions. Test Your Knowledge: Questions | 403 CHAPTER 20 Bringing It All Together Now that you’ve reached the end of your journey into learning the hows, whys, and wherefores of dynamic web programming, I want to leave you with a real example that you can sink your teeth into. In fact, it’s 10 examples, because I’ve put together a simple social networking project comprising all the main features you’d expect from such a site. Across the various files, there are examples of MySQL table creation and database access, file inclusion, session control, DOM access, Ajax calls, event and error handling, file uploading, image manipulation, and a whole lot more. Each example file is complete and self-contained, yet works with all the others to build a fully working social networking site. I have deliberately left styling and design to an absolute minimum to keep the examples short and easy to follow. This means that, as it stands, the end product is particularly usable on mobile platforms such as the iPhone, where reducing the file size and dimensions of web documents is important. I leave it up to you to take any pieces of code you think you can use and expand on them for your own purposes. Perhaps you may even wish to build on these files to create a social networking site of your own. Designing a Social Networking Site Before writing any code, I sat down and came up with several things that I decided were essential to such a site. These included: • A sign-up process • A login form • A logout facility • Session control • User profiles with uploaded thumbnails • A member directory 405 • Adding members as friends • Public and private messaging between members That’s 8 main elements, but in the end it turned out that because the project would require a main index.html page and a separate include file for the main functions, 10 PHP program files were required. I decided to name the project Robin’s Nest, but you have to modify only one line of code to change this to a name of your choice. Also, all the filenames (except index.html) start with the letters rn to separate them from any other files you have saved from this book. If you change these names, make sure you also change all references across all the files. About Third-Party Add-Ons For reasons of simplicity and size, and so that you don’t have to install add-ons to your server if you don’t wish to, I have deliberately not used either PEAR (see Appendix E) or Smarty (see Chapter 12) in these examples. But if you plan on extending the code, I strongly recommend you consider them, as PEAR can make the programming process simpler. Furthermore, if you will be working with separate designers, Smarty can re- move the programming layer from the presentation layer, leaving them free to create at their heart’s content. However, where I have implemented an Ajax call, I have also included an alternative YUI version, as you can use it without installing any software on your server. On the Website All the examples in this chapter can be found on the companion website located at http://lpmj.net, where the code syntax is color-highlighted, making it easier to follow. You can also download the examples from there to your computer by clicking on the “Examples” link. This will download an archive file called examples.zip, which you should extract to a suitable location on your computer. Of particular interest to this chapter, within the ZIP file there’s a folder called robinsnest, in which all the following examples have been saved using the correct file- names required by this sample application. So you can easily copy them all to your web development folder to try them out. rnfunctions.php So let’s jump right into the project, starting with Example 20-1, rnfunctions.php, the include file of main functions. This file contains a little more than just the functions, though, because I have added the database login details here instead of using yet another 406 | Chapter 20: Bringing It All Together separate file. So the first half-dozen lines of code define the host, database name, user- name, and password of the database to use. It doesn’t matter what you call the database, as long as it already exists (see Chap- ter 8 for how to create a new database). Also make sure to correctly assign a MySQL username and password to $dbuser and $dbpass. With correct values, the subsequent two lines will open a connection to MySQL and select the database. The last of the initial instructions sets the name of the social networking site by assigning the value “Robin’s Nest” to the variable $appname. If you want to change the name, here’s the place to do so. The Functions The project uses six main functions: createTable Checks whether a table already exists and, if not, creates it. tableExists Returns a value of 1 if a table already exists, otherwise 0. queryMysql Issues a query to MySQL, outputting an error message if it fails. destroySession Destroys a PHP session and clears its data to log users out. sanitizeString Removes potentially malicious code or tags from user input. showProfile Displays a user’s image and “about me” if they have one. All of these should be obvious in their action to you by now, with the possible exception of showProfile, which looks for an image of the name user.jpg (where user is the user- name of the current user), and if found, displays it. It also displays any “about me” text the user may have saved. I have ensured that error handling is in place for all the functions that need it, so that they can catch any typographical or other errors you may introduce. However, if you use any of this code on a production server, you will probably want to provide your own error-handling routines to make the code more user-friendly. So type this file in and save it as rnfunctions.php and you’ll be ready to move on to the next section. Example 20-1. rnfunctions.php <?php // rnfunctions.php $dbhost = 'localhost'; // Unlikely to require changing $dbname = 'publications'; // Modify these $dbuser = 'username'; // variables according rnfunctions.php | 407 $dbpass = 'password'; // to your installation $appname = "Robin's Nest"; // and preference mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); function createTable($name, $query) { if (tableExists($name)) { echo "Table '$name' already exists<br />"; } else { queryMysql("CREATE TABLE $name($query)"); echo "Table '$name' created<br />"; } } function tableExists($name) { $result = queryMysql("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$name'"); return mysql_num_rows($result); } function queryMysql($query) { $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); return $result; } function destroySession() { $_SESSION=array(); if (session_id() != "" || isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-2592000, '/'); session_destroy(); } function sanitizeString($var) { $var = strip_tags($var); $var = htmlentities($var); $var = stripslashes($var); return mysql_real_escape_string($var); } function showProfile($user) { if (file_exists("$user.jpg")) echo "<img src='$user.jpg' border='1' align='left' />"; $result = queryMysql("SELECT * FROM rnprofiles WHERE user='$user'"); 408 | Chapter 20: Bringing It All Together if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo stripslashes($row[1]) . "<br clear=left /><br />"; } } ?> rnheader.php For uniformity, each page of the project needs to have the same overall design and layout. Therefore I placed these things in Example 20-2, rnheader.php. This is the file that is actually included by the other files and it, in turn, includes rnfunctions.php. This means that only a single include is required in each file. rnheader.php starts by calling the function session_start. As you’ll recall from Chap- ter 13, this sets up a session that will remember certain values we want stored across different PHP files. With the session started, the program then checks whether the session variable 'user' is currently assigned a value. If so, a user has logged in and the variable $loggedin is set to TRUE. Using the value of $loggedin, an if block displays one of two sets of menus. The non- logged-in set simply offers options of Home, Sign up, and Log in, whereas the logged- in version offers full access to the project’s features. Additionally, if a user is logged in, his or her username is appended in brackets to the page title and placed before the menu options. We can freely refer to $user wherever we want to put in the name, because if the user is not logged in, that variable is empty and will have no effect on the output. The only styling applied in this file is to set the default font to Verdana at a size of 2 via a <font > tag. For a more comprehensive design and layout, you’ll probably wish to apply CSS styling to the HTML. Example 20-2. rnheader.php <?php // rnheader.php include 'rnfunctions.php'; session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $user = $_SESSION['user']; $loggedin = TRUE; } else $loggedin = FALSE; echo "<html><head><title>$appname"; if ($loggedin) echo " ($user)"; rnheader.php | 409 echo "</title></head><body><font face='verdana' size='2'>"; echo "<h2>$appname</h2>"; if ($loggedin) { echo "<b>$user</b>: <a href='rnmembers.php?view=$user'>Home</a> | <a href='rnmembers.php'>Members</a> | <a href='rnfriends.php'>Friends</a> | <a href='rnmessages.php'>Messages</a> | <a href='rnprofile.php'>Profile</a> | <a href='rnlogout.php'>Log out</a>"; } else { echo "<a href='index.php'>Home</a> | <a href='rnsignup.php'>Sign up</a> | <a href='rnlogin.php'>Log in</a>"; } ?> rnsetup.php With the pair of included files written, it’s now time to set up the MySQL tables they will use. This is done with Example 20-3, rnsetup.php, which you should type in and load into your browser before calling up any other files—otherwise you’ll get numerous MySQL errors. The tables created are kept short and sweet, and have the following names and columns: rnmembers username user (indexed), password pass rnmessages ID id (indexed), author auth (indexed), recipient recip, message type pm, message message rnfriends username user (indexed), friend’s username friend rnprofiles username user (indexed), “about me” text Because the function createTable first checks whether a table already exists, this pro- gram can be safely called multiple times without generating any errors. It is very likely that you will need to add many more columns to these tables if you choose to expand on this project. If so, you may need to issue a MySQL DROP TABLE command before recreating a table. 410 | Chapter 20: Bringing It All Together . you’ll probably wish to apply CSS styling to the HTML. Example 2 0-2 . rnheader.php <?php // rnheader.php include 'rnfunctions.php'; session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { . accompanying documentation before copying and pasting the supplied code. There’s even a link to the YUI Dependency Configurator supplied with each example, which will build a copy-and- paste script. | <a href='rnprofile.php'>Profile</a> | <a href='rnlogout.php'>Log out</a>"; } else { echo "<a href='index.php'>Home</a>