Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 737 Chapter 15: Personalization Listing 15-11: Setting an anonymous cookie in the HTTP header HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: ASP.NET Development Server/ Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2008 19:23:37 GMT X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727 Set-Cookie: .ASPXANONYMOUS=UH5CftJlxgEkAAAAZTJkN2I3YjUtZDhkOS00NDE2LWFlYjEtOTVj MjVmMzMxZWRmHoBU As9A055rziDrMQ1Hu_fC_hM1; expires=Sat, 22-Apr-2008 06:03:36 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly Cache-Control: private Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 1419 Connection: Close From this HTTP header, you can see that a cookie — .ASPXANONYMOUS — is set to a hashed value for later retrieval by the ASP.NET personalization system. Changing the Name of the Cookie for Anonymous Identification Cookies are used by default under the cookie name .ASPXANONYMOUS . You can change the name of this cookie from the < anonymousIdentification > element in the web.config file by using the cookieName attribute, as shown in Listing 15-12. Listing 15-12: Changing the name of the cookie <configuration> <system.web> <anonymousIdentification enabled="true" cookieName=".ASPXEvjenWebApplication" /> </system.web> </configuration> Changing the Length of Time the Cookie Is Stored Also, by default, the cookie stored on the end user’s machine is stored for 100,000 minutes (which is almost 70 days). If you want to change this value, you do it within this < anonymousIdentification > element using the cookieTimeout attribute, as shown in Listing 15-13. Listing 15-13: Changing the length of time the cookie is stored <configuration> <system.web> <anonymousIdentification enabled="true" cookieTimeout="1440" /> </system.web> </configuration> 737 Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 738 Chapter 15: Personalization In this case, the cookieTimeout value was changed to 1440 — meaning 1,440 minutes (or one day). This would be ideal for something like a shopping cart where you do not want to persist the identification of the end user too long. Changing How the Identifiers Are Stored Although anonymous identifiers are stored through the use of cookies, you can also easily change this. Cookies are, by far, the preferred way to achieve identification, but you can also do it without the use of cookies. Other options include using the URI or device profiles. Listing 15-14 shows an example of using the URI to place the identifiers. Listing 15-14: Specifying how cookies are stored <configuration> <system.web> <anonymousIdentification enabled="true" cookieless="UseUri" /> </system.web> </configuration> Besides UseUri , other options include UseCookies , AutoDetect ,and UseDeviceProfile . The following list reviews each of the options: ❑ UseCookies : This is the default setting. If you set no value, ASP.NET assumes this is the value. UseCookies means that a cookie is placed on the end user’s machine for identification. ❑ UseUri : This value means that a cookie will not be stored on the end user’s machine, but instead the unique identifier will be munged within the URL of the page. This is the same approach used for cookieless sessions in ASP.NET 1.0/1.1. Although this is great if developers want to avoid sticking a cookie on an end user’s machine, it does create strange looking URLs and can be an issue when an end user bookmarks pages for later retrieval. ❑ AutoDetect : Using this value means that you are letting the ASP.NET engine decide whether to use cookies or use the URL approach for the anonymous identification. This is done on a per-user basis and performs a little worse than the other two options. ASP.NET must check the end user before deciding which approach to use. My suggestion is to use AutoDetect instead of UseUri if you absolutely must allow for end users who have cookies turned off (which is rare these days). ❑ UseDeviceProfile : Configures the identifier for the device or browser that is making the request. Looking at the Anonymous Identifiers Stored In order to make the anonymous i dentifiers unique, a globally unique GUID is used. You can also now grab hold of this unique identifier for your own use. In order to retrieve the GUID, the Request object has been enhanced with an AnonymousID property. The AnonymousID property returns a value of type 738 Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 739 Chapter 15: Personalization String , which can be used in your code as shown here: Label1.Text = Request.AnonymousID Working with Anonymous Identification In working with the creation of anonymous users, be aware of an important event which you can use form your Global.asax file that can be used for managing the process: ❑ AnonymousIdentification_Creating By using the AnonymousIdentification_Creating event, you can work with the identification of the end user as it occurs. For instance, if you do not want to use GUIDs for uniquely identifying the end user, you can change the identifying value from this event instead. To do so, create the event using the event delegate of type AnonymousIdentificationEventArgs ,as illustrated in Listing 15-15. Listing 15-15: Changing the unique identifier of the anonymous user VB Public Sub AnonymousIdentification_Creating(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As AnonymousIDentificationEventArgs) e.AnonymousID = "Bubbles " & DateTime.Now() End Sub C# public void AnonymousIdentification_Creating(object sender, AnonymousIDentificationEventArgs e) { e.AnonymousID = "Bubbles " + DateTime.Now; } The AnonymousIdentificationEventArgs event delegate exposes an AnonymousID property that assigns the value used to uniquely identify the anonymous user. Now, instead of a GUID to uniquely identify the anonymous user as d13fafec-244a-4d21-9137-b213236ebedb the AnonymousID property is changed within the AnonymousIdentification_Creating event to Bubbles 2/10/2008 2:07:33 PM Anonymous Options for Personalization Properties If you have tried to get the anonymous capability working, you might have gotten the error shown in Figure 15-4. 739 Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 740 Chapter 15: Personalization Figure 15-4 To get your application to work with anonymous users, you have to specify which personalization prop- erties you wish to enable for the anonymous users visiting your pages. This is also done through the web.config file by adding the allowAnonymous attribute to the < add > element of the properties you have defined within the < properties > section (see Listing 15-16). Listing 15-16: Turning on anonymous capabilities personalization properties <properties> <add name="FirstName" type="System.String" /> <add name="LastName" type="System.String" /> <add name="LastVisited" type="System.DateTime" allowAnonymous="true" /> <add name="Age" type="System.Integer" /> <add name="Member" type="System.Boolean" /> </properties> In this example, the LastVisited property is set to allow anonymous users by setting the allowAnony- mous attribute to true . Because this is the only property that works with anonymous users, the rest of the defined properties do not store information for these types of users. Warnings about Anonymous User Profile Storage Taking into account everything said so far about anonymous users, you should be very careful about how you approach this option. Storing profile information about anonymous users can dramatically populate the data store you are using. For instance, in my examples, I am using Microsoft’s SQL Server Express Edition, and I stored profile information for one authenticated user and then for a single anonymous user. This puts information for both these users in the aspnet_Profile and the aspnet_Users table. The two users listed in the aspnet_Users table are shown in Figure 15-5. In this figure, the anonymous user is highlighted with the gray bar, and you can see that this user has a pretty cryptic name, which is the Request.AnonymousID presented earlier. The other big difference between the two users is shown with the IsAnonymous column in the table. The anonymous user has a setting of true for this column while the authenticated user has a setting of false . Because your database 740 Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 741 Chapter 15: Personalization Figure 15-5 can fill up quickly with anonymous user information, you should weigh which information you really need to store on these types of users. Programmatic Access to Personalization When an ASP.NET page is invoked, ASP.NET creates a class ( ProfileCommon ) by inheriting from the ProfileBase class, which it uses to strongly type the profile properties that were defined in the web.config file. This created class, meant to deal with the user’s profile store, gets and sets profile properties through the use of the GetPropertyValue and SetPropertyValue methods from the ProfileBase class. As you would expect, ASP.NET provides you with the hooks necessary to get at specific Profile events using the ProfileModule class. The ProfileModule class is what ASP.NET itself uses to create and store profile information in the page’s Profile object. The ProfileModule class exposes three events that you can use to handle your user’s profile situations. These events, MigrateAnonymous , Personalize ,and ProfileAutoSaving , are focused around the area of authentication. Because this section just showed you how to work with anonymous users in your applications, this section now looks at how to migrate these users from anonymous users to authenticated users — because you are most likely going to want to move their profile properties as well as change their status. Migrating Anonymous Users When working with anonymous users, you must be able to migrate anonymous users to registered users. For example, after an end user fills a shopping cart, he can register on the site to purchase the items. At that moment, the end user switches from being an anonymous user to a registered user. For this reason, ASP.NET provides a Profile_MigrateAnonymous event handler enabling you to migrate anonymous users to registered users. The Profile_MigrateAnonymous event requires a data class of 741 Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 742 Chapter 15: Personalization type ProfileMigrateEventArgs . It is placed either in the page that deals with the migration or within the Global.asax file (if it can be used from anywhere within the application). The use of this event is illustrated in Listing 15-17. Listing 15-17: Migrating anonymous users for particular personalization properties VB Public Sub Profile_MigrateAnonymous(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As ProfileMigrateEventArgs) Dim anonymousProfile As ProfileCommon = Profile.GetProfile(e.AnonymousID) Profile.LastVisited = anonymousProfile.LastVisited End Sub C# public void Profile_MigrateAnonymous(object sender, ProfileMigrateEventArgs e) { ProfileCommon anonymousProfile = Profile.GetProfile(e.AnonymousID); Profile.LastVisited = anonymousProfile.LastVisited } From this example, you create an instance of the ProfileCommon object and populate it with the profile from the visiting anonymous user. Then from there, you can use the instance to get at all the profile properties of that anonymous user. That means that you can then populate a profile through a movement from the anonymous user’s profile information to the authenticated user’s profile system. Listing 15-17 shows how to migrate a single personalization property from an anonymous user to the new registered user. In addition to migrating single properties, you can also migrate properties that come from personalization groups. This is shown in Listing 15-18. Listing 15-18: Migrating anonymous users for items in personalization groups VB Public Sub Profile_MigrateAnonymous(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As ProfileMigrateEventArgs) Dim au As ProfileCommon = Profile.GetProfile(e.AnonymousID) If au.MemberDetails.DateJoined <> "" Then Profile.MemberDetails.DateJoined = DateTime.Now().ToString() Profile.FamilyDetails.MarriedStatus = au.FamilyDetails.MarriedStatus End If AnonymousIdentificationModule.ClearAnonymousIdentifier() End Sub C# public void Profile_MigrateAnonymous(object sender, ProfileMigrateEventArgs e) { 742 Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 743 Chapter 15: Personalization ProfileCommon au = Profile.GetProfile(e.AnonymousID); if (au.MemberDetails.DateJoined != String.Empty) { Profile.MemberDetails.DateJoined = DateTime.Now.ToString(); Profile.FamilyDetails.MarriedStatus = au.FamilyDetails.MarriedStatus; } AnonymousIdentificationModule.ClearAnonymousIdentifier(); } Using this event in the Global.asax file enables you to logically migrate anonymous users as they register themselves with your applications. The migration process also allows you to pick and choose which items you migrate and to change the values as you wish. Personalizing Profiles Besides working with anonymous users from the Global.asax file, you can also programmatically personalize the profiles retrieved from the personalization store. This is done through the use o f the Profile_Personalize event. An example use of this event is shown in Listing 15-19. Listing 15-19: Personalizing a retrieved profile VB Public Sub Profile_Personalize(sender As Object, args As ProfileEventArgs) Dim checkedProfile As ProfileCommon If User Is Nothing Then Return checkedProfile = CType(ProfileBase.Create(User.Identity.Name), ProfileCommon) If (Date.Now.IsDaylightSavingTime()) Then checkedProfile = checkedProfile.GetProfile("TimeDifferenceUser") Else checkedProfile = checkedProfile.GetProfile("TimeUser") End If If Not checkedProfile Is Nothing Then args.Profile = checkedProfile End If End Sub C# public void Profile_Personalize(object sender, ProfileEventArgs args) { ProfileCommon checkedProfile; if (User == null) { return; } checkedProfile = (ProfileCommon)ProfileBase.Create(User.Identity.Name); if (DateTime.Now.IsDaylightSavingTime()) { checkedProfile = checkedProfile.GetProfile("TimeDifferenceUser"); Continued 743 Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 744 Chapter 15: Personalization } else { checkedProfile = checkedProfile.GetProfile("TimeUser"); } if (checkedProfile != null) { args.Profile = checkedProfile; } } In this case, based on a specific parameter (whether it is Daylight Savings Time or something else), you are able to assign a specific profile to the user. You do this by using the ProfileModule.Personalize event, which you would usually stick inside the Global.asax page. Determining Whether to Continue with Automatic Saves When you are working with the profile capabilities provided by ASP.NET, the page automatically saves the profile values to the specified data store at the end of the page’s execution. This capability, which is turned on (set to true ) by default, can be set to false through the use of the automaticSaveEnabled attribute in the < profile > node in the web.config file. This is illustrated in Listing 15-20. Listing 15-20: Working with the automaticSaveEnabled attribute <profile automaticSaveEnabled="false"> <properties> <add name="FirstName" /> <add name="LastName" /> <add name="LastVisited" /> <add name="Age" /> <add name="Member" /> </properties> </profile> If you have set the automaticSaveEnabled attribute value to false , you will have to invoke the Profile- Base.Save() method yourself. In most cases though, you are going to leave this setting on true .Oncea page request has been made and finalized, the ProfileModule.ProfileAutoSaving event is raised. This is an event that you can also work with, as shown in Listing 15-21. Listing 15-21: Using the ProfileAutoSaving event to turn off the auto-saving feature VB Public Sub Profile_ProfileAutoSaving(sender As Object, _ args As ProfileAutoSaveEventArgs) If Profile.PaidDueStatus.HasChanged Then args.ContinueWithProfileAutoSave = True Else 744 Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 745 Chapter 15: Personalization args.ContinueWithProfileAutoSave = False End If End Sub C# public void Profile_ProfileAutoSaving(object sender, ProfileAutoSaveEventArgs args) { if (Profile.PaidDueStatus.HasChanged) args.ContinueWithProfileAutoSave = true; else args.ContinueWithProfileAutoSave = false; } In this case, when the Profile_ProfileAutoSaving event is triggered, it is then possible to work within this event and change some behaviors. Listing 15-21 looks to see if the Profile.PaidDueStatus property has changed. If it has changed, the auto-saving feature of the profile system is continued; if the Profile.PaidDueStatus has not changed, the auto-saving feature is turned off. Personalization Providers As shown in Figure 15-1 earlier in the chapter, the middle tier of the personalization model, the person- alization API layer, communicates with a series of default data providers. By default, the personalization model uses Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition files for storing the personalization properties you define. You are not limited to just this type of data store, however. You can also use the Microsoft SQL Server data provider to allow you to work with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005, and SQL Server 2008. Besides the Microsoft SQL Server data provider, the architecture also allows you to create your own data providers if one of these data stores does not fit your requirements. Working with SQL Server Express Edition The Microsoft SQL Server data provider does allow you to work with the new SQL Server Express Edition files. The SQL Server data provider is the default provider used by the personalization system provided by ASP.NET. When used with Visual Studio 2008, the IDE places the ASPNETDB.MDF file within your application’s App_Data folder. As you look through the machine.config file, notice the sections that deal with how the personalization engine works with this database. In the first reference to the LocalSqlServer file, you find a connection string to this file (shown in Listing 15-22) within the < connectionStrings > section of the file. Listing 15-22: Adding a connection string to the SQL Server Express file <configuration> <connectionStrings> <clear /> <add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="data source=. \ SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI; AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|aspnetdb.mdf;User Instance=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings> </configuration> 745 Evjen c15.tex V2 - 01/28/2008 2:44pm Page 746 Chapter 15: Personalization In this example, you see that a connection string with the name LocalSqlServer has been defined. The location of the file, specified by the connectionString attribute, points to the relative path of the file. This means that in every application you build that utilizes the personalization capabilities, the default SQL Server provider should be located in the application’s App_Data folder and have the name of ASPNETDB.MDF . The SQL Server Express file’s connection string is specified through the LocalSqlServer declaration within this < connectionStrings > section. You can see the personalization engine’s reference to this in the < profile > section within the machine.config file. The < profile > section includes a subsection listing all the providers available to the personalization engine. This is shown in Listing 15-23. Listing 15-23: Adding a new SQL Server data provider <configuration> <system.web> <profile> <providers> <add name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" applicationName="/" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" /> </providers> </profile> </system.web> </configuration> From this, you can see that a provider is added by using the < add > element. Within this element, the connectionStringName attribute points to what was declared in the < connectionString > attribute from Listing 15-22. You can specify an entirely different Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition file other than the one speci- fied in the machine.config file. First, create a connection string that points to a new SQL Server Express file that is a templated version of the ASPNETDB.mdb file. At this point, you can use < connectionString > to point to this new file. If you change these values in the machine.config file, all the ASP.NET appli- cations that reside on the server will then use this specified file. If you make the changes only to the web.config file, however, only the application using this particular web.config fileusesthisnewdata store. Other applications on the server remain unchanged. Working with Microsoft’s SQL Server 7.0/2000/2005/2008 You will likely find it quite easy to work with the personalization framework using the SQL Server Express files. But when you work with larger applications that require the factors of performance and reliability, you should use the SQL Server personalization provider along with SQL Server 7.0, 2000, 2005, or 2008. If this data store is available, you should always try to use this option instead of the default SQL Server Express Edition files. 746 . anonymous user. This puts information for both these users in the aspnet_Profile and the aspnet_Users table. The two users listed in the aspnet_Users table are shown in Figure 15- 5. In this figure, the. 19: 23: 37 GMT X-AspNet-Version: 2.0 .50 727 Set-Cookie: .ASPXANONYMOUS=UH5CftJlxgEkAAAAZTJkN2I3YjUtZDhkOS00NDE2LWFlYjEtOTVj MjVmMzMxZWRmHoBU As9A 055 rziDrMQ1Hu_fC_hM1; expires=Sat, 22-Apr-2008 06: 03: 36. < profile > section includes a subsection listing all the providers available to the personalization engine. This is shown in Listing 15- 23. Listing 15- 23: Adding a new SQL Server data provider <configuration> <system.web> <profile> <providers> <add