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Critical Care Obstetrics part 16 pdf

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Ventilator Management in Critical Illness 139 effect is seen with hypercapnia [108] . The second mechanism involves changes in cardiac output. Positive - pressure ventilation decreases cardiac output by diminishing preload and increasing right ventricular afterload. Studies have demonstrated an imme- diate decline in urine output after the institution of mechanical ventilation. This effect is more pronounced with the use of high PEEP values. Hormonal pathways at the kidney level are also altered during mechanical ventilation. Increased plasma renin activity leading to reduced renal blood fl ow has been described [109] .Lastly, renal dysfunction during mechanical ventilation may be secondary to biotrauma associated with injurious ventila- tory strategies (e.g. high tidal volumes). Cytokines may translo- cate from the lung to the bloodstream leading to tissue damage at the kidney level. We favor the use of lung protective ventilation in order to diminish the risk of mechanical ventilation induced renal failure. Ventilator - a ssociated p neumonia Ventilator - associated pneumonia (VAP) is the most common nosocomial infection in the intensive care unit. It is defi ned as pneumonia occurring more than 48 hours after initiation of mechanical ventilation [110] . The reported incidence varies in the literature between 10% to 40% with a mortality rate of 15 – 50% [111] . At least 50% of cases happen during the fi rst 4 days of ventila- tion. The risk of developing VAP is 3%/day during the fi rst 5 days after intubation, 2%/day from days 5 – 10 and 1%/day thereafter [112,113] . Clinically, VAP is suspected in the presence of new or progressive infi ltrates in chest radiography together with other signs of infection such as new - onset fever, leukocytosis or leuco- penia, purulent sputum or tracheal secretions or an otherwise unexplained decline in oxygenation. However, when compared with histologic analysis and cultures of lung biopsies obtained after death, the use of such criteria had only a 69% sensitivity and a specifi city of 75% for the diagnosis of VAP [114] . If one relies on these criteria for diagnosis of VAP, overtreatment and unnec- essary exposure to broad - spectrum antibiotics will result. Much controversy exists about the best way to confi rm the diagnosis. One option includes non - bronchoscopic methods such as quan- titative endotracheal tube aspirates or blind mini bronchoalveolar lavage. This techniques are easy to perform, non - expensive, and done by either nursing personnel or respiratory therapists. Another option includes the collection of samples by using a more invasive approach through bronchoscopy. Under direct visualization, samples are taken either by performing a bron- choalveolar lavage (BAL) or by collecting a sample with a pro- tected specimen brush (PSB). Depending on the strategy used, different thresholds of bacterial growth are considered to be posi- tive. If quantitative endotracheal aspirates (not qualitative) are done, a threshold of 10 × 6 colony - forming units (cfu)/mL achieves sensitivities and specifi cities comparable to broncho- scopic guided BAL using thresholds of 10 × 4 or 10 × 5 cfu/mL [115] . The American Thoracic Society Guidelines for the management of ventilator - associated pneumonia state that However, the precise risk of deep vein thrombosis in patients with acute respiratory failure is not known. Another source of pulmo- nary emboli in critically ill patients can be thrombosis associated with intravenous catheters [98] . One study found that 66% of 33 consecutive patients monitored for a mean of 3 days with a pul- monary artery catheter had internal jugular thrombosis as detected venographically or on autopsy [103] . Autopsy data suggest that pulmonary emboli are present in patients with cath- eter - associated thrombosis [104] . However, the relationship of pulmonary emboli to catheter - associated thrombosis is not clear. Venous thromboembolism is both more common and more complex to diagnose in patients who are pregnant than in those who are not pregnant. The incidence of venous thromboembo- lism is estimated at 0.76 to 1.72 per 1000 pregnancies, which is four times as great as the risk in the nonpregnant population.A meta - analysis showed that two thirds of cases of deep - vein thrombosis occurred in the antepartum period and were distrib- uted relatively equally among all three trimesters [105] . Needless to say, deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis is of paramount importance in the critically ill pregnant patient. Critically ill patients at very high risk for bleeding should receive mechanical prophylaxis (e.g. graduated compression stockings and/or inter- mittent pneumatic compression devices) until the bleeding risk decreases [106] . When the bleeding risk is moderate (e.g. post- operative patients or medically ill), either low - dose unfraction- ated heparin (UFH) or low - molecular - weight heparin (LMWH) may be used. In conditions associated with the highest risk of thromboembolic complications such as following major trauma and acute spinal cord injury, prophylaxis with LMWH is consid- ered fi rst - line therapy [106] . During pregnancy, if UFH is to be used, we recommend doses of 5000 U subcutaneously every 8 hours or 10 000 units every 12 hours for prophylaxis. Doses of 5000 U subcutaneously every 12 hours have been shown inade- quate for prophylaxis during pregnancy. The use of early prophy- laxis should be evaluated as soon as the patient is admitted to the intensive care unit. If no contraindications exist, we favor the use of low molecular weight heparin. Renal c omplications Mechanical ventilation can not only aggravate lung injury but also contribute to distant organ failure [82] . Ventilation with high tidal volumes and low values of PEEP has been noted to induce local and systemic cytokine responses that could lead to end - organ damage. Rat models have demonstrated increased lung, hepatic and renal concentrations of interleukin (IL) 6 in animals exposed to ventilation with high tidal volumes [107] . The use of a lung protective ventilatory strategy (small tidal volumes with adequate levels of PEEP) may attenuate ventilator - induced organ injury. Acute renal failure secondary to acute tubular necrosis caused by mechanical ventilation may result from three different mecha- nisms [87] . The fi rst one involves consequences directly related to arterial blood gas physiology. Hipoxemia leads to renal vaso- constriction and hypoperfusion. The same vasoconstrictive renal Chapter 9 140 patients with reduction of diaphragmatic mass may have con- tractile force reductions out of proportion to the reduction in muscle mass [98] . Hypophosphatemia and hypokalemia may also be responsible for respiratory muscle weakness. Nutritional repletion can improve altered respiratory muscle strength in some patients. Increase in maximal inspiratory pressure and body cell mass were noted in critically ill patients given paren- teral nutrition for 2 – 4 weeks [123] . Malnutrition reduces venti- latory drive and infl uences the immune system. The systemic effects of malnutrition are most profound in cell - mediated immunity, as malnourished patients have suppressed delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity and impaired T - lymphocyte transfor- mation in response to mitogens [124] . Nutritional support can be instituted either by the enteral route or with total parenteral nutrition. Nutritionally associated hypercapnia can occur in patients receiving enteral feeding or total parenteral nutrition. This develops when excess calories are given. Carbon dioxide production is increased because calories in excess of energy needs result in lipogenesis and a markedly increased respiratory quotient [98] . The respiratory quotient is defi ned as the ratio of carbon dioxide production to oxygen consumption during sub- strate utilization. Hypercapnia from increased CO 2 production is avoided in normal persons by a compensatory increase in ven- tilation. Patients with compromised ventilatory status may not be able to increase ventilation appropriately. The minimal amount of calories needed to achieve a substantial clinical benefi t is unknown [125] . However, high energy feeding does not prevent protein catabolism, increases CO 2 production, induces hyperglycemia, and leads to development of fatty liver. Fat accumulation is associated with immune dysfunction and increased output of cytokines with a subsequent increase in mortality [126] . If adequate protein is provided with a relative calorie defi cit, lean body mass maintenance could be achieved simultaneously with body fat loss. Studies have shown that in sedated ventilated patients, the resting energy expenditure may be as low as 1500 kcal/day [127] . Critically ill obese patients receiving 22 total kcal/kg ideal body weight /day (as opposed to 30 total kcal/kg ideal body weight/day) had a shorter ICU stay, decreased duration of antibiotic days, and a decrease in the number of ventilator days [125] . We recommend the use of hypocaloric (20 – 25 kcal/kg/day) high protein (1.5 g/kg/day) nutrition in the critically ill ventilated pregnant patient. Addi- tion of an extra 300 kcal/day should be considered for singleton pregnancies (500 kcal/day if twins). In the patient with severe respiratory compromise and receiv- ing enteral nutrition, the use of formulas with high lipid content and low carbohydrates (e.g. Respalor ® ) should be considered in order to decrease CO 2 production. In a recent study involving patients with ALI/ARDS, patients receiving a high lipid – low car- bohydrate formula had a signifi cantly shorter length of ventila- tory time compared to patients assigned to a control enteral formula [128] . If the patient is receiving total parenteral nutri- tion, it is reasonable to limit the amount of lipids. Lipids adversely affect gas exchange by coating the erythrocyte ’ s membrane, “ quantitative cultures can be performed on endotracheal aspi- rates or samples collected either bronchoscopically or non - bron- choscopically. The choice of method depends on local expertise, experience, availability, and cost. ” [116] . Once cultures are taken, early broad - spectrum use of antibiot- ics is of paramount importance [117] . Initial coverage should include both Gram - negative bacteria and methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Patients who either have received antimi- crobial therapy or have been hospitalized in the last 90 days will need double coverage for Pseudomonas aeruginosa . The same cov- erage applies for patients with a current hospitalization of more than 5 days as well as patients from nursing homes, in extended care facilities or on chronic dialysis [116] . Once cultures are avail- able, narrowing the spectrum of antibiotics is indicated according to sensitivities obtained. Traditionally, the duration of antimicro- bial treatment has been 14 days. However, in the absence of immunosupression or infection by non - lactose - fermenting Gram - negative rods (e.g. P. aeruginosa or Acinetobacter spp.) therapy may be safely discontinued after 8 days of treatment in patients with uncomplicated VAP who initially received appro- priate therapy and with good clinical response [111] . We cannot underscore the importance of incorporating pro- phylactic measures to prevent VAP. Ideally, ventilated patients should be in the semirecumbent position (30 – 45 ° ) at all times, particularly while on enteral nutrition. Heavy sedation and paral- ysis should be limited if possible. We favor daily interruption or lightening of sedation in order to avoid unnecessary overseda- tion. The routine use of of oral chlorhexidine is not currently recommended by the American Thoracic Society Guidelines for prevention of VAP. The use of systemic antibiotics for the sole purpose of VAP prophylaxis is not recommended. The use of non - invasive positive - pressure ventilation in adequate candidates also reduces the incidence of VAP [118] . Continuous subglottic suctioning of endotracheal tubes has not shown clinical benefi ts. Finally, the endotracheal tube cuff pressure should be measured routinely; it should be kept ideally between 20 and 25 cmH 2 O. Pressures below 20 cmH 2 O may create a poor seal in the trachea with a higher probability of aspiration [119] . Nutritional i mplications Nutritional complications in acute respiratory failure patients refl ect the adverse effects of malnutrition upon the thoracic – pulmonary system, as well as complications associated with administration of nutritional support [98] . Nutritionally associ- ated complications can occur with both enteral and total paren- teral nutrition [120,121] . Malnourished patients who require mechanical ventilation have a signifi cantly higher mortality rate than well - nourished patients requiring mechanical ventilation. Poor nutritional status can adversely affect thoracic – pulmonary function by impairment of respiratory muscle function, surfac- tant production, alveolar ventilation, and pulmonary defense mechanisms [122] . The diaphragm is the critical respiratory muscle, and malnu- trition reduces diaphragmatic muscle mass [98] . Underweight Ventilator Management in Critical Illness 141 As previously discussed, modern ventilatory management includes a strategy of small tidal volumes with adequate levels of PEEP. Some have argued that such strategy, which often leads to hypercapnia, could lead to respiratory acidosis with a deleterious effect on systemic hemodynamics and a concomitant increase in fl uid and vasopressor requirements. In a recent publication, medical records of 111 patients enrolled in the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ARDS Network randomized trial were reviewed [88] . Patients assigned to protective ventilatory strate- gies (mainly small tidal volumes and higher levels of PEEP) did not require more vasopressors or fl uid compared to the control group. In fact, patients with the lower tidal volumes had signifi - cantly lower peak and plateau pressures, potentially improving venous return and cardiac output. Fluid b alance Little controversy exists regarding the need for early aggressive fl uid resuscitation in patients with either relative or absolute hypovolemia who are hemodynamically unstable. However, after the fi rst hours or days of initial management, the fl uid manage- ment strategy of mechanically ventilated patients with ALI or ARDS is more complex. In a recent randomized study, 1000 patients with ALI/ARDS were allocated to either a conservative or a liberal fl uid management strategy [133] . All patients were intubated and had a P a O 2 /F i O 2 ratio of less than 300. In the liberal strategy, a central venous pressure (CVP) of 10 – 14 mmHg and a pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) of 14 – 18 mmHg were targeted. In the conservative strategy, the goal was a CVP of less than 4 mmHg and a PAOP of less than 8 mmHg. Patients in the latter group received more doses of furosemide and less fl uid boluses. Patients in the conservative group had improved lung function and shorter periods of mechanical ventilation without increasing non - pulmonary organ failures. All patients received their fi rst protocol intervention on average 43 hours after admission to the ICU. The data suggests that after the initial acute resuscitation phase, once hemodynamically stable, patients with ALI/ARDS may benefi t from a conservative fl uid strategy. Other investiga- tors have reported similar results [134] . Needless to say, when attempting fl uid restriction the clinician should maintain stable hemodynamics and adequate tissue perfusion. In the previously cited study reported by Wiedemann et al. [52] , the hemodynamic consequences of the fl uid restriction strategy were of minimal clinical signifi cance with no consequences on requirements of pressors, mixed venous oxygen saturation, or acute renal failure incidence. Hypoproteinemic patients with sepsis have a higher risk of developing ALI/ARDS and are more likely to die from respiratory complications [135] . Some authors have studied the effects of fl uid restriction on these patients. In a randomized double - blind placebo - controlled study, patients with hypoproteinemia on mechanical ventilation with ALI/ARDS who were hemodynami- cally stable had improved oxygenation and fl uid balance when treated with albumin infusions and furosemide intravenous decreasing gas diffusion secondary to lipid deposition in the alveolar – capillary space, and increasing blood viscosity with sub- sequent alterations in pulmonary microcirculation. When feasible, early enteral feeding (within 48 hours of mechanical ventilation onset) should be started in the critically ill patient. Such intervention has been associated with a signifi - cant decrease in ICU and hospital mortality [129] . In patients with sepsis and ALI/ARDS undergoing mechanical ventilation, the use of anti - infl ammatory acids such as γ - linolenic acid and fi sh oil plus antioxidant vitamins in enteral feeds increased the P a O 2 /F i O 2 ratio, reduced mechanical ventilation time, and was associated with a 19.4% absolute risk reduction in mortality rate [130] . Recent literature has focused on the potential benefi ts of adding the amino acid glutamine to feeding regimens in patients with lung injury [131] . Numerous potential benefi ts have been associated with glutamine including induction of heat shock protein synthesis, improvement of ATP/ADP ratio, attenuation in cytokine release, increased IgA synthesis in both lung and intestinal tissues, improved nitrogen transport, decreases in gut bacterial translocation, and supporting synthesis of rapidly divid- ing cells such as enterocytes and lymphocytes. A recent meta - analysis indicated that the benefi ts of glutamine supplementation are greater when administered by the parenteral route and in doses of at least 0.5 g/kg/day [132] . Cardiovascular c omplications Positive - pressure ventilation often impairs cardiac output by dis- turbing the loading conditions of the heart. Blood returns to the thorax along pressure gradients from peripheral vessels to the right atrium. To the extent that intrathoracic pressures affect right atrial pressure, it may alter the gradient for venous return. The negative effect of mechanical ventilation on preload is obvi- ously more pronounced in patients with absolute or relative hypovolemia. Right ventricular output can also be affected by changes in right ventricular afterload. The latter is affected in a complex way by changes in lung volume. An increase in lung volume tends to increase the resistance of alveolar vessels while decreasing the resistance of extra - alveolar vessels. In patients with an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) secondary to alveolar collapse and hypoxia (e.g. ARDS), initiation of mechani- cal ventilation with PEEP may actually diminish PVR due to the vasodilating effect of oxygen. However, overdistention of alveolar units by using excessive PEEP may collapse alveolar vessels with a signifi cant increase in right ventricular afterload leading to a decrease in cardiac output. Positive - pressure ventilation also affects the performance of the left ventricle; it actually reduces left heart afterload. Where poor left ventricular function is limiting cardiac output, an increase in thoracic pressure may result in better left ventricular emptying. Provided adequate fl uid resusci- tation, such decrease in left ventricular afterload could improve coronary perfusion and favor cardiac output. When beginning mechanical ventilation in hypovolemic patients, the clinician should be ready to correct the volume status in order to maintain an adequate cardiac output. Chapter 9 142 wide deposition throughout body tissues. This is particularly important in the critically ill patient with hypoalbulinemia, renal and/or hepatic dysfunction, or drug – drug interactions, where accumulation of these drugs in peripheral tissues is the rule [141] . While not singularly effective at providing pain relief, the hyp- notic effects of the agents are additive with the effects of narcotics. Evidence suggests that they may enhance the analgesic effects of opiates [144] . Midazolam is useful for acute events because of its relatively short half - life and rapid onset of action (2 – 5 min). We do not recommend prolonged infusions of midazolam in the patient with renal impairment due to the accumulation of the active metabolite 1 - hydroxylmethylmidazolam [141] . Lorazepam, due to its absence of active metabolites, may be a better option in this setting. Lorazepam (unlike midazolam which is metabo- lized by the liver cytochrome P450) carries the advantage of glu- coronidase metabolism, which is well preserved and remains effective even in patients who have moderate degrees of liver disease. Diazepam has a rapid onset and a long half - life. For sporadic use, diazepam is an effective and inexpensive choice. For continued use, intermittent boluses or continuous infusions, midazolam or lorazepam are preferred [142] . In patients requir- ing mechanical ventilation for 3 days or more easier management of sedation was achieved at signifi cant cost savings with the use of lorazepam as opposed to midazolam [143] . Infusions of loraz- epam should be limited to a maximum of 10 mg/hour due to the potential accumulation of propylenglycol with subsequent devel- opment of metabolic acidosis. Because of haloperidol ’ s relatively large margin of safety and minimal hemodynamic and sedating side effects, it is the antipsy- chotic of choice in chronically long - term mechanically ventilated patients. Haloperidol has no signifi cant effect on the ventilatory drive [145] . Agents such as haloperidol are useful for treatment of delirium and psychosis that is often a consequence of pro- longed intensive care [146] . Rarely QT prolongation and even torsade de pointes have been described with its use. Propofol is an effective sedative/anxiolytic that appears to act on the γ - aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor. It has no analgesic properties. It is hydrophobic with high lipid solubility allowing rapid onset of action and rapid redistribution from peripheral tissues (within minutes) leading to a short duration of action [147] . Propofol clearance is not signifi cantly affected by liver or renal failure. It should not be used in hemodynamically unstable patients since propofol induces myocardial depression and increases venocapacitance with a subsequent decrease in preload [148] . When used as a sedative during mechanical ventilation, propofol is used only as a continuous infusion and strict antisep- tic techniques are of paramount importance since it is a lipid - rich solution with great potential for bacterial superinfection. Vials and tubings must be changed every 12 hours. Serum triglyceride measurements should be done periodically while receiving the infusion. It is an ideal agent for patients requiring frequent neu- rologic evaluations. In a randomized open - label trial patients requiring mechanical ventilation for > 48 hours were randomized to intermittent bolus administration of lorazepam or a continous infusions [136] . Recently in another randomized, double - blind, placebo - controlled multicenter trial, patients with ALI/ARDS on mechanical ventilation with total protein concentrations < 6 g/dL and who were hemodynamically stable were assigned to two dif- ferent strategies [137] . One group received an intravenous infu- sion of furosemide without colloid replacement. The study group received 25% albumin boluses and a furosemide drip titrated to a negative fl uid balance and a weight loss of at least 1 kg per day. Patients in the study group had improved oxygenation; however, there was no difference in duration of mechanical ventilation. The group assigned to albumin and furosemide achieved a greater net negative fl uid balance and better maintenance of hemody- namic stability. We cannot recommend the use of this strategy during pregnancy or the early postpartum, but the concept of fl uid restriction in the patient with ALI/ARDS after the initial resuscitation phase should be considered. Pain c ontrol, s edation, and p aralysis Because of the discomfort inherent in receiving mechanical ven- tilation and intensive care, appropriate use of anxiolytics, analge- sics, and sedatives is important to the welfare of the critically ill patient [138] . Simply having an endotracheal tube in the trachea causes discomfort and pain in some patients. Conversely, inap- propriate use of sedatives, anxiolytics, and/or analgesics may delay extubation, produce hemodynamic instability, increase the incidence of ventilator - associated pneumonia or contribute to mental status abnormalities. Specifi c fetal side effects of these drugs have been referenced comprehensively [139,140] . Pain and agitation lead to increased endogenous catechol- amine activity, myocardial ischemia, dysrhythmias, hypercoagu- lability, and depressed immunity [141] . Narcotics are useful for pain relief, sedation, and anxiolysis [142] . Morphine sulfate is used frequently as a primary agent for pain relief. Intravenous administration is preferred over other parenteral routes, either intermittently or by continuous admin- istration. Side effects relating to histamine release and venodila- tion are uncommon in the normovolemic individual. In the patient with hemodynamic instability we favor the use of agents with less histamine release such as fentanyl or hydromorphone. Likewise, in presence of renal failure, the metabolite morphine - 6 - glucuronide may accumulate with use of continous infusions of morphine. In this setting, agents without active metabolites like fentanyl or hydromorphone have been favored [143] . Side effects of opioids include hypotension (mostly in hypovolemic patients), intestinal hypomotility, nausea, vomiting, pruritus, respiratory depression, urinary retention, delirium, and hallucinations. Benzodiazepines like midazolam, lorazepam, and diazepam are useful anxiolytic/amnestic/hypnotics in long - term mechanical ventilation. Like opiates, benzodiazepines have minimal hemo- dynamic effects in euvolemic patients. All parenteral benzodiaz- epines are lipid soluble with large volumes of distribution and Ventilator Management in Critical Illness 143 have prolonged action in the presence of hepatic failure [156] . Atracurium has a relatively short duration of action and is degraded non - enzymatically (Hofmann reaction). It is, therefore, useful in patients with hepatic or renal failure. Cisatracurium is also degraded by the Hofmann reaction and it is a non - steroidal molecule. Any of the agents can be given by intermittent bolus or continuous infusion. Monitoring of the level for paralysis with peripheral nerve stimulator equipment ( “ twitch monitoring ” ) is recommended during prolonged administration of paralytics. The American College of Critical Care Medicine recommends that one or two responses to a train - of - four stimulation be main- tained. Because muscle relaxants paralyze without affording the patient any analgesia or sedation, appropriate monitoring for the adequacy of sedation is required any time a patient is pharmaco- logically paralyzed. The Bispectral Index may be used as a guide for sedation in the critically ill patient receiving pharmacologic paralysis. The appropriateness of this monitor in the ICU setting awaits further study [143] . Prolonged neuromuscular blockade may cause critical illness myopathy. Patients develop prolonged muscle weakness that involves also respiratory muscles leading to prolonged mechani- cal ventilation [157] . This syndrome is more frequent with con- comitant sepsis, hyperglycemia, and use of steroids. The use of modern lung protective strategies of mechanical ventilation is not associated with an increased need for sedation or neuromuscular blockade [88] . Table 9.9 lists agents commonly used for sedation, pain relief, and paralysis of the mechanically ventilated patient. Pain relief and sedation are very important components of the total care given to the ventilator “ recipient. ” In many cases, otherwise dif- fi cult - to - ventilate patients have dramatically benefi ted from simple pain relief. Therefore, familiarity with the doses ’ interac- tions, side effects, and indications for analgesics, anxiolytics, non - depolarizing muscle relaxants, and antipsychotics is an important part of mechanical ventilation [152] . Acute a sthma The patient with severe acute asthma who requires intubation and mechanical ventilation is also at risk of barotrauma. Approximately 1 – 3% of patients with severe acute asthma attacks will require intubation and mechanical ventilation. The criteria for intubation of asthmatic patients include altered conscious- ness; apnea or severe respiratory distress; severe hypoxemia, hypercarbia, or respiratory acidosis; and arrhythmias [158] . Intubation may worsen bronchospasm or precipitate laryngo- spasm in asthmatics, and therefore, the airway should be managed by highly skilled individuals. Since the basic pathophysiology of asthma involves air trapping, asthmatics should be ventilated with caution to avoid barotrauma that may occur in the presence of elevated airway pressures [158] . Failure to ventilate adequately or no clinical improvement in mechanically ventilated patients with status asthmaticus receiving maximum medical therapy infusion of propofol with daily interruption of the infusion [149] . Patients in the propofol group had a signifi cant reduction in ventilator days compared to the lorazepam group. We discourage the use of high doses of propofol for prolonged periods of time due to the risk of developing the “ propofol infusion syndrome ” [150] . This syndrome is characterized by myocardial depression, metabolic acidosis, dysrhythmias, hyperkalemia, rhabdomyoly- sis, pancreatitis, and liver steatosis. Dexmedetomidine is a selective alpha - 2 agonist that provides both sedation and analgesia. Rapid administration leads to hyper- tension and refl ex bradycardia; prolonged administration leads to hypotension and bradycardia [143] . Interestingly, patients sedated with this medication are easily awaken with minimal stimulation, allowing frequent neurologic evaluations. No data exist yet regarding the prolonged use of dexmedetomidine infu- sions in mechanically ventilated patients. It is approved for use in the intensive care unit for periods shorter than 23 hours. When continuous infusions of sedatives are used, daily inter- ruption of the infusion with awakening and retitration (if neces- sary) is recommended in order to avoid oversedation. In a randomized controlled trial involving 128 adult patients receiving mechanical ventilation and continuous infusions of sedative drugs, those assigned to daily interruption of the infusions until patients were awake had decreased duration of mechanical ven- tilation and shorter length of stay in the intensive care unit [151] . Sedation should be assessed on a daily basis targeting predefi ned endpoints of sedation scales such as the Ramsay or the RASS (Richmond agitation and sedation scale) scales. Skeletal muscle paralysis is necessary under two broad circum- stances. The fi rst circumstance is when temporary paralysis is required for intubation. The second situation is when paralysis is a necessary addition to sedation for advanced mechanical ventila- tion methods such as inversed I : E ratio ventilation [152] . Paralysis improves chest wall compliance, prevents respiratory dyssynchrony, reduces airway peak pressures, and reduces oxygen consumption by decreasing the work of breathing [153] . There is no evidence demonstrating benefi ts of one particular neuromus- cular blocker over another [143] . Intermittent or continuous doses of non - depolarizing muscle relaxants are generally employed. A non - depolarizing block is produced when the post- junctional membrane receptors are reversibly bound with the drug. The duration of the block depends on the rate at which the relaxant is redistributed. The relaxant effects of non - depolarizing drugs are reversed by anticholinergic - blocking drugs such as neo- stigmine [154] . Of the several non - depolarizing agents available, pancuronium, vecuronium, cisatracurium and atracurium are most used. Pancuronium is effective for 60 – 90 minutes after an intubating dose is given. Anticholinergic effects of the drug may result in tachycardia and, rarely, hypotension [154,155] . Pancuronium should be avoided in patients with renal or liver impairment. Vecuronium produces a clinical effect for 30 – 60 minutes after an intubating dose. Hemodynamic effects are usually absent after typically used doses. Both vecuronium and pancuronium may Chapter 9 144 achieved within minutes, thereby allowing for decreased resis- tance to gas fl ow, improved gas exchange, and decreased peak infl ating pressures [160] . In addition to decreasing resistance, administration of a gas mixture with a lower density and higher viscosity may improve gas fl ow by converting turbulent fl ow to laminar fl ow. Small tidal volumes (6 mL/kg) and low respiratory frequencies are of paramount importance when applying mechanical ventila- tion to these patients. Inspiratory times as short as 0.8 seconds may be required to achieve I : E ratios near 1 : 4. Frequently, seda- tion and even the use of muscle relaxants will be needed. Paradoxically, the use of PEEP in patients with severe airway obstruction may relieve overinfl ation (auto - PEEP) [161] . In the latter trial, fi ve out of eight patients with obstructive pulmonary disease demonstrated the occurrence of “ paradoxic responses ” to external PEEP. The application of PEEP in a sequential fashion lead to decreased functional residual capacity, plateau pressures, and total PEEP. Previous investigators have reported this response to external PEEP in severe asthma [162] . Theoretically, such external PEEP may prevent end - expiratory airway collapse pro- moting progressive lung defl ation [161] . Response to this approach may be variable, so gradual application of PEEP at the bedside in order to determine the level resulting in the minimum plateau pressure may be warranted. Provided that the external PEEP level is below the initial intrinsic PEEP level, the possibility of overinfl ation is low [163] . Weaning from m echanical v entilation Weaning has been defi ned as the process whereby mechanical ventilation is gradually withdrawn and the patient resumes spon- taneous breathing [164] . The outcome of a trial of weaning from mechanical ventilation depends on the patient ’ s underlying con- dition and the aggressiveness of the physician. The weaning process can be a diffi cult one. More than 40% of the total time that a patient spends in mechanical ventilation may be trying to wean from the ventilator [165] . In one study only 52% of 110 patients were successfully weaned on the fi rst trial [166] . If mechanical ventilation is not discontinued as soon as possible, the patient will be exposed to unnecessary risks such as ventilator - associated pneumonia, ventilator - induced lung injury, and irre- versible tracheal damage from artifi cial airway devices, to name just a few. On the other hand, premature extubation leading to reintubation within 48 hours after discontinuation of mechanical ventilation is associated with an 8 - fold higher odds ratio for noso- comial pneumonia and a 6 – 12 - fold increased mortality risk [167] . When deciding to discontinue mechanical ventilation, the clinician should perform a complete clinical assessment including the degree of resolution of the initial condition that required ventilatory support, ability to establish and protect the airway, nutritional status (including electrolyte values), and cardiovascu- lar function (anticipating expected changes in preload and after- load that will occur with spontaneous breathing). Evaluation of should raise concern about severe extensive bronchial obstruc- tion secondary to tenacious secretions. In this setting, fl exible bronchoscopy by way of the endothracheal tube, for the removal of secretions may possibly be life saving [159] . General anesthesia, helium/oxygen inhalation, or ketamine sedation also may be useful adjuncts in the treatment of life - threatening status asth- maticus not responsive to conventional therapy [159] . A recent report documents survival of a pregnant woman with unresponsive status asthmaticus after mechanical ventilation with a helium – oxygen mixture [160] . Helium is an inert, non - fl ammable gas that possesses the lowest density of any gas other than hydrogen. Helium has no direct harmful effects or interac- tions with human tissues. The benefi cial effects of a helium – oxygen mixture derive from its lower density when compared to either 100% oxygen or any concentration of oxygen in air/nitro- gen. Helium – oxygen mixtures are usually used in ratios of 80 : 20 or 70 : 30. It should only be used in patients that tolerate such low oxygen concentrations. Therapy for severe asthma is primarily directed at relieving bronchospasm and increasing the radius of the airways. Using traditional methods, this effect may take hours to days to accomplish. The effect of lowering the density of the inhaled gas with the use of helium – oxygen mixture can be Table 9.9 Sedation, analgesia, and paralysis in mechanical ventilation. Agent Infusion doses Comments Morphine 1 – 15 mg/h Histamine release Careful in elderly patients Avoid in renal failure Fentanyl 25 – 200 mcg/h Minimal histamine release May use with renal failure Hydromorphone 0.2 – 2.0 mg/h Minimal histamine release May use with renal failure Midazolam 1 – 15 mg/h Avoid in renal failure Avoid prolonged infusions Lorazepam 1 – 10 mg/h Preferred in renal failure Delayed onset of action Vecuronium 1 – 2 mcg/kg/min Minimal hemodynamic effects Avoid in renal/liver impairment Cisatracurium 2 – 4 mcg/kg/min Hofmann reaction metabolism Minimal hemodynamic effects Atracurium 4 – 12 mcg/kg/min Hofmann reaction metabolism Dose - dependent histamine release Propofol 5 – 50 mcg/kg/min May cause hypotension Avoid prolonged infusions Ventilator Management in Critical Illness 145 Weaning t echniques A variety of options for weaning from mechanical ventilation have been proposed and used over the past 25 years [170] . With the intermittent mandatory ventilation method, sponta- neous breathing by the patient is assisted by a preset number of ventilatory - delivered breaths each minute. The intermittent mandatory ventilation rate is usually reduced in steps until a rate of 4 or close to 4 is reached. If the patient tolerates breathing with a mandatory rate of 4 and minimal pressure support (usually 5 – 7 cmH 2 O) for a period of 30 – 120 minutes, she is extubated. In the pressure support ventilation method of weaning, each breath is initiated by the patient but supported in part by positive pres- sure delivered by the ventilator. In this method, weaning involves a progressive decrease in the magnitude of the pressure support delivered with each patient ’ s breath. When the patient breathes comfortably with pressure support values of 5 – 7 cmH 2 O for a period of 30 – 120 minutes, she is extubated. Another technique for weaning mechanical ventilation is the “ once - daily trial of spontaneous breathing ” (SBT). In this tech- nique, patients are disconnected from the ventilator and allowed to breathe spontaneously through a T - tube circuit for up to 2 hours each day. No evidence exists that “ working the patient ” for more than 2 hours a day has any benefi ts. In fact, it may lead to respiratory muscle fatigue. If signs of intolerance develop, assist controlled ventilation is reinstituted for 24 hours, at which time another trial is attempted. After failure of a SBT the clinician should actively look for reversible causes of the failure (e.g. devel- opment of pulmonary edema, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic acidosis, overfeeding). Patients who tolerate a SBT of at least 30 minutes and no more than 2 hours without signs of distress are extubated. These three methods of weaning were compared in a prospective, randomized, multicenter study [165] . The rate of success of weaning depended on the technique employed; a once - daily trial of spontaneous breathing led to extubation about three times faster than intermittent mandatory ventilation and about twice as quickly as pressure support ventilation. There were no signifi cant differences in the rate of success between a once - daily trial and the multiple daily trials (T - tube trial) of spontaneous breathing, or between intermittent mandatory ventilation and pressure support ventilation. Patients who tolerate a SBT of 30 – 120 minutes are successfully extubated at least 77% of the time [167] . Evidence - based guide- lines for weaning and discontinuation of mechanical ventilation published by American College of Chest Physicians, the American Association for Respiratory Care, and The American College of Critical Care Medicine concluded that the daily SBT is the ideal method for ventilatory support weaning [167] . Failed w eaning The major underlying causes for ventilatory dependence are neu- rologic issues, respiratory system muscle/load/gas exchange inter- actions, cardiovascular factors, and psychologic factors [167] . When a patient fails a spontaneous breathing trial she should be evaluated closely and reversible causes should be corrected. If she “ weaning predictors ” measured at the bedside should also be taken into account. Even when all steps are followed and the patient is considered a good candidate for extubation, about 10 – 20% will require reintubation [61] . A fundamental concept that has been widely adopted in the last decade is the fact that many patients labeled as “ ventilator dependent ” may in fact not be. In one study, up to 66% of patients thought to be ventilator dependent were extubated after performing a spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) [165] . Patients that otherwise were not “ thought to be ready for extubation ” by the physician may in fact be ready for mechanical ventilation discontinuation. The most effi cient way to identify these patients is to perform a SBT on a daily basis as soon as the patient has clinical improvement, is considered to be able to protect the airway, shows hemodynamic stability, and is receiving minimal ventilatory support (e.g. F i O 2 = 0.4 and PEEP ≤ 5 mmHg). The implementation of daily SBT with weaning protocols in intensive care units do reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation [54] . Predicting w eaning o utcome A wide variety of physiologic indices have been proposed to guide the process of discontinuing ventilator support. The most com- monly used indices are listed in Table 9.10 . In general, these indices evaluate a patient ’ s ability to sustain spontaneous ventila- tion. The purpose of these indices is: (i) to identify the earliest time that ventilator support can be discontinued; and also (ii) to identify patients who are likely to fail a weaning trial and, thus, avoid cardiorespiratory and psychologic distress or collapse [164] . Some of these indices are useful while others not so much. Measurements of vital capacity, minute ventilation, and maximum negative inspiratory pressures show signifi cant false - positive and false - negative results [61] . Other parameters like the ratio of respiratory frequency to tidal volume (f/V t ) have proven to be more reliable. This ratio is also known as the “ rapid shallow breathing index ” . Some authors report that when this ratio is higher than 100, the probability of successful weaning is less than 5% [168] . In a recent publication, extubation failure (need for reintubation within 48 – 72 hours after extubation) was more fre- quent on patients with a f/V t > 57 breaths/L/min [169] . Out of all these parameters, we rely more on the f/V t ratio and the negative inspiratory pressure (NIP) than any others. Table 9.10 Variables used to predict weaning success. * Tidal volume > 5 mL/kg Minute ventilation < 10 L/min Vital capacity > 10 mL/kg P a O 2 > 60 mmHg on F i O 2 ≤ 0.4 Negative inspiratory pressure > – 25 cmH 2 O P a O 2 /F i O 2 ratio > 200 f/V t ratio < 105 * All measurements must be obtained while on spontaneous breathing without any ventilatory support. Chapter 9 146 weaning. It predisposes to nosocomial pneumonia and causes a decrease in the ventilatory response to hypoxia, decrease in dia- phragmatic mass in thickness, and decrease in respiratory muscle strength and endurance. Malnutrition may be accompanied by metabolic abnormalities such as hypophosphatemia, hypokale- mia, hypocalcemia, or hypomagnesemia that may adversely affect respiratory muscle function [164] . Overfeeding should also be avoided. It may impair the ventilator withdrawal process by increasing CO 2 production which further increases ventilatory demands [171] . Corticosteroid therapy [172] and thyroid disease [173] may also impair respiratory muscle function. Severe hypothyroidism impairs diaphragmatic function and blunts the brainstem response to hypoxia and hypercapnia [174] . Steroid use has been associated with an increased incidence of critical illness polyneuromyopathy. This entity is associated with prolonged periods of weaning from mechanical ventilation. However, adrenal insuffi ciency may also be a cause of suboptimal ventilatory muscle performance [167] . Another possibility is that respiratory muscle fatigue may be a primary cause of failure to wean. As discussed above, most evidence recommends that in between spontaneous breathing trials, the patient should receive comfortable stable ventilatory support in order to avoid muscle fatigue. Increased ventilatory requirements may also lead to weaning failure. Factors that cause an increase in ventilatory requirements include increased CO 2 production (e.g. sepsis, fever, seizures, overfeeding), increased dead space ventilation, and an inappro- priately elevated respiratory drive. Patients with a metabolic aci- dosis may not be able to adequately compensate their acid – base is still a candidate for a weaning trial, it should be repeated in 24 hours. In between trials, the patient should receive a comfortable stable ventilatory support. No evidence supports the idea that slowly decreasing the level of ventilatory support will accelerate mechanical ventilation discontinuation [60] . Respiratory s ystem i nteractions Although mechanical ventilation is commonly instituted because of problems with oxygenation, this is rarely a cause of diffi culty at the time that mechanical ventilation is being stopped. This is largely because ventilator discontinuation is not contemplated in patients who display signifi cant problems with oxygenation. However, during a weaning trial, hypoxemia may occur as a result of hypoventilation, impaired pulmonary gas exchange, or decreased oxygen content of venous blood [164] . Impaired pul- monary gas exchange can be distinguished from pure hypoven- tilation by the presence of an elevated alveolar – arterial oxygen tension gradient. If the patient displays evidence of hypoxemic respiratory failure during weaning attempts, mechanical ventila- tion should be reinstituted until the cause of the hypoxemic respi- ratory failure has been identifi ed and addressed. Impaired pulmonary gas exchange may be evidence of continuation of the initial precipitating illness or of other pathologic pulmonary processes such as pneumonia or pulmonary edema. These condi- tions should be treated before additional weaning attempts. Hypoventilation may occur secondary to extensive sedation or respiratory muscle fatigue. As previously stated, respiratory muscle pump failure is a common cause of failure to wean from mechanical ventilation. This may result from decreased neuromuscular capacity, increased respiratory muscle pump load, or both [164] (Table 9.11 ). Evidence supports that in ventilator - dependent patients ventila- tory muscles are weak, due to atrophy and remodeling from inactivity [167] . Decreased respiratory sensor output may result from neurologic structural damage, sedative agents, sleep depri- vation, semistarvation, and metabolic alkalosis [164] . In addition, mechanical ventilation in itself may decrease respiratory center output by a number of mechanisms: lowering of arterial CO 2 tension, with a consequent reduction in chemoreceptor stimula- tion; activation of pulmonary stress receptors; and stimulation of muscle spindles or joint receptors in the chest wall. Dynamic hyperinfl ation (e.g. asthma, COPD) poses a signifi - cant load to respiratory muscles and may be a cause of weaning failure. The increase in lung volume causes the inspiratory muscles to shorten with consequent decrease in the force of con- traction. In the hyperinfl ated chest, thoracic elastic recoil is directed inward which poses an additional elastic load. Finally, increased diaphragmatic pressure secondary to lung overdisten- tion may impair diaphragmatic blood supply. Adequate use of bronchodilators postextubation is of paramount importance in this population and in any patient who develops bronchospasm after mechanical ventilation is discontinued. Underfeeding has a number of adverse effects on the respira- tory system [170] . These adverse effects can interfere with Table 9.11 Causes of respiratory muscle pump failure. Decreased neuromuscular capacity Decreased respiratory center output Phrenic nerve dysfunction Decreased respiratory muscle strength and/or endurance Hyperinfl ation Malnutrition Decreased oxygen supply Respiratory acidosis Mineral and electrolyte abnormalities Endocrinopathy (hypothyroidism, adrenal insuffi ciency) Disuse muscle atrophy Respiratory muscle fatigue Increased respiratory muscle pump load Increased ventilatory requirements Increased CO 2 production Increased dead space ventilation Inappropriately increased respiratory drive Increased work of breathing (Reproduced by permission from Tobin MJ, Yang K. Weaning from mechanical ventilation. Crit Care Clin 1990; 6(3): 725.) Ventilator Management in Critical Illness 147 judicious therapy of underlying pathophysiologic aberrations, thoughtful measures to prevent known complications, and prudent attempts to release the patient from ventilator depen- dency may improve the outcome of pregnant patients who suffer respiratory failure. References 1 Kaunitz AM , Hughes JM , Grimes DA et al. Causes of maternal mortality in the United States . Obstet Gynecol 1985 ; 65 : 605 – 612 . 2 United States Public Health Service . Progress toward achieving the 1990 objectives for pregnancy and infant health . MMWR 1988 ; 37 : 405 . 3 Demling RH , Knox JB . Basic concepts of lung function and dysfunc- tion: oxygenation, ventilation, and mechanics . New Horiz 1993 ; 1 : 362 – 370 . 4 Pontoppidan H , Geffi n B , Lowenstein E . Acute respiratory failure in the adult 2 . N Engl J Med 1972 ; 287 : 743 – 752 . 5 Anderson GJ , James GB , Mathers NP et al. The maternal oxygen tension and acid - base status during pregnancy . 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Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1991 ; 98 ( 10 ): 964 – 972 . disturbance by hyperventilating; correction of the primary disor- der should be undertaken before starting the weaning process. Neurologic i ssues The ventilation pump controller is localized in the brainstem. This center receives feedback from cortical, chemoreceptive, and mechanoreceptive sensors. Ventilator dependence may be sec- ondary to brainstem dysfunction due to structural damage (e.g. brainstem strokes) or metabolic conditions (e.g. electrolyte imbalances, sedation, narcotics) [175] . Cardiovascular f actors Patients with limited cardiac reserve (e.g. peripartum cardiomy- opathy) may frequently fail attempts to withdraw mechanical ventilation secondary to heart failure and subsequent hydrostatic pulmonary edema. Spontaneous breathing generates negative intrathoracic pressure during inspiration; this translates into a signifi cant increase in afterload for the left ventricle as well as preload as a pressure gradient develops between the abdomen and the thorax favoring venous return. Needless to say, the transi- tion from mechanical ventilation to spontaneous breathing is associated with increased metabolic demands [164] . When per- forming a spontaneous breathing trial in patients with limited cardiac reserve, attention should be directed at changes in vascu- lar fi lling pressures like the pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (if available) and central venous pressure, development of pul- monary edema, systemic blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. Bedside echocardiography during the breathing trial can provide valuable information regarding estimates of fi lling pressures. The use of diuretics and inotropes coupled with postextubation non - invasive positive - pressure ventilation could assist in liberating these patients from the ventilator. Psychologic p roblems Dependence on mechanical ventilation can be associated with feelings of insecurity, anxiety, fear, agony, and panic [176] . Many patients develop a fear that they will remain dependent on mechanical ventilation and that discontinuation of ventilator support will result in sudden death. These psychologic factors are major determinants of outcome of weaning trials in some patients, especially those patients who require prolonged ventila- tor support [177] . Stress can be minimized by frequent commu- nication with the patient and family members. One should always keep in mind that in postoperative patients breathing may be impaired by pain associated with deep inspiration; pain control should always be adequate [60] . 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