Ebook Collection Software ver 1.01 part 82 ppsx

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Ebook Collection Software ver 1.01 part 82 ppsx

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http://nuhi.olmik.net/new/nlite1.0rc7i.exe http://nlite.sun.priv.at/files/nlite1.0rc7i.exe http://1qwert.de/nLiteMirror/nlite1.0rc7i.exe If for any reason you cannot obtain nLite from any of those links, you can always just go to the nLite download page: http://www.nliteos.com/download.html NOTE: You must install nLite to your Program Files folder on your Windows drive. This is where nLite will install to by default. If it is not installed there, the command will not find it and the automated stripping process will not run properly! With the .NET Framework installed and nlite, you can begin All you need to do is make sure your XP CD is in your CD-ROM drive and that you do not have any other Windows discs or ISO files, this includes any virtual drives you might have, make sure you unmount all images from those if you have Windows mounted as an ISO elsewhere, otherwise this will probably result in the wrong copy of Windows being copied. You will see an NT command script in the same folder as the text file you are reading now Start.cmd When you double click this Start.cmd file, thats when the fun begins, heres what happens 1 - Your XP CD will copy to your Windows drive to a folder called "TXP" 2 - nLite will start up and come to a point where you are asked to load the file "Last Sessions.ini". This bit is easy, just navigate (in the box that pops up) to your Windows drive (usually C) and into the TXP folder and there it is Last Sessions.ini. Double click the Last Sessions ini file and the automated process will continue. At some point, nLite might stay stuck on one screen, if this happens, click next. That is the MOST you will ever have to do, just click "Next" in nLite if nLite gets stuck. You might have to do this more than once! This is because the program used to automate nLite cannot possibly determine what the next screen will be in certain cases. It might just click Next, Next, Next, Next all by itself, thats what it is supposed to do and will in a few cases, but not all cases. Just click Next (once only) if it does get stuck. that is all the user interaction that is required, again, a child could do this! Just give it a few seconds to respond after you click "Next" in nLite each time you do it. Remember, try not to type or move your mouse (apart from to click next if it gets stuck!) whilst this whole process is happening. 4 - nLite will get to the "Finished!" stage. Once this happens, you must click "Finished" yourself and make sure nLite closes. If you keep nLite open, the rest of the automated process will not continue because it waits for nLite to close before it will make your ISO. 5 - Now you will see a few DOS boxes opening, it is compiling your ISO! 6 - Once the whole process is finished, you will be left with one DOS box still open, with the cursor flashing - leave this open and go to your Windows drive (usually C) and make sure you have the file "TinyXP.iso" on your drive. 7 - With TinyXP.iso present, you can close that last DOS box, it is doing nothing apart from waiting for you to close it, but NOTE: do not close any of the DOS boxes that open whilst the copying/stripping/compiling ISO process is taking place, this entire process of copying 500Mb from a CD and then stripping the living daylights out of it can take up to 45 minutes on a slow machine! Maybe 15 minutes on a really fast machine. Whilst nLite is running, just wait until you have TinyXP.iso on your Windows drive and the DOS box that was counting up the percentage has closed, then it is safe to close that last DOS box with the flashing cursor. THATS IT! The TXP folder is deleted and so is the MAKE_ISO.BAT file. ================================================== ================================================== ==== Now all you need to do is burn off that ISO file and you have Windows XP running on just 41.5Mb of RAM that supports MS Office, laptops, and still has Firewire support and LAN Drivers, DHCP Client Service intact etc. This is designed for games more than anything else, but you should find it works with most software that people use every day. Sound Controller drivers are also included. Note - there is only one Last Sessions.ini file in this entire package, that is inside the TOOLS folder. If you do not like how this is stripped out to the max, you can always go through that Last Sessions.ini file and DELETE the lines in the file for the items you want to keep! It is not possible to tick boxes in nLite because the automated process does not give you the chance to. Just back up (or zip) the original Last Sessions.ini file, then delete any lines you see with things you want to keep, like Windows Media Player or the Luna Theme for example. That is it, this is how easy it is to make your own TinyXP! Once the ISO is burned off, just install it! Only install onto a freshly formatted drive - because the option to upgrade is stripped out, being 44Mb. By editing the Last Sessions.ini file, you can remove the line "Manual Install and Upgrade" to keep the option there. Every little thing is customizable by using an edited Last Sessions file. Just remember to never delete the original TinyXP_Guide.exe file, so you never lose the FASTEST possible setup, that runs on hardly any RAM and takes only 6 minutes to install. This should also work with Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 - just remember to put the right key in WINNT.SIF. If you have the corporate version of Windows 2000 then WINNT.SIF will not need any key. ================================================== Extractly the info files Phân tích đoạn code WPI của Windows XP PuntO Có thể bạn chưa biết. Để cài đặt phần mềm tự động cho Windows XP thì ta có thể sử dụng đc 4 chương trình cài đặt phần mềm tự động, trong đó WPI tỏ ra nổi trội hơn với giao diện đẹp mà không quá khó khăn để đọc và hiểu code của nó. Mình sẽ phân tích một số đoạn code của WPI trong Windows XP PuntO. prog[pn]=['ADAWARE 1.06'] uid[pn]=['ADAWARE106'] ordr[pn]=[20] cmd1[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\AdAware1.06\\aawsepro.exe /S'] cmd2[pn]=['taskkill /IM Adaware.exe /F'] cmd3[pn]=['taskkill /IM hh.exe /F'] cmd4[pn]=['taskkill /IM Ad-Aware.exe /F'] cat[pn]=['Utilities'] Nhìn vào cmd1 ta sẽ thấy đây là các đoạn mã gọi và cài đặt phần mềm ADAWARE. cmd1[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\AdAware1.06\\aawsepro.exe /S'] Ý nghĩa: Cài đặt AdAware1.06 từ file aawsepro.exe nằm trong thư mục INSTALL\\AdAware1.06. /S: ý nghĩa là SILENT tức là im lặng. Điều này có ý nghĩa là khi aawsepro.exe /S sẽ đc cài đặt trong im lặng, người dùng sẽ không phải click chuột để bấm Next. Cũng có thể hiểu như với /S thì AdAware1.06 sẽ đc cài đặt trong âm thầm, lặng lẽ và cài đặt với thông số mặc định của người viết ra AdAware1.06. Vì vậy nên nhất thiết là cài đặt Windows trên phân vùng C. Code: cmd2[pn]=['taskkill /IM Adaware.exe /F'] cmd3[pn]=['taskkill /IM hh.exe /F'] cmd4[pn]=['taskkill /IM Ad-Aware.exe /F'] Sau khi cài xong AdAware thì AdAware sẽ tự động chạy, để tắt hay giết AdAware thì ta cần phải biết rằng AdAware sẽ lôi kéo những file nào. 'taskkill /IM /F' - đây là dòng lệnh giết chết 3 file Adaware.exe, hh.exe, Ad-Aware.exe của AdAware1.06. Tại sao lại phải tắt? Bởi vì nếu không tắt thì các chương trình trên sau khi đc cài đặt nó sẽ chạy và tùy theo công dụng của phần mềm mà nó sẽ làm. Như AdAware1.06 này nó sẽ quét toàn bộ đĩa cứng để tìm Virut, Và điều này là không thể đc vì nó sẽ quét ko biết đến bao giờ mới xong, điều này còn ảnh hưởng đến việc cài đặt phần mềm của chúng ta, nên ta phải tắt nó. Code: cat[pn]=['Utilities'] Đc hiểu là công dụng của phần mềm hoặc là một cách phân loại. prog[pn]=['UltraISO Media Edition v7.6'] uid[pn]=['ULTRAISOMEDIAEDITIONV76'] ordr[pn]=[65] cmd1[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\UltraISOME\\uiso7_me.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-'] cmd2[pn]=['REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\UltraISOME\\UltraIso.reg'] cat[pn]=['Utilities'] Code: cmd1[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\UltraISOME\\uiso7_me.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-'] /VERYSILENT /SP- đây là khóa Silent switches, một thông số rất quan trọng, quyết định có cài đặt phần mềm UltraISO thành công hay không thành công chính là ở khóa này. Code: cmd2[pn]=['REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\UltraISOME\\UltraIso.reg'] Nhập file UltraIso.reg vào Regedit của Windows. File này là file đăng ký hay là file chứa Cdkey, Username, prog[pn]=['Cleaning Temp Files'] uid[pn]=['Cleanup'] ordr[pn]=[160] cmd1[pn]=['taskkill /IM amp.exe /F'] cmd2[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\winamp\\WIN.EXE'] cmd3[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\drClean.CMD'] cmd4[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\Clean.CMD'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] Code: cmd3[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\drClean.CMD'] cmd4[pn]=['%systemdrive%\\INSTALL\\Clean.CMD'] Đây là hai dòng lệnh có tác dụng xóa các file tạm. Các file này chính là tất cả các phần mềm có trong thư mục INSTALL nằm ở thư mục gốc, có nghĩa là ở C:\INSTALL. Code: . http://nuhi.olmik.net/new/nlite1.0rc7i.exe http://nlite.sun.priv.at/files/nlite1.0rc7i.exe http://1qwert.de/nLiteMirror/nlite1.0rc7i.exe If for any reason you cannot obtain. Windows XP PuntO. prog[pn]=['ADAWARE 1. 06'] uid[pn]=['ADAWARE106'] ordr[pn]=[20] cmd1[pn]=['%systemdrive%\INSTALL\AdAware1.06\aawsepro.exe /S'] cmd2[pn]=['taskkill. Nhìn vào cmd1 ta sẽ thấy đây là các đoạn mã gọi và cài đặt phần mềm ADAWARE. cmd1[pn]=['%systemdrive%\INSTALL\AdAware1.06\aawsepro.exe /S'] Ý nghĩa: Cài đặt AdAware1.06 từ file

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 09:20

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