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SAS/Warehouse Administrator 2.3 Metadata API- P5 pdf

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Metadata API Class _ADD_METADATA_ 17 Parameters Parameter Type Description i_api Class specifies the passed instance of METAAPI.CLASS. See “Using the Metadata API Class” on page 14. l_rc N specifies the return codes for the method. A nonzero code indicates failure and means that l_rc is an error list identifier. For the error list format, see “Error Codes” on page 14. l_meta L specifies the passed metadata property list for the object that is to be added. For the general format of this list, see “Metadata Property List” on page 14. Details l_meta specifies the passed metadata property list for the object that is to be added. To create a new instance of a particular type, the ID value in l_meta should be resposid.typeid. If an instance ID is passed, it is ignored and replaced with a new instance ID upon successful addition to the repository. Not all metadata types (type IDs) can be added. The documentation for each metadata type indicates whether it can be added or not. _ADD_METADATA_ will return an error of any type that cannot be added. Using _ADD_METADATA_ Be sure to check the return code of a write method call. A nonzero return indicates that a failure has occurred while trying to write to the metadata. If a nonzero return code is returned, none of the changes that are indicated by this method call will be made. Example: Add a New Detail Table l_meta=makelist(); /* * Set which group to add this new table to. */ l_groups=makelist(); l_group=makelist(); l_groups=insertl(l_groups,l_group,-1); l_group=insertc(l_group,group_id,-1,’ID’); l_meta=insertl(l_meta,l_groups,-1,’GROUP’); /* * Use the same repository id as the group. */ 18 _ADD_METADATA_ Chapter 2 repos_id=scan(group_id,1,’.’); new_type=repos_id||’.WHDETAIL’; l_meta=insertc(l_meta,new_type,-1,’ID’); /* * Set the name for the display. */ l_meta=insertc(l_meta, ’NEW TABLE’,-1,’NAME’); /* * Set the desc for the display. */ l_meta=insertc(l_meta,’New table added through API’,-1,’DESC’); /* * Set an icon for the display. */ l_meta=insertc(l_meta, ’SASHELP.I0808.ADD.IMAGE’,-1,’ICON’); /* * Define a column. The COLUMNS property * contains a sublist per column. */ l_cols=makelist(); l_col=makelist(); l_cols=insertl(l_cols,l_col,-1); l_meta=insertl(l_meta,l_cols,-1,’COLUMNS’); col_id=repos_id||’.’||’WHCOLUMN’; l_col=insertc(l_col,col_id,-1,’ID’); l_col=insertc(l_col,’CUSTOMER’,-1,’NAME’); l_col=insertc(l_col,’Name of Customer’,-1, ’DESC’); l_col=insertc(l_col,’C’,-1,’TYPE’); l_col=insertn(l_col,75,-1,’LENGTH’); /* * Add any additional properties *: *: */ Metadata API Class _CLEAR_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_ 19 /* * Add the table. */ call send(i_api,’_ADD_METADATA_’,l_rc,l_meta); if l_rc = 0 then do; put ’Table Added successfully’; end; /* if */ else do; msg=getnitemc(l_rc,’MSG’,1,1,’ERROR: _ADD_METADATA_ FAILED’); put msg; list_rc=dellist(l_rc); end; /* else */ l_meta=dellist(l_meta,’Y’); See Also _DELETE_METADATA_, _UPDATE_METADATA_ _CLEAR_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_ Detaches from a secondary repository Category: Repository Methods Syntax CALL SEND(i_api, ’_CLEAR_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_’, l_rc, repos_id); 20 _DELETE_METADATA_ Chapter 2 Parameters Parameter Type Description i_api Class specifies the passed instance of METAAPI.CLASS. See “Using the Metadata API Class” on page 14. l_rc N specifies the return codes for the method. A nonzero code indicates failure and means that l_rc is an error list identifier. For the error list format, see “Error Codes” on page 14. repos_id C specifies the passed repository ID that specifies the repository that is to be detached from. For details about the repos_id parameter, see “Identifying Metadata” on page 7. Using _CLEAR_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_ When you only want to be attached to the primary repository, use the _CLEAR_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_ method to detach from any secondary repositories. Use the _GET_METADATA_ method to return the list of possible secondary repositories. Specify the REPOSITORIES property in the l_meta list, and use the returned metadata identifier from the _SET_PRIMARY_REPOSITORY_ method. See the code examples under _SET_PRIMARY_REPOSITORY_ and _SET_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_ . Example: Detach from a Secondary Repository /* sec_repos_id is the REPOSID of the secondary repository that is * to be detached from. */ call send(i_api, ’_SET_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_’, l_rc, sec_repos_id); See Also _GET_METADATA_ _SET_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_ _SET_PRIMARY_REPOSITORY_ _DELETE_METADATA_ Deletes specified metadata from a repository Category: Write Methods Syntax CALL SEND(i_api, ’_DELETE_METADATA_’, l_rc, l_meta); Metadata API Class _DELETE_METADATA_ 21 Parameters Parameter Type Description i_api Class specifies the passed instance of METAAPI.CLASS. See “Using the Metadata API Class” on page 14. l_rc N specifies the return codes for the method. A nonzero code indicates failure and means that l_rc is an error list identifier. For the error list format, see “Error Codes” on page 14. l_meta L specifies the passed metadata property list for the object that is to be deleted. For the general format of this list, see “Metadata Property List” on page 14. Using _DELETE_METADATA The object whose ID is included in the l_meta list will be deleted. Where appropriate, the metadata API will enforce metadata integrity by deleting all other metadata that is associated with the object that is being deleted. CAUTION: The _DELETE_METADATA_ method is destructive. Its changes cannot be reversed. When you use this method in an application, verify the delete request before you issue the method call. Be sure to check the return code of a write method call. A nonzero return indicates that a failure has occurred while trying to write to the metadata. If a nonzero return code is returned, none of the changes that are indicated by this method call will be made. Example: Delete Column Definitions /* * Delete all the current column * definitions for the passed id. */ l_meta=makelist(); l_meta=insertc(l_meta,selected_id,-1,’ID’); /* * Get all of the columns. */ l_meta=insertl(l_meta,0,-1,’COLUMNS’); call send(i_api,’_GET_METADATA_’,l_rc,l_meta); /* * Continue if zero return code * (removed for brevity of example) *: . ’_CLEAR_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_’, l_rc, repos_id); 20 _DELETE _METADATA_ Chapter 2 Parameters Parameter Type Description i_api Class specifies the passed instance of METAAPI.CLASS. See “Using the Metadata API Class” on page. Also _GET _METADATA_ _SET_SECONDARY_REPOSITORY_ _SET_PRIMARY_REPOSITORY_ _DELETE _METADATA_ Deletes specified metadata from a repository Category: Write Methods Syntax CALL SEND(i_api, ’_DELETE _METADATA_ ’,. ’_DELETE _METADATA_ ’, l_rc, l_meta); Metadata API Class _DELETE _METADATA_ 21 Parameters Parameter Type Description i_api Class specifies the passed instance of METAAPI.CLASS. See “Using the Metadata API Class”

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 07:20

Xem thêm: SAS/Warehouse Administrator 2.3 Metadata API- P5 pdf


Mục lục

    Introduction to the Metadata API

    What is the SAS/Warehouse Administrator Metadata API?

    What Can I Do with the SAS/Warehouse Administrator Metadata API?

    How the Metadata API Works

    Reading Metadata: A Simple Example

    Setting the Active Metadata Repository

    Learning to Use the Metadata API

    Naming Conventions Used in This Manual

    Where Metadata API Classes and SLISTS are Stored

    Overview of the Metadata API Class


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