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124 Chapter 10 / Archetypes The Actor archetype is highly generic. You can capture data for individual actors either by using softcoded values (see Chapter 13) or by creating specific entity types as this chapter does for customer (Section 10.7) and vendor (Section 10.20). 10.3 Address An Address is a means for communicating with an Actor (Figure 10.5, Figure 10.6). An ad- dress can be a postal address, email address, phone number, or URL. An address can serve various purposes (AddressRoleTypes, see Section 10.18) such as shipping, billing, business, and home. Thus the same address might be used both as a business address and a home ad- dress. 10.4 Asset An Asset is something of value (Figure 10.7, Figure 10.8). An OwnedAsset is an asset that is owned outright. A RentedAsset is the use of an OwnedAsset for some time period. Thus, for example, a bicycle that is owned is an OwnedAsset. A bicycle that is rented for some time period is a RentedAsset. An OwnedAsset may or may not be individually identified — if an OwnedAsset lacks identity, AssetOwnership can involve a multiple quantity. For another example, consider a timeshare. The underlying property is an OwnedAsset. The timeshare itself is a RentedAsset available for some time interval. Timeshares can be is- sued for a particular unit but are often tradeable and substitutable by a comparable unit. Figure 10.5 Archetype Address: UML model. An Address is a means for communicating with an actor. Address name creationDate comment AddressRole PostalAddress EmailAddress PhoneNumber * 1 countryCodeemailAddress AddressRoleType name {unique} URL url areaCode localPhoneNum street city stateProvince postalCode country 1 * Actor ** 10.5 Contract 125 10.5 Contract A Contract is an agreement for the supply of products (Figure 10.9, Figure 10.10). (Section 10.17 discusses Product.) Many Actors (various persons and organizations in a variety of roles) can participate in a contract. Businesses use contracts as a means for conducting com- Figure 10.6 Archetype Address: IDEF1X model. addressDiscrim addressID Address addressName creationDate comment addressDiscrim EmailAddress emailAddressID (FK) emailAddress PostalAddress postalAddressID (FK) street URL urlID (FK) city stateProvince postalCode country url PhoneNumber phoneNumberID (FK) countryCode areaCode localPhoneNum AddressRole_Actor addressRoleID (FK) actorID (FK) actorID Actor . . . addressRoleID AddressRole addressRoleTypeID AddressRoleType addressRoleTypeName (AK1.1) addressID (FK) addressRoleTypeID (FK) Asset name Figure 10.7 Archetype Asset: UML model. An Asset is something of value. AssetValue value dateOfValue actualOrEstimated 1 * OwnedAsset AssetOwnership quantity startDate endDate * 1 Actor 1 * RentedAsset date startTime endTime identifier[0 1] * 1 Currency name {unique} * 1 126 Chapter 10 / Archetypes merce. The financial markets use contracts for trading and capture specialized details, such as various kinds of securities, long and short quantities, as well as bid and ask price ranges. There are various ContractTypes including purchase order, sales order, construction, lease, advertising, and employment. 10.6 Course A Course is a series of lessons about a subject (Figure 10.11, Figure 10.12). A ListedCourse is an entry in a course catalog and is sponsored by a SchoolDistrict or some other education forum. A ScheduledCourse is a specific offering of a ListedCourse and is delivered by a Figure 10.8 Archetype Asset: IDEF1X model. assetDiscrim assetID Asset assetName assetDiscrim RentedAsset rentedAssetID (FK) date OwnedAsset ownedAssetID (FK) startTime endTime identifier ownedAssetID (FK) assetValueID AssetValue value dateOfValue actualOrEstimated assetID (FK) currencyID (FK) assetOwnershipID AssetOwnership quantity startDate endDate assetID (FK) actorID (FK) actorID Actor . . . currencyID Currency currencyName (AK1.1) Figure 10.9 Archetype Contract: UML model. A Contract is an agree- ment for the supply of products. Contract number ContractType name {unique} Product * * * 1 Actor ** ContractItem name 1 1 quantity 10.7 Customer 127 Teacher at a School using any number of Textbooks. There is a CourseRegistration for each Student who participates in a ScheduledCourse. Note that the Course archetype has two Item Description templates (see Chapter 5). ListedCourse corresponds to ItemDescription and ScheduledCourse corresponds to Item. Similarly, ScheduledCourse corresponds to ItemDe- scription and CourseRegistration corresponds to Item. 10.7 Customer A Customer is someone involved in the purchase of products (Figure 10.13, Figure 10.14). Customer reifies the customer role for a TangibleActor (in this case a person or organization, Figure 10.10 Archetype Contract: IDEF1X model. actorID Actor . . . productID Product . . . contractTypeID ContractType contractTypeName (AK1.1) contractID Contract contractNumber contractTypeID (FK) Contract_Actor contractID (FK) actorID (FK) contractItemID ContractItem contractItemName quantity productID (FK) contractID (FK) Figure 10.11 Archetype Course: UML model. A Course is a series of lessons about a subject. ListedCourse name ListedLesson name scheduledDuration School name * 1 {ordered} ScheduledCourse startDate endDate Student name Teacher name * 1 CourseRegistration registrationDate terminationDate * 1 * 1 1 * 1 * SchoolDistrict name 1 * 1 * * 1 * 1 grade ** Textbook name 128 Chapter 10 / Archetypes see Section 10.2). Customers are critically important to business and there is special data to collect for them, such as sales data, credit information, and discount schedules. You could use softcoding (see Chapter 13) to capture customer data, but an alternative is to define a dis- tinct Customer entity type as shown here. 10.8 Document A Document is a physical or electronic representation of a body of information (Figure 10.15, Figure 10.16). Figure 10.12 Archetype Course: IDEF1X model. schoolID School schoolName schoolDistrictID (FK) schoolDistrictID SchoolDistrict schoolDistrictName studentID Student studentName schoolID (FK) courseRegistrationID CourseRegistration registrationDate terminationDate grade studentID (FK) scheduledCourseID (FK) scheduledCourseID ScheduledCourse startDate endDate schoolID (FK) teacherID (FK) listedCourseID (FK) listedCourseID ListedCourse listedCourseName schoolDistrictID (FK) teacherID Teacher teacherName schoolDistrictID (FK) listedLessonID ListedLesson listedLessonName scheduledDuration listedCourseID (FK) (AK1.1) sequenceNumber (AK1.2) textbookID Textbook textbookName SchedCourse_Textbook scheduledCourseID (FK) textbookID (FK) 0 1 TangibleActor Customer salesData 1 creditInformation discountSchedules Figure 10.13 Archetype Customer: UML model. A Customer is someone involved in the purchase of products. . and there is special data to collect for them, such as sales data, credit information, and discount schedules. You could use softcoding (see Chapter 13) to capture customer data, but an alternative. ad- dress. 10.4 Asset An Asset is something of value (Figure 10.7, Figure 10.8). An OwnedAsset is an asset that is owned outright. A RentedAsset is the use of an OwnedAsset for some time period. Thus, for. an agreement for the supply of products (Figure 10.9, Figure 10.10). (Section 10.17 discusses Product.) Many Actors (various persons and organizations in a variety of roles) can participate in

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 06:20