examining/listing, 145 extract scripts, 165 reports, 93-94 scripts, 123-132 settings for, 410-413 troubleshooting, 146-151 verification, 137 within comments, 153 subtotals in reports, 97-106 labels for, 101 SUCCESS parameter EXIT command, 445 QUIT command, 450 SUF[FIX] setting, 403 SUM parameter (COMPUTE command), 98, 441 summary reports, 115-116 suppressing concatenation feature, 149 duplicate column values, 89 escape feature, 147 output to display, 84, 108, 139, 393 command echoing, 138, 387 feedback, 138, 164 prompting for values and, 127, 132 verification, 137, 394 query output when tracing, 297 trailing spaces in output, 164, 381-382 variable substitution, 150 switching buffers, 396 SYNONYM_NAME column (ALL_SYNONYMS), 192 synonyms, 218-222 ALL_SYNONYMS view, 192, 218 public vs. private, 218 viewing definitions, 219-222 < previous page page_498 next page > < previous page page_499 next page > Page 499 SYSDATE function, 107 SYSDBA keyword (CONNECT), 31, 442 SYSDBA role, 327 connecting as 31, 329, 442 SYSOPER keyword (CONNECT), 31, 442 SYSOPER role, 327 connecting as, 31, 329, 442 System Global Area (SGA), 337-338 System R, 6 system variables, 78 T TAB clause BTITLE command, 77, 433 REPHEADER, REPFOOTER commands, 109, 453, 455 TTTLE command, 74, 465 TAB setting, 6, 381 tab-delimited files, 156, 160 SQL*Loader control file for, 169 TABLE ACCESS operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 292 table constraints, 200 ALL_CONSTRAINS view, 186, 200 listing, 203-207 type of, 200-203 TABLE_LOCK column (ALL_TABLES), 184 TABLE_NAME column ALL_COL_PRIVS view, 193 ALL_CONS_COLUMNS view, 187 ALL_CONSTRAINTS view, 186 ALL_IND_COLUMNS view, 190 ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_SYNONYMS view, 192 ALL_TAB_COLUMNS view, 185 ALL_TABLES view, 183 ALL_TAB_VIEWS view, 193 ALL_TRIGGER_COLS view, 192 ALL_TRIGGERS view, 191 TABLE_OWNER column ALL_IND_COLUMNS view, 190 ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_SYNONYMS view, 192 ALL_TRIGGER_COLS view, 192 ALL_TRIGGERS view, 191 tables, 193-200 ALL_TAB_COLUMNS, 193 ALL_TABLES view, 182-184, 193 column definitions, listing, 30, 195-200 data dictionary views, 180-193 indexes (see indexes) listing for particular owner, 194 plan table, 283-285 interpreting, 286-292 prompting users for names, 134 security (privileges), 222-225 ALL_TAB_PRIVS view, 222 synonyms, 218-222 viewing definitions, 219-222 triggers (see triggers) USER_TABLES view, 194 viewing definitions of, 176 tables of sample database, 11 TABLE_SCHEMA column ALL_COL_PRIVS view, 193 ALL_TAB_VIEWS view, 193 TABLESPACE parameter (RECOVER), 354 tablespace recovery, 353 TABLESPACE_NAME column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES view, 183 TABLE_TYPE column (ALL_INDEXES), 188 TEMPORARY column ALL_INDEXES view, 189 ALL_TABLES view, 184 terminal output (see display) TERMINATED BY clause (SQL*Loader), 170 terminating SQL statements, 34 termination character for substitution variables, 410 TERM[OUT] setting, 84, 108, 139, 393 prompting for values and, 127-128, 132 text editors, 57-60, 445 text files (see files) time in command prompt, 393 TI[ME] setting, 393 timers, 277-283 displaying value without stopping, 280 nesting, 281 resolution of, 278 SET TIMING command, 278 settings for, 414-416 starting and stopping, 280, 283 TIMI[NG] command, 279-283, 464 TIMI[NG] command, 279-283, 464 TIMI[NG] parameter (CLEAR), 283, 435 TIMI[NG] setting, 278-279, 415 titles, report, 109-111 < previous page page_499 next page > < previous page page_500 next page > Page 500 TO parameter (COPY), 436 TO_CHAR function, 474-477 converting numbers to strings, 159 formatting dates, 107 TO_DATE function, 266-267 toggling (see suppressing) Total System Global Area value, 337 totals/subtotals in reports, 97-106 TRACE[ONLY] parameter (SET AUTOTRACE), 297, 415 trailing spaces, eliminating, 164, 381-382 transactional database shutdown, 335, 460 TRANSACTIONAL parameter (SHUTDOWN), 335, 460 TRIGGER_BODY column ALL_TRIGGERS view, 191, 214 TRIGGERING_EVENT column (ALL_TRIGGERS), 191 TRIGGER_NAME column ALL_TRIGGER_COLS view, 191 ALL_TRIGGERS view, 190 TRIGGER_OWNER column (ALL_TRIGGER_COLS), 191 triggers, 214-218 ALL_TRIGGER_COLS view, 191, 214 ALL_TRIGGERS view, 190, 214 listing definitions (example), 214-218 TRIGGER_TYPE column (ALL_TRIGGERS), 190 TRIM[OUT] setting, 6, 381 TRIMS[POOL] setting, 6, 164, 382 troubleshooting application queries, with bind variables, 242 database backup and recovery, 340-356 error handling, 270-276 errors in SQL statements, 52, 271-274, 468 logon (GUI version), 22 querying product user profile, 312 variable substitution, 146-151 TRU[NCATE] setting, 382 TRU[NCATED] parameter COLUMN command, 71, 160, 440 SET SERVEROUTPUT command, 391 TTI[TLE] command, 74-76, 465 REPHEADER command vs., 110 user variables, 94 TTI[TLE] parameter (SHOW), 420, 460 tuning (see performance, improving) turning off (see suppressing) two-line column heading, 372 U UFI (User Friendly Interface), 6 UNDEF[INE] command, 144, 146, 466 UND[ERLINE] setting, 383 UNION [ALL] operator, 118-120 UNION operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 292 unions, 117-121 unique constraints, 201 columns specified in, 187, 200 UNIQUENESS column (ALL_INDEXES), 188 Unix commands for scripts, 143 Unix environment variables, 360 UNTIL CANCEL phrase (RECOVER), 451 UNTIL CHANGE phrase (RECOVER), 451 UNTIL TIME phrase (RECOVER), 452 UPDATE privileges, 223 ALL_COL_PRIVS, 193, 222 product user profile, 313 UPPER parameter SET SQLCASE command, 399 USE_CONCAT hint, 303-304 USE_HASH hint, 306 USE_MERGE hint, 306 USE_NL hint, 306 user input parsing with SQL, 269-270 validating, 262 ACCEPT statement, 263-267 SQL for, 267-269 USER parameter (SHOW), 420, 460 user profile script, 357, 360 user (substitution) variables bind variables with, 230-233 changing prefix character, 151 defining, 144-146, 443 session-duration, 128-132 disabling, 150 examining/listing, 145 extract scripts, 165 reports, 93-94 scripts, 123-132 settings for, 410-413 troubleshooting, 146-151 verification, 137 within comments, 153 < previous page page_500 next page > . parameter SET SQLCASE command, 399 USE_CONCAT hint, 303-304 USE_HASH hint, 306 USE_MERGE hint, 306 USE_NL hint, 306 user input parsing with SQL, 269-270 validating, 262 ACCEPT statement, 263-267 SQL for,. view, 189 ALL_TABLES view, 184 terminal output (see display) TERMINATED BY clause (SQL* Loader), 170 terminating SQL statements, 34 termination character for substitution variables, 410 TERM[OUT]. with bind variables, 242 database backup and recovery, 340-356 error handling, 270-276 errors in SQL statements, 52, 271-274, 468 logon (GUI version), 22 querying product user profile, 312 variable