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Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P56 pot

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< previous page page_488 next page > Page 488 INDEX_NAME column ALL_IND_COLUMNS view, 190 ALL_INDEXES view, 188 INDEX_OWNER column (ALL_IND_COLUMNS), 190 INDEX_TYPE column (ALL_INDEXES), 188 INFILE clause (LOAD DATA command), 169 INITIAL_EXTENT column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES view, 183 initialization file, 343 initialization parameters, viewing, 338 INI_TRANS column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES view, 183 INLIST ITERATOR operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 291 I[NPUT] command, 42, 49-51, 447 input (see user input) input settings, 395-403 INSERT parameter (COPY), 436 INSERT privileges, 223 INSERT statements, file of, 162 inserting lines into SQL buffer, 49-51 INSTANCE setting, 418 INSTANCES column ALL_INDEXES view, 189 ALL_TABLES view, 184 INSTANCES parameter (RECOVER), 452 INTEGER EXTERNAL datatype, 170 INTERMED[IATE] parameter (SET FLAGGER), 409 INTERNAL keyword (CONNECT command), 31 INTERNAL parameter (CONNECT), 330, 442 INTERNAL role connecting as, 330, 442 password for, 328 INTERSECTION operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 291 INTO TABLE clause (LOAD DATA command), 169 INV[ISIBLE] parameter (SET SHIFTINOUT), 380 IOT_NAME column (ALL_TABLES), 183 IOT_TYPE column (ALL_TABLES), 184 iterating (see looping) J Jacobs, Ken, 7 join operation hints, 305 join order hints, 305 JUS[TIFY] parameter (COLUMN command), 69, 438 K key constraints, columns specified in, 187, 200 L. L (LIST) command, 42-45, 448 LABEL clause (COMPUTE command), 98, 102, 441 labels (see names) language-specific settings, 365 large object settings, 413-414 LAST keyword (line editor), 43, 48, 443, 448 LAST_ANALYZED column ALL_INDEXES view, 189 ALL_TAB_COLUMNS view, 185 ALL_TABLES view, 184 LAST_CHANGE column (ALL_CONSTRAINTS), 187 LEAF_BLOCKS column (ALL_INDEXES), 189 LE[FT] parameter BTITLE command, 77, 433 REPHEADER, REPFOOTER commands, 109, 453, 455 TTITLE command, 75, 465 length (see size) LIKE clause ATTRIBUTE command, 114, 430 COLUMN command, 70, 439 line breaks in column headings, 372 line breaks in reports, 86, 88-89, 431 line editing, 40-51 adding text to lines, 45 deleting lines from buffer, 48 inserting lines, 49-51 search-and-replace, 46-47 viewing buffer contents, 43-45 line numbers in command prompt, 400 line width of report pages, 79, 95, 373 lines per page (reports), 81-83, 374, 377 < previous page page_488 next page > < previous page page_489 next page > Page 489 IIN[ESIZE] setting, 79, 95, 373 I[IST] command, 42-45, 448 IIS[T] option (GET command), 56, 446 IIST parameter (ARCHIVE LOG), 339, 349, 429 IIST_COLUMNS.SQL (example), 195-200 IIST_CONSTRAINTS.SQL (example), 203-207 IIST_INDEXES.SQL (example), 211-214 IIST_SYN.SQL (example), 221-222 IIST_TRIGGERS.SQL (example), 216-218 l sting user variables, 145 INO parameter (SHOW), 419, 459 IOAD DATA command (SQL*Loader), 169 loading extracted data, 155, 167-174 logging, 173-174 loading sample database, 13-17 IOBOF[FSET] setting, 413 IOCAL environment variable, 364 IOCAL parameter (SET INSTANCE), 418 log information, viewing, 339, 416 IOG= option (SQLLDR80 command), 172 IOG_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter, 349 IOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT parameter, 350 IOGGING column ALL_INDEXES view, 189 ALL_TABLES view, 183 logging into databases, 14, 20-23 as administrator, 326-330 CONN[ECT] command, 30-32, 442 default database for, 418 startup scripts, 357-360 troubleshooting (GUI version), 22 logging SQL*Loader activity, 172-174 login.sql script, 357, 360 IOGSOURCE parameter (SHOW), 339 IOGSOURCE setting, 416 IONG datatype, settings for, 413-414 IONG setting, 414 IONGC[HUNKSIZE] setting, 414 looping, 254-262 generating files of commands, 257-259 PL/SQL for, 259-262 recursive execution, 255-257 LOWER parameter (SET SQLCASE), 399 LOW_VALUE column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 LTRIM function, 162 M manually archiving log files, 350 margins for report pages, 81-83, 374, 377 master/detail reports, 93-97 MAXD[ATA] setting, 374 MAX_EXTENTS column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES view, 183 MAX[IMUM] parameter (COMPUTE command), 98, 441 MAX_TRANS column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES view, 183 MERGE JOIN operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 291 merge joins, 306 MERGE_AJ hint, 303 methodology for developing reports, 65 MIN_EXTENTS column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES view, 183 MIN[IMUM] parameter (COMPUTE command), 98, 441 MINUS operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 291 MIXED parameter (SET SQLCASE), 399 MOUNT parameter (STARTUP), 333, 463 MOUNT state, 332 multilevel file structure, 248-250 multiline comments in scripts, 152, 424 N names report headings, 71, 372 line break characters, 372 underline characters, 383 report titles, 109-111 shortcuts for scripts, 142 substitution variables, 126 tables, prompting users for, 134 total and subtotal labels, 101, 103 work files, 417 NATIVE parameter (SET COMPATIBILITY), 408 NCHAR datatype, 229, 467 NCLOB datatype, 230, 468 printing, 235-236 negative numbers, 472 NESTED column (ALL_TABLES), 184 < previous page page_489 next page > < previous page page_490 next page > Page 490 nested loops joins, 306 NESTED LOOPS operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 291 nesting scripts, 255-257 nesting timers, 281 NEW_V[ALUE] clause (COLUMN), 70, 93, 107, 439 NEW[LINE] parameter (COLUMN), 70, 439 NEWP[AGE] setting, 81-83, 374 Next log sequence to archive value, 340, 350 NEXT parameter (ARCHIVE LOG), 350, 429 NEXT_EXTENT column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES view, 183 NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter, 107 NLS_LANG environment variable, 365 NOAPPEND hint, 307 NOARCHIVELOG parameter (ALTER DATABASE), 351 NOCACHE hint, 308 NODUP[LICATES] parameter (BREAK command), 89-90, 432 NOL[IST] option (GET command), 57, 446 /NOLOG command-line option, 25, 141, 329, 424 NO_MERGE hint, 306 NOMOUNT parameter (STARTUP), 333, 463 NOMOUNT state, 331 NONE parameter SET NEWPAGE command, 374 WHENEVER command, 469 NO_PARALLEL hint, 307 NOPARALLEL parameter (RECOVER), 452 NOPRI[NT] parameter (COLUMN), 70, 93, 101, 439 NOPROMPT parameter (ACCEPT), 133, 427 normal database shutdown, 334, 460 NORMAL parameter (SHUTDOWN), 334, 460 NUL[L] clause (COLUMN), 70, 439 NULL setting, 375 null string as column separator, 161, 369 NULLABLE column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 NULLIF clause (SQL*Loader), 171 NUM_BUCKETS column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 NUM_DISTINCT column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 NUM_FREELIST_BLOCKS column (ALL_TABLES), 184 NUM_NULLS column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 NUM_ROWS column ALL_INDEXES view, 189 ALL_TABLES view, 183 NUMBER datatype, 199, 229, 467 column width for displaying, 376 default formatting, 375 formatting, 471 validating, 263-265 NUM[BER] parameter ACCEPT command, 133, 427 COMPUTE command, 98, 441 numbers, formatting, 471 NUMF[ORMAT] setting, 375 NUM[WIDTH] setting, 376 NVARCHAR2 datatype, 468 NVARCHAR2 variable, 230 O object columns, formatting, 111-115 object types, information about, 178 OFF parameter ATTRIBUTE command, 114, 431 BTITLE command, 77, 432 COLUMN command, 71, 440 REPFOOTER command, 453 SET APPINO command, 404 SET AUTOCOMMIT command, 406 SET AUTOPRINT command, 386 SET AUTORECOVERY command, 416 SET AUTOTRACE command, 415 SET CMDSEP command, 398 SET CONCAT command, 410 SET COPYTYPECHECK command, 417 SET DEFINE command, 411 SET ECHO command, 387 SET EMBEDDED, 370 SET ESCAPE command, 412 SET FEEDBACK command, 388 SET FLAGGER command, 409 SET FLUSH command, 410 SET HEADING command, 373 SET PAUSE command, 389 SET RECSEP command, 378 < previous page page_490 next page > . 339, 349, 429 IIST_COLUMNS .SQL (example), 195-200 IIST_CONSTRAINTS .SQL (example), 203-207 IIST_INDEXES .SQL (example), 211-214 IIST_SYN .SQL (example), 221-222 IIST_TRIGGERS .SQL (example), 216-218 l. database for, 418 startup scripts, 357-360 troubleshooting (GUI version), 22 logging SQL* Loader activity, 172-174 login .sql script, 357, 360 IOGSOURCE parameter (SHOW), 339 IOGSOURCE setting, 416 IONG. 414 looping, 254-262 generating files of commands, 257-259 PL /SQL for, 259-262 recursive execution, 255-257 LOWER parameter (SET SQLCASE), 399 LOW_VALUE column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 LTRIM function,

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 04:20

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