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Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P55 docx

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reports, 85 scripts, 61-62 scripts at startup, 25, 140-142 single PL/SQL commands, 39, 445 SQL buffer statements, 51-54 execution plans, 283-292 AUTOTRACE setting, 292-297 creating plan table, 284 improving performance, 297-308 judging results, 298 understanding, 286-292 execution statistics, 295 EXIT clause (WHATEVER), 271, 275 EXIT clause (WHENEVER), 468-469 EXIT command, 26, 445 exiting SQL*Plus, 26, 445 text editors, 60 EXP[LAIN] parameter (SET AUTOTRACE), 415 EXPLAIN PLAN command, 8, 277, 283-292 creating plan table, 284 judging results, 298 syntax for, 285 understanding execution plans, 286-292 export command (Unix), 360 external text editors, 57-60, 445 extracting data, 155, 158-167 formaluting queries, 158 formatting the data, 159-163 reloading extracted data, 167-174 logging, 173-174 spooling data to files, 163-165 SQL*Plus limitations, 157 user-friendly scripts for, 165-167 < previous page page_485 next page > < previous page page_486 next page > Page 486 F failure codes, 272, 275 FAILURE option WHENEVER OSERROR command, 275 WHENEVER SQLERROR command, 272 FAILURE parameter EXIT command, 446 QUIT command, 450 feedback settings for, 385-395 turning off, 138, 164 FEED[BACK] setting, 84, 138, 388 spooling data to file, 164 filename extension, default, 403 files control files, listing, 343 default extension for command files, 403 editing with text editors, 58 generating files of commands, 257-259 initialization file, 343 multilevel file structure, 248-250 password file, 327 recovery of, 353 redo log files, saving, 345-351 saving SQL buffer, 54-57 search path, setting, 366 sending report output to, 83-84 spooling data to, 163-165 SQL*Loader control file, 168-171 startup scripts, 357-360 types of output files, 156-157 working directory, 62-64 FILTER operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 290 FIRST ROW operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 290 FIRST_ROWS hint, 302 Fixed Size value (SGA), 337 fixed-width files, 156, 160-162 SQL*Loader control for, 170 FLAGGER setting, 409 FLOAT datatype, 199 FLU[SH] setting, 409 FOLD_A[FTER] parameter (COLUMN command), 69, 438 FOLD_B[EFORE] parameter (COLUMN command), 69, 438 font size for reports, 81 footers and headers report pages, 74-80, 432, 465 current date in, 106-108 embedded reports and, 371 user variables, 94, 97 reports, 109-111 FOR UPDATE operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 290 FORCE parameter (STARTUP), 462 foreign key constraints, 202 columns specified in, 187, 200 FOR[MAT] clause ACCEPT command, 133, 427 ATTRIBUTE command, 114, 430 BTITLE command, 78, 433 COLUMN command, 69, 72, 438 REPHEADER, REPFOOTER commands, 109, 454-455 TTITLE command, 75, 466 FORMAT parameter (SET SERVEROUTPUT), 37 format specifications, 470-477 formatting columns in reports, 68-73 columns (see COLUMN command) data, 470-477 data to be extracted, 159-163 dates, 107 LONG column lengths, 414 master/detail reports, 93-97 numbers, 375 object columns (reports), 111-115 PRINT command output, 234 report pages, 81-83 settings for, 368-385 word wrap, 37, 384, 473 formulating queries designing reports, 67 extracting data, 158 forward slash (/) executing SQL buffer, 51, 53, 426 terminating PL/SQL blocks, 39 terminating SQL statements, 34 FREELIST_GROUPS column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES view, 183 FREELISTS column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES view, 183 < previous page page_486 next page > < previous page page_487 next page > Page 487 FROM parameter (COPY), 436 full database recovery, 352 FULL hint, 303 FULL parameter (SET FLAGGER), 409 functions bind variables with, 238-240 viewing information about, 177 G GENERATED column ALL_CONSTRAINTS view, 187 ALL_INDEXES view, 190 generating files of commands, 257-259 generating reports (see reports) GET command, 56, 446 global login file, 358 glogin.sql script (site profile), 357-359 grand totals in reports, 102-106 GRANTABLE column ALL_COL_PRIVS view, 193 ALL_TAB_VIEWS view, 193 GRANTEE column ALL_COL_PRIVS view, 193 ALL_TAB_VIEWS view, 193 GRANTOR column ALL_COL_PRIVS view, 193 ALL_TAB_VIEWS view, 193 grants (see privileges) GROUP BY clause, BREAK with, 90 GUI version of SQL*Plus, 18 starting, 19-23 H HASH hint, 303 HASH JOIN operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 290 hash joins, 306 HASH_AJ hint, 303 headers and footers report pages, 74-80, 432, 465 current date in, 106-108 embedded reports and, 371 user variables, 94, 97 reports, 109-111 headers, report, 109-111 HEA[DING] clause (COLUMN command), 69, 71, 438 HEA[DING] setting, 372 headings for report columns, 71, 372 line break characters, 372 underline characters, 383 HEADS[EP] setting, 372 help commenting scripts, 151-154 HELP command, 28-29, 447 HELP MENU command, 28 HELP not accessible message, 28 HIDE parameter (ACCEPT), 133, 428 HIGH_VALUE column (ALL_TAB_COLUMNS), 185 hints, 277, 300-308 access method hints, 303-305 join operation hints, 305 join order hints, 305 optimizer goal hints, 302 parallel execution hints, 307 HO[ST] command, 447 hot database backups, 342-345 hyphens (-) for comments, 153, 425 I I (INPUT) command, 42, 49-51, 447 IBM's System R, 6 IF statement (see branching) immediate database shutdown, 336, 460 IMMEDIATE parameter SET AUTOCOMMIT command, 406 SHUTDOWN command, 336, 460 importing data (see reloading extracted data) INCLUDE_COLUMN column (ALL_INDEXES), 188 INDEX hint, 303-305 INDEX operation (EXPLAIN PLAN), 291 INDEX_ASC hint, 303 INDEX_COMBINE hint, 303 INDEX_DESC hint, 303 indexes, 207-214 ALL_IND_COLUMNS view, 190, 207 ALL_INDEXES view, 187-190, 207, 211 describing one (example), 208-211 improving performance with, 298 into LONG columns, 413 listing, 207 listing all (example), 211-214 INDEX_FFS hint, 303 < previous page page_487 next page > . 158-167 formaluting queries, 158 formatting the data, 159-163 reloading extracted data, 167-174 logging, 173-174 spooling data to files, 163-165 SQL* Plus limitations, 157 user-friendly scripts. queries designing reports, 67 extracting data, 158 forward slash (/) executing SQL buffer, 51, 53, 426 terminating PL /SQL blocks, 39 terminating SQL statements, 34 FREELIST_GROUPS column ALL_INDEXES view, 188 ALL_TABLES. reports, 85 scripts, 61-62 scripts at startup, 25, 140-142 single PL /SQL commands, 39, 445 SQL buffer statements, 51-54 execution plans, 283-292 AUTOTRACE setting, 292-297 creating

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 04:20

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