ptg 1994 CHAPTER 49 SQL Server Service Broker Now that you have a sense of what you can accomplish with this utility, you should take some time to explore it further by monitoring the status of a conversation of the service you set up in the XBikeDistribution database. Further information is available in the MSDN article “ssbdiagnose Utility.” Related System Catalogs A few of the system catalogs and dynamic management views (DMVs) might be of interest to you if you’re debugging Service Broker applications or simply seeking a greater under- standing of how Service Broker works under the hood. Let’s take a look at some of them. You’ve already seen sys.transmission_queue, which is used to store undelivered messages in a particular database. This table is very useful because it provides the reason a message is undeliverable (in transmission_status), the date sent (in enqueue_time), a conversation identifier ( conversation_handle), contract and service names (service_contract_name, to_service_name, from_service_name), and more. Another useful catalog is sys.service_queues, which holds the definitions of the queues defined in a particular database. It has a few interesting columns: . activation_procedure—This column contains the name of the activated service program that is bound to the queue. . max_readers—This column contains the integer value specified in the CREATE QUEUE of MAX_QUEUE_READERS. . is_retention_enabled—This column contains the Boolean value of the RETENTION flag in CREATE QUEUE. You can use the value in the object_id column to figure out which queue is being refer- enced in a particular error message, such as the following, which you may find in your transmission queue someday: This message could not be delivered because the destination queue has been disabled. Queue ID: 325576198 . This error occurs when your activated code throws an error in its body after receiving a message, rolls back the receive, is activated again, and so on, until Service Broker intervenes and disables the queue. (It usually takes three failures for this to happen.) A similar error is raised if you set ENCRYPTION = ON and don’t set up certificates. To see all the services in a particular database, you can query To see all the active conversations, you can query sys.conversation_groups. The following query shows how to use these tables together: SELECT as QueueName, as ServiceName, cg.conversation_group_id as CGId FROM ss JOIN sys.service_queues sq ON ss.service_queue_id = sq.object_id ptg 1995 Related System Catalogs 49 LEFT JOIN sys.conversation_groups cg ON cg.service_id = ss.service_id To see all the contracts in a particular database, you can query sys.service_contracts. To see all the message types, you can query sys.service_message_types. These catalog views are brought together in the system table sys.service_contract_message_usages (showing message types by contract). You can also link them to sys.service_contract_usages (showing contracts by service) via the following query: SELECT s.Name ServiceName, sc.Name ContractName, smt.Name as MsgTypeName, scmu.is_sent_by_initiator, scmu.is_sent_by_target FROM s JOIN sys.service_contract_usages scu ON scu.service_id = s.service_id JOIN sys.service_contracts sc ON sc.service_contract_id = scu.service_contract_id JOIN sys.service_contract_message_usages scmu ON scmu.service_contract_id = sc.service_contract_id JOIN sys.service_message_types smt ON smt.message_type_id = scmu.message_type_id In addition, you can view any certificates you have created by querying sys.certificates, routes via sys.routes, and remote service bindings via sys.remote_service_bindings. Each side of a conversation is known as an endpoint, and you can view endpoints by querying sys.conversation_endpoints. Five DMVs may be of interest in debugging live Service Broker applications: . sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks—Each row refers to a stored procedure being acti- vated. . sys.dm_broker_connections—Each row refers to an in-use Service Broker network connection. . sys.dm_broker_forwarded_messages—Each row refers to a message currently being forwarded. . sys.dm_broker_queue_monitors—Each row refers to the current behavior of a SQL Server background task known as a queue monitor, which is responsible for activation. . sys.dm_broker_transmission_status—Each row refers to the status of a message being transmitted. To see all the activated stored procedures in a given database, for example, you can try the following: ptg 1996 CHAPTER 49 SQL Server Service Broker SELECT DBName, QueueName, dmbat.spid SPID, dmbat.procedure_name ProcName FROM sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks dmbat JOIN sys.databases d ON d.database_id = dmbat.database_id AND dmbat.database_id = DB_ID() JOIN sys.service_queues sq ON dmbat.queue_id = sq.object_id Summary Like the addition of native Web services, the addition of Service Broker pushes SQL Server even further outside the bounds of being a pure database server and into the application server realm. Because it is built directly into SQL Server databases, Service Broker inherently provides backup and restoration, replication and failover, and single-mode transactions, which together give Service Broker an edge over competing messaging technologies. Plus, as you’ve seen, it’s extremely easy to set up and begin coding, because you need to do very little groundwork; all the ingredients are already “in there.” One issue not covered in this chapter is the fact that service programs may be written in managed code that makes use of SQL Server CLR integration. At the time of this writing, there is no officially released .NET Framework library for the Service Broker objects, so this chapter does not cover the subject. However, Microsoft may release a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) channel that provides a Service Broker interface. In Chapter 50, “SQL Server Full-Text Search” (on the CD), looks at how SQL Server’s Full- Text Search feature enables you to create an index of and perform specialized queries against all textual data in your tables. ptg CHAPTER 50 SQL Server Full-Text Search IN THIS CHAPTER . What’s New in SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search . Upgrade Options in SQL Server 2008 . How SQL Server FTS Works . Implementing SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Catalogs . Setting Up a Full-Text Index . Full-Text Searches . Full-Text Search Maintenance . Full-Text Search Performance . Full-Text Search Troubleshooting This chapter looks at how to use SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search (FTS). SQL Server FTS allows you to do extremely fast searches of textual contents stored in columns of the char, nchar, varchar, nvarchar, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), xml, and text data types and binary content stored in image and varbinary(max) data types (if you have an IFilter for the data stored in the image or varbinary(max) data types). SQL Server FTS has considerable advantages over a search based on a LIKE clause because it is faster, can search binary content, and has language features that a LIKE clause does not support. SQL Server FTS also allows you to include a wildcard at the end of a word (for example, doing a search on test* to match test, testing, tester, and testament). However, SQL Server FTS does not allow a wildcard at the beginning of a word; for these types of prefix-based searches, you still have to use a LIKE clause. SQL Server FTS creates an index similar to one you can find at the back of any book. It contains a list of words, with pointers to the tables and rows that contain the words. SQL Server consults this index, called a full-text index, when you issue a full-text query; it returns a list of rows that contain the words in your search phrase. SQL Server FTS ships, by default, in all versions of SQL Server except SQL CE/Mobile and SQL Express. There are several versions of SQL Server Express. If you want a version of SQL Server Express with Full-Text Search, you need to download SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with Advanced Services. ptg 1998 CHAPTER 50 SQL Server Full-Text Search What’s New in SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search Microsoft spent more than five years developing SQL Server 2008 R2. The developers at Microsoft spent that time improving the engine, tools, and performance and making this version more user friendly. SQL Server 2008 introduces the following for Full-Text Search: . Full-text catalogs are now stored inside the database. In previous versions, they were stored in the filesystem. . SQL Server execution plans are able to make intelligent queries against the full- text catalogs. . Stop lists (also known as noise words files) are now stored in the database. You can create any number of stop word lists; each full-text index table or indexed view can have its own specific stop list. . You are able to use two DMVs to troubleshoot indexing. . More languages are now supported for Full-Text Search. SQL Server 2008 supports 48 languages, up from the 23 supported in SQL Server 2005. . Full-text catalogs in log-shipped or mirrored databases do not need to be repopulated when you fail over. In previous versions of SQL Server, if you log shipped or mirrored a database that was full-text indexed, you would have to repopulate the full-text indexes when you failed over to the secondary or mirror. In SQL Server 2008, this step is no longer necessary; on failover, the full-text indexes are immedi- ately accessible and queryable. . FTS works with the FILESTREAM property of varbinary(max) columns. . A new external engine performs the content extraction and indexing (it is called FDHost also known as Filter Daemon Host). . DBCC CHECKDB validates SQL Full-Text structures but does not validate its contents, however. . Considerable performance improvements have been made. These new features are covered throughout this chapter. Upgrade Options in SQL Server 2008 When you upgrade SQL Server from a previous version to SQL Server 2008, or if you attach or restore a SQL 2005 database to SQL Server 2008, you are prompted to upgrade your full-text catalogs. There are three options: . Import . Rebuild . Reset ptg 1999 How SQL Server FTS Works 50 In an import, the full-text catalog is imported from the SQL Server 2005 instance in the case of an upgrade. In the case of a database attach or restore, the SQL 2005 full-text cata- logs are stored in the database in a different file group. An import is faster than a rebuild; however, the import does not use the new word break- ers (described later), so for some languages where the word breakers have been improved, you may not get consistent results when compared with catalogs that have been rebuilt. In SQL Server 2008, if your full-text key is not an integer, the full-text engine builds a document map mapping the full-text key with a more efficient integer-based key. If you import your full-text catalog and your full-text key is not an integer key, your full-text queries are not able to take advantage of this efficiency. A rebuild takes advantage of the new word breakers and other capabilities of SQL Server 2008. However, the rebuild may take longer than an import. A reset drops the SQL 2005 catalogs but retains the metadata, so your full-text indexes are intact but not populated until you start a population in SQL Server 2008. A rebuild is the preferred option but results in the full-text catalog being rebuilt; conse- quently, full-text queries will be out of date until the rebuild is complete. How SQL Server FTS Works As mentioned previously, in SQL Server 2008, the catalogs are now stored inside the full- text engine. This redesign has resulted in many architectural changes in SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search. The two main components of Full-Text Search are as follows: . IndexingExtracts the textual content from your data and stores the words or tokens in inverted file indexes . SearchingQueries these inverted file indexes and returns the rows that match the query Indexing The indexing engine connects to your database and extracts the content from the tables you are full-text indexing. It then sends this stream to COM components called filters (or IFilters). These COM components are run in an out-of-process service called the FT Daemon Host. These filters are able to understand the content and can extract text data from them. For example, if you store XML or Word documents in your database, these filters can understand this data or binary data and emit words and/or tokens it finds in there. The filters chosen are the default text ones if you are using char, varchar, or text data types or XML if you are using the xml data type. If you are indexing varbinary docu- ments, the indexing engine reads the document type column and launches the filter corresponding to the value stored in the document type column. ptg 2000 CHAPTER 50 SQL Server Full-Text Search If you are storing Word documents in a varbinary data type column, and in your full-text creating statement you specified a document type column called DocumentType, the contents of this column for that row should be doc, .doc, docx, or .docx. You can obtain a list of filters in use by querying as follows: select document_type from sys.fulltext_document_types Each filter understands the file format of the type of document it indexes. For example, the Word filter understands the file formats for Word documents and emits the textual data it finds in the Word documents; the XML filter understands the XML documents and emits the textual data it finds in them. If you need to index documents for which the file type does not appear in the results of sys.full_text_document_types, you need to install that filter on the server running SQL Server 2008 and then allow SQL Server 2008 to use them. To allow SQL Server to use these third-party iFilters, you need to issue the following command: sp_FullText_Service ‘load_os_resources’,1 This command loads the filter if it is installed on the OS. In most cases, this is sufficient. In many cases, SQL Server wants to verify the signature/certificate embedded in the COM component/filter. This can cause problems in two ways. First, the filter may not have a certificate, and when SQL Server tries to validate the certificate with the issuing authority, it is unable to do so. Second, the performance impact of having to validate the certifi- cate/signature causes the initial queries to take a long time as the validation process proceeds. For these two reasons, you might want to disable the certificate/signature check by using the following command: sp_FullText_Service ‘verify_signature’,0 Microsoft has published documentation on how to develop your own filters. For more infor- mation on how to do this, consult The filters then send the stream of textual data emitted by them to another component called word breakers. Word breakers respect the language you specified to be used to index your columns’ content. The neutral word breaker basically breaks words at whitespace boundaries and at punctua- tion (, . : ; ’ “ ! -) and indexes only alphanumeric characters. The English (U.S) and British (or International English) word breakers index hyphenated words without the hyphens and as their component words, so data-base is indexed as data, base, and database. They also index acronyms as single letters and the whole word if they are capitalized. For example, F.B.I. is indexed as f, b, i, and fbi (words are indexed lowercase). ptg 2001 How SQL Server FTS Works 50 The English and British English word breakers are nearly identical, with the exception that during the searching process, different stems may be used. In U.S. English speakers may say oriented, whereas British English speakers may say orientated (in Canada oriented is now more common; however in the rest of the English-speaking world—with the exception of the United States—orientated is more common). The German and Dutch word breakers index compound words as the compound and constituent words. For example, the German word Volkswagen is indexed as volks and wagen. For Far Eastern languages, the word breakers break the sentence at whitespace and then go through the “words” and extract characters. In some Far Eastern languages, characters appear contiguous to each other in blocks that appear to Westerners as words. In fact, each character is a word unto itself, and characters can be combined to form new words. These characters may be indexed singly or in multiple character combinations. By default, the word breaker used by the indexing process is the language specified in sp_configure unless you specify that you want the contents of the columns you are full- text indexing to be indexed in a different language: exec sp_configure ‘show advanced options’,1 reconfigure with override exec sp_configure ‘default full-text language’ Refer to the sections titled “Using the Full-Text Indexing Wizard to Build Full-Text Indexes and Catalogs” and “Using T-SQL Commands to Build Full-Text Indexes and Catalogs.” Some documents have language-specific tags in them that launch different word breakers than the ones you specify on your server or in your full-text index creation statement. For example, Word and XML documents have language tags embedded in them. If your Word documents are in German, and you specify in your full-text index creation statement to use the French word breakers, your Word document are indexed in German, not French. When the word breakers have done their work, the stop lists are applied and the stop lists are removed. Then the words are sent to the full-text indexes. The full-text indexes store positional information, so they know where a word occurs in a document. These word positions also reflect stop list words that were removed. At any one time, there may be multiple temporary memory resident full-text indexes. At certain periods, these temporary full-text indexes are consolidated into a single master full-text index. This process is called a master merge. You can force a master merge by reor- ganizing a catalog ( using the T-SQL statement ALTER FULLTEXT CATALOG MyCatalog REOR- GANIZE , where your catalog is name MyCatalog) or optimizing (an option available to you in the Catalog Properties dialog). Searching Although the indexer launches word breakers and filters as out-of-process SQL Server components, the search process is entirely within the SQL Server engine. To query the full- text indexes, you need to use CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicates or their rowset analogs ( CONTAINSTABLE, FREETEXTTABLE). ptg 2002 CHAPTER 50 SQL Server Full-Text Search Just as the indexer applies the default server full-text language for indexing, it also applies the default full-text language for searching. Consider a search on the French word courir (to run). If you were to search in English on this word, it would search on courir and courirs. However, on a server with the default full-text language setting for French, your search would be conducted on couraient, courais, courait, courant, coure, courent, coures, courez, couriez, courions, courir, courons, courra, courrai, courraient, courrais, courrait, courras, courrez, courriez, courrions, courrons, courront, cours, court, couru, courue, courues, courumes, courumes, coururent, courus, courusse, courussent, courusses, courussiez, courussions, courut, courutes. Now that you understand the architecture of Full-Text Search, let’s discuss how to create full-text catalogs. NOTE The examples in this chapter are based on the SQL Server 2005 version of the AdventureWorks database. The 2005 version of the AdventureWorks database can be installed using the same installer that installs the AdventureWorks2008 or AdventureWorks2008R2 database. If you didn’t install AdventureWorks when you installed either of these sample databases, simply relaunch the installer and choose to install the AdventureWorks OLTP database. For more information on downloading and installing the AdventureWorks sample data- bases, see the Introduction chapter. Implementing SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Catalogs In SQL Server 2005 and previous versions, full-text catalogs were containers for your full- text indexes. In SQL Server 2008, they are really virtual containers on which you can tag various settings and have these settings apply to all indexes placed in that catalog (for example, accent sensitivity) or rebuild all indexes in a catalog at one time. To create a full-text catalog, you first need to full-text enable your database. To do this, issue the following query in your database: sp_fulltext_database ‘enable’ You can also right-click on your database, select Properties, and then click on the Files tab. Check Use Full-Text Indexing and then click OK. After doing this, you can create your catalog. There are two ways to do this: by using the wizard or using T-SQL. Before you create a full-text index, you must create a full-text catalog. In the wizard, full- text catalog creation can be done alongside full-text index creation, but under the covers, the catalog is always created first. We first discuss creating the full-text catalog using the wizard and then using the T-SQL commands. ptg 2003 Setting Up a Full-Text Index 50 Setting Up a Full-Text Index There are two ways to create a full-text index: . Using T-SQL commands . Using the Full-Text Wizard Using T-SQL Commands to Build Full-Text Indexes and Catalogs In SQL 2008 full-text catalogs are “virtual.” They are just containers for full-text catalog properties like accent sensitivity or catalog rebuild or population statements. They live inside the database in SQL 2008, unlike SQL 2000 and 2005, where the catalogs and full- text indexes resided in the filesystem. To build your full-text catalogs and indexes, you need to use the CREATE FULLTEXT commands. NOTE T-SQL commands are not case sensitive. There are three commands for full-text index creation and maintenance: . CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG . CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX . ALTER FULLTEXT INDEX Let’s look at how they work. CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG To create a full-text catalog in its simplest form, you enter this command: USE AdventureWorks; Create fulltext catalog MyCatalog In this command, MyCatalog is the name of the catalog. The CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG statement has several switches: . ON FILEGROUP . IN PATH . WITH ACCENT_SENSITIVITY . AS DEFAULT . AUTHORIZATION We next cover each of these parameters. . tables. ptg CHAPTER 50 SQL Server Full-Text Search IN THIS CHAPTER . What’s New in SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search . Upgrade Options in SQL Server 2008 . How SQL Server FTS Works . Implementing SQL Server 2008 Full-Text. chapter. Upgrade Options in SQL Server 2008 When you upgrade SQL Server from a previous version to SQL Server 2008, or if you attach or restore a SQL 2005 database to SQL Server 2008, you are prompted. Search, you need to download SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with Advanced Services. ptg 1998 CHAPTER 50 SQL Server Full-Text Search What’s New in SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search Microsoft spent more than