ptg 974 CHAPTER 30 Creating and Managing Triggers update the data related to the jobs table UPDATE jobs SET jobs.min_lvl = i.min_lvl, jobs.max_lvl = i.max_lvl, jobs.job_desc = i.job_desc FROM inserted i WHERE jobs.job_id = i.job_id AND (jobs.min_lvl <> i.min_lvl OR jobs.max_lvl <> i.max_lvl OR jobs.job_desc <> i.job_desc) update the data related to the employee table UPDATE employee SET employee.job_lvl = i.min_lvl FROM inserted i WHERE employee.emp_id = i.emp_id GO A section in Listing 30.13 checks the fields related to the jobs table and updates the base table if any of the values have changed. Another section updates the employee table for the employee fields that have been changed in the view. NOTE You could enhance the trigger in Listing 30.13 to include logic to check for specific updates or to update only those employees who are assigned to the job and have a job level below the new minimum. These enhancements are not included in the listing to keep the example simple. If you now execute the same UPDATE statement, you don’t get an error message: UPDATE employeeJobs SET min_lvl = 40, job_lvl = 40 WHERE job_id = 12 GO The following results show values selected from the employeeJobs view after the update is executed successfully: min_lvl max_lvl job_id job_desc job_lvl emp_id 25 100 14 Designer 35 ENL44273F 25 100 14 Designer 89 PSA89086M Download from ptg 975 Using DML Triggers 25 100 14 Designer 100 KFJ64308F 25 100 13 Sales Representative 35 PMA42628M 25 100 13 Sales Representative 64 CGS88322F 25 100 13 Sales Representative 100 TPO55093M 40 100 12 Editor 40 Y-L77953M 40 100 12 Editor 40 H-B39728F 40 100 12 Editor 40 HAS54740M Notice that the Editor job now has a minimum level (min_lvl) equal to 40 and that all the employees who have that job level (job_lvl) are also set to 40. You can see the added flexibility that you get by using the INSTEAD OF trigger on a basic view. This flexibility is also applicable to a more sophisticated view called a distributed partitioned view. With this type of view, data for the view can be partitioned across differ- ent servers. Partitioning this way enables you to scale a database solution and still have a single view of the data that appears as one table. You can make data modifications via a distributed partitioned view, but some restrictions exist. If you do not meet the requirements for updating the view, you can use the INSTEAD OF trigger to bypass these restrictions; this is similar to adding an INSTEAD OF trigger on a nonpartitioned view. INSTEAD OF Trigger Restrictions INSTEAD OF triggers have many capabilities, but they also have limitations. Following are some of them: . INSTEAD OF triggers do not support recursion. This means they cannot call them- selves, regardless of the setting of the Recursive Triggers database option. For example, if an INSERT is executed on a table that has an INSTEAD OF trigger, and the INSTEAD OF trigger performs an INSERT on this same table, the INSTEAD OF trigger for this INSERT does not fire a second time. Any AFTER triggers defined on the same table for INSERT fire based on the INSTEAD OF trigger INSERT. . You can define only one INSTEAD OF trigger for each action on a given table. Therefore, you can have a maximum of three INSTEAD OF triggers for each table: one for INSERT, one for UPDATE, and one for DELETE. . A table cannot have an INSTEAD OF trigger and a FOREIGN KEY constraint with CASCADE defined for the same action. For example, you cannot have an INSTEAD OF trigger defined for DELETE on a given table as well as a foreign key with a CASCADE DELETE definition. You get an error if you attempt to do this. In this situation, you could have INSTEAD OF triggers defined on INSERT and UPDATE without receiving errors. 30 Download from ptg 976 CHAPTER 30 Creating and Managing Triggers Using DDL Triggers DDL triggers were introduced in SQL Server 2005. These triggers focus on changes to the definition of database objects as opposed to changes to the actual data. The definition of database objects is dictated by the DDL events that these triggers respond to. The DDL events that these triggers fire on can be broken down into two main categories. The first category includes DDL events that are scoped at the database level and affect the definition of objects such as tables, indexes, and users. The second category of DDL trig- gers is scoped at the server level. These triggers apply to server objects, such as logins. The number of DDL events at the database level far exceeds the number at the server level. Table 30.2 lists the DDL statements and system stored procedures that DDL triggers can fire on. TABLE 30.2 DDL Statements and System Stored Procedures * Create/Grant/Bind/Add Alter/Update/Deny Drop/Revoke/Unbind Statements and System Stored Procedures with Database-Level Scope CREATE_APPLICATION_ROLE ALTER_APPLICATION_ROLE DROP_APPLICATION_ROLE (sp_addapprole) (sp_approlepassword) (sp_dropapprole) CREATE_ASSEMBLY ALTER_ASSEMBLY DROP_ASSEMBLY ALTER_AUTHORIZATION_ DATABASE (sp_changedbowner) CREATE_CERTIFICATE ALTER_CERTIFICATE DROP_CERTIFICATE CREATE_CONTRACT DROP_CONTRACT CREATE_DATABASE ALTER_DATABASE DROP_DATABASE CREATE_DEFAULT DROP_DEFAULT BIND_DEFAULT UNBIND_DEFAULT GRANT_DATABASE DENY_DATABASE REVOKE_DATABASE CREATE_EVENT_NOTIFICATION DROP_EVENT_NOTIFICATION CREATE_EXTENDED_PROPERTY ALTER_EXTENDED_PROPERTY DROP_EXTENDED_PROPERTY (sp_addextendedproperty) (sp_updateextendedproperty) (sp_dropextended property) CREATE_FULLTEXT_INDEX ALTER_FULLTEXT_INDEX DROP_FULLTEXT_INDEX (sp_fulltexttable) ( sp_fulltextcatalog) (sp_fulltexttable) Download from ptg 977 Using DDL Triggers 30 TABLE 30.2 DDL Statements and System Stored Procedures * Create/Grant/Bind/Add Alter/Update/Deny Drop/Revoke/Unbind (sp_fulltext_column) CREATE_FUNCTION ALTER_FUNCTION DROP_FUNCTION CREATE_INDEX ALTER_INDEX DROP_INDEX (sp_indexoption) CREATE_MASTER_KEY ALTER_MASTER_KEY DROP_MASTER_KEY CREATE_MESSAGE_TYPE ALTER_MESSAGE_TYPE DROP_MESSAGE_TYPE CREATE_PARTITION_FUNCTION ALTER_PARTITION_FUNCTION DROP_PARTITION_FUNCTION CREATE_PARTITION_SCHEME ALTER_PARTITION_SCHEME DROP_PARTITION_SCHEME CREATE_PLAN_GUIDE ALTER_PLAN_GUIDE DROP_PLAN_GUIDE (sp_create_plan_guide) (sp_control_plan_guide) (sp_control_plan_guide) CREATE_PROCEDURE ALTER_PROCEDURE DROP_PROCEDURE CREATE_QUEUE ALTER_QUEUE DROP_QUEUE CREATE_REMOTE_SERVICE_ ALTER_REMOTE_SERVICE_ DROP_REMOTE_SERVICE_ BINDING BINDING BINDING RENAME (sp_rename) CREATE_ROLE ALTER_ROLE DROP_ROLE (sp_addrole and sp_addgroup) (sp_droprole and sp_dropgroup) ADD_ROLE_MEMBER ALTER_ROUTEDROP_ROLE_MEMBER CREATE_ROUTE ALTER_ROUTE DROP_ROUTE CREATE_RULE DROP_RULE BIND_RULE UNBIND_RULE (sp_bindrule) (sp_unbindrule) CREATE_SCHEMA ALTER_SCHEMA DROP_SCHEMA (sp_addrole and sp_adduser) (sp_changeobjectowner) (sp_addgroup and sp_grantdbaccess) Download from ptg 978 CHAPTER 30 Creating and Managing Triggers TABLE 30.2 DDL Statements and System Stored Procedures * Create/Grant/Bind/Add Alter/Update/Deny Drop/Revoke/Unbind CREATE_SERVICE ALTER_SERVICE DROP_SERVICE ADD_SIGNATURE DROP_SIGNATURE CREATE_SPATIAL_INDEX ALTER_INDEX DROP_INDEX CREATE_STATISTICS UPDATE_STATISTICS DROP_STATISTICS CREATE_SYMMETRIC_KEY ALTER_SYMMETRIC_KEY DROP_SYMMETRIC_KEY CREATE_SYNONYM DROP_SYNONYM CREATE_TABLE ALTER_TABLE DROP_TABLE (sp_tableoption) CREATE_TRIGGER ALTER_TRIGGER DROP_TRIGGER (sp_settriggerorder) CREATE_TYPE DROP_TYPE (sp_addtype) (sp_droptype) CREATE_USER ALTER_USER DROP_USER (sp_adduser and sp_grantdbaccess) (sp_change_users_login) (sp_dropuser and sp_revokedbaccess) CREATE_VIEW ALTER_VIEW DROP_VIEW CREATE_XML_INDEX ALTER_INDEX DROP_INDEX CREATE_XML_SCHEMA_ ALTER_XML_SCHEMA_ DROP_XML_SCHEMA_ COLLECTION COLLECTION COLLECTION Statements and System Stored Procedures with Server-Level Scope ALTER_AUTHORIZATION_ SERVER CREATE_DATABASE ALTER_DATABASE DROP_DATABASE (sp_fulltext_database) CREATE_ENDPOINT ALTER_ENDPOINTDROP_ENDPOINT CREATE_EXTENDED_PROCEDURE DROP_EXTENDED_PROCEDURE (sp_addextendedproc) (sp_dropextendedproc) ALTER_INSTANCE Download from ptg 979 Using DDL Triggers 30 TABLE 30.2 DDL Statements and System Stored Procedures * Create/Grant/Bind/Add Alter/Update/Deny Drop/Revoke/Unbind (sp_configure and sp_addserver) CREATE_LINKED_SERVER ALTER_LINKED_SERVER DROP_LINKED_SERVER (sp_addlinkedserver) (sp_serveroption) (sp_dropserver) CREATE_LINKED_SERVER_ LOGIN DROP_LINKED_SERVER_ LOGIN (sp_addlinkedsrvlogin) (sp_droplinkedsrvlogin) CREATE_LOGIN ALTER_LOGIN DROP_LOGIN (sp_addlogin and sp_grantlogin) (sp_defaultdb and sp_defaultlanguage) (sp_droplogin and sp_revokelogin (xp_grantlogin and sp_denylogin) (sp_password, sp_change_users_login) (xp_revokelogin) CREATE_MESSAGE ALTER_MESSAGE DROP_MESSAGE (sp_addmessage) (sp_altermessage) (sp_dropmessage) CREATE_REMOTE_SERVER ALTER_REMOTE_SERVER DROP_REMOTE_SERVER (sp_addserver) (sp_setnetname) (sp_dropserver) GRANT_SERVER DENY_SERVER REVOKE_SERVER ADD_SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER DROP_SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER Statements and System Stored Procedures with Database-Level Scope Create/Grant/Bind/Add Alter/Update/Deny Drop/Revoke/Unbind CREATE_APPLICATION_ROLE ALTER_APPLICATION_ROLE DROP_APPLICATION_ROLE (sp_addapprole) (sp_approlepassword) (sp_dropapprole) CREATE_ASSEMBLY ALTER_ASSEMBLY DROP_ASSEMBLY ALTER_AUTHORIZATION_ DATABASE(sp_changedbowner) CREATE_CERTIFICATE ALTER_CERTIFICATE DROP_CERTIFICATE CREATE_CONTRACT DROP_CONTRACT CREATE_DATABASE ALTER_DATABASE DROP_DATABASE CREATE_DEFAULT DROP_DEFAULT BIND_DEFAULT UNBIND_DEFAULT Download from ptg 980 CHAPTER 30 Creating and Managing Triggers TABLE 30.2 DDL Statements and System Stored Procedures * Create/Grant/Bind/Add Alter/Update/Deny Drop/Revoke/Unbind GRANT_DATABASE DENY_DATABASE REVOKE_DATABASE CREATE_EVENT_ DROP_EVENT_ NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION CREATE_EXTENDED_ PROPERTY ALTER_EXTENDED_PROPERTY DROP_EXTENDED_PROPERTY (sp_addextendedproperty) (sp_updateextendedproperty) (sp_dropextendedproperty) CREATE_FULLTEXT_INDEX ALTER_FULLTEXT_INDEX DROP_FULLTEXT_INDEX (sp_fulltexttable) ( sp_fulltextcatalog) (sp_fulltexttable) (sp_fulltext_column) CREATE_FUNCTION ALTER_FUNCTION DROP_FUNCTION CREATE_INDEX ALTER_INDEX DROP_INDEX (sp_indexoption) CREATE_MASTER_KEY ALTER_MASTER_KEY DROP_MASTER_KEY CREATE_MESSAGE_TYPE ALTER_MESSAGE_TYPE DROP_MESSAGE_TYPE CREATE_PARTITION_FUNCTION ALTER_PARTITION_FUNCTION DROP_PARTITION_ FUNCTION CREATE_PARTITION_SCHEME ALTER_PARTITION_SCHEME DROP_PARTITION_SCHEME CREATE_PLAN_GUIDE ALTER_PLAN_GUIDE DROP_PLAN_GUIDE (sp_create_plan_guide) (sp_control_plan_guide) (sp_control_plan_guide) CREATE_PROCEDURE ALTER_PROCEDURE DROP_PROCEDURE CREATE_QUEUE ALTER_QUEUE DROP_QUEUE CREATE_REMOTE_SERVICE_BIN DING ALTER_REMOTE_SERVICE_BINDIN G DROP_REMOTE_SERVICE_BIN DING RENAME (sp_rename) CREATE_ROLE ALTER_ROLE DROP_ROLE (sp_addrole and sp_addgroup) (sp_droprole and sp_dropgroup) ADD_ROLE_MEMBER ALTER_ROUTE DROP_ROLE_MEMBER Download from ptg 981 Using DDL Triggers 30 TABLE 30.2 DDL Statements and System Stored Procedures * Create/Grant/Bind/Add Alter/Update/Deny Drop/Revoke/Unbind CREATE_ROUTE ALTER_ROUTE DROP_ROUTE CREATE_RULE DROP_RULE BIND_RULE UNBIND_RULE (sp_bindrule) (sp_unbindrule) CREATE_SCHEMA ALTER_SCHEMA DROP_SCHEMA (sp_addrole and sp_adduser) (sp_changeobjectowner) (sp_addgroup and sp_grantdbaccess) CREATE_SERVICE ALTER_SERVICE DROP_SERVICE ADD_SIGNATURE DROP_SIGNATURE CREATE_SPATIAL_INDEX ALTER_INDEX DROP_INDEX CREATE_STATISTICS UPDATE_STATISTICS DROP_STATISTICS CREATE_SYMMETRIC_KEY ALTER_SYMMETRIC_KEY DROP_SYMMETRIC_KEY CREATE_SYNONYM DROP_SYNONYM CREATE_TABLE ALTER_TABLE DROP_TABLE (sp_tableoption) CREATE_TRIGGER ALTER_TRIGGER DROP_TRIGGER (sp_settriggerorder) CREATE_TYPE DROP_TYPE (sp_addtype) (sp_droptype) CREATE_USER ALTER_USER DROP_USER (sp_adduser and sp_grantdbaccess) (sp_change_users_login) (sp_dropuser and sp_revokedbaccess) CREATE_VIEW ALTER_VIEW DROP_VIEW CREATE_XML_INDEX ALTER_INDEX DROP_INDEX CREATE_XML_SCHEMA_ COLLECTION ALTER_XML_SCHEMA_COLLECTION DROP_XML_SCHEMA_ COLLECTION Statements and System Stored Procedures with Server-Level Scope ALTER_AUTHORIZATION_ SERVER Download from ptg 982 CHAPTER 30 Creating and Managing Triggers TABLE 30.2 DDL Statements and System Stored Procedures * Create/Grant/Bind/Add Alter/Update/Deny Drop/Revoke/Unbind CREATE_DATABASE ALTER_DATABASE DROP_DATABASE (sp_fulltext_database) CREATE_ENDPOINT ALTER_ENDPOINT DROP_ENDPOINT CREATE_EXTENDED_PROCEDURE DROP_EXTENDED_PROCEDURE (sp_addextendedproc) (sp_dropextendedproc) ALTER_INSTANCE (sp_configure and sp_addserver) CREATE_LINKED_SERVER ALTER_LINKED_SERVER DROP_LINKED_SERVER (sp_addlinkedserver) (sp_serveroption) (sp_dropserver) CREATE_LINKED_SERVER_ LOGIN DROP_LINKED_SERVER_ LOGIN (sp_addlinkedsrvlogin) (sp_droplinkedsrvlogin) CREATE_LOGIN ALTER_LOGIN DROP_LOGIN (sp_addlogin and sp_grantlogin) (sp_defaultdb and sp_defaultlanguage) (sp_droplogin and sp_revokelogin (xp_grantlogin and sp_denylogin) (sp_password, sp_change_users_login) (xp_revokelogin) CREATE_MESSAGE ALTER_MESSAGE DROP_MESSAGE (sp_addmessage) (sp_altermessage) (sp_dropmessage) CREATE_REMOTE_SERVER ALTER_REMOTE_SERVER DROP_REMOTE_SERVER (sp_addserver) (sp_setnetname) (sp_dropserver) GRANT_SERVER DENY_SERVER REVOKE_SERVER ADD_SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER DROP_SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER System stored procedures are enclosed in parentheses. Download from ptg 983 Using DDL Triggers 30 Triggers created on the DDL events are particularly important for auditing purposes. In the past, it was very difficult to isolate changes to the definition of a database or to secure them from change. With DDL triggers, you have the tools necessary to manage these changes. Creating DDL Triggers The basic syntax for creating a DDL trigger follows: CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name ON { ALL SERVER | DATABASE } [ WITH <ddl_trigger_option> [ , n ] ] { FOR | AFTER } { event_type | event_group } [ , n ] AS { sql_statement [ ; ] [ n ] | EXTERNAL NAME < method specifier > [ ; ] } The best way to illustrate the use of the DDL trigger syntax and power of these triggers is to look at a few examples. The example shown in Listing 30.14 illustrates the creation of a DDL trigger that is scoped at the database level and prevents table-level changes. LISTING 30.14 A Database-Scoped DDL Trigger for Tables CREATE TRIGGER tr_TableAudit ON DATABASE FOR CREATE_TABLE, ALTER_TABLE, DROP_TABLE AS PRINT ‘You must disable the TableAudit trigger in order to change any table in this database’ ROLLBACK GO This trigger is fired whenever the CREATE, ALTER,or DROP TABLE statements are executed. Consider, for example, the following statements that can be run against the BigPubs2008 database: ALTER table titles add new_col int null alter table titles drop column new_col You must disable the TableAudit trigger in order to change any table in this database Msg 3609, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted. These ALTER statements add a column to the titles table and then remove the column. With the tr_TableAudit trigger in place on the BigPubs2008 database, the error message is displayed after the first ALTER statement is executed. Download from . (sp_dropmessage) CREATE_REMOTE _SERVER ALTER_REMOTE _SERVER DROP_REMOTE _SERVER (sp_addserver) (sp_setnetname) (sp_dropserver) GRANT _SERVER DENY _SERVER REVOKE _SERVER ADD _SERVER_ ROLE_MEMBER DROP _SERVER_ ROLE_MEMBER Statements. (sp_dropmessage) CREATE_REMOTE _SERVER ALTER_REMOTE _SERVER DROP_REMOTE _SERVER (sp_addserver) (sp_setnetname) (sp_dropserver) GRANT _SERVER DENY _SERVER REVOKE _SERVER ADD _SERVER_ ROLE_MEMBER DROP _SERVER_ ROLE_MEMBER System. (sp_dropextendedproc) ALTER_INSTANCE (sp_configure and sp_addserver) CREATE_LINKED _SERVER ALTER_LINKED _SERVER DROP_LINKED _SERVER (sp_addlinkedserver) (sp_serveroption) (sp_dropserver) CREATE_LINKED _SERVER_ LOGIN DROP_LINKED _SERVER_ LOGIN (sp_addlinkedsrvlogin)