ptg 884 CHAPTER 28 Creating and Managing Stored Procedures . SELF—This option is equivalent to EXECUTE AS user_name, where the specified user is the person creating or modifying the stored procedure. . OWNER—This option specifies that the statements inside the stored procedure execute in the context of the current owner of the stored procedure. If the procedure does not have a specified owner, the owner of the schema in which the procedure was created is used. OWNER must map to a single user account and cannot be a role or group. . ’user_name’—This option specifies that the statements inside the stored procedure execute in the context of the user_name specified. Permissions for any objects within the stored procedure are verified against this user. The user specified must exist in the current database and cannot be a group, role, certificate, key, or built-in account. To determine the execution context of a stored procedure, you can query the execute_as_principal_id column in either the sys.sql_modules or sys.assembly_modules catalog view. Specifying an execution context for a stored procedure can be very useful when you want to define custom permission sets. For example, some actions, such as TRUNCATE TABLE, cannot be explicitly granted to other users. However, if you use the EXECUTE AS clause to set the execution context of a stored procedure to a user who does have truncate table permissions (for example, a user who has permissions to alter the table), you can then incorporate the TRUNCATE TABLE statement within the procedure. Any user to whom you then grant EXECUTE permission on the stored procedure is able to run it to execute the TRUNCATE TABLE command contained in it. TIP When using the EXECUTE AS clause to customize the permission set for a stored pro- cedure, it is good security policy to specify a login or user that has the least privileges required to perform the operations defined in the stored procedure. Do not specify an account such as a database owner account unless those permissions are required. To specify the EXECUTE AS clause when you create or modify a stored procedure and specify a user account other than your own, you must have impersonate permissions on the specified user account in addition to having permissions to create or alter the stored procedure. When no execution context is specified or EXECUTE AS CALLER is specified, impersonate permissions are not required. The following example demonstrates how the user context changes when you use the EXECUTE AS clause in the creation of a stored procedure: use bigpubs2008 go sp_addlogin fred, fred2008 go Download from ptg 885 Deferred Name Resolution 28 sp_grantdbaccess fred go create proc test_execute_as with EXECUTE AS ‘fred’ as select user_name() as ‘User context within proc’ go select user_name() as ‘User context before EXEC’ exec test_execute_as User context before EXEC dbo User context within proc fred Deferred Name Resolution In SQL Server 2008, the object names that a stored procedure references do not have to exist at the time the procedure is created. SQL Server 2008 checks for the existence of database objects at the time the stored procedure is executed and returns an error message at runtime if the referenced object doesn’t exist. The only exception is when a stored procedure references another stored procedure that doesn’t exist. In that case, a warning message is issued, but the stored procedure is still created (see Listing 28.6). LISTING 28.6 Procedure Name Resolution During Stored Procedure Creation create proc p2 as exec p3 go The module ‘p2’ depends on the missing object ‘p3’. The module will still be created; however, it cannot run successfully until the object exists. When a table or view does exist at procedure creation time, the column names in the refer- enced table are validated. If a column name is mistyped or doesn’t exist, the procedure is not created (see Listing 28.7). Download from ptg 886 CHAPTER 28 Creating and Managing Stored Procedures LISTING 28.7 Column Name Validation in Stored Procedures IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.procedures WHERE schema_id = schema_id(‘dbo’) AND name = N’get_authors_and_titles’) DROP PROCEDURE dbo.get_authors_and_titles GO create proc get_authors_and_titles as select a.au_lname, au_fname, title, isbn_number from authors a join titleauthor ta on a.au_id = ta.au_id join titles t on t.title_id = ta.title_id return go Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure get_authors_and_titles, Line 4 Invalid column name ‘isbn_number’. One advantage of delayed (or deferred) name resolution is the increased flexibility when creating stored procedures; the order of creating procedures and the tables they reference does not need to be exact. Delayed name resolution is an especially useful feature when a stored procedure references a temporary table that isn’t created within that stored proce- dure. However, at other times, it can be frustrating to have a stored procedure create successfully only to have it fail when it runs due to a missing table, as shown in Listing 28.8. LISTING 28.8 Runtime Failure of a Stored Procedure with an Invalid Object Reference create proc get_authors_and_titles as select a.au_lname, au_fname, title, pub_date from authors a join titleauthor ta on a.au_id = ta.au_id join books t on t.title_id = ta.title_id go EXEC get_authors_and_titles go Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure get_authors_and_titles, Line 4 Invalid object name ‘books’. Download from ptg 887 Deferred Name Resolution 28 Another issue to be careful of with deferred name resolution is that you can’t rename objects referenced by stored procedures and have the stored procedure continue to work. In versions of SQL Server prior to 7.0, after the stored procedure was created, object refer- ences within the stored procedure were made via the object ID rather than the object name. This allowed stored procedures to continue to function properly if a referenced object was renamed. However, now that object names are resolved at execution time, the procedure fails at the statement referencing the renamed object. For the stored procedure to execute successfully, it needs to be altered to specify the new object name. Identifying Objects Referenced in Stored Procedures Because changing the name of a table can cause stored procedures to no longer work, you might want to identify which stored procedures reference a specific table so you know which stored procedures will be affected by changes to the table name or columns. You can view the dependencies between database objects by querying the sys.sql_dependencies object catalog view. Unfortunately, all you really see if you query the sys.sql_dependencies view is a bunch of numbers—just the IDs of the objects and columns that have a depen- dency relationship, along with some additional status information. The better way to display a list of stored procedures that reference a specific table or view, or to display a list of objects referenced by a stored procedure, is to use the sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities and sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities dynamic management functions. sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities ( ‘ schema_name.table_or_view_name ‘ , ‘ OBJECT ‘ ) sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities ( ‘ schema_name.proc_name ‘ , ‘ OBJECT ‘ ) For example, to display the stored procedures, triggers, functions, and views that reference the titles table, you would execute the following: select referencing_schema_name, referencing_entity_name From sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities ( ‘dbo.titles’ , ‘OBJECT’ ) go In the bigpubs2008 database, the titles table is referenced by the following: referencing_schema_name referencing_entity_name dbo AverageBookPrice dbo AverageBookPrice2 dbo AveragePricebyType dbo AveragePricebyType2 dbo reptq1 dbo reptq2 dbo reptq3 dbo title_authors Download from ptg 888 CHAPTER 28 Creating and Managing Stored Procedures dbo titleview dbo valid_book_types To display the objects referenced by the title_authors stored procedure, you could execute the following: select distinct referenced_entity_name as table_name, referenced_minor_name as column_name From sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities (‘dbo.title_authors’ , ‘OBJECT’ ) go In the current database, the specified object references the following: table_name column_name authors NULL authors au_fname authors au_id authors au_lname titleauthor NULL titleauthor au_id titleauthor title_id titles NULL titles title titles title_id You can also see dependency information in SSMS by right-clicking an object and choos- ing View Dependencies. This brings up the Object Dependencies window, as shown in Figure 28.4. You can view either the objects that depend on the selected object or objects on which the selected object depends. You can also expand the dependency tree for the objects listed in the Dependencies pane. Viewing Stored Procedures You can view the source code for stored procedures in SQL Server 2008 by querying the definition column of the object catalog view sys.sql_modules or by using the system procedure sp_helptext (see Listing 28.9). LISTING 28.9 Viewing Code for a Stored Procedure by Using sp_helptext exec sp_helptext title_authors go Text CREATE PROCEDURE title_authors Download from ptg 889 Viewing Stored Procedures 28 FIGURE 28.4 Viewing object dependencies in SSMS. By default, all users have permission to execute sp_helptext to view the SQL code for the stored procedures in a database. If you want to protect the source code of stored proce- dures and keep its contents from prying eyes, you can create a procedure by using the WITH ENCRYPTION option. When this option is specified, the source code stored in the database is encrypted. NOTE If you use encryption when creating stored procedures, be aware that although SQL Server can internally decrypt the source code, no mechanisms exist for the user or for any of the end-user tools to decrypt the stored procedure text for display or editing. With this in mind, make sure that you store a copy of the source code for those procedures in a file in case you need to edit or re-create them. Also, procedures created by using the WITH ENCRYPTION option cannot be published as part of SQL Server replication. AS BEGIN SELECT a.au_lname, a.au_fname, t.title FROM titles t INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON t.title_id = ta.title_id RIGHT OUTER JOIN authors a ON ta.au_id = a.au_id RETURN END Download from ptg 890 CHAPTER 28 Creating and Managing Stored Procedures You can, however, attach a debu gger to the ser ver proc ess and retr ieve a decr ypte d procedure from memory at runtime. You can also view the text of a stored procedure by using the ANSI INFORMATION_SCHEMA view routines. The routines view is an ANSI standard view that provides the source code for the stored procedure in the routine_description column. The following example uses the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.routines view to display the source code for the title_authors stored procedure: select routine_definition from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.routines where specific_catalog = ‘bigpubs2008’ and specific_schema = ‘dbo’ and routine_type = ‘Procedure’ and routine_name = ‘title_authors’ go routine_definition CREATE PROCEDURE title_authors AS BEGIN SELECT a.au_lname, a.au_fname, t.title FROM titles t INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON t.title_id = ta.title_id RIGHT OUTER JOIN authors a ON ta.au_id = a.au_id RETURN END However, the routine_description column is limited to only the first 4,000 characters of the stored procedure code. A better way to view the code with a query is to use the sys.sql_modules object catalog view: select definition from sys.sql_modules where object_id = object_id(‘title_authors’) go CREATE PROCEDURE title_authors AS BEGIN SELECT a.au_lname, a.au_fname, t.title FROM titles t INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON t.title_id = ta.title_id RIGHT OUTER JOIN authors a ON ta.au_id = a.au_id Download from ptg 891 Modifying Stored Procedures 28 RETURN END Finally, one other method of displaying the source code for a stored procedure is to use the new object_definition() function. This function takes the object ID as a parameter. If you, like most other people, do not know the object ID of the procedure in question, you can use the object_id() function. The following is an example of using the object_definition() function: select object_definition(object_id(‘dbo.title_authors’)) go CREATE PROCEDURE title_authors @state char(2) = ‘%’ AS BEGIN SELECT a.au_lname, a.au_fname, t.title FROM titles t INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON t.title_id = ta.title_id RIGHT OUTER JOIN authors a ON ta.au_id = a.au_id RETURN END TIP If you are running these queries to display the procedure code in a query window in SSMS, you probably need to modify the query results options to have the procedures display correctly. From the Query menu, select Query Options. Expand the Results item and select Text. Enter a value up to 8192 for the Maximum Number of Characters Displayed in Each Column setting and click OK. You probably also want t o have the resul ts displayed as text rathe r than in the grid. To make this change, under the Query menu, select the Results To submenu and then select Results to Text. As a shortcut, you can press Ctrl+T to switch to Results to Text. You can press Ctrl+D to switch b ack to Resul ts to G rid. Modifying Stored Procedures You can modify the text of a stored procedure by using the ALTER PROCEDURE statement. The syntax for ALTER PROCEDURE is similar to the syntax for CREATE PROCEDURE (see Listing 28.10). Using ALTER PROCEDURE has a couple advantages over dropping and re-creating a procedure to modify it. The main advantage is that you don’t have to drop the procedure first to make the change, so it remains available, even if the ALTER PROCEDURE command fails due to a syntax or object reference error. The second advantage is that because you Download from ptg 892 CHAPTER 28 Creating and Managing Stored Procedures don’t have to drop the procedure, you don’t have to worry about reassigning permissions to it after modifying it. LISTING 28.10 Modifying a Stored Procedure by Using ALTER PROCEDURE ALTER PROCEDURE title_authors @state char(2) = ‘%’ AS BEGIN SELECT a.au_lname, a.au_fname, t.title, t.pubdate FROM titles t INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON t.title_id = ta.title_id RIGHT OUTER JOIN authors a ON ta.au_id = a.au_id where state like @state RETURN END Viewing and Modifying Stored Procedures with SSMS You can also use SSMS to create, view, and modify stored procedures. To edit a stored procedure in SSMS, expand the Programmability folder and then the Stored Procedures folder, right-click the name of the procedure you want to modify, and select Modify (see Figure 28.5). FIGURE 28.5 Modifying stored procedures in SSMS. Download from ptg 893 Using Input Parameters 28 SSMS then extracts the ALTER PROCEDURE statement for the selected procedure into a new query window. Here, you can edit the procedure code as needed and then execute the contents of the query window to modify the procedure. In addition, the Object Browser in SSMS provides other options for extracting the stored procedure source code. It can gener- ate code to create, alter, or drop the selected stored procedure. You can script the stored procedure source code to a new window, to a file, or to the Windows Clipboard by right- clicking the stored procedure name in the Object Browser and choosing the appropriate option (see Figure 28.6). Using Input Parameters To increase the flexibility of stored procedures and perform more complex processing, you can pass parameters to procedures. The parameters can be used anywhere that local vari- ables can be used within the procedure code. The following example is a stored procedure that requires three parameters: CREATE PROC myproc @parm1 int, @parm2 int, @parm3 int AS FIGURE 28.6 Extracting stored procedure source code to a new query window. Download from . fred Deferred Name Resolution In SQL Server 2008, the object names that a stored procedure references do not have to exist at the time the procedure is created. SQL Server 2008 checks for the existence. _sql_ referencing_entities and _sql_ referenced_entities dynamic management functions. _sql_ referencing_entities ( ‘ schema_name.table_or_view_name ‘ , ‘ OBJECT ‘ ) _sql_ referenced_entities. Procedures You can view the source code for stored procedures in SQL Server 2008 by querying the definition column of the object catalog view sys .sql_ modules or by using the system procedure sp_helptext