ptg 204 CHAPTER 8 Installing SQL Server 2008 FIGURE 8.15 Server Configuration page. Also on the Service Accounts tab, you can select the server startup options for the SQL Server services being installed by selecting the startup type in the drop-down selection list to the right of the service. It is highly recommended to autostart the SQL Server service so it’s available when the system is started. (If necessary, you can change the startup options for the SQL Server services later, using the SQL Server Configuration Manager.) NOTE The SQL Server Browser service is installed only once, no matter how many instances you install. NOTE If you are not sure what accounts to set up for the various services, don’t worry too much at this point. You can always change the service accounts later using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. The Server Configuration page also allows you to override the default SQL Server collation settings. You do so by first clicking on the Collation tab (see Figure 8.16). Collations are important because they are used to determine case sensitivity of textual data for compar- isons, sort order in indexes, and so on. Download from ptg 205 Installation Walkthrough 8 If you’re running Windows in the United States, the collation selection defaults to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS for the Database Engine. The default settings should be changed only if the collation setting for this installation of SQL Server needs to match the collation settings used by another instance of SQL Server, or if it needs to match the Windows system locale of another computer. If you need to change the collation settings, click on the Customize button. This brings up the Database Engine Collation Customization dialog, where you can select from standardized SQL Collations or customize your own by specifying a Windows collation setting and the desired sort options. After making your selections on the Server Configuration page, click Next to move onto the Database Engine Configuration page. On this page, you can specify the authentication mode to use for SQL Server. This is done on the Account Provisioning tab (see Figure 8.17). The default setting is for Windows Authentication only. However, Mixed Mode authentication is required if you plan to have any clients authenticating to SQL Server 2008 R2 but will not be authenticating to a Windows domain. If you do select Mixed Mode authentication, you also have to enter a password to use for the built-in in SQL Server administration account ( sa). A strong sa password is recommended. The Account Provisioning page also provides the opportunity to specify local or domain accounts to be mapped to the sysadmin role in SQL Server (you must provide at least one). These accounts have unrestricted access to SQL Server for performing SQL Server administration and maintenance tasks. For more information on user accounts, passwords, and server roles, see Chapter 11, “Security and User Administration.” FIGURE 8.16 Server Configuration Collation setting. Download from ptg 206 CHAPTER 8 Installing SQL Server 2008 On the Data Directories tab (see Figure 8.18), you can configure the data root directory and default directories where the user and tempdb data and log files will be created, as well as the default location for the Backup directory. Note that the System Database Directory cannot be changed here; you need to return to the Instance Configuration page and modify the Instance Root directory. In a production installation, for performance reasons, you should set up multiple drives or drive arrays to store the data and log files. Typically, you do not want the system data files stored on the C: drive, especially buried in the Program Files folder. You likely want to locate the data files on a high-perfor- mance drive setup specifically for database files and away from the system swap file and other applications. For recoverability purposes, you also should keep your backup files on a separate drive from your data files. (For more information on database devices and performance, see Chapter 38, “Database Design and Performance.”) As a general rule, you also should place the log files on separate disks from the data files, and placing tempdb on its own disk further helps improve performance FIGURE 8.17 The Account Provisioning tab. Download from ptg 207 Installation Walkthrough 8 FIGURE 8.18 The Data Directories tab. NOTE If you are planning on installing multiple SQL Server instances on the same server, con- sider using separate subdirectories for each instance’s data and log files. This way, you avoid potential conflicts between data and log filenames for databases with the same names created in more than on SQL Server instance. As you notice, by default, the SQL Server Installer creates subdirectories under the specified root directory name using the SQL Server version number and instance name (for example, MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER) and then an additional subdirectory for the services type (MSSQL for SQL Server, MSAS for Analysis Services, and MSRS for Reporting Services). The final tab on the Database Engine Configuration tab is FILESTREAM (see Figure 8.19). The FILESTREAM data type is a column property available in SQL Server 2008. FILESTREAM storage is implemented as a varbinary(max) column, but the actual data is stored as BLOBs in the file system. Because of security considerations, FILESTREAM, by default, is disabled. If you want to use the FILESTREAM option, click the Enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL Access check box to enable FILESTREAM capabilities. This control must be checked before the other control options will be available. The Enable FILESTREAM for File I/O Streaming Access check box enables Win32 streaming access for FILESTREAM. If this option is selected, you can specify the name of the Windows share in which the FILESTREAM data Download from ptg 208 CHAPTER 8 Installing SQL Server 2008 will be stored. The Allow Remote Clients to Have Streaming Access to FILESTREAM Data check box determines whether to allow remote clients to access this FILESTREAM data on this server. For more information on defining and using FILESTREAM data in SQL Server 2008, see Chapters 24, “Creating and Managing Tables,” and 42, “What’s New for Transact- SQL in SQL Server 2008.” If you are unsure whether you need or want to use FILESTREAM data, you can leave this option disabled during the install. You can enable FILESTREAM data at any time via the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Some of the remaining configuration screens depend on which features you selected in the Feature Selection page. For example, if you chose to install Analysis Services or Reporting Services, you have configuration pages to specify the installation options for these features. For more information on configuring Analysis Services and Reporting Services, see Chapters 51, “SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services,” and 53, “SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services.” As with the FILESTREAM option, you do not have to install Analysis Services or Reporting Services during the initial install. You can always run the SQL Server Installation Center later to add these features to an existing SQL Server instance. After you finish making your selections, click Next to move on to the Error Reporting page. On the Error Reporting page, you have the option to indicate whether you want to have error reports sent to Microsoft automatically for any of the SQL Server services that run without user interaction. This option, if enabled, helps Microsoft improve future releases of SQL Server features by sending error reports to Microsoft automatically. This FIGURE 8.19 The FILESTREAM tab. Download from ptg 209 Installation Walkthrough 8 process is colloquially known as “phoning home,” and you may be inclined to keep this option unchecked. Note that doing so reduces Microsoft’s capability to gather important information that can helpful for identifying possible bugs and developing fixes in future service pack releases. Specify whether you want to participate and click Next to continue to the Installation Configuration Rules page, as shown in Figure 8.20. NOTE In SQL Server 2008, the Error Reporting page was referred to as the Error and Usage Reporting page. In addition to the option to have error reports sent to Microsoft auto- matically, it also provided the option to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement program. The Installation Configuration Rules page runs a final set of checks to determine if there are any issues that will prevent a successful installation of SQL Server 2008. If no errors are reported, click Next to continue to the Ready to Install page (see Figure 8.21). This page displays a summary of the installation options chosen as well as the file locations speci- fied. Review this information to ensure the features and file locations match what you FIGURE 8.20 The Installation Configuration Rules page. Download from ptg 210 CHAPTER 8 Installing SQL Server 2008 specified during the previous screens. This page also displays the location of the Configuration file path where you can find the ConfigurationFile.ini file generated by the installer. This .ini file can be used for unattended installations, which are discussed later in this chapter. The ConfigurationFile.ini file is located in the same place where you can find the installation log files, which you can review if any problems occur during the installation. If everything looks satisfactory on the Ready to Install Page, click the Install button to proceed with the SQL Server installation. This displays the Installation Progress screen, which shows a progress bar and messages to allow you to track the progress of the installa- tion. When the setup process is complete, the Installer displays the Complete page, which contains a hyperlink to the Installer log file and supplemental information about the installation. One of the notes that may be displayed in the Supplemental Information section of the Complete page refers to the installation of the SQL Server sample databases. If you’ve worked with previous versions of SQL Server, you may remember that there was an option to install the sample databases during the SQL Server installation. With SQL Server 2008, the sample databases are not part of the SQL Server Installation Center, nor are they avail- able on the install media. To install the sample databases and sample code for non-Express editions of SQL Server 2008, you need to go to the Microsoft CodePlex website to down- load the installer for the sample databases. There is a link to the SQL Server samples on the CodePlex website on the Resources page of the SQL Server Installation Center. FIGURE 8.21 The Ready to Install Page. Download from ptg 211 Installation Walkthrough 8 FIGURE 8.22 The Complete page. The Supplemental Information section also provides a link to the latest readme file for the release of SQL Server installed and a note regarding how SQL Server updates are now avail- able via Microsoft Update. Before leaving the Installation Center, you might want to click the Search for Product Update link on the Installation page to see whether there are any critical hotfixes or service packs already available for your SQL Server installation. Other Options Available in the SQL Server Installation Center Before leaving the SQL Server Installation Center, let’s explore a few other utilities avail- able from the main menu. The Maintenance menu provides tools to upgrade an installed SQL Server 2008 Edition (for example, from Standard Edition to Enterprise Edition), repair a corrupt installation, or remove a node from a SQL Server 2008 cluster. The Tools menu provides links to the System Configuration Checker, the Installed features discovery report that generates information regarding all SQL Server products and features installed on the local machine, and a utility to upgrade existing SQL Server 2005 Integration Services pack- ages to the SQL Server 2008 Integration Services package format. Finally, on the Advanced menu, there are options to prepare and complete a SQL Server failover cluster and to install in instance of SQL Server 2008 from an existing configura- tion file. Installing using an existing configuration file allows you to repeat an installation without having to go through all the individual steps and enter/select all the options you normally have to go through with the installation wizard. Download from ptg 212 CHAPTER 8 Installing SQL Server 2008 Installing SQL Server Using a Configuration File If you need to install SQL Server 2008 to multiple machines, you’ll likely want to do so without having to manually select the same options over and over. Running the installer using a configuration file provides this much-needed timesaving feature. With the SQL Server 2008 installer, you have the option of running the installer with a configuration file in a couple of ways: using the Installer Wizard with options prefilled by the configuration file or using a fully automated and unattended installation from the command line. If you use the GUI with the options prefilled by the configuration file, you have the opportunity to review and change options along the way as necessary. The ConfigurationFile.ini file is a text file composed of parameters in name/value pairs along with descriptive comments. Many of the parameter names correspond to the screens and screen options you would see when using the Installer Wizard. Here are some examples: . INSTANCENAME—Specifies a named instance name for the value or specifies the special value MSSQLSERVER to install the default instance. . FEATURES—Specifies which features to install, uninstall, or upgrade. The list of top- level features include SQL, AS, RS, IS, and Tools. The SQL feature installs the Database Engine, Replication, and Full-Text. The Tools feature installs Management Tools, Books Online, Business Intelligence Development Studio, and other shared components. . INSTALLSHAREDIR—Specifies the root installation directory for native shared components. . INSTANCEDIR—Specifies the installation directory for instance-specific components. . INSTALLSQLDATADIR—Specifies the Database Engine root data directory. . SQLBACKUPDIR—Specifies the default directory for the Database Engine backup files. . SQLUSERDBDIR—Specifies the default directory for the Database Engine user databases. . SQLUSERDBLOGDIR—Specifies the default directory for the Database Engine user database logs. . SQLTEMPDBDIR—Specifies the directory for Database Engine tempdb files. . SQLCOLLATION or ASCOLLATION—Specifies values to set the collation for SQL Server or Analysis Services. . SQLSVCACCOUNT—Specifies the user account for the SQL Server service: domain\user or system account. . TCPENABLED—Specifies whether the TCP/IP protocol is enabled (1) or disabled (0). . NPENABLED—Specifies whether the Named Pipes protocol is enabled (1) or disabled (0). Download from ptg 213 Installing SQL Server Using a Configuration File 8 . SECURITYMODE—Specifies authentication mode for SQL Server. You can use the spe- cial value “SQL” here to override the default of Windows-only authentication. The following example shows the contents of a configuration file for SQL Server 2008 R2: ;SQLSERVER2008 Configuration File [SQLSERVER2008] ; Specify the Instance ID for the SQL Server features you have specified. SQL Server directory structure, registry structure, and service names will reflect the instance ID of the SQL Server instance. INSTANCEID=”MSSQLSERVER” ; Specifies a Setup work flow, like INSTALL, UNINSTALL, or UPGRADE. This is a required parameter. ACTION=”Install” ; Specifies features to install, uninstall, or upgrade. The list of top-level features include SQL, AS, RS, IS, and Tools. The SQL feature will install the database engine, replication, and full-text. The Tools feature will install Management Tools, Books online, Business Intelligence Development Studio, and other shared components. FEATURES=SQLENGINE,REPLICATION,FULLTEXT,CONN,IS,BC,BOL,SSMS,ADV_SSMS ; Displays the command line parameters usage HELP=”False” ; Specifies that the detailed Setup log should be piped to the console. INDICATEPROGRESS=”False” ; Setup will not display any user interface. QUIET=”False” ; Setup will display progress only without any user interaction. QUIETSIMPLE=”False” ; Specifies that Setup should install into WOW64. This command line argument is not supported on an IA64 or a 32-bit system. X86=”False” ; Detailed help for command line argument ENU has not been defined yet. ENU=”True” ; Parameter that controls the user interface behavior. Valid values are Normal for the full UI, and AutoAdvance for a simplied UI. UIMODE=”Normal” Download from . configuration file for SQL Server 2008 R2: ;SQLSERVER2008 Configuration File [SQLSERVER2008] ; Specify the Instance ID for the SQL Server features you have specified. SQL Server directory structure,. ptg 212 CHAPTER 8 Installing SQL Server 2008 Installing SQL Server Using a Configuration File If you need to install SQL Server 2008 to multiple machines, you’ll likely want. this server. For more information on defining and using FILESTREAM data in SQL Server 2008, see Chapters 24, “Creating and Managing Tables,” and 42, “What’s New for Transact- SQL in SQL Server 2008. ”