INDEX 318 ICloudTableStorageService interface, 26 DeleteBlobStatus class, 101 deleting entities in buckets, 35, 36—41 single storage table, 24—35 deleting messages from cloud queue, 76 developing fabric services, 19 development storage, 4—15 best practices, 15—18 creating for first time, 13 direct connected system, 184—90 Direct mode (TcpRelayConnection), 174 distributed connected Windows application, 191—204 DoDataExchange() method ParameterControl class, 44 SQLDataServiceControl c, 44 Double type (table entity properties), 3 DoWork event (QueuedBackgroundWorkerComp onent), 104 Draw() method (IShape), 192 Draw Shape application, 191 Draw Shape Controller, 198 /dumplogs option (CSRun.exe), 18 E endpoint relay connectivity (Service Bus), 173 entities (table storage), 2, 3 deleting and updating in buckets, 35, 36—41 in single storage table, 24—35 querying with HTTP REST, 22 with LINQ, 21 retrieving paginated data, 22 size limit on, 4 sort order, 3 event-driven system (loosely coupled), creating, 89—96 events listeners, 89 Execute() method (SQLDataAccessHelper), 30 ExecuteDataSet() method (SQLDataAccessComponent), 24 ExecuteDataTable() method (SQLDataAccessComponent), 24 ExecuteNonQuery() method (SQLDataAccessComponent), 24 ExecuteScalar() method (SQLDataAccessComponent), 24 ExecuteSelected() method (SQLDataAccessHelper), 30 executing scripts in SQLAzureConnect, 19 F FederateAccessManager project, 157 Fiddler 2 tool, 19 FormSQLAzureConnect components, 52— 54 G generating X.509 certificates, 149 GET request (HTTP), 80 GetBlobProperties() method, 86 GetDataReader() method (SQLDataAccessComponent), 24 GetDependencyEntity() method (ICloudEntity), 25 GetPartitionKey() method (ICloudEntity), 25 GetRegisteredUser() method (IAzureForDotNetDeveloper), 141 GetRowKey() method (ICloudEntity), 25 GetUserList() method (IUserRegisterService), 2 GridView class, 85 GUID type (table entity properties), 3 H HEAD request (HTTP), 80 hosting applications from cloud, 302 hosting WCF service, 2—15 hosting workflow services, 2—10, 11—32 INDEX 319 HostWCFService, verifying from development environment, 15—16 HTTP REST querying cloud queue with, 80 querying table storage entities, 22 HttpWebRequest class, 11—32 HttpWebResponse class, 11, 26 Hybrid mode (TcpRelayConnection), 174, 184—90 I, J IAccountFederationClientChannel interface, 133 IAccountFederationService interface, 132 IAzureForDotNetDeveloper interface, 141 ICloudEntity interface, 25 ICloudTableStorageService interface, 25, 26 ICommand design pattern, 97, 101 IComparable interface, 205 identity, 129, See also Access Control Service increasing number of application instances, 310 Insert() method AddressTableService class, 6, 38 DataServiceContext class, 36 ICloudTableStorageService interface, 26 installing development storage, 13 installing X.509 certificate, 148 instances of applications, number of, 310 Int type (table entity properties), 3 Int64 type (table entity properties), 3 integration using WCF, 1—16 hosting WCF service, 2—15, 15—16 InvokeHttpWebRequest class, 28 InvokeWorkflows class, 28 IPublishEventService interface, 176 IRelayPublishEventService interface, 178 IShape interface, 192 ITableContext interface, 25, 26 IUserRegisterService interface, 2 K KEY constraint, 17 L LINQ, for querying entities, 21 ListBlobs() method, 86 listeners (event-driven systems), 89 logging support, 18 loosely coupled event-driven system, creating, 89—96 M maintaining cloud applications, 309—11 Map property (IShape), 192 MediaID property (MediaInfo), 85 MediaInfo class, 85 MediaUri property (MediaInfo), 85 MergeOption property (DataServiceContext), 32, 36 message buffering, 68 MessageQueue class, 76 messages in cloud queue data types for, 74 polling and deleting, 76 putting into queue, 74 received, parsing, 78 Microsoft BizTalk server, 1 Microsoft .NET Services, 2 Microsoft .NET Workflow Services, 2 Microsoft SQL Azure. See SQL Azure Microsoft.ServiceBus namespace, 134, 136 migrating databases to SQL Azure, 14—18 N name hierarchy system (Service Bus), 173 names for blobs, 82 NameValueCollection, 82 .NET Access Control Service, 129—70 building cloud application with, 131—41 with CardSpace security, 141—69 .NET Service Bus, 82, 129, 171—209 authentication modes, 181 INDEX 320 connecting to remote applications, 171—75 distributed connected application, 191— 204 posting events using relay connection, 175—84 simple direct connected system, 184—90 .NET Service Bus Queue, 204—9 .NET Services (Azure), 129, See also .NET Access Control Service; .NET Service Bus; .NET Workflow Service .NET Services (Microsoft), 2 .NET Workflow Services (Azure), 1—32 coordinating using HttpWebRequest, 11—32 hosting workflow service, 2—10 .NET Workflow Services (Microsoft), 2 netEventRelayBinding type, 174, 175 netOnewayRelayBinding connection mode, 174 netTcpRelayBinding type, 174 port forwarding with, 200 netTcpRelayContextBinding connection mode, 174 non-portable data types for table entities, 15 NoTracking value (tracked property), 24 number of application instances, changing, 310 O Open() method (IRelayPublishEventService), 178 organizing table structures, 18 OverwriteChanges value (tracked property), 24 P paginated data, retrieving, 22 ParameterControl components, 41—44 parsing messages received from cloud queue, 78 Partition property, 3 PartitionKey property, 3 accessing storage tables, 18 building relational storage tables, 38 organizing data to be distributed, 18 querying entities by, 26 partitions, SQL Azure and, 17 .pfx format, 152 Ping() method (IAzureForDotNetDeveloper), 141 polling messages from cloud queue, 76 PollingQueueData class, 205 port forwarding, 200 -portable data types for table entities, 15 posting events using relay connection, 175—84 PostMessage() (IPublishEventService), 176 PreserveChanges value (tracked property), 24 ProgressChanged event (QueuedBackgroundWorkerComp onent), 104 properties of table entities, 2 maximum number of, 3 Public value (ContainerAccessControl), 81 PUT request (HTTP), 80 Q QueryEntitiesByPartitionKey() method (TableContext), 26, 27 QueryEntitiesByRowKey() method (TableContext), 26, 27 querying cloud queue using HTTP REST, 80 entities in cloud storage with HTTP REST, 22 with LINQ, 21 queue. See cloud queue queue message data types, 74 queue storage, 1 QueueClient class, 205 QueueClientFactory class, 205 .NET Service Bus facade, 204—9 QueueDataUpdateArgs class, 208 INDEX 321 QueuedBackgroundWorker assembly, 101, 104 QueuedBackgroundWorkerComponent component, 104 QueuedBackgroundWorkerItem class, 104 QueueManagementClient class, 205 QueuePolicy class, 205 R refactoring data entity classes, 22 registering CardSpace with Access Control, 157 RegisterUser() method (IAzureForDotNetDeveloper), 141 relational cloud data storage tables accessing, 36—41 creating, 19—23 relational data structure, 21—22 relational data tables, verifying support for, 9—13 relational databases, 1 relay connection, posting net events using, 175—84 Relayed mode (TcpRelayConnection), 174 remote applications, connecting to, 171— 75 ReplayAction value (GetRegisteredUser), 141 resource management, 68 RoleManager class, 18 RollbackTrans() method (SqlCommand), 24 RowKey property, 3 accessing storage tables, 18 building relational storage tables, 38 organizing data to be distributed, 18 querying entities by, 26 querying with LINQ (example), 21 running hosted applications, 307 RunWorkerCompleted event (QueuedBackgroundWorkerComp onent), 104 S SAML tokens, 129 SaveChanges() method, 24, 36 schemas in Azure tables (none), 4 Script Data option, 15 script execution in SQLAzureConnect, 19 "Script extended properties" option, 15 Script USE DATABASE option, 15 security. See Access Control Service; CardSpace security; X.509 certification Security Assertion Markup Language. See SAML tokens Security Token Service (STS), 130 Select() method (AddressTableService), 6 Service Bus service, 82, 129, 171—209 authentication modes, 181 connecting to remote applications, 171—75 distributed connected application, 191— 204 posting events using relay connection, 175—84 queue client facade, 204—9 simple direct connected system, 184—90 service name hierarchy system (Service Bus), 173 service registry and publishing (Service Bus), 173 ServiceBusEnvironment class, 205 ServiceConfiguration.cscf file, 1 ServiceConnection node, 21 ServiceCredentials class, 158 SetDependencyEntity() method (ICloudEntity), 25 Shape class, 192 Shape Controller application, 191 sort order (table entities), 3 Speakeasy utility, 7 SQL Azure, 1—54 benchmark test for access, 7—9 component design and implementation, 40—54 FormSQLAzureConnect components, 52—54 INDEX 322 ParameterControl components, 41— 44 SQLDataServiceControl components, 44—51 connecting to database, 3—6 connecting using ADO.NET, 13 connection timeout, 5 creating data tables, 6—7 developing applications for, 18—40 defining UI components dynamically, 21—23 SQLDataAccessComponent class, 24—29 SQLDataAccessHelper class, 29—40 migrating databases to, 14—18 support for relational data tables, verifying, 9—13 virtual server for, creating, 2—3 SQL Azure for relational data structure, 19 SQL Server Express, 4 SQL Server Management Studio connecting to SQL Azure databases, 3—6 creating data tables, 6—7 testing for SQL Azure access, 7—9 verifying support for relational data tables, 9—13 SQLAzureConnect tool, 13, 18—40 component design and implementation, 40—54 FormSQLAzureConnect components, 52—54 ParameterControl components, 41— 44 SQLDataServiceControl components, 44—51 defining UI components dynamically, 21—23 functions of, 19—21 SQLDataAccessComponent class, 24— 29 SQLDataAccessHelper class, 29—40 SqlDataAccess schema, 21 SQLDataAccessComponent class, 24—29 SQLDataAccessHelper class, 29—40 SqlDataService node, 21 SQLDataServiceControl components, 44— 51 staging deployment, 305 StartReceiving() method, 77, 91 state machine workflows, limitations of, 7 storage, 1—23 accessing single storage table, 1—23 data entity class constructors, 17 deleting and updating entities, 24— 35 leveraging development fabric services, 19 logging support, 18 retrieving paginated data, 22 table storage keys, 18 application-level queue storage, 204—9 Azure Queue, 67—68 blob storage, 69—70 accessing, 96—111 creating, 80—89 cloud queue creating, 70—80 parsing received messages, 78 polling and deleting messages, 76 putting message into queue, 74 querying using HTTP REST, 80 deploying Azure Storage applications, 297—311 cloud application deployment process, 303—9 cloud application maintenance, 309—11 hosting application from cloud, 302 preparing packages for, 297—98, 299— 302 entities, about, 3 loosely coupled event-driven system, 89—96 table storage, creating best practices, 15—18 development storage, 4—15 relational data structure, 19—23 specification for, 2—3 updating tables in buckets, 35, 36—41 StorageAccountInfo class, 2 . direct connected system, 184—90 Direct mode (TcpRelayConnection), 174 distributed connected Windows application, 191—204 DoDataExchange() method ParameterControl class, 44 SQLDataServiceControl