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English grammar for 8-9th Students -hottest

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English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà March 2010 good luck to you !!! I. cụm từ và mệnh đề chỉ lý do. 1. Cụm từ: because of + N/ N phrase/ Gerund phrase Eg: They arrived late because of the traffic jam. 2. Mệnh đề : Là mệnh đề phụ chỉ lý do hoặc nguyên nhân của hành động đợc nêu trong mệnh đề chính. Because/ Since/ As + S + V Eg: He came ten minutes late because he missed the first bus. = Since/ As he missed the first bus, he came 10 minutes late. Khi đổi từ mệnh đề sang cụm từ, nếu 2 chủ ngữ giống nhau ta có thể dùng Gerund phrase. Eg: She stayed at home because she was sick. She stayed at home because of being sick. II/ cụm từ, mệnh đề chỉ kết quả Cụm từ chỉ kết quả: Thờng có Too (quá) hoặc enough( đủ) Cấu trúc 1 với Too to ( quá, không thể) S + be/look/ seem/ become/ get + too ( for sbd) + to- inf S + V( thờng) + too ( for sbd) + to- inf Eg: The test was too long ( for the students) to finish be adj Eg: He runs too slowly to catch the ball. V(thờng) adv Cấu trúc 2 với enough to ( đủ để có thể ) S + be + adj + enough ( for sbd ) + to- inf S + V( thờng) + adv + enough ( for sbd ) + to- inf Eg1: Mary is not old enough to drive a car. be adj Eg2: She speaks slowly enough ( for me) to listen. V( thờng) adv Mệnh đề chỉ kết quả: Là mệnh đề phụ chỉ kết quả do hành động của mệnh đề chính gây ra. Cấu trúc 1: So that Mệnh đề chính Mệnh đề phụ chỉ kết quả S + be + so + adj that + S + V S + V( thờng) + so + adv that + S + V Eg: It was so dark that I couldn t see anything. be adj Eg: The student had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class. V (thờng) adv Chú ý: Nếu động từ trong mệnh đề chính là các động từ chỉ tri giác nh: look, appear, seem, feel, taste, smell, sound,ta dùng công thức nh be so. Eg: The little girl looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for her. V ( chỉ tri giác) adj Eg : The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more. 1 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà March 2010 good luck to you !!! V ( chỉ tri giác) adj Cấu trúc 2: Suchthat( quá đến nỗi) S + V + such a/ an + adj + N + that + S + V Eg 1: It was such a hot day that we decided to stay at home. adj ( Danh từ đếm đợc số ít ) Eg 2: There are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want it. adj (danh từ đếm đợc số nhiều) IV/ Mệnh đề quan hệ Vi/ thể bị động Vii/ câu trực tiếp gián tiếp. Định nghĩa: - Câu trực tiếp là câu trích nguyên văn lời phát biểu của ngời nào, dùng kèm với dấu ngoặc kép - Câu gián tiếp hay câu tờng thuật là dạng câu thuật lại những phát biểu của ngời nào. lu ý: - Nếu động từ tờng thuật ở thì hiên tại đơn, hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc tơng lai thì động từ trong mệnh đề danh từ không thay đổi. Eg: She says: I do my homework every day. She says she does her homework very day. - Chỉ thay đổi thì của động từ trong mệnh đề danh từ khi động từ tờng thuật ở thì quá khứ. Eg: She said: I have to do a lot of homework. She said she had to do a lot of homework. 1. Sự thay đổi về thì của động từ trong câu tờng thuật. Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp Hiện tại đơn She said: I write a letter. Quá khứ đơn She said she wrote a letter. Hiện tại tiếp diễn She said: I am writing a letter. Quá khứ tiếp diễn She said she was writing a letter. Hiện tại hoàn thành She said: I have written a letter. Quá khứ hoàn thành She said she had written a letter. Quá khứ đơn She said: I wrote a letter. Quá khứ hoàn thành She said she had written a letter. Quá khứ tiếp diễn She said: I was writing a letter. Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn She said she had been writing a letter. Quá khứ hoàn thành She said: I had written a letter. Quá khứ hoàn thành She said she had written a letter. Tơng lai đơn She said: I will write a letter. Tơng lai trong quá khứ She said she would write a letter. Tơng lai gần ( be going to ifinitive ) 2 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà March 2010 good luck to you !!! She said: I am going to write a letter. She said she was going to write a letter Sự thay đổi của các từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn và từ chỉ định. Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp Now Then Today That day Tonight That night Tomorrow The next day/ The following day Next week The following week/ The week after Yesterday The day before/ The previous day Last night The night before Two days ago Two days before/earlier Here There This That These Those Eg: Mr Tan said: I will have an important meeting tomorrow. Mr Tan said he would have an important meeting the following day/ the next day. Eg: She said: This rose is so beautiful. She said that rose was so beautiful. 3. Sự thay đổi của các động từ khuyết thiếu (modal verbs) Câu trực tiếp Câu gián tiếp Can Could May Might Must Had to Have to Had to Is/ am/ are going to Was/ were going to 4. Các động từ khiếm khuyết nh: Ought to, should, would, might, could, used to, would rather, had better. đợc giữ nguyên trong câu tờng thuật. V. Câu hỏi tờng thuật: Yes/ No questions Để tờng thuật lại một câu hỏi Yes/ No , mệnh đề danh từ đợc bắt đầu bằng IF/ Whether, chuyển câu hỏi về trật tự câu khẳng định và dấu hỏi đợc bỏ đi. Eg: He asked me: Do you like sports? He asked me if/ whether I liked sports. 6. Wh- questions Trong câu tờng thuật, câu hỏi trở về dạng của câu khẳng định ( không có trợ động từ Do/ does và dấu hỏi) Eg: My friend asked me: Where will you spend your vacation? My friend asked me where I would spend my vaction. 7. Câu mệnh lệnh Eg: He said: Hurry up, Lan. He told Lan to hurry up.( tell sbd to do sth) Eg: The teacher said: Don t talk in class. The teacher asked us not to talk in class. ( ask sbd to do/ not to do sth ) 8. Trờng hợp đặc biệt Động từ trong câu nói trực tiếp có thời gian xác định. 3 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà March 2010 good luck to you !!! Eg: He said: I was born in 1993. He said he was born in 1993. Câu điều kiện loại 2 và 3 Eg: He said: If I were you, I would not come here. He said if he were me he would not come there. Quá khứ giả định với wish và as if Eg: Mary said: I wish I were a boy. Mary said she wished she were a boy. Lời nói trực tiếp diễn tả một chân lý; Eg: My teacher said: The sun rises in the East . My teacher said that the sun rises in the East. VI/ câu hỏi đuôi ( tags questions) Câu hỏi đuôi là cách thêm phần hỏi vào sau một câu trần thuật để nó trở hành một câu hỏi. Câu hỏi đuôi thờng đợc dùng để khẳng định, hoặc tìm sự đồng tình về vấn đề nào đó. Câu trần thuật khẳng định thì phần câu hỏi đuôi là phủ định. Eg: Your father is a teacher, isn t he? Eg: You like carrots, don t you? Eg: She can speak E, can t she ? Với câu trần thuật phủ định thì câu hỏi đuôi là khẳng định. Eg: You haven t done your homework, have you ? Eg: He isnt a student, is he? Eg: Lan can t swim , can she ? Chủ ngữ của phần câu hỏi đuôi khi nào cũng phải là một đại từ (I, he, she, it, we, you, they) Eg: That work is difficult, isn t it ? Nếu động từ của câu trần thuật là các động từ nh( be, can, may, will, shall.) thì dùng luôn động từ đó trong phần câu hỏi đuôi. Eg: Tom is over there, isnt he ? Nếu động từ của câu trần thuật là động từ thờng thì phải mợn trợ động từ trong phần câu hỏi đuôi. Eg: They arrived here yesterday, didnt they ? Eg: She doesn t want to go, does she ? Động từ trong câu hỏi đuôi nếu là câu phủ định thì luôn ở dạng viết tắt. Eg: He will come, won t he ? Câu trả lời cho một câu hỏi đuôi là Yes hay No tuỳ thuộc vào câu trần thuật ở trớc. Nếu là câu khẳng định thì câu trả lời là Yes, và trả lời No nếu trớc đó là câu phủ định. Eg: You like listening to music, don t you ? Yes, I do. Eg: They didn t come to the party, did they ? No, they didn t. Chú ý : Phần câu hỏi đuôi đợc lên giọng khi ngời hỏi muốn hỏi xem có đúng không, và câu trả lời có thể là Yes hoặc No. Phần câu hỏi đuôi đợc xuống giọng khi ngời hỏi đã biết rồi và chờ một sự đồng tình, xác nhận nên câu trả lời thờng là Yes. IX/ câu so sánh Có 3 cấp độ so sánh: bằng( không bằng), hơn , hơn nhất. 4 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà March 2010 good luck to you !!! So sánh bằng: S be as Tính từ as Danh/đại từ V(thờng) Trạng từ Eg: He is as tall as his brother Eg: Mai is as beautiful as her mother Eg: Ba sings as well as Lan. 2. So sánh hơn. a) Với tính từ hoặc trạng từ ngắn( có 1 âm tiết- hot, coldhoặc có 2 âm tiết nhng kết thúc bằng các đuôi: y, ow, er, le, et). S1 be tính từ ngắn er than S2 V(thờng) trạng từ ngắn Eg: He is taller than me. Eg: Nam runs faster than Ba. Một số tính từ ngắn có 2 âm tiết nh : b) Với tính từ hoặc trạng từ dài: S1 Be More tính từ dài Than S2 V( thờng) Trạng từ dài Eg: She is more beautiful than her mother. Eg: Ba works more effectively than Nam. 3. So sánh hơn nhất: a) Với tính từ, trạng từ ngắn S be the tính từ ngắn est N In of N số ít N số nhiều V thờng Trạng từ ngắn Eg1: She is the tallest (student) in my class. Eg2: She is the tallest (student) of us. Eg3: She runs the fastest in my class. Eg4: She runs the fastest of us. b) Với tính từ, trạng từ dài: S be the most tính từ dài N in N số ít N số nhiều V thờng trạng từ dài of Eg1: She is the most beautiful girl in my class. Eg2: She sings the most beautifully in my class. Các tr ờng hợp đặc biệt Adj/adv Comparative Superlative Notes Good/ well Better The best Bad/ badly Worse The worst Many/ much More The most Little Less The least Far Farther Further The farthest The furthest Về khoảng cách Về thời gian Late Later The latest The last Về thời gian Về thứ tự . 1. S(person) + spend(any tense) + time + V ing + Happy Happier Quiet Quieter Simple Simpler Narrow Narrower Clever Cleverer 5 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà March 2010 good luck to you !!! (Ai dung bao nhiêu thời gian lam gì). 2. It + take( any tense) + Obj (person) + time + To V . (Ai mất bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì). 3. S + V(any tense) + . + in + time ( Ai làm việc gì trong bao nhiêu thời gian) Ex: He spent 2 hours doing his HW It took him 2 hours to do his HW He did his HW in 2 hours 3. 1. S + V(any tense) + + because of + N/ N(phrase) . (Ai đó làm sao bởi vì ) 2. N/N(phrase) + make( any tense) + Obj(person) + V(bare) + (Cái gì làm mcho ai đó làm sao đó ). Ex: They laughed because of the clowns The clowns made them laugh 4. 1. This is the first time + S +have/has + ever + V(PII) + (Đây la lần đầu tiên . từng làm việc gì). 2. S + have/ has + never + V(PII) + . + before. (Ai cha từng làm việc gì trớc đó). Ex: This is the first time I have ever visited Ha Long bay I have never visited Ha Long before 5. 1. S(person) + find(any tense) + N/ Obj + adj (ing): (Ai nhận thấy cái gì ra sao) 2. S (person) + be + adj(ed) + prep + N/Obj. Ex: I found the book interesting. I was interested in the book Adj(ing) Adj(ed) + prep boring interesting amusing amazing tiring surprising annoying bored with interested in amused at amazed at tired of surprised at annoyed at 6. 1. When + did + S + V + (S làm cái gì đó vào khi nào ) 2. How long + have/has + S + V(PII) + ? + have/has been + Ving + ? Ex: When did you study EL? 6 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà March 2010 good luck to you !!! How long have you studied EL ? 7.1. S + last/ first + V(PI) + + adv of time (S lần đầu, lần cuối làm cái gì). 2. The last/first time + S + V(PI) + be + Adv of time (S lần cuối/đầu làm gì là từ khi ) 3. S + havent/hasnt + V(PII) + + since/ for + adv of time ( S cha từng làm gì từ/khoảng) 4. It +be + adv of time since + S + last/ first + V(PI) Ex: I last saw Nam 2 years ago I havent seen Nam for 2 years 8.1. It is + time + since + S + last + V(PI) +. (Đã đợc bao nhieu thời gian kể từ lần cuối S làm việc gì) 2. S + (have/has) + not + V(PII) + + for + time ( S Cha làm gì từ/ khoảng tg ) Ex: It was 2 years since I last saw him I havent seen him for 2 years 1. S + take care of(any tense) + N/ Ving + 2. S + look after (any tense) + N/ Ving + . Ex: Can you take care of my house? Can you look after my house? 9. 1. S + enjoy/like + N/ Ving + than + N/Ving + 2. S + would rather + V(bare) + + than + V(bare) + . 3. S + prefer + N/Ving + + to + N/ Ving +. 10. S + V + so + (much/ many/ few/ little) + N + that + S + V . S1 + auxVnot + allow +Obj (person) + to V + ( S1 không cho phép ai làm gì ) S1 + prevent( any tense) + Obj (person) + from + Ving + ( S1 ngăn cấm ai làm việc gì) Ex: They don t allow the students to smoke here They prevent the students from smoking here Vay, mợn ai 1. S + borrow + Obj(person) + Obj(thing) 2. S + lend + Obj(person) + Obj(thing) Ex: Nam borrowed me money I lent Nam money 7 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students – designed by Teacher : NguyÔn ThÞ Trµ March 2010 good luck to you !!!– Hµo høng mong ®îi lµm viÖc g× ®ã 1. S + look forward to + Ving + ……… 2. S+ be + excited (at, about) + Ving … 3. S + long to + V(bare) +……………… Ex: We are very excited about meeting Lan We look forward to meeting Lan 10. 1. S(N) + V + so + adj / adv + that + S + V + ……. 2. Pron (it/they) + V + such (a/an) + adj + N + that + S + V …… that he often has accidents He is such a careless driver that he often has acccidents 11. 1.S + be +the +(adj +est/most +adj) + N+ S +have/has ever + PII 2. S + have/has + never + V(PII) + such(a/an) + N + before. Ex: This is the biggest house I have ever seen. I have never seen such a big house before. 12.1. After+ S +had+ P(II) + ….+, S + V(PI) + …… 2. Before + S + V(PI) +….+, + S +had +V(PII) +……. Ex: Before I had finished my home work, I went to bed After I went to bed, I had finished my home work Adj and adv of manner/ V and N of job. S + V(present) + +Adv of manner S + be + a/an + Adj + N(Job) Ex: He drives carefully He is a careful driver Adj Adv of manner Verb Noun of job good bad careless hard fast late early soon noisy different well badly carelessly hard fast late early soon noisily differently work saw invent teach cook sing play drive speak run worker sawyer inventor teacher cook singer player driver speaker runner Nh»m ®Ó. S + V +……. in order/ so as to + V(bare) + …. 1. How+adj(träng lîng, kÝch cì) + be + S (N/Pron)? 2. What +be + one’s N(träng lîng, kÝch cì)? 8 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students – designed by Teacher : NguyÔn ThÞ Trµ March 2010 good luck to you !!!– Ex: How tall are you? What is your height? Adj Noun tall/ high big/small long/short deep thin thick wide/narrow old height size length depth thinness thickness width age Nen / khong nen 1. S + should(not ) + V(bare) + …… 2. S + had better( not ) + V(bare) ………………. S + don’t/doesn’t + V(bare) + …… any more S + used to + V( bare) + …………… S + stop + Ving + …………… S + no longer + V + ……………. S + V + ………. + any longer. S + give up + ving + ……………. Ex1: she doesn t smoke any more’ She used to smoke Let’s + V(bare) + ………. Let’s not + V(bare) + …… Let + obj ( me, her, them, Nam ) + V (bare) + …… S + let/ don’t let + Obj (person) + V( bare) + …………… 1. S + have(any tense) + Obj(thing) + V(PII) +… by + Obj(person) 2. S + have(any tense) + Obj(person) + V(bare) + Obj(thing) 1. S + get(any tense) + Obj(person) + to V + Obj(thing) 2. S + get(any tense) + Obj(thing) + V(PII)… + b y + Obj(person Ex1:I will have Nam repair my bike I will have my bike repaired by Nam Ex2: He got someone to clean the door He got the door cleaned by someone Is this + OK/alright/ + If I + V( bare) + …… ? Would it be + OK/alright + if I + V( past) + ? Do you mind if I + V ( bare) +………………? Would you mind if I + V (past) + ………… ? Do/would you mind+ me/my + Ving ……… ? Ex; Is this alright/ ok if I borrow your pen? Do you mind if I borrow your pen? Would you mind if I borrowed your pen? 1. Do/ would you mind + V ing + ……….? 9 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students – designed by Teacher : NguyÔn ThÞ Trµ March 2010 good luck to you !!!– 2. Can/ could/will/ would you + V(bare) + ……… for me? Ex: Do you mind opening the door? Can you open the door for me? S + V + not only +(adj/adv/Noun) + but also + (adj/ adv/ Noun) S1 + V + the same + N + as + S2(N) S1/N1 + be + different from + S2/ N2 1. S1/N1 + V + adj/adv(so s¸nh h¬n ) + than + S2/N2 2. S2/N2 + (aux V + not) + as/so + adj/adv + as + S1/N2 Ex: She is taller than her sister Her sister is not so tall as her Passive voice Active: S + V(present ) + Obj + … Passive: S + is/am/are + V(PII) + …. By + Obj Ex: People speak English all over the world EL is spoken all over the world by people Active: S + V (past tense) + Obj + …. Passive: S + was/were + V(PII) + …… by + Obj Ex: He did his home work last night His home work was done last night by him S + V (present progressive) + Obj + …… S +(is/am/are) + being + V(PII) + … + by + Obj Ex: They are building a new stadium here A new stadium is being built here by them S + have/has + V(PII) + Obj +…… S + have/has + been + V(PII) + ……. + by + Obj Ex: I have learnt EL since 1999 EL has been learnt since 1999 by me S + have/has + been + Ving + Obj +… S + have/has + been + being + V(PII) + by + Obj Ex: We have been playing soccer for 2 hours Soccer has been being played for 2 hours by us S + was/were + Ving + Obj + …. 10 [...]... inf: nhớ phải làm việc gì Eg: Before going out of the room, remember to turn off the lights 13 English grammar for 8th- 9th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà -March 2010 good luck to you !!! Forget + V ing : không quên đợc điều gì trong quá khứ (will never) Eg: I will never forget going to London last year Forget + to inf: quên làm việc gì Eg: Oh, no ! I forgot to tell him her phone 14... nh: apologise for, believe in, care for, complain of, consist of, depend on, dream of, give up, forget about, insist on, keep on, think about, think of, worry about, look forward to Eg: I am looking forward to seeing you V ing đợc sử dụng saumột tính từ + giới từ nh: afraid of, aware of, amused at, different from, excited about, fond of, good at, interested in, proud of, responsible for, tired of,.. .English grammar for 8th- 9th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà -March 2010 good luck to you !!! S + was/were + being + V(PII) + +by + Obj Ex: She was reading book at 8 oclock last night Book was being read at 8 last night by her S + had + V(PII) + Obj + S + had + been + V(PII ) + + by + Obj EX: She had done her home work before she went to bed Her home work had been done before... be + V(PII)) + Ex: You need to have your house painted Your house needs painting or to be painted Active: How/Wh +auxV + S + V + Obj +? Pasive: How/What + be + S + PII + +by + Obj ? 11 English grammar for 8th- 9th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà -March 2010 good luck to you !!! Ex: When did he do his home work? When was his home work done by him? @@@.cảm thán 1 What +(a/an) + Adj... with + S2 ( Hoà thuận với ai) Ex: She and I have had good relation since 2003 She has gotten on well with me since 1003 Câu mệnh lệnh gián tiếp S+V + ask + Obj(person) + to V/ not to V + 12 English grammar for 8th- 9th students designed by Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Trà -March 2010 good luck to you !!! Tell Beg(khẩn nài) Warn(cảnh báo) Permit(cho phép) Want(muốn) Advise(khuyen) Order(ra lenh) Invite(moi)... kiệt, hết cáI gì 1 N + be + empty 2 S + run out of + N Ex: The cars fuel is empty The car runs out of fuel S + V(PI) + adv of time 2 S + have/has + V(PII) + + for/ since + adv of time Ex: We live in Mai son 2 years ago We have lied in Mai son for 2 years Yêu nhau 1 S + love(any tense) + Obj(person ) + 2 S + fall(any tense) + in love with + Obj(person) + Ex: She loved him at the first sight She fell... thấy hối tiếc khi phải làm hay nói ra điều gì Eg: I regret to tell you that your test result was very bad Stop + V-ing: dừng công việc đang làm lại,thôi không làm việc gì Eg: The teacher came in,all the students stopped talking and stood up Stop + to inf: dừng công việc đang làm lại để làm một việc khác Eg: It started raining, so I stopped to put on my raincoat Try + V- ing : thử làm gì Eg: Why dont we . unhappy that we all feel sorry for her. V ( chỉ tri giác) adj Eg : The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more. 1 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students designed by Teacher :. Ex: We have been playing soccer for 2 hours Soccer has been being played for 2 hours by us S + was/were + Ving + Obj + …. 10 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students – designed by Teacher :. gì. Eg: Before going out of the room, remember to turn off the lights. 13 English grammar for 8 th - 9 th students – designed by Teacher : NguyÔn ThÞ Trµ March 2010 good luck to you !!!– Forget

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 01:00

