travel ["trAv @l] 1. iv. to visit [places other than where one lives]; to journey. 2. iv. to move through space; to move across a distance. 3. tv. to move on a path or route as one makes a journey. 4. tv. to move over a specific dis- tance as one makes a journey. 5. n. going to and visiting places other than where one lives. (No plural. See also someone’s travels.) 6. the adj. use of T. traveler ["trAv l#] n. someone who travels; someone who goes on trips or journeys. a travesty of justice a miscarriage of justice; an act of the legal sys- tem that is an insult to the system of justice. tray ["tre] n. a flat panel with a slightly raised rim, used to carry things, especially food. tread on someone’s toes Go to step on someone’s toes. treasure ["trE Z#] 1. n. valuable objects, especially ones that are stored; someone or something that is highly valued. 2. tv. to value someone or something highly. treasurer ["trE Z# #] n. someone who is in charge of the money of an organization or unit of govern- ment. treasury ["trE Z@ ri] 1. n. the money that is owned by an organization or unit of government. 2. n. the department of a government in charge of spending and saving public money. treat ["trit] 1. n. a bit of tasty food, such as candy or ice cream. 2. n. something that is pleasing. 3. tv. to handle or consider someone or something in a certain way. 4. tv. to try to cure something. → Dutch treat → someone’s treat treatment ["trit m@nt] 1. n. the way someone or something is dealt with. (No plural.) 2. n. the method by which someone tries to cure someone. 3. n. the way in which a story or script is pre- sented. → get the red-carpet treatment → give someone the red-carpet treatment → the royal treatment treaty ["trit i] n. a formal agree- ment between two or more nations. tree ["tri] 1. n. a tall plant whose stem and branches are made of wood, and that often has leaves growing from the branches. 2. n. a diagram that represents the rela- tionship between different levels or positions of power by express- ing them as branches at different levels. → bark up the wrong tree → not able to see the forest for the trees → palm tree tree house ["tri haUs] n., irreg. a platform or structure built in a tree for children to play in. (Plural: [ haU z@z].) treetop ["tri tap] n. the top of a tree. trek ["trEk] 1. n. a long journey, often done walking. 2. iv. to travel on a long journey, often on foot. tremendous [trI "mEn d@s] 1. adj. huge; enormous; very large; immense. (Adv: tremendously.) travel 656 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 656 TLFeBOOK 2. adj. wonderful; excellent; superb. (Adv: tremendously.) trial ["traIl] 1. n. the examination of evidence in a court of law by a judge or jury to settle a legal ques- tion, such as guilt or innocence. 2. n. an experiment; a test to see if something works; a test to see if something provides a benefit. 3. n. a difficult ordeal; a problem; a dis- ease and the problems it causes. 4. adj. concerning the first test or an early attempt to get results. 5. the adj. use of Q, W, or E. → on trial triangle ["traI AN g@l] 1. n. a figure that has three sides and three angles. 2. n. a flat, three-sided object with three sides, used for drawing lines and angles. 3. n. a metallic musical instrument in the shape of Q, that is struck with a small rod to make a ringing noise. tribe ["traIb] n. a group of people having the same customs, religion, language, and culture; a local divi- sion of a larger ethnic group. tribute ["trIb jut] n. a show of respect or honor. trick ["trIk] 1. n. something that is done to deceive someone. 2. adj. made to be used in Q; intended to deceive. → bag of tricks → know (all) the tricks of the trade → play a trick on someone → use every trick in the book trick someone into something to deceive someone into doing some- thing. trick someone out of something and trick something out of someone to get something from someone by deception. trick something out of someone Go to trick someone out of something . tricky ["trIk i] 1. adj. difficult to do; puzzling; hard to deal with. (Adv: trickily. Comp: trickier; sup: tricki- est.) 2. adj. full of tricks; clever and good at deceiving people. (Adv: trickily. Comp: trickier; sup: trickiest.) tricycle ["traI sIk @l] n. a small vehicle with three wheels, two in back and one in front, made for young children to ride on. trigger ["trIg #] 1. n. the small lever on a gun, used to fire the gun. 2. n. something that causes something else to happen. (Figu- rative on Q.) 3. tv. to cause some- thing to happen; to cause something that starts a sequence of events. → quick on the trigger trigger something off to set some- thing off, such as an explosion. trillion ["trIl j@n] 1. n. the number 1,000,000,000,000. (Additional numbers formed as with two tril- lion, three trillion, four trillion, etc.) 2. n. a group or collection of 1,000,000,000,000 people or things. 3. adj. consisting of 1,000,000,000,000 things. trillionth ["trIl j@nT] 1,000,000,000,000th. Go to fourth. trilogy ["trIl @ dZi] n. a set of three books, plays, movies, etc., that share a common theme or charac- ters and events. trilogy 657 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 657 TLFeBOOK trim ["trIm] 1. tv. to make some- thing neat by cutting; to cut some- thing neatly. 2. tv. to reduce something; to decrease something. 3. tv. to decorate something. 4. adj. [of someone] thin and of the proper weight. (Adv: trimly. Comp: trimmer; sup: trimmest.) 5. n. the wood around a door or window or along the floor. trim something away (from some- thing ) to cut something away (from something). trim something off ((of) someone or something ) to cut something off someone or something. trio ["tri o] 1. n. a group of three, especially a group of three per- formers. (Plural ends in -s.) 2. n. a piece of music written for three instruments or three voices. (Plural ends in -s.) trip ["trIp] 1. n. a journey between two places; a journey from one place to another. 2. iv. to stumble; to fall over something; to hit one’s foot against someone or some- thing, causing a loss of balance. 3. tv. to cause someone to fall; to cause someone to stumble and lose balance. 4. tv. to release a lever or a switch, thus causing something to function. trip someone up 1. to cause some- one to trip; to tangle someone’s feet. 2. to cause someone to become confused and awkward, especially when talking or reason- ing. tripod ["traI pad] n. a support or stand that has three legs, especially one that supports a camera. trite ["traIt] adj. [of an expression] shallow and simple-minded. (Adv: tritely. Comp: triter; sup: tritest.) triumph ["traI @mf] 1. n. celebra- tion; the glory of victory; a vic- tory. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. iv. to win; to be very successful. trivial ["trIv i @l] adj. not impor- tant; not significant. (Adv: triv- ially.) trolley ["tra li] n. a vehicle that is operated by electricity and runs along a track in the street. trombone [tram "bon] n. a brass musical instrument, played by blowing air into one end with tensed lips, while moving a long sliding part into different posi- tions. troop ["trup] 1. n. a group of peo- ple or animals, especially a group of soldiers. 2. iv. to walk or move as a group. trooper ["trup #] n. an officer in the state police, usually the high- way patrol. (Short for state trooper. ) → state trooper troops n. soldiers. (Treated as plu- ral, but not countable.) trophy ["tro fi] 1. n. something that is taken from a battle or a hunt as a symbol of one’s success. 2. n. a small statue or prize that is given to the winner of an event or con- test. tropic ["trap Ik] 1. n. one of two imaginary circles around the earth, 23.45 degrees north and south of the equator. 2. adj. tropi- cal; hot and humid. trim 658 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 658 TLFeBOOK tropical ["trap I k@l] adj. of or about the tropics; of or about the weather conditions of the tropics; found in the tropics. (Adv: tropi- cally [ Ik li].) the tropics n. the area between the two tropics Q; the areas of the earth near the equator. (Treated as singular or plural.) trot ["trat] 1. n. the movement of a horse between a walk and a gallop; the movement of a human between a walk and a run. 2. iv. to move faster than walking, but not as fast as running. trot someone or something out to bring out and display someone or something. (Figurative.) trot something out to mention something regularly or habitually, without giving it much thought. trouble ["tr^b @l] 1. n. worry; diffi- culty; anxiety. 2. n. annoyance; bother. 3. n. a sickness; a health problem. 4. n. someone or some- thing that causes worry, difficulty, anxiety, irritation, bother, or problems. 5. tv. to worry someone; to cause someone difficulty or anxiety. 6. tv. to bother or delay someone with an inquiry. 7. tv. to cause someone to feel pain. → ask for trouble → drown one’s troubles → fish in troubled waters → in trouble → not worth the trouble → pour oil on troubled water → teething troubles troublesome ["tr^b @l s@m] adj. causing trouble; causing problems. (Adv: troublesomely.) trousers ["traU z#z] n. pants; a piece of clothing worn below the waist, having a separate tube, hole, or compartment for each leg and extending to the ankles. (Treated as plural. Number is expressed with pair(s) of trousers. Rarely sin- gular.) trout ["traUt] 1. n., irreg. a freshwa- ter fish commonly eaten as food. (Plural: trout.) 2. n. the flesh of Q, eaten as food. (No plural.) trowel ["traU @l] 1. n. a tool used to apply and smooth mortar or plas- ter. 2. n. a tool used in gardening for digging small holes and plant- ing individual plants. truant ["tru @nt] 1. adj. absent from school without permission. (Adv: truantly.) 2. n. someone who is absent from school without per- mission. truce ["trus] n. an agreement to stop fighting. truck ["tr^k] 1. n. a large motor vehicle designed to carry objects or cargo rather than people. 2. the adj. use of Q. 3. tv. to transport something by Q. true ["tru] 1. adj. being a fact; actual; real; not false. (Adv: truly. Comp: truer; sup: truest.) 2. adj. sincere; genuine; not fake; not artificial. (Adv: truly. Comp: truer; sup: truest.) 3. adj. properly fitted; at the proper angle. (Adv: truly. Comp: truer; sup: truest.) → come true → a dream come true → hold true → ring true → show one’s (true) colors → too good to be true true 659 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 659 TLFeBOOK true to one’s word keeping one’s promise. truly ["tru li] adv. really; honestly; genuinely. trumpet ["tr^mp It] 1. n. a brass musical instrument on which dif- ferent notes are produced by blow- ing air into one end while pressing different combinations of three valves. 2. iv. [for an elephant] to make a characteristic elephant noise. trunk ["tr^Nk] 1. n. the main stem of a tree. 2. n. the body of a human without its head, arms, or legs. 3. n. a large, sturdy box for transporting or storing clothes or other objects. 4. n. the long, tube- shaped nose of an elephant. trunks n. a swimming suit for men. (Treated as plural. Number is expressed with pair(s) of trunks.) trust ["tr^st] 1. n. a strong belief in the honesty of someone or some- thing. (No plural.) 2. tv. to believe in the honesty of someone or something. 3. tv. to hope some- thing. (The object is a clause with that U.) truth ["truT] 1. n. the quality of being true or a fact. (No plural.) 2. n. a fact; a true state. → the gospel truth → a grain of truth → moment of truth truthful ["truT fUl] 1. adj. [of a statement] able to be proven as true. (Adv: truthfully.) 2. adj. reg- ularly telling the truth; honest. (Adv: truthfully.) try ["traI] 1. iv. to make an attempt. 2. tv. to use something to see if one likes it; to test something to see if it works well. 3. tv. [for a judge or jury] to hear a [legal] case in a court of law. (E.g., try a case.) 4. tv. [for a judge or jury] to sub- ject an accused person to a trial in a court of law. (E.g., try someone for a crime.) 5. n. an attempt; an effort to do something. try one’s wings (out) to try to do something one has recently become qualified to do. try out (for something ) to audition for a part in some performance or other activity requiring skill. try someone’s patience to do something annoying that may cause someone to lose patience; to cause someone to be annoyed. try something out on someone to see how someone responds to something or some idea. try to do something to attempt to do something. tsar Go to czar. T-shirt ["ti S#t] n. a light, cotton shirt with short sleeves and no col- lar. tub ["t^b] 1. n. a large, round or oval container with a flat bottom. 2. n. a bathtub. tuba ["tub @] n. a large brass instru- ment that makes very low notes. ( Tubas are also sometimes made of lighter-weight material.) tube ["tub] 1. n. a hollow pipe used for holding or conveying some- thing. 2. n. a soft container that holds paste, such as toothpaste, icing, or medicine. → down the tube true to one’s word 660 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 660 TLFeBOOK tuck ["t^k] n. a fold that is sewn shut to make an item of clothing shorter or fit tighter. → nip and tuck tuck something in((to) something ) to fold or stuff something into something else. Tuesday ["tjuz de] Go to day. tug ["t^g] n. a hard pull; a yank. tug at someone or something and tug on someone or something to pull at someone or something with force. tug on someone or something Go to tug at someone or something . tulip ["tu l@p] n. a flower with a bright, colorful, cup-shaped bloom. tumble ["t^m b@l] 1. n. a fall. 2. iv. to fall over; to fall accidentally; to fall helplessly. tumble out of something to fall, topple, or drop out of something. tumble over ( something ) to fall over the edge of something. tummy ["t^m i] n. the stomach or belly. (Informal; used especially with children.) tumor ["tu m#] n. a group or clus- ter of diseased cells in a body that grow independently of the sur- rounding tissue or structure. tuna (fish) ["tu n@ "fISh] 1. n., irreg. a large ocean fish, com- monly used for food. (Plural: tuna or tunas.) 2 n., irreg. the flesh of a Q, eaten as food. (No plural.) 3. the adj. use of Q or W. (Hyphenated.) tune ["tun] 1. n. a melody; a piece of music or a song. 2. tv. to adjust a musical instrument so that its tones are at the proper intervals from each other. 3. tv. to adjust something so that it works prop- erly. → can’t carry a tune → dance to another tune → in tune → out of tune → out of tune (with someone or something ) tunnel ["t^n @l] 1. n. a passage that is underground, underwater, or through a mountain. 2. iv. to make a passage that goes underground, underwater, or through a moun- tain. → see the light (at the end of the tunnel) turbine ["t# bIn] n. a large engine or motor that is powered by pres- sure from wind, water, or some other liquid or gas. turd ["t#d] n. a lump of fecal mate- rial. (Potentially offensive. Use only with care. Colloquial.) turf ["t#f] 1. n. the surface of soil with plants or grass growing on it. (No plural.) 2. n. the area that is controlled by a person or group of people. (Usually singular.) turkey ["t# ki] 1. n. a large fowl that is often raised for its meat. 2. n. the meat of Q used as food. (No plural.) 3. adj. made with W. turn ["t#n] 1. tv. to move some- thing around in a circle or an arc; to cause something to move in a circle or an arc. 2. tv. to aim a moving object or vehicle in a dif- ferent direction. 3. tv. to change the position of something, such as an electrical switch, lever, or han- dle. 4. tv. to reach a certain age. turn 661 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 661 TLFeBOOK 5. iv. to go in a different direction; to change direction. 6. iv. to change position by moving in a circle or an arc; to change position to face a different direction. 7. iv. to change, especially in form, state, color, or quality; to become some form, state, color, or quality. 8. n. the movement of something that is going in a circle. 9. n. a change in direction. 10. n. a change in a situation; a change in circumstances. 11. n. a chance to do something, especially when two or more people alternate an action. → do someone a good turn → out of turn turn a blind eye to someone or something to ignore something and pretend one does not see it. turn a deaf ear (to something ) to ignore what someone says; to ignore a cry for help. turn about Go to turn around. turn against someone or some- thing to attack, defy, or revolt against someone or something. turn around and turn about to reverse; to face the opposite direc- tion; to change direction of motion. turn back (from someplace ) to stop one’s journey and return. turn in((to) someplace ) to walk or steer one’s vehicle into a place. turn into something to change to a particular condition or state; to become something. turn off [for something] to go off; to switch off. turn on [for something] to switch on and start running. turn on a dime to turn in a very tight turn. turn one’s nose up at someone or something to sneer at someone or something; to reject someone or something. turn out (for something ) [for peo- ple, especially an audience, to leave home] to attend some event. turn over a new leaf to start again with the intention of doing better; to begin again, ignoring past errors. turn over in one’s grave [for a dead person] to be shocked or horrified. (Figurative.) turn someone down to issue a refusal to someone. turn someone or something back to cause someone or something to stop and go back; to cause some- one or something to retreat. turn someone or something over to someone or something to release or assign someone or something to someone or something else; to transfer or deliver someone or something to someone or some- thing else. turn someone or something up 1. to increase the volume of a device emitting the sound of someone or something. 2. to dis- cover or locate someone or some- thing. turn someone out 1. to train or produce someone with certain skills or talents. 2. to force some- one to leave a place. turn a blind eye to someone or something 662 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 662 TLFeBOOK turn someone’s head to make someone conceited. turn someone’s stomach to make someone (figuratively or literally) ill. turn something down 1. to bend or fold something down. 2. to decrease the volume of something. 3. to reject something. turn something on to switch on something to make it run. turn something out 1. to manufac- ture or produce something in great numbers. 2. to turn off a light. turn something to good account to use something in such a way that it is to one’s advantage; to make good use of a situation, experience, etc. turn something to one’s advan- tage to make an advantage for oneself out of something that might otherwise be a disadvan- tage. turn something up 1. to bend or fold something up. 2. to turn play- ing cards face up. turn the other cheek to ignore abuse or an insult directed at one. (Biblical.) turn the tide to cause a reversal in the direction of events; to cause a reversal in public opinion. turn to to start working; to start doing one’s job. turn up 1. [for part of something] to point upward. 2. to happen. turn up ( somewhere ) [for someone or something] to appear in a place. turtle ["t#t @l] n. a reptile with a round body that is protected by a thick, hard, rounded shell. tusk ["t^sk] n. a very long, pointed tooth that projects from the face of some kinds of animals. tutor ["tut #] 1. n. someone who is employed as a private teacher; a teacher who gives private lessons. 2. tv. to teach someone privately. 3. iv. to work as Q. tuxedo [t@k "si do] n. a man’s outfit for very formal occasions, includ- ing a black jacket, a white shirt, a black bow tie, and pants. (Plural ends in -s.) tv. an abbreviation of transitive verb . TV ["ti "vi] an abbreviation of televi- sion, television set. tweed ["twid] 1. n. a rough wool fabric. 2. adj. made of Q. twelfth ["twElfT] 12th. Go to fourth. twelve ["twElv] 12. Go to four. twentieth ["twEn ti @T] 20th. Go to fourth. twenty ["twEn ti] 20. Go to forty. twice ["twaIs] 1. adv. two times; on two occasions. 2. adv. two times as much; double. twiddle one’s thumbs to fill up time by playing with one’s fingers. twig ["twIg] n. a small branch. twilight ["twaI laIt] 1. n. the time of day after the sun sets and before the sky is completely dark. (No plural.) 2. n. the dim light at Q. twin ["twIn] 1. n. one of two chil- dren born at the same time from the same mother; one of two off- twin 663 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 663 TLFeBOOK spring born at the same time from the same mother. 2. n. one of two things that are part of a matched set. 3. adj. [of two offspring] born at the same time from the same mother. 4. adj. forming a pair of two things that are similar or matching. twine ["twaIn] n. strong string made of two or more strands that are twisted together. (Plural only for types and instances.) twinkle ["twIN k@l] 1. iv. to alter- nate between shining brightly and not so brightly; to flicker; to sparkle. 2. n. a light that alternates between shining brightly and dimly; a flicker. → in the twinkling of an eye twirl ["tw#l] 1. tv. to spin some- thing; to move something in cir- cles. 2. iv. to spin; to turn in circles. 3. n. a spin; a circular movement. twist ["twIst] 1. tv. to turn some- thing; to rotate something in an arc. 2. tv. to injure a body part by turning it sharply. 3. tv. to bend and turn part of something to change its shape. 4. iv. to curve; to bend; to change shape or direc- tion; to turn one part of a length of something while keeping the other part in place. 5. n. a curve; a state resulting when one part of a length has been turned while the other part stays in one place. 6. n. the movement of twisting as in Q. twist someone around one’s little finger to manipulate and control someone. twist someone’s arm to force or persuade someone. twist someone’s words (around) to restate someone’s words inaccu- rately when quoting them or try- ing to understand them. two ["tu] 2. Go to four. → fall between two stools → get two strikes against one → in two shakes of a lamb’s tail → kill two birds with one stone → the lesser (of the two) → the lesser of two evils → put in one’s two cents(’ worth) → put two and two together → stand on one’s own two feet → strike a balance (between two things) → Two’s company(, three’s a crowd). two of a kind people or things that are the same type or similar in character, attitude, etc. Two’s company(, three’s a crowd). a saying meaning that two people want to be alone and a third person would be in the way. type ["taIp] 1. n. a kind, sort, or category; a group of related people or things. 2. n. a block of wood or metal, with the raised shape of a letter or number on it, used in printing. (No plural.) 3. n. a style or kind of print, especially the shape or darkness that printed let- ters have. (No plural.) 4. tv. to write something using a keyboard. 5. iv. to use a keyboard. → set type type something up to type a new version of a handwritten docu- ment. typewriter ["taIp raI t#] n. a machine for printing letters onto paper. typical ["tIp I k@l] adj. average; usual; ordinary; regular; having twine 664 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 664 TLFeBOOK the main qualities of a type of something. (Adv: typically [ Ik li ].) typo ["taIp o] n. an error made in printing or typing. (Plural ends in -s. Short for typographical error.) tyranny ["tIr @ ni] n. the cruel and unfair use of government power. (No plural.) tyrant ["taI r@nt] n. a ruler who is cruel and unfair. tyrant 665 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 665 TLFeBOOK . one of two off- twin 663 09 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 663 TLFeBOOK spring born at the same time from the same mother. 2. n. one of two things that are part of a matched set. 3. adj. [of two offspring]. body part by turning it sharply. 3. tv. to bend and turn part of something to change its shape. 4. iv. to curve; to bend; to change shape or direc- tion; to turn one part of a length of something. charge of the money of an organization or unit of govern- ment. treasury ["trE Z@ ri] 1. n. the money that is owned by an organization or unit of government. 2. n. the department of a government