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sack ["sAk] 1. n. a bag or pouch made of paper, cloth, etc. 2. n. the contents of Q. sacred ["se krId] adj. holy; blessed. (Adv: sacredly.) sacred cow something that is regarded by some people with such respect and veneration that they do not like it being criticized by anyone in any way. sacrifice ["sA kr@ faIs] 1. n. giving up something; not having some- thing that is wanted or needed. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. n. something that is offered to a god or spirit. 3. tv. to take the life of a creature as in W. 4. tv. to give up something of value [for someone else’s benefit]. sad ["sAd] 1. adj. not happy; feeling sorrow. (Adv: sadly. Comp: sadder; sup: saddest.) 2. adj. unfortunate; [of something] not bringing pleas- ure. (Adv: sadly. Comp: sadder; sup: saddest.) sadden ["sAd n] 1. iv. to become sad. 2. tv. to cause someone to become sad. saddle ["sAd l] 1. n. a leather seat that fits on the back of a horse or other animal that carries people. 2. n. a bicycle or motorcycle seat. 3. tv. to place Q on a horse or a similar animal. saddle someone with something to give someone something undesir- able, annoying, or difficult to deal with. (Informal.) sadness ["sAd n@s] n. sorrow; hav- ing feelings of gloom or depres- sion; a lack of happiness. (No plural.) safe ["sef] 1. n. a solid, sturdy, steel or iron box—with a strong lock— that money, jewelry, papers, or other valuable objects are kept in for protection. 2. adj. not danger- ous; not risky; not causing or cre- ating danger. (Adv: safely. Comp: safer; sup: safest.) 3. adj. protected; secure. (Adv: safely. Comp: safer; sup: safest.) → play it safe → to be on the safe side → to be safe safe and sound safe and whole or healthy. safeguard ["sef gard] 1. n. some- thing that protects someone or something from danger. 2. tv. to protect someone or something from danger; to keep someone or something safe. safekeeping ["sef "kip IN] n. keep- ing someone or something safe; a place or state where something is safe. (No plural.) → for safekeeping safety ["sef ti] 1. n. the state of being safe; freedom from harm or danger. (No plural.) 2. the adj. use of Q. safety belt ["sef ti bElt] n. a seat belt; a set of straps that extend across one’s lap from the top of one’s shoulder across the body to the opposite hip. safe(ty)-deposit box ["sef (ti) d@ "paz @t "baks ] n. a metal box that is used for holding valuable items 516 S 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 516 Copyright 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc . Click Here for Terms of Use. TLFeBOOK and is locked in a large safe or vault. sag ["sAg] iv. to bend, hang, or curve downward. sage advice very good and wise advice. said ["sEd] past tense and past par- ticiple of say. sail ["sel] 1. n. a sheet of cloth that is stretched on a mast of a ship to catch the energy of the wind. 2. iv. to travel by boat or ship on the water. 3. iv. [for a ship or boat] to travel on the water. 4. iv. to glide through the air the way a boat moves through water. 5. tv. to steer a boat or ship on the water. 6. tv. to cause something to glide through the air. → smooth sailing sail into someone or something 1. to crash into someone or some- thing with a boat or ship. 2. to crash into someone or something. sail (right) through something 1. to travel through something in a boat or ship. 2. to go through something very quickly and easily. (Figurative.) sailboat ["sel bot] n. a boat that has at least one sail and that moves by the power of the wind. sailor ["se l#] 1. n. someone who works on a boat or a ship. 2. n. someone who is in the navy. sake ["sek] [someone’s] benefit, demands, or welfare. → for someone’s or something’s sake → for the sake of someone or something salad ["sAl @d] n. a dish of mixed vegetables, especially lettuce, or other food mixed with vegetables, usually with a sauce called salad dressing. → toss a salad salary ["sAl (@) ri] n. the amount of money that someone is paid for working. (Compare to wage.) sale ["sel] 1. n. the exchange of a product or service for money; an act of selling. 2. n. a special event where products or services are sold for less money than normal. → for sale → on sale → put something up (for sale) sales n. the amount of products or services sold during a certain period of time. (Treated as plural, but not countable.) salesclerk ["selz kl#k] n. someone who works in a store, helping cus- tomers and selling products. salesman ["selz m@n] n., irreg. someone whose job is selling things; a man whose job is selling things. (Plural: salesmen.) salesmen ["selz m@n] plural of salesman. salespeople ["selz pi p@l] a plural of salesperson. salesperson ["selz p# s@n] n., irreg. someone whose job is selling things. (Plural: salespeople or salespersons.) saleswoman ["selz wU m@n] n., irreg. a woman whose job is selling things. (Plural: saleswomen.) saleswomen ["selz wI m@n] plural of saleswoman. salmon ["sAm @n] 1. n., irreg. a large food fish with soft, pale pink salmon 517 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 517 TLFeBOOK flesh. (Plural: salmon.) 2. n. the meat of Q. (No plural.) salt ["sOlt] 1. n. a white substance used to season or preserve food and to melt snow and ice. (No plu- ral.) 2. n. a chemical substance made by combining an acid with a metal. (Plural only for types and instances.) 3. tv. to season some- thing by putting Q on it. 4. tv. to cover something with Q. → back to the salt mines → rub salt in a wound → take something with a grain of salt → take something with a pinch of salt → worth one’s salt salt of the earth the most worthy of people; a very good or worthy person. salt something away 1. to store and preserve food by salting it. 2. to store something; to place some- thing in reserve. (Figurative.) salt water ["sOlt "wat #] 1. n. water with a high salt content, such as that found in the oceans. (No plu- ral.) 2. saltwater the adj. use of Q. salted ["sOl tId] adj. [of food] hav- ing salt added. salty ["sOl ti] adj. tasting like salt; having salt. (Adv: saltily. Comp: saltier; sup: saltiest.) salute [s@ "lut] 1. tv. to show respect for someone by bringing the right hand to one’s head. 2. n. an act of moving the hand to the head as in Q. same ["sem] 1. adj. not different; being the identical person or thing. 2. adj. being exactly like someone or something else; not different from someone or some- thing else; alike. → amount to the same thing (as something ) → by the same token → cast in the same mold → cut from the same cloth → in the same boat → in the same breath → speak the same language → tarred with the same brush the same as someone or something identical to someone or some- thing. sameness ["sem n@s] n. the quality of being the same; the degree of being very similar to someone or something. (No plural.) sample ["sAm p@l] 1. n. a small portion of something that shows what the rest of it is like. 2. tv. to take, try, or taste a small portion of something. sanctuary ["sANk tSu Er i] 1. n. a sacred or holy building; a holy place of worship. 2. n. a place of safety or preservation, especially for birds and other wild animals. sand ["sAnd] 1. n. very tiny parti- cles of rock or seashells, such as are found on beaches and in deserts. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. tv. to rub something with sandpaper to make it smooth; to smooth something with sand- paper. 3. tv. to put or sprinkle Q on a surface, such as an icy street. → bury one’s head in the sand → hide one’s head in the sand sandpaper ["sAnd pe p#] n. a paper lightly coated with sand particles, used to polish or smooth a surface. (Plural only for types and instances.) salt 518 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 518 TLFeBOOK the sands of time the accumulated tiny amounts of time; time repre- sented by the sand in an hourglass. sandwich ["sAnd wItS] 1. n. two pieces of bread with some kind of food in between. 2. tv. to put someone or something tightly between or among other persons or objects. sane ["sen] 1. adj. having a healthy mind; not crazy. (Adv: sanely. Comp: saner; sup: sanest.) 2. adj. rational; sensible; having or show- ing common sense. (Adv: sanely. Comp: saner; sup: sanest.) sang ["sAN] past tense of sing. sanitary ["sAn @ tEr i] 1. adj. very clean; not dangerous to one’s health. (Adv: sanitarily.) 2. adj. used for the disposal of waste that is harmful to health. sanitation [sAn @ "te S@n] n. the study and practice of preserving the health of the public, especially concerning the removal of waste. (No plural.) sanity ["sAn @ ti] n. sound mental health. (No plural.) sank ["sANk] a past tense of sink. sap ["sAp] 1. n. a fluid in a tree that carries important nutrients to its parts. (No plural.) 2. tv. to take away someone’s or something’s strength or energy. sarcasm ["sar kAz @m] n. the use of words that have the opposite meaning from what is said. (No plural.) sarcastic [sar "kAs tIk] adj. using sarcasm; using irony; mocking. (Adv: sarcastically [ Ik li].) sardine [sar "din] n. a small, edible fish, usually sold in flat cans. → packed (in) like sardines sat ["sAt] past tense and past par- ticiple of sit. Satan ["set n] n. the devil. satellite ["sAt @ laIt] 1. n. a natural body of rock and minerals that orbits around a planet; a moon. 2. n. a spacecraft that orbits a planet. 3. adj. dependent on some- thing else that has more power. satin ["sAt n] 1. n. a soft, silky, smooth cloth that is shiny on one side. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. adj. made from Q. satisfaction [sAt Is "fAk S@n] n. a feeling that one is content; fulfill- ment. (Plural only for types and instances.) satisfactory [sAt Is "fAk t@ ri] adj. adequate; meeting certain needs or requirements. (Adv: satisfactorily.) satisfy ["sAt Is faI] 1. tv. to make someone content; to please some- one; to make someone happy with something. 2. tv. to meet or fulfill certain needs or requirements. Saturday ["sAt # de] Go to day. sauce ["sOs] n. a liquid that is put on food to add flavor. (Plural only for types and instances.) saucer ["sO s#] n. a small dish that cups are set on. sausage ["sO sIdZ] 1. n. a food made of chopped meat mixed with spices (in the United States). (No plural.) 2. n. a food made of Q stuffed into a thin tube of animal intestine or artificial material and made into segments. 3. adj. made with Q. sausage 519 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 519 TLFeBOOK savage ["sAv IdZ] 1. adj. wild; not tamed; not civilized; primitive. (Adv: savagely.) 2. adj. fierce; ready to fight; violent; vicious. (Adv: savagely.) 3. n. someone who is wild, not tamed, and not civilized. save ["sev] 1. tv. to make someone or something safe from harm or danger; to rescue someone or something. 2. tv. to keep a supply of something, especially money, for future use; to place something aside, especially money, for future use. 3. tv. not to spend something; not to use something; to reserve something. 4. tv. to cause some- thing to be unnecessary (for some- one); to prevent the need (for someone) to do something. → scrimp and save save something for a rainy day to reserve something—usually money—for some future need. save something up (for something ) to accumulate an amount of money for the purchase of some- thing. save the day to produce a good result when a bad result was expected. save up (for something ) to accu- mulate something for some pur- pose. saved by the bell rescued from a difficult or dangerous situation just in time by something that brings the situation to a sudden end. savings ["sev INz] n. money that is saved for future use; money that is set aside, especially in a bank account, for future use. (Treated as plural, but not countable.) savings account ["sev INz @ "kaUnt ] n. a bank account that is intended for saving money over a long period of time. saw ["sO] 1. past tense of see. 2. n. a cutting tool with a thin blade that is notched with tiny, sharp teeth. 3. iv., irreg. to cut with W. (Past tense: sawed; past participle: sawed or sawn.) 4. tv., irreg. to cut some- thing with W. sawn ["sOn] a past participle of saw. say ["se] 1. tv., irreg. to pronounce words; to speak words. (Past tense and past participle: said.) 2. tv., irreg. to state something; to declare something; to express something in words. (The object can be a clause with that U.) 3. n. a role of authority or influence [in making a decision]. (No plural.) → drop in (to say hello) → on someone’s say-so say grace to say a prayer of grati- tude before a meal. scale ["skel] 1. n. a series of num- bers at different levels, used for measuring something. 2. n. the relation between a measurement on a map or design compared to the actual measurement it corre- sponds to. 3. n. a series of musical notes, from low notes to high notes or from high notes to low notes. 4. n. the size or extent of something, especially as compared to something else or an average. (No plural.) 5. n. a device that measures how much something weighs. (Singular or plural with the same meaning.) 6. n. one of savage 520 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 520 TLFeBOOK the small, thin pieces of hardened skin on the bodies of most fish and snakes. 7. n. a flake of some- thing, especially dead skin. 8. tv. to climb something. 9. tv. to remove Y from a fish. → tip the scales at something scale something down to make something smaller by a certain amount. scalp ["skAlp] n. the skin and any hair growing on it on the top and back of the head. scan ["skAn] 1. tv. to examine something closely and carefully, as though one were searching for something. 2. tv. to look through something quickly and carelessly; to glance at something; to read through something quickly. 3. tv. to put a picture or a text into a computer file by placing the pic- ture or book on a scanner. scandal ["skAn d@l] n. an event that causes disgrace; an instance of actions that are not legal, moral, or ethical and that become known by other people. scanner ["skAn #] n. a machine that converts a page of a book or a picture to an image that can be stored, viewed, or changed on a computer. scapegoat ["skep got] 1. n. some- one who is blamed for the mis- takes of others; someone who takes the blame for the mistakes of others. 2. tv. to blame someone for the mistakes of others. → make someone the scapegoat for something scar ["skar] 1. n. a mark that is left on the surface of something, such as skin, that has been torn, cut, burned, or otherwise damaged. 2. tv. to cause someone or some- thing to have Q. scarce ["skErs] adj. rare; hard to find. (Adv: scarcely. Comp: scarcer; sup: scarcest.) → (as) scarce as hens’ teeth scarcer than hens’ teeth Go to (as) scarce as hens’ teeth. scare ["skEr] 1. tv. to cause some- one to feel fear or fright; to cause someone to be afraid. 2. n. a bad fright; an instance of being afraid; a feeling of fear. scare someone or something off to frighten someone or some crea- ture away. scared ["skErd] adj. feeling fright; filled with fear. scarf ["skarf] n., irreg. a long strip of cloth that is wrapped around the neck or face for decoration or to keep warm when it is cold. (Plural: scarves.) scarves ["skarvz] plural of scarf. scary ["skEr i] adj. causing fear; fill- ing one with fear; causing one to be afraid. (Adv: scarily. Comp: scarier; sup: scariest.) scatter ["skAt #] 1. tv. to cause each person or thing in a group to move in a different direction. 2. tv. to spread things—such as seeds, papers, ashes, etc.—over a wide area by throwing them. 3. iv. [for each person or thing in a group] to move in a different direction. scene ["sin] 1. n. all that can be seen from one place. 2. n. the place where something happens; a setting. 3. n. a division of an act of scene 521 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 521 TLFeBOOK a play; an incident in a movie or play. 4. n. a display of emotion or action, especially an angry or vio- lent action. → arrive (up)on the scene (of something ) → burst onto the scene → burst (up)on the scene scenery ["sin (@) ri] 1. n. the natu- ral surroundings—trees, moun- tains, valleys—of an area. (No plural.) 2. n. the things that are built or bought and put on a stage to represent the place where the action of a play takes place. (No plural.) → a change of scenery scent ["sEnt] 1. n. a smell; an aroma; an odor; the way someone or something smells. 2. tv. to sense the smell of someone or some- thing. schedule ["skE dZ@l] 1. n. a list showing the times that events are supposed to happen. 2. tv. to put someone or something on Q. → ahead of schedule → behind schedule scheme ["skim] 1. n. a plan; a method for doing something; a way of doing something, possibly dishonestly. 2. iv. to plot; to make plans, especially dishonest ones. scheme against someone or some- thing to plot or conspire against someone or something. scholar ["skal #] 1. n. someone who studies a subject thoroughly. 2. n. a student; a pupil. 3. n. some- one who has a scholarship. scholarly ["skal # li] 1. adj. con- cerning scholarship and school- work. 2. adj. having a lot of knowledge about a certain subject. scholarship ["skal # SIp] 1. n. knowledge that a person receives by studying; evidence of one’s knowledge. (No plural.) 2. n. a sum of money given by an organi- zation to a student for school fees or other expenses related to study- ing. school ["skul] 1. n. a building for education and instruction. 2. n. all the people who work at or attend a school; all the people who teach or study at a school. 3. n. a group of fish that swim together. 4. n. the education system; participation in the education system. (No plural.) → from the old school → grammar school → high school → primary school → public school → tell tales out of school school of thought a particular philosophy or way of thinking about something. schoolchild ["skul tSaIld] n., irreg. a child of school age, especially a child in grades kindergarten through eighth grade; a child who attends school. (Plural: school- children .) schoolchildren ["skul tSIl drIn] plural of schoolchild. schoolroom ["skul rum] n. a room in a school building, especially one where students are taught. schoolteacher ["skul titS #] n. someone who teaches in a school. schoolwork ["skul w#k] n. work that a student must do for a class; the assigned projects that a stu- scenery 522 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 522 TLFeBOOK dent must do. (No plural. See also homework.) science ["saI @ns] 1. n. a system of knowledge obtained by testing and proving facts that describe the way something acts, functions, or exists. (No plural.) 2. n. a kind of study that results in a system of knowledge obtained by testing and proving facts that describe the way something acts, functions, or exists. scientific [saI @n "tIf Ik] 1. adj. using the laws or facts of a science. (Adv: scientifically [ Ik li].) 2. adj. of or about science. (Adv: scientifically [ Ik li].) scientist ["saI @n tIst] n. someone who is skilled in a science; some- one who works in a science. scissors ["sIz #z] n. a set of two sharp blades that have handles on one end and are connected in the middle. (Treated as singular or plural. Number is expressed with pair(s) of scissors.) scold ["skold] 1. tv. to speak angrily to someone who has done some- thing wrong. 2. n. someone who speaks as in Q. scolding ["skol dIN] n. speaking angrily to someone as punish- ment. scoop ["skup] 1. n. a shovellike utensil or tool. 2. n. the contents of Q. scope ["skop] n. the range of some- thing; the limit of something; the extent of something. (No plural.) score ["skor] 1. n. the number of points that a person or team has received in a game or contest; the number of points that a person has received on a test. 2. n. a writ- ten piece of music for instruments or voices. 3. n. a group of twenty things. 4. tv. to earn one or more points in a game or contest. 5. tv. to cut lines or grooves into a sur- face; to cut a surface with a series of lines. 6. tv. to earn a certain number of points on a test. 7. iv. to achieve [a level of performance in academic grades]. 8. iv. to earn [a point in a game or contest]. → know the score scour something off ((of) some- thing ) to clean something off something by rubbing with a rough object. scour something out to clean something out by rubbing with a rough object. scout around (for someone or something ) to look around for someone or something. scout someone or something up to search for and find someone or something. scowl ["skaUl] 1. n. a frown; an angry look. 2. iv. to look angry; to frown. scrap ["skrAp] 1. n. a small piece of something, especially a small piece of something that is left over from a larger piece, especially of food or cloth. 2. n. material, such as metal, that can be reused. (No plural.) 3. tv. to throw something away that is no longer wanted, needed, or able to be used. scrape ["skrep] 1. tv. to damage something by rubbing a sharp or rough object against it. 2. tv. to remove something by rubbing scrape 523 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 523 TLFeBOOK with a sharp or rough object. 3. iv. to rub with force against some- thing else. 4. n. damage or injury to an object or the skin caused by rubbing something sharp or rough against it. 5. n. the sound that is made when a rough object rubs hard against something else. → bow and scrape → have a scrape (with someone or something ) scrape by (on something ) and scrape by (with something ) to manage just to survive with some- thing. scrape by ( something ) to manage just to move by something. scrape by (with something ) Go to scrape by (on something ). scrape something away (from something ) to scratch or rasp something off something. scrape something off ((of) some- one or something ) to rub or stroke something off someone or some- thing. scrape something out to empty something by scraping. scrape something out (of some- thing ) to remove something by scraping. scrape the bottom of the barrel to select from among the worst; to choose from what remains. scrape through ( something ) 1. to move through something, scrap- ing or rubbing the sides. 2. to sur- vive something just barely; to pass a test just barely. scratch ["skrAtS] 1. tv. to damage an object’s surface by causing a sharp object to make a cut or tear in it; to make a cut or tear in the surface of something with a sharp object. 2. tv. to remove something from the surface of something using a sharp object to cut or tear into it. 3. tv. to rub a location of the body that itches with one’s fin- gers, fingernails, or a sharp object. 4. iv. to rub [a part of the body that itches]. 5. n. a cut, tear, or damage as in Q. → make something from scratch → not up to scratch → start from scratch scratch someone or something out to mark off or cross out the name of someone or something. scratch someone or something up to damage or mar someone or something by scratching. scratch the surface to just begin to find out about something; to examine only the superficial aspects of something. scream ["skrim] 1. iv. [for some- one] to make a very loud noise, especially when hurt, afraid, excited, surprised, or filled with emotion. 2. iv. to speak very loudly; to talk in a very loud voice. 3. tv. to say something in a very loud voice. (The object can be a clause with that U.) 4. n. a very loud noise, especially made by someone who is hurt, afraid, excited, surprised, or filled with emotion. → a piercing scream scream bloody murder Go to cry bloody murder. screen ["skrin] 1. n. a mesh made of thin wires crossing each other. 2. n. a piece of cloth stretched over scrape by (on something) 524 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 524 TLFeBOOK a frame, used to block, protect, or separate someone or something from someone or something else. 3. n. a large white surface that movies are projected onto. 4. n. the glass part of a television set or computer monitor on which images are seen. 5. tv. to deter- mine if someone will be allowed to speak or meet with someone else. 6. tv. to show a movie; to make a movie available to the pub- lic. screw ["skru] 1. n. a piece of metal, similar to a nail, having a sharp ridge W wrapped around its shaft. (A screw has a flat or rounded head that has a single groove or two crossed grooves.) 2. tv. to fas- ten something to something else with Q. 3. tv. to twist Q into wood or metal with a screwdriver. 4. tv. to turn the lid, cap, or top of a container to close it tightly. screw something down to secure something to the floor or a base by the use of screws. screw up one’s courage to build up one’s courage. screwdriver ["skru draI v#] n. a common tool used to tighten and loosen screws. scribble ["skrIb @l] 1. tv. to draw or write something quickly or in a messy way, especially so that it is hard to recognize or read. (The object can be a clause with that U.) 2. iv. to draw or write quickly or in a messy way so that the result is hard to recognize or read. 3. n. marks or words that are hard to recognize or read because they were drawn or written quickly or in a messy way. scrimp and save to be very thrifty; to live on very little money, often in order to save up for some- thing. script ["skrIpt] 1. n. a document containing the words of a play, movie, or speech. 2. n. a way of writing in which the letters of a word are joined together. scripture ["skrIp tS#] n. holy writ- ings; one or more holy writings. (Plural only for types and instances. Singular or plural with the same meaning.) scrub ["skr^b] 1. tv. to clean or wash the surface of someone or something by rubbing. 2. tv. to remove something from some- thing by rubbing. 3. iv. to clean or wash [oneself] by rubbing, usually with a stiff brush, cloth, or sponge. 4. n. an area of small trees and low bushes; a collection of small trees and bushes. (No plu- ral.) scrub someone or something down to clean someone or something thoroughly by rubbing. scrub someone or something off to clean someone or something by rubbing. scrub something off ((of) some- thing ) to clean something off something by scrubbing. scrub something out to clean out the inside of something by rub- bing or brushing. scrub something out (of some- thing ) to clean something out of something by scrubbing. scrub something out (of something) 525 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 525 TLFeBOOK . animals. sand ["sAnd] 1. n. very tiny parti- cles of rock or seashells, such as are found on beaches and in deserts. (Plural only for types and instances.) 2. tv. to rub something with sandpaper. with sand particles, used to polish or smooth a surface. (Plural only for types and instances.) salt 518 08 7/23/03 8:50 AM Page 518 TLFeBOOK the sands of time the accumulated tiny amounts of time;. some- thing with W. sawn ["sOn] a past participle of saw. say ["se] 1. tv., irreg. to pronounce words; to speak words. (Past tense and past participle: said.) 2. tv., irreg. to state

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