● Tri-Fold Brochure Set your page orientation to Landscape using File | Print Setup, and you then have the ideal layout for travel brochures and restaurant tabletop stand-up menus. If your printer supports it, you can print both sides for a total of six panels, with live space measuring about 3 ½" wide and 8" high on the end panels. Ill 6-10 After you choose a layout style and return to your document, each subdivision of the layout can be viewed individually. You can also view pages in pairs by choosing the Facing Pages option in the Layout page of the Options dialog for several layout styles. When Facing Pages is selected in the dialog, you also have the opportunity to start your document on either the Left Side or Right Side for some layout styles by making a selection from the Start On menu. Using Preformatted Labels CorelDRAW has a comprehensive collection of label formats for preformatted paper stock from vendors such as Avery, Ace, and Leitz. Once you’ve clicked the Labels radio button, the Page Size page turns into the Label page, offering access to the label collection. After you’ve selected a specific label format, the preview window shows its general layout and indicates the number of rows and columns available, as shown in Figure 6-4. After you choose a label format and return to your document, each of your document pages will represent an individual label. You’ll need to add the exact number of pages to accommodate all of your labels. If you don’t see the exact manufacturer for your specific 154 CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide label type, you can create your own from scratch, or base it on an existing label format (see Figure 6-5). Choose an existing label from the Label Types menu; click Customize Label; set the number of Rows and Columns; and set the Label Size, Margins, and Gutters according to your own label sheet. Once the format is created, you may save your label by clicking the plus (+) button next to the Label Style drop-down list. You can delete a selected label format from the list by clicking the minus (–) button. CHAPTER 6: Working with Single- and Multi-Page Documents 155 6 FIGURE 6-4 CorelDRAW has just the preformatted label template you need. Naming Pages Whenever a new document is created, CorelDRAW automatically creates the names, such as “Page 1,” “Page 2,” and so on. These page names are only for your reference as you navigate your multi-page document. However, you can customize your page names by using several different methods. When creating web page documents—where each document page is a separate web page—adding a unique name to the page creates a title for the exported page. When your document is printed, page names can also be printed in the margins, can indicate the contents of the page, and can provide other page-specific information. To quickly display the previous or next page in your document, you can press PAGE UP (previous page) or PAGE DOWN (following page). 156 CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide FIGURE 6-5 If you don’t find the label you need, modify an existing label using the options. Using the Rename Page Command Use the Rename Page command to assign a unique name to pages. Either choose Layout | Rename Page, or (more quickly) right-click the page tab at the lower left of your document window, and then choose Rename Page from the pop-up menu to access the command. The Rename Page dialog, shown here, can rename a page with a name of up to 32 characters, including spaces. Ill 6-11 Save Details with Your File Document Properties is a CorelDRAW feature that provides details about a document you save without having to type in the margins. To access Document Properties—to both enter and view information—right-click on a blank part of the page. In addition to letting you type yourself little reminders, Document Properties is also a very convenient method to tag designs you export to JPEG and other bitmap file formats. As you can see in Figure 6-6, the same information you type in Document Properties is available to Windows users when they right-click your image in a file folder and choose Details. Users who don’t own CorelDRAW cannot access Document Properties info you’ve embedded in a native CDR file by right-clicking. The solution to this problem is to make them buy CorelDRAW. Navigating a Multi-Page Document To go to different pages in a document, click a page icon at the lower left of the document window. If the page isn’t in view, you can scroll to locate it, or (for lengthy documents) open the Go To Page dialog, shown next, by clicking between the Next Page and Previous Page CHAPTER 6: Working with Single- and Multi-Page Documents 157 6 buttons at the lower left of your document window. This dialog enables you to move quickly to a specific page in your document. Ill 6-12 158 CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide FIGURE 6-6 Save your CorelDRAW files and exported bitmaps with Document Properties metadata. Click here to open the Go To Page dialog. Using the Object Manager The Object Manager docker offers the advantage of mass-editing page names from within a single docker. To open the Object Manager, choose Tools | Object Manager. Once the docker is open, click to ensure that the docker is set to Show Object Properties by deselecting the Layer Manager View button state, shown here: Ill 6-13 In this view, all page and object names are displayed. To rename any page (or any object), click once directly on the page title to select the page you want to name or rename, click a second time to highlight the page name text, then type a name, and finally press ENTER. Page names appear in the page tabs at the lower left of your document window, accompanied by a numeral indicating the page’s order in your document: Ill 6-14 CHAPTER 6: Working with Single- and Multi-Page Documents 159 6 Click two times on the page title to name or rename a page. Layer Manager View Show Object Properties Edit Across Layers Page order Page name To see more (or less) of the pages of your document in the page tab area of your document window, click-drag on the vertical divider between the page tabs and the horizontal scroll bar. Ill 6-15 Page Commands There are several ways to add and delete pages from a document; three ways are using menu commands, using shortcuts while holding modifier keys, and using certain page views. However, quick is best, and in this section, you see the most convenient way as well as methods that are easiest to remember. You can decide for yourself which best suits the way you work. Inserting Pages and Setting Options From the main menu, choose Layout | Insert Page to open the Insert Page dialog, shown here, which features a host of options for specifying your new page properties and where you would like to add the new page in relation to your existing pages. Ill 6-16 Enter the Number Of Pages needed in the Insert Page dialog, and choose to Place them either Before or After your current page, or between specific pages in your document by 160 CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide Click-drag to expand/reduce page tab area. using the Existing Page box. You are not limited to the orientation or size of your current page when you add pages, unlike the constraints of traditional printed books and magazines! To quickly add a new page to the beginning or end of your document, go to the first or last page and click the plus (+) symbol on the left or right of the page buttons at the lower left of your document window. To add a page before or after your current page, right-click a page tab to the right of the + button on the right, and choose either Insert Page Before or Insert Page After from the pop-up menu. Deleting Pages Deleting document pages can be done by choosing Layout | Delete Pages from the main menu; you can delete one or more of the existing pages in your document. By default, the dialog opens to display the current page as the page in the Delete Page box, shown next, but you may select any page before or after your current page if you choose. To delete an entire sequence of pages, click the Through To Page option, which enables you to delete all pages in a range between the page specified in the Delete Page box through to any page following your current page. Pay careful attention to the word “Inclusive” after the last page number: if you type, for example, 10 when you want to delete pages 1–9, well, oops—there goes your day unless you press CTRL+Z immediately! Ill 6-17 To delete the current page, right-click the page name on the page tab, and then choose Delete Page from the pop-up menu. There is no confirmation when you delete a page, so make sure you’ve had your second cup in the morning before doing this. Moving and Duplicating Pages You’re going to create such fantastic content in CorelDRAW that you might never want to delete it; instead you might want to move and/or copy pages. To move a page, use a click- drag action on the page tab to drag it to a new position. To copy a page—and all its contents—thus creating a new page order, hold CTRL while click-dragging the page tab, dragging the page to a new position. CorelDRAW does not duplicate the name of a CHAPTER 6: Working with Single- and Multi-Page Documents 161 6 user-named page; you’d wind up with an organizational nightmare if it did, so it’s a good practice to name a duplicate page after you’ve created the copy. Ill 6-18 Using the Page Sorter Page Sorter is a view that provides you with a broad look at your document and all its pages. In this view, you can add, delete, move, or copy pages in a single view. You can also change the Paper/Type Size and the page orientation of all the pages or just selected pages. A CorelDRAW document can contain pages of different sizes, which can be very handy when you are designing matching business cards and letterhead or other similarly related materials. To open your document and all its pages in Page Sorter view, choose View | Page Sorter View. The Page Sorter displays all pages in your document. Ill 6-19 162 CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide Click-drag tabs to change page order. Hold CTRL and click-drag to copy page and contents to a specific location. Using Page Sorter, you can quickly export either your entire document or only selected pages. Click to select the page(s) you want to export, and choose File | Export, or click the Export button in the standard toolbar to open the Export dialog. To export only specific pages, choose the option to Export This Page Only, which by default is not selected. Exporting is not to be confused with saving; exporting pages is usually done to get your work into bitmap format, Adobe Illustrator file format, or CMX (Corel Media Exchange) for sharing with users who have a compatible application. In Page Sorter view, a single click selects a page. Holding SHIFT while clicking pages enables you to select or deselect multiple contiguous pages. Holding CTRL while clicking enables you to select or deselect noncontiguous pages. The following actions enable you to apply page commands interactively to single- or multiple-page selections, as seen in Figure 6-7. ● Move Page(s) To move a page and change its order in your document, click-drag the page to a new location. During dragging, a vertical I-beam appears, indicating the insertion point for the page or the first page of the selected sequence of pages. ● Add Page(s) To add pages to your document, right-click any page and choose Insert Page Before or Insert Page After from the pop-up menu to insert a page relative to the selected page. CHAPTER 6: Working with Single- and Multi-Page Documents 163 6 FIGURE 6-7 Page Sorter enables you to manage your document pages interactively while viewing all page properties. I-beam indicates insertion point. Pages 2 and 4 being moved to between 5 and 6 . Sorter displays all pages in your document. Ill 6-1 9 162 CorelDRAW X5 The Official Guide Click-drag tabs to change page order. Hold CTRL and click-drag to copy page and contents to a specific location. Using. Single- and Multi-Page Documents 157 6 buttons at the lower left of your document window. This dialog enables you to move quickly to a specific page in your document. Ill 6-1 2 158 CorelDRAW X5 The. while click-dragging the page tab, dragging the page to a new position. CorelDRAW does not duplicate the name of a CHAPTER 6: Working with Single- and Multi-Page Documents 161 6 user-named page;