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Handbook of Economic Forecasting part 104 pptx

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1004 P.H. Franses closed-form solutions to these expressions, and hence one has to resort to simulation- based techniques. In this section the focus will be on the attraction model and on the Bass model, where the expressions for out-of-sample forecasts will be given. Addition- ally, there will be a discussion of how one should derive forecasts for market shares when forecasts for sales are available. 4.1. Attraction model forecasts As discussed earlier, the attraction model ensures logical consistency, that is, market shares lie between 0 and 1 and they sum to 1. These restrictions imply that (functions of) model parameters can be estimated from a multivariate reduced-form model with I − 1 equations. The dependent variable in each of the I − 1 equations is the natural logarithm of a relative market share, that is, logm i,t ≡ log M i,t M I,t ,fori = 1, 2, ,I−1, where the base brand I can be chosen arbitrarily, as discussed before. In practice, one is usually interested in predicting M i,t and not in forecasting the logs of the relative market shares. Again, it is important to recognize that, first of all, exp(E[log m i,t ]) is not equal to E[m i,t ]and that, secondly, E[ M i,t M I,t ]is not equal to E[M i,t ] E[M I,t ] . Therefore, unbiased market share forecasts cannot be directly obtained by these data transformations. To forecast the market share of brand i at time t, one needs to consider the relative market shares (48)m j,t = M j,t M I,t for j = 1, 2, ,I, as m 1,t , ,m I −1,t form the dependent variables (after log transformation) in the reduced-form model. As M I,t = 1 −  I −1 j=1 M j,t , it holds that (49)M i,t = m i,t  I j=1 m j,t for i = 1, 2, ,I. Fok, Franses and Paap (2002) propose to simulate the one-step ahead forecasts of the market shares as follows. First draw η (l) t from N(0, ˜ Σ), then compute (50)m (l) i,t = exp  ˜μ i + η (l) i,t  I  j=1  K  k=1 x ˜ β k,j,i k,j,t  , with m (l) I,t = 1 and finally compute (51)M (l) i,t = m (l) i,t  I j=1 m (l) j,t for i = 1, ,I, where l = 1, ,Ldenotes the simulation iteration. Each vector (M (l) 1,t , ,M (l) I,t )  gen- erated this way is a draw from the joint distribution of the market shares at time t.Using Ch. 18: Forecasting in Marketing 1005 the average over a sufficiently large number of draws one can calculate the expected value of the market shares. This can be modified to allow for parameter uncertainty, see Fok, Franses and Paap (2002). Multi-step ahead forecasts can be generated along similar lines. 4.2. Forecasting market shares from models for sales The previous results assume that one is interested in forecasting market shares based on models for market shares. In practice, it might sometimes be more easy to make models for sales. One might then me tempted to divide the own sales forecast by a forecast for category sales, but this procedure leads to biased forecasts for similar reasons as before. A solution is given in Fok and Franses (2001) and will be discussed next. An often used model (SCAN*PRO) for sales is (52)log S i,t = μ i + I  j=1 K  k=1 β k,j,i x k,j,t + I  j=1 P  p=1 α p,j,i log S j,t−p + ε i,t , with i = 1, ,I, where ε t ≡ (ε 1,t , ,ε I,t )  ∼ N(0,Σ)and where x k,j,t denotes the kth explanatory variable (for example, price or advertising) for brand j at time t and where β k,j,i is the corresponding coefficient for brand i,seeWittink et al. (1988).The market share of brand i at time t can of course be defined as (53)M i,t = S i,t  I j=1 S j,t . Forecasts of market shares at time t+1 based on information on all explanatory variables up to time t + 1, denoted by Π t+1 , and information on realizations of the sales up to period t, denoted by S t , should be equal to the expectation of the market shares given the total amount of information available, denoted by E[M i,t+1 | Π t+1 , S t ], that is, (54)E[M i,t+1 | Π t+1 , S t ]=E  S i,t+1  I j=1 S j,t+1     Π t+1 , S t  . Due to non-linearity it is therefore not possible to obtain market shares forecasts di- rectly from sales forecasts. A further complication is that it is also not trivial to obtain a forecast of S i,t+1 , as the sales model concerns log-transformed variables, and it is well known that exp(E[log X]) = E[X]. See also Arino and Franses (2000) and Wieringa and Horvath (2005) for the relevance of this notion when examining multivariate time series models. In particular, Wieringa and Horvath (2005) show how to derive impulse response functions from VAR models for marketing variables, and they demonstrate the empirical relevance of a correct treatment of log-transformed data. Fok and Franses (2001) provide a simulation-based solution, in line with the method outlined in Granger and Teräsvirta (1993). Naturally, unbiased forecasts of the I market shares should be based on the expected value of the market shares, that is, 1006 P.H. Franses E[M i,t+1 | Π t+1 , S t ] =  +∞ 0  +∞ 0 s i,t+1  I j=1 s j,t+1 (55)× f(s 1,t+1 , ,s I,t+1 | Π t+1 , S t ) ds 1,t+1 , ,ds I,t+1 , where f(s 1,t+1 , ,s I,t+1 | Π t+1 , S t ) is a probability density function of the sales conditional on the available information, and s i,t+1 denotes a realization of the stochas- tic process S i,t+1 . The model defined in the distribution of S t+1 ,givenΠ t+1 and S t ,is log-normal, but other functional forms can be considered too. Hence, (56)  exp(S 1,t+1 ), ,exp(S I,t+1 )   ∼ N(Z t+1 ,Σ), where Z t = (Z 1,t , ,Z I,t )  is the deterministic part of the model, that is, (57)Z i,t = μ i + I  j=1 K  k=1 β k,j,i x k,j,t + I  j=1 P  p=1 α p,j,i log S j,t−p . The I -dimensional integral in (55) is difficult to evaluate analytically. Fok and Franses (2001) therefore outline how to compute the expectations using simulation techniques. In short, using the estimated probability distribution of the sales, realizations of the sales are simulated. Based on each set of these realizations of all brands, the market shares can be calculated. The average over a large number of replications gives the expected value in (55). Forecasting h>1 steps ahead is slightly more difficult as the values of the lagged sales are no longer known. However, for these lagged sales appropriate simulated values can be used. For example, 2-step ahead forecasts can be calculated by averaging over simulated values M (l) i,t+2 , based on draws ε (l) t+2 from N(0, ˆ Σ) and on draws S (l) i,t+1 , which are already used for the 1-step ahead forecasts. Notice that the 2-step ahead forecasts do not need more simulation iterations than the one-step ahead forecasts. An important by-product of the simulation method is that it is now also easy to calcu- late confidence bounds for the forecasted market shares. Actually, the entire distribution of the market shares can be estimated based on the simulated values. For example, the lower bound of a 95% confidence interval is that value for which it holds that 2.5% of the simulated market shares are smaller. Finally, the lower bound and the upper bound always lie within the [0, 1]interval, and this should be the case for market shares indeed. 4.3. Bass model forecasts The Bass model is regularly used for out-of-sample forecasting. One way is to have several years of data on own sales, estimate the model parameters for that particular series, and extrapolate the series into the future. As van den Bulte and Lilien (1997) demonstrate, this approach is most useful in case the inflection point is within the sam- ple. If not, then one might want to consider imposing the parameters obtained for other markets or situations, and then extrapolate. Ch. 18: Forecasting in Marketing 1007 The way the forecasts are generated depends on the functional form chosen, that is, how one includes the error term in the model. The Srinivasan and Mason (1986) model seems to imply the most easy to construct forecasts. Suppose one aims to predict X n+h , where n is the forecast origin and h is the horizon. Then, given the assumption on the error term, the forecast is (58) ˆ X n+h =ˆm  F  n + h; ˆ θ  − F  n − 1 +h; ˆ θ  . When the error term is AR(1), straightforward modifications of this formula should be made. If the error term has an expected value equal to zero, then these forecasts are unbiased, for any h. This is in contrast with the Bass regression model, and also its Boswijk and Franses modification, as these models are intrinsically non-linear. For one-step ahead, the true observation at n + 1 in the Bass scheme is (59)X n+1 = α 1 + α 2 N n + α 3 N 2 n + ε n+1 . The forecast from origin n equals (60) ˆ X n+1 =ˆα 1 +ˆα 2 N n +ˆα 3 N 2 n and the squared forecast error is σ 2 . This forecast is unbiased. For two steps ahead matters become different. The true observation is equal to (61)X n+2 = α 1 + α 2 N n+1 + α 3 N 2 n+1 + ε n+2 , which, as N n+1 = N n + X n+1 , equals (62)X n+2 = α 1 + α 2 (X n+1 + N n ) + α 3 (X n+1 + N n ) 2 + ε n+2 . Upon substituting X n+1 , this becomes X n+2 = α 1 + α 2  α 1 + α 2 N n + α 3 N 2 n + ε n+1 + N n  (63)+ α 3  α 1 + α 2 N n + α 3 N 2 n + ε n+1 + N n  2 + ε n+2 . Hence, the two-step ahead forecast error is based on X n+2 − ˆ X n+2 = ε n+2 + α 2 ε n+1 (64)+ α 3  2α 1 ε n+1 + 2(α 2 + 1)N n ε n+1 + 2α 3 N 2 n ε n+1 + ε 2 n+1  . This shows that the expected forecast error is (65)E  X n+2 − ˆ X n+2  = α 3 σ 2 . It is straightforward to derive that if h is 3 or more, this bias grows exponentially with h. Naturally, the size of the bias depends on α 3 and σ 2 , which both can be small. As the sign of α 3 is always negative, the forecast is upward biased. 1008 P.H. Franses Franses (2003b) points out that to obtain unbiased forecasts for the Bass-type re- gression models for h = 2, 3, , one needs to resort to simulation techniques, the same ones as used in Teräsvirta’s Chapter 8 in this Handbook. Consider again the Bass regression, now written as (66)X t = g(Z t−1 ;π) + ε t , where Z t−1 contains 1, N t−1 and N 2 t−1 , and π includes p, q and m. A simulation-based one-step ahead forecast is now given by (67)X n+1,i = g(Z n ;ˆπ) + e i , where e i is a random draw from the N(0, ˆσ 2 ) distribution. Based on I such draws, an unbiased forecast can be constructed as (68) ˆ X n+1 = 1 I I  i=1 X n+1,i . Again, a convenient by-product of this approach is the full distribution of the forecasts. A two-step simulation-based forecast can be based on the average value of (69)X n+2,i = g(Z n ,X n+1,i ;ˆπ) + e i , again for I draws, and so on. 4.4. Forecasting duration data Finally, there are various studies in marketing that rely on duration models to describe interpurchase times. These data are relevant to managers as one can try to speed up the purchase process by implementing marketing efforts, but also one may forecast the amount of sales to be expected in the next period, due to promotion planning. Inter- estingly, it is known that many marketing efforts have a dynamic effect that stretches beyond the one-step ahead horizon. For example, it has been widely established that there is a so-called post-promotional dip, meaning that sales tend to collapse the week after a promotion was held, but might regain their original level or preferably a higher level after that week. Hence, managers might want to look beyond the one-step ahead horizon. In sum, one seems to be more interested in the number of purchases in the next week or next month, than that there is an interest in the time till the next purchase. The modelling approach for the analysis of recurrent events in marketing, like the purchase timing of frequently purchased consumer goods, has, however, mainly aimed at ex- plaining the interpurchase times. The main trend is to apply a Cox (mixed) Proportional Hazard model for the interpurchase times, see Seetharaman and Chintagunta (2003) for a recent overview. In this approach after each purchase the duration is reset to zero. This transformation removes much of the typical behavior of the repeat purchase process in Ch. 18: Forecasting in Marketing 1009 a similar way as first-differencing in time series. Therefore, it induces important lim- itations to the use of time-varying covariates (and also seasonal effects) and duration dependence in the models. An alternative is to consider the whole path of the repeat purchase history on the time scale starting at the beginning of the observation window. Bijwaard, Franses and Paap (2003) put forward a statistical model for interpurchase times that takes into account all the current and past information available for all purchases as time continues to run along the calendar timescale. It is based on the Andersen and Gill (1982) approach. It delivers forecasts for the number of purchases in the next period and for the timing of the first and consecutive purchases. Purchase occasions are modelled in terms of a counting process, which counts the recurrent purchases for each household as they evolve over time. These authors show that formulating the problem as a counting process has many advantages, both theoretically and empirically. Counting processes allow to understand survival and recurrent event models better (i) as the baseline intensity may vary arbitrary over time, (ii) as it facilitates the interpretation of the effects of co-variates in the Cox propor- tional hazard model, (iii) as Cox’s solution via the partial likelihood takes the baseline hazard as a nui- sance parameter, (iv) as the conditions for time-varying covariates can be precisely formulated and finally, and finally (v) as by expressing the duration distribution as a regression model it simplifies the analysis of the estimators. 5. Conclusion This chapter has reviewed various aspects of econometric modeling and forecasting in marketing. The focus was on models that have been developed with particular applica- tions in marketing in mind. Indeed, in many cases, marketing studies just use the same types of models that are also common to applied econometrics. In many marketing re- search studies there are quite a number of observations and typically the data are well measured. Usually there is an interest in modeling and forecasting performance mea- sures such as sales, shares, retention, loyalty, brand choice and the time between events, preferably when these depend partially on marketing-mix instruments like promotions, advertising, and price. Various marketing models are non-linear models. This is due to specific structures imposed on the models to make them more suitable for their particular purpose, like the Bass model for diffusion and the attraction model for market shares. Other models that are frequently encountered in marketing, and less so in other areas (at least as of yet) concern panels of time series. Interestingly, it seems that new econometric methodology (like the Hierarchical Bayes methods) has been developed and applied in marketing first, and will perhaps be more often used in the future in other areas too. 1010 P.H. Franses There are two areas in which more research seems needed. The first is that it is not yet clear how out-of-sample forecasts should be evaluated. Of course, mean squared forecast error type methods are regularly used, but it is doubtful whether these criteria meet the purposes of an econometric model. In fact, if the model concerns the retention of customers, it might be worse to underestimate the probability of leaving than to overestimate that probability. Hence the monetary value, possibly discounted for future events, might be more important. The recent literature on forecasting under asymmetric loss is relevant here; see, for example, Elliott, Komunjer and Timmermann (2005) and Elliott and Timmermann (2004). 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Abeysinghe, T. 670 Abidir, K. 585 Abou, A. 758 Abraham, B. 304 Adams, F. 753, 769 Addona, M.J. 1005 Aggarwal, R. 599 Aguilar, O. 14, 852 Ahn, S.K. 313, 318, 677 Ainslie, A. 1002 Aiolfi, M. 138, 155, 161, 164, 183, 184, 186, 187, 439, 524 Aït-Sahalia, Y. 797, 798, 838, 864 Akaike, H. 291, 315, 318, 480 Al-Qassam, M.S. 637n Alavi, A.S. 291 Albert, J. 635, 900, 915, 930 Albert, J.H. 8, 14 Alexander, C. 812, 853 Alizadeh, S. 838, 864 Allen, D. 480 Allen, H. 760 Allenby, G. 1002 Alt, R. 623 Altissimo, F. 535, 896 Amato, J.D. 978 Amemiya, T. 304 Amirizadeh, H. 70 Amisano, G. 64 Andersen, A. 182 Andersen, P.K. 1009 Andersen, T.G. 416, 696–700, 784n; 805, 812, 817, 818, 821, 828–830, 832–838, 840, 850, 851, 853, 856, 858, 864 Anderson, B.D.O. 362, 365 Anderson, H.M. 446, 927 Anderson, O. 739, 743, 769 Anderson, T.W. 524, 529, 529n; 530 Andreou, E. 813 Andrews, D. 570 Andrews, D.W.K. 105, 116, 201, 202, 214, 215, 215n; 216, 218, 218n; 219, 228, 426, 607, 623, 637, 995 Andrews, M.J. 633 Andrews, R.C. 333 Ang, A. 852 Aoki, M. 294 Arino, M. 1005 Armstrong, J.S. 161, 162, 607 Artis, M.J. 534, 889, 891, 897, 898, 910, 917, 918, 923, 924, 926, 927, 937 Ashley, R. 103, 107, 119, 220 Assimakopoulos, V. 333 Assmus, G. 995 Auerbach, A.J. 904 Avramov, D. 116, 541, 542 Bac, C. 693 Bachelier, L. 818 Bacon, D.W. 418 Bai, J. 203, 204, 206–210, 213, 220, 223, 276, 424, 530, 531, 623, 627, 627n; 896, 910 Baillie, R.T. 317, 614, 805, 812, 814 Bakirtzis, A. 24 Bakshi, G. 798 Balke, N.S. 625–627 Baltagi, B.H. 202 Bandi, F. 838, 864 Banerjee, A. 424, 534, 564, 566n; 641, 813, 910 Banerjee, A.N. 910, 920 Banerji, A. 922 Barnard, G.A. 23 Barndorff-Nielsen, O.E. 58, 833, 835, 838, 849, 853 Barnett, G. 59 Barnett, W.A. 635, 655 Barone-Adesi, G. 797 Barquin, J. 797 Barrett, C. 796 I-1 . distribution of the sales, realizations of the sales are simulated. Based on each set of these realizations of all brands, the market shares can be calculated. The average over a large number of replications. Journal of Marketing Research 38, 399–414. Ch. 18: Forecasting in Marketing 1011 Clarke, D.G. (1976). “Econometric measurement of the duration of advertising effect on sales”. Journal of Marketing. Bass model is regularly used for out -of- sample forecasting. One way is to have several years of data on own sales, estimate the model parameters for that particular series, and extrapolate the

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