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History of Economic Analysis part 123 pptx

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Daire, Eugène, 204, 215 Darwin, Charles R., 28, 181, 185, 444–6, 447, 773, 790 Davanzati, Bernardo, 292, 300, 314, 316, 343, 1054, 1086 Davenant, Charles, 184, 196, 210, 212, 242, 251, 266, 347, 361, 363–4, 368–9, 960 Davenport, H.J., 309, 874, 917, 1116 Davidson, David, 862, 1033, 1085 Davidson, William Leslie, 132 Davies, David, 275 Dávila, Juan Bautista, 203 Dean, Joel, 962 Defoe, Daniel, 267, 274, 372 Delatour, Albert, 183 De Leon, Daniel, 878 Delfico, Melchiorre, 607 Del Vecchio, Gustavo, 1082, 1153 Demaria, Giovanni, 1156 Dempsey, Bernard William, 95, 96, 104 De Quincey, Thomas, 470, 476–7, 595, 603 De Rinaldis, Bartolommeo, 177 Dermenghem, Émile, 207 De Santis, Marc’ Antonio, 194, 344, 355 Descartes, René, 89, 136 Desmars, Joseph, 175 Destutt de Tracy, A., 35, 499, 515, 591 De Viti de Marco, Antonio, 1089 Dewey, John, 5, 448, 793 Diderot, Denis, 137–8 Diehl, Karl, 457, 471, 479, 850, 852, 1154 Dieterici, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm, 522 Dietzel, Heinrich, 479, 507, 814, 849, 850, 852, 1056 Dilthey, Wilhelm, 777 Dionnet, Georges, 174 Divisia, François, 859, 902, 1093–5 Dobb, Maurice, 884, 894–7 Dobbs, Arthur, 349 Dohm, Christian Wilhelm von, 228 Dolléans, Édouard, 1104 Domar, Evsey D., 966 Donner, Otto, 1155 Dopsch, Alfons, 783, 808 Dorfman, Joseph H., 199, 514 Doubleday, Thomas, 583 Douglas, Paul H., 909, 941, 1042 Dove, Patrick Edward, 349 Dubois, Auguste, 225, 843 Duhem, Pierre, 81 Dühring, E.K., 381, 441, 500, 509–10, 516 Dumoulin, Charles, 100, 106 Dunbar, C.F., 198, 514–15, 865, 1111 Dunoyer, Charles, 498, 741 Duns Scotus, John, 76, 84, 87, 91, 92, 93, 98 Dupin, Claude, 373 Index of authors 1182 Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 223, 225–8, 231, 239, 243, 381 Dupont-White, Charles, 400 Dupuit, Arsène Jules Étienne Juvénal, 463, 837, 839–40, 842, 915, 949, 956, 957, 976, 978, 992, 1054, 1061, 1069–70 Durand, René, 216 Du Refuge, Eustache, 169, 324 Durham, John George Lambton, 399 Durkheim, Émile, 413, 794 Edelberg, V., 471, 649, 846, 1042 Eden, Sir Frederick Morton, 275 Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, and utilitarianism, 408, 780, 830, 831, 1056; international trade theory, 504, 609, 996; on increasing and diminishing returns, 585, 587, 831, 1037–8; rent theory, 675n, 874n, 935n; work in statistics, 831, 961n, 1092; indifference and contract curves, 831, 984, 1044, 1064–5; on Walras, 839n, 1002n, 1049n; on Pantaleoni, 857; marginal utility, 872, 912, 1061, 1064–5; on maximizing satisfaction in market, 888; on Böhm-Bawerk, 911n; on Marshall, 920n; marginal productivity in, 940, 1032n; on price discrimination, 978; on duopoly, 982, 984; on pure competition, 986; welfare economics in, 1070 Effertz, Otto, 854 Ehrenfels, Charles von, 798, 1057 Ehrlich, Eugen, 794 Einaudi, Luigi, 178, 206, 820, 855 Ellet, Charles, 602, 976 Ellis, Howard S., 1080 Ely, Richard Theodore, 873 Endemann, Wilhelm, 83 Enfantin, Prosper, 461, 462 Engel, Ernst, 210, 626, 961 Engels, Friedrich, 35, 206, 386–8, 434, 455, 459, 460, 748, 880 England, Minnie Throop, 1128 Epicurus, 66 Essars, Pierre des, 1098 Estienne, Charles, 158 Eucken, Walter, 907, 1154 Euler, Leonhard, 30, 1169 Evelyn, Sir George Shuckburgh, 526 Everett, Alexander Hill, 580–82 Ezekiel, Mordecai, 1168 Faguet, Émile, 461, 773 Fanno, Marco, 858, 996 Index of authors 1183 Fauquier, Francis, 203 Faure, André, 178 Fawcett, Henry, 533, 633 Feaveryear, A.E., 690 Fechner, G.T., 446, 448, 796, 961, 1058 Feilbogen, Siegmund, 183, 248 Fellner, William John, 1179 Fenton, Roger, 106 Ferguson, Adam, 184 Fernández Navarrete, Pedro, 168, 170 Ferrara, Francesco, 381, 479, 500, 512, 518, 543, 626, 645, 711, 856, 860 Ferrarius, Jacobus, 105 Fetter, Frank Albeit, 488, 514–15, 679, 874, 890, 898, 927, 932–3 Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas, 414, 434 Feuerbach, Paul Johann Anselm von, 430 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 411–13, 430, 459 Filangieri, Gaetano, 177 Fisher, Irving, on marginal utility, 303, 872, 1065–6, 1148; monetary theory, 314n, 721n, 872–3, 1075, 1079, 1082–3, 1087–8, 1096–8, 1101, 1102–3, 1115; capital theory, 631n, 721n, 872, 898, 899, 999n, 1177–8; interest theory, 647, 721n, 847, 927, 930–31, 932; influence of Walras, 829, 850, 952, 999n, 1082; Sumner’s influence on, 867; life sketch, 871–3; work in statistics, 871, 961, 1092; indifference curve analysis, 872, 1065–6; accounting theory, 872, 945; theory of capitalist process, 872; marginal efficiency of capital, 872, 1177–8; ‘psychic income’ in, 898n; on Cournot duopoly solution, 982; ‘completing’ and ‘competing’ commodities, 996; business cycle theory, 1122 Fitzherbert, John, 157 Fitzmaurice, Edmond, 210 Fitzneale, Richard, 202 Flint, Robert, 135, 136 Föhl, Carl, 1156, 1174 Forbonnais, François de, 137, 174, 375 Forchheimer, Karl, 979 Ford, Paul Leicester, 199 Fornari, Tommaso, 177, 344 Fortrey, Samuel, 347, 357 Fourier, François, 455–6, 542, 749 Foville, Alfred de, 1081, 1104 Foxwell, H.S., 196, 197, 366, 826, 1078 Franchis, C.de, 178 Frank, Lawrence Kelso, 1134 Frank, Philipp, 776 Franklin, Benjamin, 199, 255, 267 Frantz, Konstantin, 431 Index of authors 1184 Frazer, Sir James George, 787 Freher, Marquard, 100 Freud, Sigmund, 798 Friedman, Milton, 1067 Frigerio, Bartolomeo, 156 Frisch, Ragnar, 209, 278, 303, 563, 963, 968, 993, 1022, 1030–31, 1044, 1056, 1069, 1143, 1144, 1148, 1160, 1162–3, 1167, 1182 Froumenteau, Nicolas, 202 Fullarton, John, 699–700, 725–6, 728, 1111 Funck-Bretano, T., 168 Funkhouser, H.G., and Walker, Helen M., 526 Fuoco, Francesco, 511 Furniss, Edgar Stevenson, 266 Fürstenau, Karl G., 228 Fustel de Coulanges, Numa-Denys, 54, 426 Gaetano, Tommaso de Vio, Cardinal, 95 Gaius, 108 Gale, Samuel, 954 Galiani, Ferdinando, 177, 188, 269, 290, 292–3, 296, 298, 300–302, 315, 317, 319, 364, 373, 699, 706, 1054, 1057 Galilei, Galileo, 36, 79, 81, 90, 119 Gallo, Agostino, 158 Galton, Sir Francis, 790, 797 Ganilh, Charles, 498 Garnier, Henri, 83 Garnier, Joseph, 498, 519, 583, 741 Garvy, George, 1158 Gassendi, Pierre, 89 Gauss, Karl Friedrich, 960–61 Gee, Joshua, 372 Genovesi, Antonio, 177, 258, 315, 375, 1054 Gentile, Panfilo, 177 George, Henry, 231, 458, 802, 854, 865, 940 Georgescu-Roegen, N. 1068 Gervaise, Isaac, 196, 365–6, 374–6 Gesell, Silvio, 1118, 1131 Gide, Charles, 843 Giffen, Sir Robert, 947, 1075 Gifford, C.H.P., 907 Gilbart, James William, 725 Gioja, Melchiorre, 511, 519, 541 Gladstone, W.E., 399, 402–5, 761, 769, 945 Gneist, Rudolph von, 431 Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, Comtede, 791 Godwin, William, 140, 579, 582 Gomperz, Theodor, 54 Gonnard, René, 254, 584, 890 Gonzales de Cellorigo, Martin, 194 Goodwin, Richard M., 619, 951 Gordon, Robert Aaron, 897, 1123, 1164 Index of authors 1185 Goschen, George Joachim, 736 Gossen, Hermann Heinrich, 303, 463, 910–11, 913, 915, 919, 923, 956, 1054, 1056, 1066, 1069, 1176 Gottl-Ottlilienfeld, Friedrich von, 854, 1139, 1154, 1159 Gouge, William M., 711 Gould, Sir Nathaniel, 327 Gournay, Vincent de, 218, 244 Graebner, Fritz, 787 Graslin, Jean Joseph Louis, 175, 247 Graswinckel, Dirck, 197, 368, 373 Graunt, John, 210, 212 Gray, Alexander, 216, 453, 462 Graziani, Augusto, 177, 194, 364, 857 Green, David I., 917 Green, Thomas Hill, 430 Gregory, T.E., 272, 471, 520, 690, 744 Gresham, Sir Thomas, 297, 342–3 Grimaudet, François, 100 Grossmann, Henryk, 388, 493, 881, 1132 Grote, George, 581 Grotius, Hugo, 116, 118, 119, 136, 182, 185, 369–70 Gumplowicz, Ludwik, 792 Haavelmo, Trygve, 1163 Haberler, Gottfried von, 609, 612–13, 701, 732, 854, 1093–4, 1123, 1134, 1161 Hadley, Arthur Twining, 865–6, 949, 978 Haeckel, Ernst, 444, 773 Hahn, Albert, 1116 Hahn, Eduard, 787 Halbwachs, Maurice, 526 Hale, Sir Matthew, 253 Hales, John, 166, 349 Halévy, Daniel, 204 Halévy, Élie, 408 Hall, Charles, 460 Halley, Edmond, 212, 220 Hamilton, Alexander, 199, 523 Hamilton, Earl Jefferson, 165 Hamilton, Sir William, 412 Hampson, Ethel Mary, 271 Hankey, Thomson, 697 Hansen, Alvin H., 964, 1123, 1172–3, 1183 Hanssen, Georg, 810 Hardenberg, Friedrich von (Novalis), 422 Hare, Robert, 743 Harms, Bernhard, 1155 Harrington, James, 207 Harris, John, 118 Harris, Joseph, 184, 291, 308, 364, 367, 706 Harrod, R.F., 891, 966, 1046, 1048, 1134, 1152, 1160, 1172 Harsin, Paul, 204, 295 Index of authors 1186 Hartley, David, 124, 125 Harvey, William, 240 Hasbach, Wilhelm, 183 Hauser, Henri, 195 Hawley, Frederick Barnard, 894 Hawtrey, R.G., 690, 721, 745, 1084, 1091, 1109, 1121–2, 1172, 1178 Hayek, Friedrich August von, 17, 603, 689, 701, 707, 721, 724, 728 Hayem, Ferdinand, 195 Hazlitt, William, 583 Hearn, William Edward, 826, 903 Heckscher, Eli F., 149, 151, 152, 271, 306, 339, 359, 360, 361 Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig, 426 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 137, 411–14, 430, 436, 438, 448, 780 Heimann, Eduard, 855, 882 Held, Adolf, 627, 675, 809, 853 Helfferich, Karl, 1081 Helvétius, Claude, 66, 130, 132, 138, 139 Henley, Walter of, 157 Hennequin, Jean, 202 Hennig, Hermann, 1155 Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 446 Herbert, Claude Jacques, 373 Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 418, 422 Heresbach, Conrad, 158 Herkner, Heinrich, 947 Hermann, F.B.W.von, 304, 503, 600, 628, 644, 656, 671 Herrenschwand, Jean, 224, 228 Herrera, Gabriel Alonso de, 158 Hertzler, Joyce Oramel, 461 Hicks, J.R., 679, 684 Higgs, Henry, 217, 225, 363 Hildebrand, Bruno, 442, 504, 507, 539, 808 Hildebrand, Richard, 1086 Hildebrandt, Reinhard, 962 Hilferding, Rudolf, 725, 881–2, 1131–2 Hill, Edwin, 699 Himes, Norman E., 581 Hirst, Francis Wrigley, 522 Hobbes, Thomas, 58, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 125, 419, 796–7 Hobson, Charles Kenneth, 1107 Hobson, John, 823, 830, 832, 1088, 1130 Hodges, James, 357 Hodgskin, Thomas, 479 Hohenheim, T.B.von (Paracelsus), 90 Holbach, Paul Henry Thiry, 123, 138 Hollander, Jacob Henry, 294, 471, 477, 490, 494, 706, 873 Holtrop, Marius Wilhelm, 317, 705 Holtzendorff, Franz von, 434 Homan, Paul Thomas, 869, 886 Hone, Joseph, 217 Horner, Francis, 707 Hornigk, Philipp Wilhelm von, 198 Index of authors 1187 Horton, Samuel Dana, 1076 Hotelling, Harold, 948, 996, 1072 Hovell, Mark, 395 Howlett, John, 254, 275 Huet, François, 461 Hufeland, Gottlieb, 501 Hull, Charles Henry, 210 Hume, David, 124–5, 127, 129, 135, 184, 226, 245, 253, 257, 267, 291, 315–17, 324, 327, 331–2, 347, 365–7, 374, 408, 419, 447, 706, 715, 720, 733–4, 796 Humpert, Magdalene, 159 Hunter, Holland, 1158 Huskisson, William, 707 Husserl, Edmund, 778 Hutcheson, Francis, 127f., 141, 182–3, 332 Hutchins, B.L., and A.Harrison, 272, 401 Ibn Khaldūn, 136, 788 Ibsen, Henrik, 810 Ignatieff, M.W., 1155 Inama-Sternegg, Karl Theodor von, 813 Ingram, John Kells, 539, 823, 824 Isnard, A.N., 217, 242, 243, 301, 306–7, 955 Jaffé, William, 828 Jakob, Ludwig Heinrich von, 501 Jarrett, Bede, 83, 95 Jenkin, Fleeming, 486, 664, 837–40, 942, 956, 1061 Jennings, Richard, 486, 1055 Jevons, Herbert Stanley, 826, 1133 Jevons, William Stanley, on Condillac, 175; rediscovery of Cantillon, 217n; value theory, 301, 826, 837, 911–12, 913, 918, 1055–7, 1071; and utilitarianism, 408, 1056; and Tooke, 520, 744–5; and Mill, 408, 570, 826, 892; capital theory, 637n, 902–3, 905, 929; cycle theory, 742, 743n, 744–5, 1133; scientific methodology, 777n; life sketch, 825–6; and Marshall, 826, 837, 920–24, 952; originality of, 826, 1055; Wicksteed and, 832; and Böhm-Bawerk, 846, 902–3, 905, 929; profits theory, 893; distribution theory, 913, 941–2; general equilibrium in, 918; abstinence in, 927; wage theory, 940; on statistics and theory, 962; law of indifference, 973; on interpersonal utility comparison, 1071; Index of authors 1188 monetary analysis, 1075, 1078; index number work, 1093 Jevons, Mrs. William Stanley, 826 Jewkes, John, 891 Jhering, Rudolph von, 431 Jocelyn, J., 376 Johnson, A.S., 938 Johnson, E.A.J., 157, 355, 356, 374, 500, 514 Johnson, W.E., 1039, 1044, 1063, 1148 Jöhr, Adolph, 228 Jolliffe, M.F., 479 Jones, Richard, 343–4, 423, 448, 539, 544, 669, 676, 822 Joplin, Thomas, 722–4, 733 Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de, 172–3 Juglar, C., 742, 1123–4, 1126, 1134, 1164 Justi, Johann Heinrich Gottlieb von, 170–73, 174, 177, 284, 315, 375 Justinian, 69 Kahn, R.F., 985, 1048, 1070, 1085, 1152, 1172, 1174 Kaldor, Nicholas, 848, 901, 906, 984, 1008, 1040–41, 1072 Kant, Immanuel, 129, 411–12, 428, 430, 446, 448 Kaufmann, Felix, 814 Kautsky, Karl, 388, 583, 749, 880, 887, 986, 1058, 1131–2 Keckermann, B., 156 Kemmerer, E.W., 1076, 1089, 1096–7, 1098, 1100 Kent, Clement Boulton Roylance, 408 Kepper, Georg, 731, 739, 744 Keynes, John Maynard, vision in, 41–2; mercantilist writers and, 283n; and Becher, 283–4; definition of ‘classical,’ 380; and Ricardo, 473n, 1171; and Malthus, 483, 582, 622, 623, 641n, 890n; and Storch, 502; Say’s Law and, 615, 619, 622, 624; advocacy of paper standard, 693; Tract, 706n, 713n, 1171–2; hoarding in early work, 706, 1087–8, 1108, 1109; and Tooke, 710; and Thornton, 720; and Marshall, 833, 834, 997, 1045–6, 1057, 1083n, 1084; acknowledgment of predecessors, 872n; and Böhm-Bawerk, 931n; on frictional unemployment, 944; and Walras, 1017–18, 1023n, 1082; on Sraffa, 1047; on gold exchange standard, 1076n; and Swedish school, 1085, 1173–4; Treatise, 1095, 1171–2; on credit creation, 1114–15; and Wicksell, 1117; Index of authors 1189 and Hobson, 1130; on Gesell, 1131n; Economic Consequences, 1171–2. See also Keynesian System Keynes, John Neville, 538, 777, 824, 966 Khachaturov, T.S., 1158 Khaldūn, see Ibn Khaldūn King, Gregory, 212, 213 King, Peter, 707, 722 King, W.T.C., 690, 1078, 1111 Kinley, David, 1081, 1098 Kitchin, Joseph, 1124 Klein, Lawrence Robert, 1174 Klock, Caspar, 202 Knapp, G.F., 288, 526, 809–11, 1090–91 Knibbs, Sir George Handley, 583, 891 Knies, Karl Gustave Adolph, 442, 504, 507–8, 539, 656, 808, 850, 1081 Knight, Frank H., 471, 543, 568, 636, 646, 827, 846, 848, 875, 894, 897, 900–901, 906, 917, 1018, 1040–41, 1046 Knoll, August M., 104 Kondratieff, N.D., 1158 Koopmans, Johan G., 1089 Koppers. Wilhelm, 787 Kraus, Christian Jacob, 501 Kries, Johannes von, 448 Kuczynski, Robert René, 891 Kuznets, Simon Smith, 524 Laffemas, Barthélemy de, 195, 354, 357 Laidler, Henry Wellington, 762 Laistner, Max Ludwig Wolfram, 54, 74 Lamond, Elizabeth, 157, 166 Lampertico, Fedele, 178 Lamprecht, Karl, 782 Landauer, Carl, 1158 Landry, Adolphe, 843 Lange, Friedrich Albert, 304 Lange, Oscar, 619, 622, 624, 884, 896, 987, 1023, 1063, 1072, 1082, 1149, 1174, 1182 Langton, W., 743 Lansdowne, Marquis of, 210 Laplace, Pierre, 14, 304, 448, 960, 1058 Lardner, Dionysius, 602 Larraz López, José, 165 Laski, Harold Joseph, 123, 132 Laskine, Edmond, 510 Laspeyres, Étienne, 1093 Lassalle, Ferdinand, 453, 455, 650, 660 Lauderdale, James Maitland, 486–8, 560, 602, 623, 626, 639, 641, 648, 656, 682, 740 Laughlin, J.L., 873, 1081, 1087, 1089, 1104 Launhardt, Wilhelm, 850–51, 948, 957 Laurent, Hermann, 840 Index of authors 1190 Lavalley, P., 168 Laveleye, Émile de, 820 Lavergne, Louis-Gabriel Léonce de, 174 Lavington, Frederick, 895, 1084 Law, John, 282, 284, 294–6, 300, 321–2, 325, 718, 1054 Lebeau, Auguste, 175 LeBon, Gustave, 794–5 Lecky, William Eduard Hartpole, 424, 443 Lederer, Emil, 884, 1133 Leduc, Gaston, 976 Lee, Leonard, 275 Lehfeldt, Robert Alfred, 962 Leibniz, G.W.von, 28–30, 117, 121, 283, 990 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 879, 881, 1159 Lenoir, Raymond, 124 Leontief, Wassily W., 241, 473, 631, 643, 909, 980, 1021, 1029, 1066, 1140 Le Play, P.G.Frédéric, 491, 522–3, 539 Lerner, Abba Ptachya, 617–18, 884, 987, 993, 1040, 1045, 1149, 1178–9 Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, 497, 841 Lescure, Jean, 1104, 1129 Leslie, Thomas Edward Cliffe, 539, 823 Lessius (Leonard de Leys), 95, 96, 98, 99 Lester, R.A., 1038 Le Trosne, Guillaume François, 223, 225 Levasseur, Pierre Émile, 820, 841 Levi, Leone, 821 Lévy-Brühl, Lucien, 794, 799 Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, 404, 433 Lexis, Wilhelm, 392, 850, 852, 927, 958, 961, 1059, 1093, 1095, 1104 Lichtenberger, André, 140 Lieben, Richard, see Auspitz and Lieben Liefmann, Robert, 1109, 1154 Liguori, Alphonso Maria de’, St., 102 Lindahl, E.R., 908, 946, 1085, 1173, 1178 Linguet, Simon Nicholas Henri, 389 List, Friedrich, 199, 421, 442, 504–6, 517, 519, 572 Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 693 Lloyd, H., 315, 705, 954 Lloyd, William Forster, 463, 1055 Lloyd George, David, 770 Locke, John, 91, 116, 117, 119, 120, 184, 197, 264, 290, 298, 299, 308, 310, 316–17, 328–32, 350, 359, 365, 408, 419, 447, 706, 733, 796, 1108 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 199 Loménie, Louis L.de, and Charles de, 175 Longe, Francis Davy, 669 Longfield, Samuel Mountifort, 464–5, 467, 480, 484, 613, 641, 648, 656, 658, 664, 674, 677, 682, 733, 737, 915, 939, 941, 1033 Lord, Eleazer, 711 Lorentz, H.A., 319 Lorenz, P., 1155 Loria, Achille, 856–7, 890, 935 Lotze, Rudolph Hermann, 446, 448, 796 Index of authors 1191 . theory, 940; on statistics and theory, 962; law of indifference, 973; on interpersonal utility comparison, 1071; Index of authors 1188 monetary analysis, 1075, 1078; index number work, 1093. indifference curve analysis, 872, 1065–6; accounting theory, 872, 945; theory of capitalist process, 872; marginal efficiency of capital, 872, 1177–8; ‘psychic income’ in, 898n; on Cournot duopoly. Gonzales de Cellorigo, Martin, 194 Goodwin, Richard M., 619, 951 Gordon, Robert Aaron, 897, 1123, 1164 Index of authors 1185 Goschen, George Joachim, 736 Gossen, Hermann Heinrich, 303, 463, 910–11,

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