History of Economic Analysis part 122 pdf

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History of Economic Analysis part 122 pdf

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Marx, Karl, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Vol. I, The Process of Capitalist Production [1867], original English trans. by Moore and Aveling, rev. and amplified according to 4th German ed. by Ernest Untermann, Chicago, Charles H.Kerr & Co., 1906. Vol. II, The Process of Circulation of Capital [1885]. Vol. III, The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole [1894]. Vols. II and III, trans. by Untermann, Chicago, Charles H.Kerr & Co., 1909. Mill, James, Elements of Political Economy, 1st ed., London, 1821. Mill, John Stuart, Autobiography, London, 1873. Mill, John Stuart, Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy [1848], 7th ed. 1871; ed. with introd. by Sir W.J.Ashley, London, 1909. Pareto, Vilfredo, Cours d’économie politique, Lausanne, 1896–7. Pareto, Vilfredo, Manuel d’économie politique [Italian ed. 1906], Paris, 1909. Ricardo, David, The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation [1817], 3rd ed. 1821, Everyman’s Library ed., London and New York, 1912, reprinted 1917. Rist, Charles, History of Monetary and Credit Theory from John Law to the Present Day [1st French ed. 1938], New York, 1940. Robinson, Joan, The Economics of Imperfect Competition, London, 1933. Roscher, William, Principles of Political Economy [1st German ed. 1854], New York, 1878. Samuelson, Paul Anthony, Foundations of Economic Analysis, Cambridge, 1947. Say, Jean Baptiste, A Treatise on Political Economy; or The Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Wealth [1st French ed. 1803], trans. from 4th French ed. by C.R.Prinsep, Boston, 1821. Seligman, Edwin R.A., Essays in Economics, New York, 1925. Sempere y Guarinos, Juan, ed., Biblioteca española economico-politica (4 vols.), Madrid, 1801–21. Senior, Nassau William, An Outline of the Science of Political Economy [1836], Library of Economics Reprint, London, 1938. Smith, Adam, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations [1776], ed. by Edwin Cannan from text of 5th ed., Modern Library, New York. [The Modern Library ed. is the one referred to throughout except in Part II, ch. 3, sec. 46, where the page references are to the Everyman’s Library ed., London and New York, 1910, reprinted 1917.] Stigler, George J., Production and Distribution Theories, New York, 1941. Sweezy, Paul M., The Theory of Capitalist Development: Principles of Marxian Political Economy, New York, 1942. Tagliacozzo, Giorgio, Economisti napoletani dei sec. XVII e XVIII, Bologna, 1937. Thornton, Henry, An Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain [1802], Library of Economics Reprint, London, 1939. Tooke and Newmarch, A History of Prices and of the State of the Circulation from 1792 to 1856 [6 vols., 1838–57], reproduced from original with an introd. by T.E.Gregory, New York, 1928. [Turgot, Robert Jacques], ‘Réflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses,’ Éphémérides du citoyen, 1769, vols. 11 and 12; 1770, vol 1. [Republished in Oeuvres ed. by Dupont de Nemours, vol. V, Paris, 1808.] Viner, Jacob, Studies in the Theory of International Trade, New York, 1937. Walras, Léon, Éléments d’économie politique pure (Théorie de la richesse sociale) [1874–7], 5th ed., Paris and Lausanne, 1926. Walras, Léon, Études d’économie politique appliquée (Théorie de la production de la richesse sociale) [1898], Paris and Lausanne, 1936. Walras, Léon, Études d’économie sociale (Théorie de la répartition de la richesse sociale) [1896], Paris and Lausanne, 1936. Wicksell, Knut, Lectures on Political Economy [1st Swedish ed. 1901–1906], English trans., ed. with introd. by Lionel Robbins, London, 1934. List of books frequently quoted 1172 Index of Authors Acworth, Angus Whiteford, 690 Acworth, William Mitchell, 949 Adams, Henry C., 873 Adler, Max, 881 Aegidius Colonna, 162 Aftalion, A., 493, 843, 1089, 1109, 1129 Agricola, Georg, 157 Akerman, Gustaf, 908 Albertus Magnus, 81, 87–8, 93 Albrecht, Gerhard, 510 Alexander, Sidney S., 885 Alison, Sir Archibald (father), 127–8 Alison, Sir Archibald (son), 584 Allen, John William, 96 Allen, R.G.D., 859, 993–4, 1028–9, 1043–4, 1063, 1149 Alt, Franz L., 871, 1063 Altmann, S.P., 1103 Ammon, Alfred Otto, 791 Amonn, Alfred, 493, 855 Amoroso, Luigi, 858, 1007, 1144, 1156 Anderson, Benjamin McAlester, 1090, 1104 Anderson, James, 263–5, 481, 676 Anderson, Oskar, 1104–5 Angell, James W., 336, 367, 690 Antonelli, Étienne, 829, 840, 1003 Antonelli, G.B., 858, 1061 Antonine, St., 95, 98, 99, 101, 105, 323 Aquinas, St. Thomas, and scientific method, 8n; philosophy of, 28–9, 113; Summa Theologica, 74, 78; on revelation and authority, 77; as teacher, 78; division of sciences in, 82; as creator of classic scholasticism, 87; and Aristotle, 89, 93; economics of, 90, 91, 93–4, 105n; sociology of institutions, 91–3; on government borrowing, 96; natural law in, 108–9, 138; on justice, 112 Arias, Gino, 272 Aristotle, as polyhistor, 29; Chrematistics, 53; division of labor, 56; theory of money, 56, 62–4, 289, 290n; contrast with Plato, 57; value judgments in, 57; pleasure-pain calculus in, 57; economic sociology, 58, 59–60, 64; and unified social science, 58, 783; interest in dynamics, 58; the state in, 59; influence of sophists on, 59 Value: in use and exchange, 60, 61; objective and subjective, 61, 93; and monopoly, 60–61; competitive price, 61, 62 Interest theory: 64–5, 105n; definition of sciences, 83; re-emergence in 12th and 13th centuries, 87–91; influence on Aquinas, 89, 93; on justice, 60, 61, 62, 93, 108; precursor of associationist psychology, 125; on overpopulation, 250 Armstrong, Clement, 166, 349, 369 Asgill, John, 296 Ashley, William James, 82, 527, 822 Ashton, T.S., 1045 Attwood, Mathias, 714 Augustine, St., 72, 84 Aupetit, Albert, 840, 1082 Auspitz, Rudolf, 769 Auspitz and Lieben, 844, 849, 923, 956, 991, 1057 Avenel, G.d’, 782 Aylesbury, Richard, 353 Azpilcueta, Martinus de, 95, 104, 106 Baader, Franz Xaver von, 421, 459 Babbage, Charles, 541 Bachofen, Johann Jacob, 427, 787 Bacon, Francis, 125, 207, 345 Bacon, Nathaniel T., 958 Bacon, Roger, 81, 87, 90 Baden-Durlach, K.F.von, 224–5, 227, 232 Baert, Johannes Franciscus Benjamin, 183 Bagehot, Walter, 183, 445, 824, 1111 Bailey, C., 66 Bailey, Samuel, 478, 486, 599, 679, 935–6 Bain, Alexander, 447, 476 Balfour, Arthur James, 770 Ballière, Yvon, 211 Bamberger, Ludwig, 1075 Index of authors 1175 Barbon, Nicholas, 184, 196, 223, 251, 294, 296, 308, 329–31, 350, 361, 363–4, 368–9, 647–8, 720, 733, 924, 1119 Barone, Enrico, 858, 946, 955, 986–9, 994, 1034, 1067, 1071, 1148, 1159 Barth, Paul, 786 Barton, John, 474, 640–41, 663, 679, 681–2 Bastable, Charles Francis, 608, 1107 Bastiat, Frédéric, 234, 440, 499–500, 510, 553–4, 841 Baudeau, Nicholas, 175, 223, 225–6, 228 Baudrillart, Henri Joseph Léon, 164 Bauer, Otto, 227, 880–81, 1132 Baxter, Richard, 106 Baxter, Robert Dudley, 522, 524, 627 Bayle, Pierre, 118 Bazard, Saint-Amand, 461, 462 Beales, Hugh Lancelot, 760 Beauregard, Paul, 1124 Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, Marchese di, and utilitarianism, 132, 180, 408; life sketch, 179; and Smith, 179–80, 248; on laissez-faire, 180; on population theory, 180, 258; economic doctrines, 180–81; as polyhistor, 182; and Turgot, 248; on bimetallism, 298; value theory, 302, 306, 308; and quantity theory of money, 315; as mathematical economist, 954; on isolated exchange, 983–4 Becher, Johann, 283–4, 306, 326, 1088 Beer, Max, 83, 225, 354 Bell, William, 253, 254 Bellamy, Edward, 206 Bellers, John, 347, 350 Beloch, Julius, 891 Below, Georg Anton Hugo von, 782, 808 Bendixen, Friedrich, 1091 Beneke, Friedrich Eduard, 446 Benini, Rodolfo, 194 Benner, Samuel, 1134 Bentham, Jeremy, 66, 128–34, 193, 273, 302, 408, 429, 447, 724, 929, 1054–5, 1056, 1069, 1073, 1153 Berardi, Domenico, 1104 Bercaw, Louise O., 961 Bergmann, Eugen von, 739, 740, 745, 1123, 1134 Bergson, Abram (A.Burk), 987, 989, 1072 Bergson, Henri, 774, 778 Berkeley, G., 121, 247, 257, 289, 294, 296 Bernhardi, Theodor von, 504 Bernouilli, D., 212, 302–5, 946, 955, 1054, 1089 Bernouilli, J., 14, 212, 960, 1058 Bernstein, Eduard, 532, 763, 880, 883 Index of authors 1176 Berry, Arthur, 911, 984, 1032 Bertrand, Joseph, 958, 982 Besold, Christoph, 168, 202 Béthune, Philippe de, 169 Beveridge, Sir William, 582, 890, 944 Biel, Gabriel, 95 Bindoff, Stanley Thomas, 166 Birck, Laurits Vilhelm, 862 Bishop, Robert L., 1062 Black, R.D., 464 Blanc, Louis, 455 Blanqui, Jérôme-Adolphe, 381, 498, 519 Bloch, Henri-Simon, 827 Block, Maurice, 841 Boas, Franz, 791 Boccardo, Gerolamo, 512 Bôcher, Maxime, 900 Böckh, August, 426 Bodin, Jean, 101, 164–5, 166, 311, 312–14, 362 Boese, Franz, 756 Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von, on intermediate products, 217n, 561n, 633, 901–2, 904; and Turgot, 249, 332n; Long-field as precursor of, 465; Rae as precursor of, 469, 846; Malthusian population principle in, 582, 890; on increasing and diminishing returns, 587n, 588n, 905; and Ricardo, 594–5, 636, 846; and Marx, 597n, 651n, 845, 846, 926, 927n, 939n; and Senior, 638, 659, 846, 939n; as minister of finance, 767n; and progressive income tax, 769; life sketch, 844–8; and Menger, 844, 845, 846; and Jevons, 846, 902–3, 905, 929; and Taussig, 847n, 871; Bortkiewicz on, 851; effect on Wicksell, 862, 930, 1118; capital concept, 898, 899; on real cost theory, 923; and quantity theory of money, 928; on statics and dynamics, 967; macroanalysis in, 998; use of social production function, 1030; on business cycles, 1134. See also Capital; Capital, Theories of; Distribution, Theories of; Interest, Theories of; Profits, Theories of; Value, Theories of; Wages, Theories of Boileau, Étienne, 162, 203 Index of authors 1177 Boisguillebert, Pierre le Pesant, Sieur de, 204, 215–18, 243, 283–7, 293, 317, 324, 373, 389, 718, 828 Bollmann, Justis Erick, 714 Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise, 681 Bonar, James, 28, 123, 183, 207, 254, 291, 481, 712 Bonesana, Cesare, see Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, Marchese di Boninsegni, Pasquale, 1003, 1067 Bonnet, Victor, 742 Booth, Charles, 947 Bordewijk, Hugo William Constantijn, 216 Bornitz, Jacob, 168 Bortkiewicz, Ladislaus von, 392, 597, 850–51, 907, 933 Bosanquet, James Whatman, 695 Botero, Giovanni, 164–5, 209, 255, 256 Bouniatian, Mentor, 1129 Bousquet, Georges, 513, 843, 859, 860 Bouvy, Eugène, 178 Bowen, Francis, 519 Bowley, Arthur Lyon, 759, 829–32, 947, 956, 983, 1092, 1149 Bowley, Marian, 484 Boyd, Walter, 707 Brants, Victor, 83 Bray, John Francis, 460, 479 Brentano, Lujo, 461, 583–4, 671, 802, 809, 891, 939, 940 Bresciani-Turroni, C., 859, 1018, 1156 Brett, George Sidney, 89 Briaune (cultivateur), 745 Bright, John, 398 Briscoe, John, 296, 314–15, 705, 954 Brissot de Warville, Jacques-Pierre, 139 Brocard, Lucien, 175 Broggia, Carlo Antonio, 205 Brown, E.H.Phelps, 588, 962, 1032 Brown, Harry G., 1079, 1083 Brown, Thomas, 450 Bücher, Karl, 809, 850 Buckle, Henry Thomas, 434–5, 443, 811 Bukharin, N.I., 878–9, 1132, 1157 Bullock, Charles J., 183, 944, 1165 Buquoy, Georg, Franz August de Longueval, 502, 711 Burchardt, Fritz, 906 Burckhardt, Jacob Christoph, 427 Burgon, John William, 343 Buridan, Jean, 94, 1064 Burn, Richard, 275 Burns, Arthur F., 1092, 1124, 1166 Butel-Dumont, George Marie, 325 Butt, Isaac, 464 Cadet, Félix, 216 Caesar, Philippus, 106 Index of authors 1178 Cairnes, John Elliot, 379, 512, 533–4, 536, 540, 605–6, 609, 611, 639, 655, 660, 670, 701, 716, 725, 733, 824, 1057 Calhoun, George Miller, 54 Campanella, Tomaso, 207 Campbell-Bannerman, Henry, 761, 767, 768 Campomanes, Pedro Rodriguez, 172–3 Canard, Nicolas François, 217, 499, 955 Cannan, Edwin, 183, 263, 265, 471, 527, 580, 592, 645, 657, 676, 690, 692, 703, 728, 830, 832, 1090, 1113 Canning, John Bennett, 945 Cantalupo, Domenico de Gennaro, 373 Cantillon, Richard, and related schemata, 16, 474; definition of wealth, 216, 218; Jevons’ rediscovery of, 217n; and Petty, 218; and Quesnay, 218, 238; economic sociology, 218–19; location theory, 219; value theory, 214, 219, 302n; market vs. normal price, 220; theory of rent, 221, 263; income analysis, 221; trois rentes, 222; entrepreneur in, 222, 555, 646; tableau économique, 222–3, 240; velocity of money, 223, 316–17, 319, 706; gold mechanism, 223, 366; harmonism in, 234; on population, 257; and Smith, 270; theory of money, 291, 706; analysis of credit in, 319; interest theory, 319, 720n; capital theory, 323, 667; and Say, 492, 625; as model-builder, 562, 632; profits theory, 646 Caracciolo, Domenico, Marchese, 373 Carafa, Diomede, 162–4, 177, 1069 Carey, Henry Charles, 234, 440, 500, 510, 515–18, 553–4, 572, 583, 586, 676 Carli, Gian-Rinaldo, 213, 292–3, 375, 526 Carlyle, Thomas, 409–11, 528 Carr-Saunders, Alexander Morris, 891 Carver, Thomas Nixon, 659, 869, 926 Cary, John, 197, 267, 273, 293, 350, 358, 361, 363–4, 368 Cassel, Gustav, 332, 737, 849, 862, 953, 956, 966, 972, 1012, 1019, 1067, 1071, 1081, 1101, 1106, 1154 Castelot, E., 165 Castillo, Andres V., 165 Cauwès, Paul Louis, 843 Caxa de Leruela, Miguel, 344 Cernuschi, Henri, 715 Index of authors 1179 Cesare, Carlo de, 512 Ceva, Giovanni, 301, 954 Chadwick, Edwin, 401 Chalmers, George, 212 Chalmers, Thomas, 486–7, 519, 571, 583, 621, 640, 740 Chamberlain, Joseph, 351, 767, 768, 822 Chamberlen, Hugh, 296 Chamberlin, Edward H., 601, 973, 975–6, 977, 979, 982, 994, 1040, 1120, 1142, 1150–52 Chapman, S.J., 1045 Charles, Enid, 891 Charléty, Sébastien, 461 Chastellux, François Jean, Marquis de, 255 Chen, Huan Chang, 53 Chenery, Hollis B., 1140 Cherbuliez, Antoine Élisée, 501, 607 Chevalier, Michel, 397, 496, 519, 711, 716, 741, 766 Cheysson, Jean Jacques Émile, 841–2, 949 Child, Sir Josiah, 184, 195, 242, 245, 251, 266–7, 273, 290, 291, 323, 328–9, 337, 347, 350, 361–4, 368–9 Cibrario, Giovanni Antonio Luigi, 83 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 67, 108 Clapham, Sir John Harold, 148, 1111 Clark, John Bates, synchronization process, 564; role in marginal analysis, 868, 869, 918; and Ricardo-West rent theory, 868; value judgments and, 870; and Mill and Smith, 892; profits theory, 894; capital theory, 902; distribution theory, 915n, 936n, 1030; wage theory, 941; and Marshall, 952, 1057; confusion of statics and stationary state, 966n; competition in, 972; equilibrium as normal prices, 999, 1000n; real costs in, 1057 Clark, John Maurice, 875, 975, 1167 Clarke, Hyde, 743 Clement, Simon, 365 Cobb, C.W., 1042 Cobbett, William, 693 Cobden, Richard, 397, 399, 401, 716 Cohn, Gustav, 851 Coke, R., 286, 347, 357, 359, 361, 363, 368 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 147, 251, 359 Cole, Charles Woolsey, 148 Colerus, Johann, 156, 158 Colmeiro, Manuel, 165, 203, 381 Colquhoun, Patrick, 521 Colson, Clément, 841–2, 850, 949 Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, 71, 157 Combes, Jean, 202 Index of authors 1180 Comte, Auguste, 415–18, 428, 435, 437, 442–4, 452, 528, 538–9, 563, 772, 782, 811–12, 820 Conant, Charles Arthur, 1076, 1111 Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, 35, 124–5, 174–6, 302, 415, 600, 828, 954, 1054 Condorcet, Marquis de, 135, 138, 257, 435, 437, 442–4, 450, 579, 772 Conigliani, Carlo Angelo, 95, 857 Conrad, Johannes, 850 Conring, Hermann, 202, 209 Cooley, Charles Horton, 793 Copernicus, Nicholas, 81, 101, 119 Coquelin, Charles, 540 Cossa, Luigi, 512, 856–7 Cotrugli Raugeo, Benedetto, 157 Cotterill, Charles Foster, 478, 599 Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce, 314 Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean, 498, 661, 741, 841 Cournot, Antoine Augustin, marginal utility in, 463; general interdependence in, 467, 960; pure competition in, 545, 959, 973, 979; monopoly theory, 602n, 839, 959, 960, 972n, 973, 976–7; effect on Marshall, 837, 959, 982, 994; demand and supply curves, 839, 959, 960; elasticity concept, 839; and mathematical school, 954–63; influence of Ricardo, 959; algebra of foreign exchanges, 959; advocacy of macroanalysis, 960; appraisal of, 960; on statistics, 962; oligopoly theory, 979–82; bilateral monopoly theory, 983–5; marginal revenue curve in, 1151n Court, Louis, M., 1014, 1028, 1044 Court, Pieter de la, 197, 368 Coxe, Tench, 199 Craig, John, 600 Crescenzi, Pietro de, 158 Crick, F.W., 1114 Croce, Benedetto, 136, 778, 786 Crum, William Leonard, 1165 Culpeper, Sir Thomas (father), 328–9, 344 Culpeper, Sir Thomas (son), 328–9 Cumberland, Richard, 129, 132 Cunningham, William, 156, 361, 821 Cunow, Heinrich, 881 Cunynghame, Sir Henry Hardinge, 957 Currie, Lauchlin B., 1102 Custodi, Pietro, 177, 178, 179, 315, 510 Cutolo, Alessandro, 177 Czuber, E., 448, 959 Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph, 424, 432 Index of authors 1181 . the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain [1802], Library of Economics Reprint, London, 1939. Tooke and Newmarch, A History of Prices and of the State of the Circulation from. Theories of; Distribution, Theories of; Interest, Theories of; Profits, Theories of; Value, Theories of; Wages, Theories of Boileau, Étienne, 162, 203 Index of authors 1177 Boisguillebert,. Economics of Imperfect Competition, London, 1933. Roscher, William, Principles of Political Economy [1st German ed. 1854], New York, 1878. Samuelson, Paul Anthony, Foundations of Economic Analysis,

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