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CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide part 47 pdf

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432 CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide Install the Software from the CD The software installation process is pretty routine as compared with other software instal- lation processes. The following list outlines the steps: Step 1. Insert the CD into your PC. Step 2. The software that automatically runs is the Cisco Press software to access and use all CD-based features, including the exam engine, viewing a PDF of this book, and viewing the CD-only appendixes. From the main menu, click the op- tion to IInnssttaallll tthhee EExxaamm EEnnggiinnee . Step 3. Respond to the prompt windows as you would with any typical software in- stallation process. The installation process might give you the option to register the software. This process requires that you establish a login at the www.boson.com website. You need this login to activate the exam, so feel free to register when prompted. Activate and Download the Practice Exam After the exam engine is installed, you should activate the exam associated with this book: Step 1. Start the Boson Exam Engine (BEE) software from the Start menu. Step 2. The first time you start the software, it should ask you to either log in or register an account. If you do not already have an account with Boson, select the option to register a new account. (You must register to download and use the exam.) Step 3. After you are registered, the software might prompt you to download the lat- est version of the software, which you should do. Note that this process up- dates the exam engine software (formally called the Boson Exam Environment), not the practice exam. Step 4. To activate and download the exam associated with this book, from the exam engine main window, click the EExxaamm WWiizzaarrdd button. Step 5. From the Exam Wizard pop-up window, select AAccttiivvaattee aa ppuurrcchhaasseedd eexxaamm and click the NNeexxtt button. (Although you did not purchase the exam directly, you purchased it indirectly when you bought the book.) Step 6. At the next screen, enter the Activation Key from the paper inside the card- board CD holder in the back of the book and click the NNeexxtt button. Note: The cardboard CD case in the back of this book includes the CD and a piece of pa- per. The paper lists the activation key for the practice exam associated with this book. Do not lose this activation key. 25_1587202115_ch21.qxp 9/29/08 2:39 PM Page 432 Step 7. The activation process downloads the practice exam. When it is done, the main exam engine menu should list a new exam, with a name like “ExSim for Cisco Press CCNA Wireless ECG.” If you do not see the exam, make sure you have selected the My Exams tab on the menu. You may need to click the plus sign icon (+) to expand the menu and see the exam. At this point, the software and practice exam are ready to use. Activating Other Exams You need to install the exam software and register only once. Then, for each new exam, only a few steps will be required. For instance, if you bought both this book along with CCENT/CCNA ICND1 Official Exam Certification Guide or CCNA ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide , you could follow the steps listed on the last page or so to in- stall the software and activate the exam associated with this book. Then, for the practice exam associated with the ICND1 book and ICND2 book, you would need to follow only a few more steps. All you have to do is start the exam engine (if it’s not still up and run- ning) and follow Steps 4 and 5 in the preceding list. If fact, if you purchase other Cisco Press books, or purchase a practice exam from Boson, you just need to activate each new exam as described in Steps 4 and 5. You can also purchase additional practice exams from Boson directly from its website. When you purchase an exam, you receive an activation key, and then you can activate and download the exam—again without requiring any additional software installation. Cisco Learning Network Cisco provides a wide variety of CCNA wireless preparation tools at a Cisco Systems website called the Cisco Learning Network. The Cisco Learning Network includes Quick Learning Modules, interviews with Cisco’s Portfolio Manager for Wireless Certifications, documents that give you a sneak peek of what’s included in the Instructor-Led Training Course, and blogs and discussion forums to help you on your way. To use the Cisco Learning Network, you do not need a registered login at http://www. cisco.com, but you can register as a member of the learning network. This gives you ac- cess to additional content. To register, simply go to https://cisco.hosted.jivesoftware.com/ create-account.jspa and supply some information. (You do not need to work for Cisco or one of its Partners to get a login.) After you have registered, proceed to the Certifications area, and look for the link to the CCNA Wireless pages. Chapter 21: Final Preparation 433 25_1587202115_ch21.qxp 9/29/08 2:39 PM Page 433 Study Plan You could simply study using all the available tools, as mentioned earlier in this chapter. However, this section suggests a particular study plan, with a sequence of tasks that may work better than just using the tools randomly. However, feel free to use the tools in any way and at any time that helps you get fully prepared for the exam. The suggested study plan separates the tasks into three categories: ■ Recall the facts: Activities that help you remember all the details from this book. ■ Practice configurations: You must master configurations on various devices to pass the CCNA Wireless exam. This category lists the items you can use to master configuration skills. ■ Use the exam engine to practice realistic questions: You can use the exam en- gine on the CD to study using a bank of unique exam-realistic questions available only with this book. Recall the Facts As with most exams, you must recall many facts, concepts, and definitions to do well on the test. This section suggests a couple of tasks that should help you remember all the details: ■ Review and repeat, as needed, the activities in the Exam Preparation Tasks section at the end of each chapter. Most of these activities help refine your knowledge of a topic while also helping you memorize the facts. ■ Using the Exam Engine, answer all the questions in the Book database. This question database includes all the questions at the beginning of each chapter. Although some of the questions may be familiar, repeating them will help improve your recall of the topics covered in the questions. Practice Configurations A large part of CCNA wireless involves performing configurations on various devices. You might need to work on a controller, AP, or even WCS. Understanding these interfaces and various configurations is a must. This means that hands-on experience can take you over the edge to confidently and accurately build or verify configurations. There are a number of sources of lab access. Some of these sources include rack rentals from trusted Cisco Partners. If you are a Cisco Partner, you might even have access to the Partner E-learning Connection (PEC). If you have access to a lab provided by your company, take ad- vantage of it. Nothing beats hands-on experience. Additionally, you can review the key topics in each chapter. These often refer to key con- figuration elements. 434 CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide 25_1587202115_ch21.qxp 9/29/08 2:39 PM Page 434 Use the Exam Engine The exam engine includes two basic modes: ■ Study mode: Study mode is most useful when you want to use the questions to learn and practice. In study mode, you can select options such as whether you want to randomize the order of the questions, randomize the order of the answers, auto- matically see the answers, and many other options. ■ Simulation mode: Simulation mode simulates an actual CCNA Wireless exam by ei- ther requiring or allowing a set number of questions and a set time period. These timed exams not only allow you to study for the actual exam, but they also help you simulate the time pressure that can occur on the actual exam. Choosing Study or Simulation Mode Both study mode and simulation mode are useful for preparing for the exams. Picking the correct mode from the exam engine’s user interface is pretty obvious, but you should still spend some time experimenting with the exam engine. Passing Scores for the Cisco CCNA Wireless Exams When scoring your simulated exam using this book’s exam engine, you should strive to get a score of 85 percent or better. However, the scoring on the book’s exam engine does not match how Cisco scores the actual CCNA Wireless exam. As it turns out, Cisco does not publish many details about how the actual exam is scored. Therefore, you cannot rea- sonably deduce which questions you got right or wrong, and how many points are as- signed to each question. Cisco does publish some specific guidance about how it scores the exam, and other de- tails have been mentioned by Cisco personnel during public presentations about the CCNA Wireless exam. Here are some key facts about scoring: ■ Cisco does give partial credit on simulation questions, so complete as much of a sim- ulation question as you can. ■ Cisco may or may not give more weight to some questions. ■ The test does not adapt based on your answers to early questions in the test. For ex- ample, if you miss a RIP question, and it is question 1, the test does not start giving you more RIP questions. ■ Cisco’s scores range from 300 to 1000, with a passing grade usually (but not always) around 849 for the CCNA Wireless exam. ■ The 849 out of 1000 does not necessarily mean that you got 84.9 percent of the questions correct. Chapter 21: Final Preparation 435 25_1587202115_ch21.qxp 9/29/08 2:39 PM Page 435 26_1587202115_part5.qxd 9/29/08 2:44 PM Page 436 Appendix A Answers to the “Do I Know This Already?” Quizzes Appendix B Memory Tables (on the CD only) Appendix C Memory Tables Answer Key (on the CD only) Glossary Part V: Appendixes 26_1587202115_part5.qxd 9/29/08 2:44 PM Page 437 27_1587202115_appa.qxp 9/29/08 2:42 PM Page 438 Chapter 1 1. A 2. D 3. B and C 4. A 5. B 6. C and D 7. A, D, and E 8. A and C 9. A 10. C Chapter 2 1. A 2. B 3. A and C 4. A 5. A, B, and E 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. A and C APPENDIX A Answers to the “Do I Know This Already?” Quizzes 27_1587202115_appa.qxp 9/29/08 2:42 PM Page 439 440 CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide Chapter 3 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B and D 9. A 10. C 11. B and D Chapter 4 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B and D 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. B and C 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. B 21. B 22. A and C 27_1587202115_appa.qxp 9/29/08 2:42 PM Page 440 Appendix A: Answers to the “Do I Know This Already?” Quizzes 441 23. C 24. C 25. B 26. A Chapter 5 1. A, B, and D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A and C 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. D 13. A, C, and D 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. B and C 18. B 19. A 20. B Chapter 6 1. B 2. C 3. A and D 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. A and C 27_1587202115_appa.qxp 9/29/08 2:42 PM Page 441 . instance, if you bought both this book along with CCENT /CCNA ICND1 Official Exam Certification Guide or CCNA ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide , you could follow the steps listed on the last. to key con- figuration elements. 434 CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide 25_1587202115_ch21.qxp 9/29/08 2:39 PM Page 434 Use the Exam Engine The exam engine includes two basic modes: ■. 432 CCNA Wireless Official Exam Certification Guide Install the Software from the CD The software installation process is

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2014, 18:20