The TCP/IP Protocol Suite 819 ■ User Datagram Protocol (UDP)—A connectionless and unreliable protocol that is responsible for transmitting messages but provides no software checking for segment delivery. The advantage that UDP provides is speed. Because UDP pro- vides no acknowledgments, less control traffic is sent across the network, making the transfer faster. Figure 19-3 Transport Layer Protocols TCP and UDP Segment Format TCP is known as a connection-oriented protocol. Connection-oriented means that the end stations are aware of each other and are constantly communicating about the con- nection. A classic example of a non-technical connection-oriented communication is a telephone conversation between two people. A good example of a connectionless con- versation is the U.S. postal service where once you place the letter in the mail you hope that the mailing process gets the package delivered. Figure 19-4 illustrates the TCP seg- ment header format, the field definitions of which are described in the following list. Figure 19-4 TCP Segment Format Transport Internet Network Interface Application TCP UDP Bit 0 Header Length (4) Sequence Number (32) Destination Port (16)Source Port (16) Bit 31Bit 16Bit 15 Reserved (6) Code Bits (6) Window (16) Checksum (16) Urgent (16) Options (0 or 32 if Any) Data (Varies) Acknowledgment Number (32) 20 Bytes Page 819 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM 820 Chapter 19: Intermediate TCP ■ Source port—The number of the source (port) for this segment. ■ Destination port—The number of the destination (port) for this segment. ■ Sequence number—The number used to ensure correct sequencing of the arriving data. It is the number assigned to the first octet in the user data field. ■ Acknowledgment number—The next expected TCP octet. ■ Header length—The number of 32-bit words in the header. ■ Reserved—Set to 0. ■ Code bits—The control functions (for example, setup and termination of a session). ■ Window—The number of octets that the sender is willing to accept. ■ Checksum—The calculated checksum of the header and data fields. ■ Urgent—Indicator of the end of the urgent data. ■ Options—One currently defined: maximum TCP segment size. ■ Data—Upper layer protocol data. When using UDP, application layer protocols must provide for reliability if it is neces- sary. UDP uses no windowing or acknowledgments. It is designed for applications that do not need to put sequences of segments together. Figure 19-5 shows the UDP header. Figure 19-5 UDP Header Format TCP Operation IP addresses allow for the routing of packets between networks. However, IP makes no guarantees about delivery. The transport layer is responsible for the reliable transport and regulation of data flow from source to destination. This reliability is accomplished by using sliding windows, sequencing numbers, and a synchronization process that ensures each host is ready and willing to communicate, as shown in Figure 19-6. Figure 19-6 TCP Operation Page 820 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM The TCP/IP Protocol Suite 821 To understand reliability and flow control, think of two people engaged in a conversa- tion. First, they meet and maybe shake hands to acknowledge to each other that a con- versation is about to take place and information is about to be sent. While they are talking and exchanging information, if a word or phrase is inaudible or unreachable to the other person, one person might simply ask the person to repeat their words (for reliability) so he or she can catch the words (flow control). The transport layer, Layer 4 of the OSI model, provides these services to Layer 3 via TCP. Three-Way Handshake TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. Prior to data transmission the two communi- cating hosts go through a synchronization process to establish a virtual connection. This synchronization process ensures that both sides are ready for data transmission and enables the devices to determine the initial sequence numbers (ISNs). This process is known as a three-way handshake. Synchronization is accomplished by exchanging packets carrying the ISNs and a con- trol bit called SYN, which stands for synchronize. (Packets carrying the SYN bit are also called SYNs.) Successful connection requires a suitable mechanism for choosing an initial sequence and a slightly involved handshake to exchange the ISNs. Synchroni- zation requires that each side send its own ISN and receive a confirmation and ISN from the other side of the connection. Each side must receive the other side’s ISN and send a confirming acknowledgment (ACK) in a specific order. A three-way handshake uses the following three-step process to establish a virtual connection between the two devices: 1. One host initiates a connection by sending a SYN packet indicating its initial sequence number of x with a certain bit in the header set to indicate a connection request. This bit is set in the code field of the TCP header. 2. The other host receives the packet, records the sequence number of x, replies with an acknowledgment of x + 1, and includes its own initial sequence number of y. The acknowledgment number of x + 1 means the host has received all octets up to and including x and is expecting x + 1 next. 3. The initiating host responds with a simple acknowledgement (ACK) of y + 1 (the sequence number of the second host + 1), indicating it received the previous ACK, which finalizes the connection process. Because the second and third steps are combined in a single message, the exchange is called a three-way handshake/open connection. As illustrated in Figure 19-7, both ends of a connection are synchronized with a three-way handshake/open connection sequence. Page 821 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM 822 Chapter 19: Intermediate TCP Figure 19-7 Three-Way Handshake It is important to understand that sequence numbers are a part of initiating communi- cation between the two devices. Sequence numbers act as reference starting numbers between the two devices. The sequence numbers give each host a way to ACK the SYN, so that the receiver knows the sender is responding to the proper connection request. A three-way handshake is necessary because TCPs might use different mechanisms for picking the ISN. The receiver of the first SYN has no way of knowing if the segment was an old delayed one unless it remembers the last sequence number used on the con- nection, which is not always possible. So, it must ask the sender to verify this SYN. At this point, either side can begin communicating, and either side can break the commu- nication because TCP is a peer-to-peer (balanced) communication method. Denial-of-Service Attacks During Synchronization Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks are designed to deny services to legitimate hosts attempting to establish connections. DoS attacks are a common method that hackers utilize to halt system response. One type of DoS is known as SYN flooding, which occurs during the three-way handshake synchronization process utilized by TCP. During the three-way handshake, the initiating host sends a SYN packet. The SYN packet includes the source IP address and the destination IP address, just like any other packet. The recipient uses this source and destination address information to send the SYN/ACK packet back to the initiating device. In a DoS attack, the hacker initiates a synchronization but falsifies the source IP address. The receiving device replies to a non-existent, unreachable IP address and then is placed on hold while waiting to receive the final ACK from the initiator. The waiting request is placed in a connection queue or a holding area in memory. This waiting state requires the attacked device to commit system resources, such as memory, Page 822 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM The TCP/IP Protocol Suite 823 to the waiting process until the connection timer times out. Hackers flood the attacked host with these false SYN requests, utilizing all of its connection resources to respond and wait for bogus connections, preventing it from responding to legitimate connec- tion requests. To defend against these attacks, administrators can decrease the connection timeout period and increase the connection queue size. Also, software is available that can detect these types of attacks and initiate defensive measures. Figure 19-8 shows a DoS attack during synchronization. Figure 19-8 DoS Attack Windowing and Window Size In many instances, the amount of data that needs to be transmitted is too large to be sent in a single data segment. When this occurs, the data must be broken into smaller pieces to allow for proper data transmission. TCP is responsible for breaking data into segments. This process is similar to feeding a child. Because most small children cannot eat extremely large bites, the person feeding them often cuts their food into smaller pieces that their mouths can accommodate. Additionally, receiving machines might not be able to receive data as quickly as the source can send data. Sometimes discrepancy exists because the receiving device is busy with other tasks; other times the sender is simply a stronger device. After the data is segmented, it must be transmitted to the destination device. One of the services provided by TCP is flow control, which regulates how much data is sent dur- ing a given transmission period. The process of flow control is known as windowing. Page 823 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM 824 Chapter 19: Intermediate TCP Window size determines the amount of data that can be transmitted at one time before receiving an acknowledgment from the destination. After a host transmits the window- sized number of bytes, the host must receive an acknowledgment that the data has been received before it can send any more messages. For example, with a window size of one, each individual segment must be acknowledged before the next segment can be sent as shown in Figure 19-9. Figure 19-9 Window Size of 1 TCP utilizes a sliding window when determining transmission size. A sliding window enables devices to negotiate a window size to allow for more than one byte to be sent during a single transmission, as shown in Figure 19-10. This sliding window also enables the destination device to communicate with the source. The destination device, if it is incapable of dealing with that much data, can indicate a need to decrease the amount of data being sent. Conversely, the destination device can instruct the source to increase the amount of data being sent if it can process more data than is currently being sent. Send 1 Sender Window Size = 1 Receiver Receive ACK 2 Send 2 Receive 1 Send ACK 2 Receive 2 Send ACK 3 Receive ACK 3 Send 3 Receive ACK 4 Receive 3 Send ACK 4 Page 824 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM The TCP/IP Protocol Suite 825 Figure 19-10 Larger Window Size Sequencing Numbers TCP breaks data into segments. The data segments are then transported from sender to receiver. Data transportation follows the synchronization process and the negotia- tion of a window size that dictates the number of bytes that can be transmitted at once. The data segments being transmitted must be reassembled once all of the data is received. No guarantee exists that the data will arrive in the order that it was transmitted, so TCP addresses this problem by using sequence numbers. TCP applies sequence num- bers to the data segments it is transmitting so that the receiver will be able to properly reassemble the bytes in their original order. Sequencing numbers indicate to the desti- nation device the correct order in which to put the bytes when they are received. These sequencing numbers also act as reference numbers so that the receiver knows if it has received all of the data and can identify the missing data pieces to the sender so it can retransmit the missing data as shown in Figure 19-11. This feature offers increased efficiency because the sender is required to retransmit only the missing seg- ments instead of retransmitting the entire set of data. Send 1 Send 2 Send 3 Sender Receiver Receive 1 Receive 2 Receive 3 Send ACK 4 Receive 4 Receive 5 Receive 6 Send ACK 7 Receive ACK 4 Send 4 Send 5 Send 6 Receive ACK 7 Window Size = 3 Page 825 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM 826 Chapter 19: Intermediate TCP Figure 19-11 Sequence Acknowledgment Numbers Each TCP segment is numbered before transmission. Figure 19-4 from earlier in the chapter showed the TCP segment format. Notice that the Sequence number portion follows the Destination port in the segment format. At the receiving station, TCP uses the sequence numbers to reassemble the segments into a complete message. If a sequence number is missing in the series, that segment is retransmitted. Positive ACK Acknowledgement is a common step in the synchronization process, sliding windows, and the sequencing of data. In a TCP segment, the Sequence number field is followed by the Acknowledgement field, also referred to as the Code field. This field is where ACKs and SYNs are indicated. One problem with the unreliable IP protocol is that no verification method exists in it for determining that data segments actually reached their destination. Therefore, data segments might be forwarded with no knowledge as to whether or not they were actu- ally received. TCP utilizes positive acknowledgement and retransmission to control data flow and confirm data delivery. Positive acknowledgment and retransmission (PAR) is a common technique many pro- tocols use to provide reliability. With PAR, the source sends a packet, starts a timer, and waits for an acknowledgment before sending the next packet. If the timer expires before the source receives an acknowledgment, the source retransmits the packet and restarts the timer. TCP uses expectant acknowledgments in which the acknowledgment number refers to the next octet that is expected. Windowing is a flow control mechanism. During windowing, the source device is required to receive an acknowledgment from the destination after transmitting a cer- tain amount of data. With a window size of three, the source device can send three Receive #10. Now send #11. Here is #10. 1028 23 10 1 Source Des. Seq. Ack. 1028 23 11 2 Source Des. Seq. Ack. 23 1028 1 11 Source Des. Seq. Ack. Source Port Destination Port Sequence Number Acknowledgment Numbers Page 826 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM The TCP/IP Protocol Suite 827 octets to the destination. It must then wait for an acknowledgment. If the destination receives the three octets, it sends an acknowledgment to the source device, which can now transmit three more octets. If the destination does not receive the three octets, due to overflowing buffers or some other reason, it does not send an acknowledgment. If the source does not receive an acknowledgment, it knows that the octets must be retransmitted and that the transmission rate should be slowed. UDP Operation The TCP/IP protocol stack contains many different protocols, and each protocol is designed to perform a specific task. IP provides Layer 3 connectionless transport through an internetwork. TCP enables connection-oriented, reliable transmission of packets at Layer 4 of the OSI model. UDP provides connectionless, non-guaranteed transmission of packets at Layer 4 of the OSI model. Both TCP and UDP use IP as their underlying Layer 3 protocol. In addition, TCP and UDP are used by various application layer protocols. TCP provides services for appli- cations such as FTP, HTTP, SMTP, and DNS. UDP is the transport layer protocol used by DNS, TFTP, SNMP, and DHCP. Figure 19-12 illustrates the relationship between TCP/IP application, transport, and network layer protocols. Figure 19-12 TCP/IP Application, Transport, and Network Layer Protocols TCP must be used when applications need to guarantee that a packet arrives intact, in sequence, and unduplicated. However, the overhead associated with ensuring delivery of the packet is sometimes a problem when using TCP. Not all applications need to guarantee delivery of the data packet, and therefore, some use the faster, connection- less delivery mechanism offered by UDP. The UDP standard, described in RFC 768, is a simple protocol that exchanges segments without acknowledgments or guaranteed Page 827 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM 828 Chapter 19: Intermediate TCP delivery. As an example, TFTP can be used to transfer a configuration file or a Cisco IOS Software image from a TFTP server to a router on an Ethernet network. TFTP uses the efficient UDP transport protocol because the quality of physical connections is usually very good and the acknowledgement and retransmission capabilities of TCP are not necessary. UDP does not use windowing or acknowledgments. Therefore, application layer pro- tocols provide error detection. UDP is designed for applications that do not need to put sequences of segments together. Figure 19-5 earlier in this chapter displayed the UDP segment format. The Source Port field is an optional field, used only if information needs to return to the sending host. The Destination Port field specifies the application to which UDP must pass the proto- col. A DNS request from a host to a DNS server has a Destination Port field of 53, th UDP port number for DNS. The Length field identifies the number of octets in the UDP segment. The UDP checksum is optional, but should be used to ensure that the data has not been damaged during transmission. For transport across the network, UDP is encapsulated within the IP packet. After a UDP segment arrives at the destination IP address, a mechanism must exist that allows the receiving host to determine the destination application of the segment. Ports are used for this purpose. If a host is running both TFTP and DNS services, it must be able to determine what service the arriving UDP segments need. The Destination Port field in the UDP header determines the application to which a UDP segment is delivered. Overview of Transport Layer Ports Transport layer ports are 16-bit numbers used to identify the connection end points on either side of the connecting devices. A particular network connection is then identified by a four-part (source address, source port, destination address, destination port) sequence. In principle, this scheme allows for unique UDP connections between any two hosts. UDP is still connectionless and unreliable. To support connection-oriented applications that require reliable, in-sequence data streams, TCP is used. Like UDP, TCP also uses ports to identify connection endpoints. Multiple Conversations Between Hosts At any given moment, thousands of packets providing hundreds of different services are traveling through a modern network. In many cases, servers provide several differ- ent services simultaneously, which causes unique problems for the addressing of pack- ets. For example, if a server is running both SMTP and World Wide Web services, a client cannot construct a packet destined for the IP address of the server just using TCP Page 828 Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:53 PM . source device can send three Receive #10 . Now send #11 . Here is #10 . 10 28 23 10 1 Source Des. Seq. Ack. 10 28 23 11 2 Source Des. Seq. Ack. 23 10 28 1 11 Source Des. Seq. Ack. Source Port Destination Port Sequence Number Acknowledgment Numbers . ready and willing to communicate, as shown in Figure 19 -6. Figure 19 -6 TCP Operation 11 02. book Page 820 Tuesday, May 20 , 20 03 2: 53 PM The TCP/IP Protocol Suite 8 21 To understand reliability and. sent. Send 1 Sender Window Size = 1 Receiver Receive ACK 2 Send 2 Receive 1 Send ACK 2 Receive 2 Send ACK 3 Receive ACK 3 Send 3 Receive ACK 4 Receive 3 Send ACK 4 11 02. book Page 824 Tuesday, May 20 , 20 03