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Designing a Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Infrastructure Vol 2 part 40 potx

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MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Lab 7: Planning Managed Metadata L7-5 8. In the Term set import dialog box, click OK. 9. Scroll up the page, and then click the Central Administration link. Exercise 4: Publishing a Content Type Task 1: Create a new site collection called Marketing 1. Under Application Management, click Create site collections. 2. In the Title and Description section, in the Title box, type Marketing 3. In the Web Site Address section, in the URL box, type marketing 4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and in the Primary Site Collection Administrator section, in the User name box, type ed and click Check Names, and then click OK. 5. On the Top-Level Site Successfully Created page, click OK. Task 2: Create a custom content type in the CTHub site collection 1. Press CTRL+T to open a new tab, and then go to http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/cthub. 2. On the CTHub home page, click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings. 3. Under Galleries, click Site content types. 4. In Site Content Types, click Create. 5. In the Name box, type Marketing Document 6. In the Description box, type Marketing Document 7. In the Select parent content type from list, click Document Content Types. 8. In the Parent Content Type list, click Document. 9. Under Put this site content type into, click New group, and in the box, type Contoso and then click OK. Task 3: Publish the custom content type 1. Under Settings, click Manage publishing for this content type. 2. Ensure that Publish is selected, and then click OK. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED L7-6 Module 7: Planning Managed Metadata Task 4: Run timer jobs manually 1. In Windows Internet Explorer, click the Application Management tab. 2. Click the Central Administration link, and then click Monitoring. 3. Under Timer Jobs, click Review job definitions. 4. Scroll down the page, and then click Content Type Hub. 5. Click Run Now. 6. Scroll down the page, and then click Content Type Subscriber – SharePoint - 80. 7. Click Run Now. Task 5: Verify that the custom content type is available in the Marketing site 1. Press CTRL+T to open a new tab, and then go to http://intranet.contoso.com/sites/marketing. 2. Click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings. 3. Under Site Collection Administration, click Content type publishing. 4. In the Hubs section, under Subscribed Content Type, verify that Marketing Document is listed, and then click OK. 5. On the left menu, click Shared Documents. 6. On the Library Tools tab, click Library. 7. On the ribbon, click Library Settings. 8. Under General Settings, click Advanced settings. 9. In the Content Types section, under Allow management of content types, click Yes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and then click OK. 10. On the Document Library Settings page, scroll down, and then under Content Types, click Add from existing site content types. 11. On the Add Content Types page, under Select site content types from, click Contoso, click Add, and then click OK. 12. On the left menu, click Shared Documents. 13. On the Library Tools tab, click Documents. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Lab 7: Planning Managed Metadata L7-7 14. On the ribbon, expand the New Document drop down, and then verify that Marketing Document is now listed as a content type. 15. Close all windows, and then log off. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Lab 8: Planning Social Computing L8-1 Module 8 Lab Answer Key: Planning Social Computing Contents: Exercise 1: Planning User Profiles L8-2 Exercise 2: Configuring User Profile Synchronization L8-2 MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED L8-2 Module 8: Planning Social Computing Module 8: Planning Social Computing Lab 8: Planning Social Computing Exercise 1: Planning User Profiles Task 1: Read the supporting information 1. Read the lab scenario. 2. Log on to 10231A-NYC-DC1-08 as CONTOSO\Ed with the password Pa$$w0rd. 3. Click Start, and then click Computer. 4. In Windows® Explorer, move to the E:\Labfiles\Lab08\Starter folder, double-click User Profile Requirements.docx, and then read the document. Task 2: Complete the User Profile Property Planning worksheet 1. In Windows Explorer, double-click User Profile Property Planning Worksheet.xlsx, and then complete the worksheet. 2. Compare your solution to the sample solution located at E:\Labfiles\Lab08\Solution\User Profile Property Planning Worksheet - Solution.xlsx. 3. Close all windows. Exercise 2: Configuring User Profile Synchronization Task 1: Configure Active Directory permission for synchronization 1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers. 2. Right-click Contoso.com, and then click Delegate Control. 3. In the Delegation of Control Wizard, on the Welcome to the Delegation of Control Wizard page, click Next. 4. On the Users or Groups page, click Add. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Lab 8: Planning Social Computing L8-3 5. In the Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object names to select box, type sp-farm and click Check Names, and then click OK. 6. On the Users or Groups page, click Next. 7. On the Tasks to Delegate page, click Create a custom task to delegate, and then click Next. 8. On the Active Directory Object Type page, click Next. 9. On the Permissions page, ensure that General is selected, scroll down the list, select the Replicating Directory Changes check box, and then click Next. 10. On the Completing the Delegation of Control Wizard page, click Finish. 11. Expand Contoso.com, and then click the Production Organizational Unit. 12. Double-click Neil Charney. 13. In the Neil Charney Properties dialog box, on the Account tab, under Account options, scroll down, and then verify that the Account is disabled check box is selected. 14. Click Cancel, and then close Active Directory Users and Computers. Task 2: Create a synchronization connection and a connection filter 1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then click SharePoint 2010 Central Administration. 2. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes. 3. Under Application Management, click Manage service applications. 4. Click User Profile Service Application. 5. On the ribbon, on the Service Applications tab, click Manage. 6. Under Synchronization, click Configure Synchronization Connections. 7. Click Create New Connection. 8. In the Connection Name box, type Contoso and in the Forest name box, type Contoso 9. Scroll down the page, and in the Account name box, type contoso\sp-farm and in the Password and Confirm password boxes, type Pa$$w0rd 10. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and then click Populate Containers. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED L8-4 Module 8: Planning Social Computing 11. Expand CONTOSO, select the IT, Marketing, and Production check boxes, and then click OK. 12. On the Synchronization Connections page, click Contoso, and then click Edit Connection Filters. 13. In the Exclusion Filter for Users section, in the Attribute list, click userAccountControl. 14. In the Operator list, click Bit on equals. 15. In the Filter box, type 2 and then click Add. 16. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and then click OK. Task 3: Run the user profile import 1. In the left menu, click Application Management. 2. Under Service Applications, click Manage service applications. 3. Click User Profile Service Application. 4. Under Synchronization, click Start Profile Synchronization. 5. Click Start Full Synchronization, and then click OK. Note: This process can take several minutes to complete. 6. Refresh the page until the Profile Synchronization Status changes to Synchronizing. 7. Refresh the page until the Profile Synchronization Status changes to Idle. 8. When it has completed, click Idle to view the synchronization report. 9. Close the report. Task 4: Confirm the user profile synchronization by checking that the Ed Meadows and Adam Carter profiles were imported and that the Neil Charney profile was not imported 1. Under People, click Manage User Profiles. 2. In the Find profiles box, type ed and then click Find. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED Lab 8: Planning Social Computing L8-5 3. Click Contoso\Ed, and then click Edit My Profile. 4. Scroll down the page to view his profile information, and then click Cancel and Go Back. 5. In the Find profiles box, type adam and then click Find. 6. Click Contoso\Adam, and then click Edit My Profile. 7. Scroll down the page to view his profile information, and then click Cancel and Go Back. 8. In the Find profiles box, type neil and then click Find. 9. Verify that no results are displayed. This confirms that the profile for the disabled user account for Neil Charney was not imported. Task 5: Provision Ed Meadows’ My Site Web site 1. On the Manage User Profiles page, on the upper right, click Ed Meadows, and then click My Site. 2. In the dialog box, in the user box, type Ed and in the password box, type Pa$$w0rd, and then click OK. 3. Click My Content. 4. Click My Profile. 5. Close all windows, and then log off. MCT USE ONLY. STUDENT USE PROHIBITED . SharePoint 20 10 Products, and then click SharePoint 20 10 Central Administration. 2. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Yes. 3. Under Application Management, click Manage service applications Cancel, and then close Active Directory Users and Computers. Task 2: Create a synchronization connection and a connection filter 1. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft SharePoint. PROHIBITED Lab 7: Planning Managed Metadata L7-5 8. In the Term set import dialog box, click OK. 9. Scroll up the page, and then click the Central Administration link. Exercise 4: Publishing a Content

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2014, 13:20

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