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Hướng dẫn học Microsoft SQL Server 2008 part 65 pptx

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Nielsen c23.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 602 Part IV Developing with SQL Server the case, I recommend rolling back the transaction as the first action so that any locks the transaction might be holding are released. For more details on transactions and error handling, including a discussion on doomed transactions and the xact_state() function, please refer to Chapter 66, ‘‘Managing Transactions, Locking, and Blocking.’’ 2. If the error is one that the stored procedure logic detects, and it’s not a SQL Server error, then raise the error message so that the user or front-end application is informed. 3. Optionally, log the error to an error table. 4. Terminate the batch. If it’s a stored procedure, user-defined function, or trigger, then terminate it with a RETURN command. When an error occurs in the TRY block and execution is passed to the CATCH block, the error infor- mation is also passed to the CATCH block. The information may be examined using the error functions listed in Table 23-2. These functions are designed specifically for the CATCH block. Outside a CATCH block, they will always return a null value. TABLE 23-2 Catch Functions Error Function Returns Error_Message() The text of the error message Error_Number() The number of the error Error_Procedure() The name of the stored procedure or trigger in which the error occurred Error_Severity() The severity of the error Error_State() The state of the error Error_Line() The line number within the batch or stored procedure that generated the error Xact_State() Whether the transaction can be committed (see Chapter 66) These CATCH functions retain the error information of the error that fired the CATCH block. They may be called multiple times and still retain the error information. The following sample demonstrates a CATCH block using the CATCH functions and a RAISERROR to report the error to the client. The contents of the error functions are being passed to variables so a custom error string can be assembled for the RAISERROR: BEGIN CATCH DECLARE 602 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c23.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 603 T-SQL Error Handling 23 @Error_Severity INT, @Error_State INT, @Error_Number INT, @Error_Line INT, @Error_Message VARCHAR(245); SELECT @Error_Severity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @Error_State = ERROR_STATE(), @Error_Number = ERROR_NUMBER(), @Error_Line = ERROR_LINE(), @Error_Message = ERROR_MESSAGE(); RAISERROR (’Msg %d, Line %d: %s’, @Error_Severity, @Error_State, @Error_Number, @Error_Line, @Error_Message); RETURN @Error_Number; END CATCH; Nested try/catch and rethrown errors Any error (or RAISERROR event) will bubble up through every layer of stored procedures until it’s caught by a try/catch block or it reaches the client. Visualizing the call stack — the stack of procedures that have executed or called other stored procedures — it’s possible for lower level, or nested, stored procedures to use this principle to send, or rethrow, errors to higher-level stored procedures in the call stack. Try/catch blocks can easily be nested even if the nesting is unintentional. If one stored procedure calls another stored procedure and both procedures are well written, with try/catch blocks, then not only are the stored procedures nested, but the try/catch blocks are nested too. In the following example, the TopProc will execute, or call, the CalledProc. A divide by zero error in CalledProc causes the code to jump to the CATCH block. The catch block will issue a RAISERROR. The TopProc will receive the error that was raised by the CalledProc. It sees the error as any other type of error and therefore jumps down to its CATCH block. The RAISERROR in the TopProc is exe- cuted, and it too raises an error. This time the raised error is seen by the client, in this case Manage- ment Studio: CREATE PROC TopProc AS BEGIN TRY EXEC CalledProc 603 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c23.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 604 Part IV Developing with SQL Server END TRY BEGIN CATCH RAISERROR (’TopProc Raiserror’,16,1) END CATCH GO CREATE PROC CalledProc AS BEGIN TRY SELECT 3/0 END TRY BEGIN CATCH RAISERROR (’CalledProc Raiserror’,16,1) END CATCH Go EXEC TopProc Result: Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure TopProc, Line 7 TopProc Raiserror T-SQL Fatal Errors If T-SQL encounters a fatal error, then the batch will immediately abort without giving you the opportu- nity to test @@Error, handle the error, or correct the situation. Fatal errors are rare enough that they shouldn’t pose much of a problem. Generally, if the code works once, then it should continue to work unless the schema is changed or SQL Server is reconfigured. The most common fatal errors are those caused by the following: ■ Data-type incompatibilities ■ Unavailable SQL Server resources ■ SQL Server advanced settings that are incompatible with certain tasks ■ Missing objects or misspelled object names For a list of most of the fatal error messages, run the following query: SELECT message_id, severity, language_id, text FROM master.sys.messages WHERE language_id = 1033 US English AND severity >= 19 ORDER BY severity, message_id; 604 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c23.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 605 T-SQL Error Handling 23 Try Catch does a good job of handling typical day-to-day user errors, such as constraint-violation errors. Nevertheless, to be safe, front-end application developers should also include error-handling code in their programs. Summary Error handling — perhaps it’s the developer’s equivalent of the DBA’s backup command, yet it adds a sense of polish and finish to any stored procedure. Any production T-SQL code should have error handling, no question about it. It’s easy. Key points about T-SQL error handling: ■ Legacy error handling uses @@error and @@rowcount to determine whether an error occurred in the previous statement. The values must be checked after every DML statement by saving them to local variables. ■ RAISERROR can send errors toward the client and log errors. ■ Try/catch blocks are the right way to handle errors. On any error in the TRY block, execution jumps to the CATCH block. ■ Error functions in the CATCH block return information about the last error. Next on the agenda: All the T-SQL query and programming pieces finally come together as stored procedures. 605 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c23.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 606 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c24.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 607 Developing Stored Procedures IN THIS CHAPTER Creating and managing stored procedures Passing data to and from stored procedures Using stored procedures within ad hoc queries Executing stored procedures on linked SQL servers O f all the possible SQL Server bad practices, I believe the worst is ad hoc SQL. The solution: stored procedures. Here’s why. Chapter 2, ‘‘Data Architecture,’’ presented six databases objectives and the notion that with careful design and development, all six could be achieved. Architecting the database with stored procedures is critical to achieving five of the six objec- tives (all but availability): ■ Extensibility: Using stored procedures is the best means of abstracting, or decoupling, the database. A stored procedure API contract will encapsulate the database and provide it with long-term extensibility. ■ Performance: A well-written stored procedure is the fastest possible SQL Server code, it keeps the execution of data-centric code close to the data, and it’s easier to index tune a database with stored procedures. ■ Usability: It’s easier for application programmers to make a stored procedure call and consume the result than it is to write ad hoc SQL. ■ Data Integrity: A stored procedure developed by the database devel- oper is less likely to contain data integrity errors, and easier to unit test, than ad hoc SQL code. ■ Security: Locking down the tables and providing access only through stored procedures is a standard best practice for database development. Of these five, extensibility is the most compelling reason to use stored procedures. I’ve personally witnessed too many IT shops and ISVs that have a nightmare database they wish they could fix, but without an abstraction layer, it seems too scary to manage. As a result, they spend 10 times more building out additional code, adding extra databases, or losing business because they can’t adapt. 607 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c24.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 608 Part IV Developing with SQL Server Stored procedures aren’t mysterious. All the features of T-SQL queries and batches are in full force. In the same way that a view is a SQL query saved under a view name, a stored procedure is a batch that has been stored with a name so it can be easily called, and its query execution plan saved in memory (see Figure 24-1). FIGURE 24-1 Stored procedures keep the code inside the box, protecting the abstraction layer and keeping the data execution close to the data. SQL Server Processing Continuum Data Improved integrity and performance Data Type Constraint Trigger Stored Procedure View Submitted Batch Front-End Application User To write an efficient stored procedure, don’t start with this chapter. A well-written stored procedure is based on a well-written batch (see Chapter 23) consisting of well-written, set-oriented SQL queries (see Chapters 8 through 21). This chapter explains how to pull together the batch and wrap it as a stored procedure. What’s New with Stored Procedures? S QL Server 2008 adds user-defined table types and table-valued parameters (my number two favorite new feature) to T-SQL. These radically improve how a client application can pass a complex transaction to SQL Server. Previously, the only options were to pass in a comma-delimited list using a varchar(max) parameter, pass in an XML variable, or make multiple calls to stored procedures. Stored procedures are highly dependent on the objects they call. SQL Server 2008 provides enhanced ways to view these dependencies. Managing Stored Procedures The actual management of stored procedures is simple compared to the logic within them. Once you know the basic facts and syntax, managing stored procedures shouldn’t present any problems. 608 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c24.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 609 Developing Stored Procedures 24 Create, alter, and drop Stored procedures are managed by means of the data definition language (DDL) commands: CREATE, ALTER,andDROP. CREATE must be the first command in a batch; the termination of the batch ends the creation of the stored procedure. The following example creates a very simple stored procedure that retrieves data from the ProductCategory table in the OBXKites database: USE OBXKites; go CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.CategoryList AS SELECT ProductCategoryName, ProductCategoryDescription FROM dbo.ProductCategory; go As this chapter progresses, more features will be added to the CategoryList example stored procedure. Dropping a stored procedure removes it from the database. Altering a stored procedure replaces the entire existing stored procedure with new code. When modifying a stored procedure, altering it is preferable to dropping and recreating it, because the latter method removes any permissions. Of course, stored procedures may be created, altered, or dropped using Object Explorer, but I strongly suggest that stored procedures be managed using scripts (. sql files) that may be checked into a version control system. Executing a stored procedure When calling a stored procedure within a SQL batch, the EXECUTE command executes the stored pro- cedure with a few special rules. EXECUTE is typically coded as EXEC. If the stored-procedure call is the first line of a batch (and if it’s the only line, then it’s also the first line), the stored-procedure call doesn’t require the EXEC command. However, including it anyway won’t cause any problems and it prevents an error if the code is cut and pasted later. The following two-system stored procedure calls demonstrate the use of the EXEC command within a batch: sp_help; EXEC sp_help; This section covers the batch aspects of EXEC. You can find more details about using the EXECUTE command in Chapter 29, ‘‘Dynamic SQL and Code Generation.’’ 609 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c24.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 610 Part IV Developing with SQL Server Returning a record set If a stored procedure is a saved batch, then whatever a batch can do, a stored procedure can do. Just as a batch returns a record set from a SQL SELECT query, a stored procedure also returns a record set from a query. Referring back to the stored procedure that was created in the preceding section, when the CategoryList stored procedure is executed, the query within the stored procedure returns all rows from the productcategory table: EXEC dbo.CategoryList; Result (abridged): ProductCategoryName ProductCategoryDescription Accessory kite flying accessories Book Outer Banks books Clothing OBX t-shirts, hats, jackets Compiling stored procedures Compiling a stored procedure is an automatic process. Stored procedures compile and are stored in memory the first time they are executed. Rather more accurately, SQL Server develops query execution plans for the queries and code within the stored procedures, and these query execution plans are stored in memory. For more details about query execution plans and how they’re stored in memory, refer to Chapter 65, ‘‘Query Plan Reuse.’’ Stored procedure encryption When the stored procedure is created, its text is saved in a system table. The text is not stored for the execution of the stored procedure, but only so that it may be retrieved later if it needs to be modified. The sp_helptext system stored procedure will extract the original text of the stored procedure: EXEC sp_helptext ‘dbo.CategoryList’; Result: Text CREATE PROCEDURE CategoryList AS SELECT ProductCategoryName, ProductCategoryDescription FROM dbo.ProductCategory; If the stored procedure is created with the WITH ENCRYPTION option, the stored procedure text is not directly readable. It’s common practice for third-party vendors to encrypt their stored procedures. The 610 www.getcoolebook.com Nielsen c24.tex V4 - 07/23/2009 4:53pm Page 611 Developing Stored Procedures 24 following ALTER command stores the CategoryList procedure with WITH ENCRYPTION and then attempts to read the code: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.CategoryList WITH ENCRYPTION AS SELECT ProductCategoryName, ProductCategoryDescription FROM dbo.ProductCategory; go EXEC sp_helptext ‘dbo.CategoryList’; Result: The text for object ‘dbo.CategoryList’ is encrypted. System stored procedures The basic SQL syntax includes only DML, DDL, and DCL commands. For other admin tasks, Microsoft adds system stored procedures stored in the master database. But with every version of SQL Server, Microsoft moves more of these tasks from system stored procedures into standard SQL. Specifically, the ALTER command is becoming more powerful with every version. To make these procedures available to all databases, special rules govern the scope of system stored procedures. Any procedures beginning with sp_ in the master database can be executed from any database. If a name conflict exists between a system stored procedure and a stored procedure in the local user database, the system stored procedure in the local database is executed. Best Practice W hen creating stored procedures, use a consistent naming convention other than sp_ to name your stored procedures. Using sp_ can only cause name conflicts and confusion. I sometimes add the p prefix to the names of stored procedures, but even no prefix is better than sp_. Using stored procedures within queries Stored procedures are typically executed with the EXEC command or submitted by the client applica- tion, but a stored procedure can be used within the FROM portion of a query if the stored procedure is called from within an openquery() function. Openquery() is a distributed query function that sends a pass-through query to an external data source for remote execution. When the openquery() function includes a stored procedure, it simply submits the stored procedure to the local server. The openquery() function is explained in more detail in Chapter 31, ‘‘Executing Distributed Queries.’’ 611 www.getcoolebook.com . is changed or SQL Server is reconfigured. The most common fatal errors are those caused by the following: ■ Data-type incompatibilities ■ Unavailable SQL Server resources ■ SQL Server advanced. within ad hoc queries Executing stored procedures on linked SQL servers O f all the possible SQL Server bad practices, I believe the worst is ad hoc SQL. The solution: stored procedures. Here’s why. Chapter. 4:53pm Page 608 Part IV Developing with SQL Server Stored procedures aren’t mysterious. All the features of T -SQL queries and batches are in full force. In the same way that a view is a SQL query saved

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