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710 Vicenc¸ Torra one), the results are similar. Some parameterizations of rank swapping (Rank with parameter p in the Table) and microaggregation (Micmul with parameter k in the Table) are ranked in both (Domingo-Ferrer and Torra, 2001b) and here among the best algorithms. The comparison can be extended evaluating new masking methods and comparing them with the existing scores. For example, results from (Jimenez and Torra, 2009) would permit to include in this table (with a score lower than 40) some parameterizations of lossy compression using JPEG 2000. 35.6.2 R-U Maps (Duncan et al., 2001,Duncan et al., 2004) propose the R-U maps, for Risk-Utility maps. This is a graphical representation of the two measures. R for risk and U for utility. Figure 35.2 represents an R-U map for the methods listed in the previous section each with several parameterizations. Namely, RankXXX corresponds to Rank Swapping, MicXXX are variations of Microaggregation, JPEGXXX corresponds to Lossy Compression using JPEG, and RemuestX is resampling (not described in this chapter). In the figure, DR corresponds to the Disclosure Risk (R following the standard jargon of R-U maps), and IL to information loss (in our case computed as aPIL). Formally, IL and utility U are related as follows: 1 −U = IL. Note that in addition to the protection procedures represented in Table 35.1, the figure includes all the other methods analyzed in (Domingo-Ferrer and Torra, 2001b) but with the new measures DR and aPIL described above. In this figure, the lines represent scores of 50, 40, 30, and 20. Naturally, the nearer a method to (0,0), the better. 35.7 Conclusions In this chapter we have reviewed the major topics concerning privacy in data mining. We have rewiewed major protection methods, and discussed how to measure disclosure risk and information loss. Finally, some tools for visualizing such measures and for comparing the methods have been described. Acknowledgements Part of the research described in this chapter is supported by the Spanish MEC (projects ARES – CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 CSD2007-00004 – and eAEGIS – TSI2007-65406-C03- 02). References Adam, N. R., Wortmann, J. C. (1989) Security-control for statistical databases: a comparative study, ACM Computing Surveys, Volume: 21, 515-556. Aggarwal, C. (2005) On k-anonymity and the curse of dimensionality, Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Very Large Databases, pages 901-909. Aggarwal, C. C., Yu, P. S. 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The field of meta-learning has as one of its primary goals the understanding of the interaction between the mechanism of learning and the concrete contexts in which that mech- anism is applicable. The field has seen a continuous growth in the past years with interesting new developments in the construction of practical model-selection assistants, task-adaptive learners, and a solid conceptual framework. In this chapter we give an overview of different techniques necessary to build meta-learning systems. We begin by describing an idealized meta-learning architecture comprising a variety of relevant component techniques. We then look at how each technique has been studied and implemented by previous research. In ad- dition we show how meta-learning has already been identified as an important component in real-world applications. Key words: Meta-learning 36.1 Introduction We are used to thinking of a learning system as a rational agent capable of adapting to a specific environment by exploiting knowledge gained through experience; encountering multiple and diverse scenarios sharpens the ability of the learning system to predict the effect produced from selecting a particular course of action. In this case, learning is made manifest because the quality of the predictions normally improves with an increasing number of scenarios or examples. Nevertheless, if the predictive mechanism were to start afresh on different tasks, the learning system would find itself at a considerable disadvantage; learning systems capable of modifying their own predictive mechanism would soon outperform our base learner by being able to change their learning strategy according to the characteristics of the task under analysis. Meta-learning differs from base-learning in the scope of the level of adaptation; whereas learning at the base-level is based on accumulating experience on a specific learning task (e.g., credit rating, medical diagnosis, mine-rock discrimination, fraud detection, etc.), learning at the meta-level is based on accumulating experience on the performance of multiple applica- tions of a learning system. If a base-learner fails to perform efficiently, one would expect the O. Maimon, L. Rokach (eds.), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, 2nd ed., DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-09823-4_36, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010 718 Ricardo Vilalta, Christophe Giraud-Carrier, and Pavel Brazdil learning mechanism itself to adapt in case the same task is presented again. Meta-learning is then important in understanding the interaction between the mechanism of learning and the concrete contexts in which that mechanism is applicable. Briefly stated, the field of meta- learning is focused on the relation between tasks or domains and learning strategies. In that sense, by learning or explaining what causes a learning system to be successful or not on a particular task or domain, we go beyond the goal of producing more accurate learners to the additional goal of understanding the conditions (e.g., types of example distributions) under which a learning strategy is most appropriate. From a practical stance, meta-learning can solve important problems in the application of machine learning and Data Mining tools, particularly in the area of classification and regres- sion. First, the successful use of these tools outside the boundaries of research (e.g., industry, commerce, government) is conditioned on the appropriate selection of a suitable predictive model (or combinations of models) according to the domain of application. Without any kind of assistance, model selection and combination can turn into stumbling blocks to the end-user who wishes to access the technology more directly and cost-effectively. End-users often lack not only the expertise necessary to select a suitable model, but also the availability of many models to proceed on a trial-and-error basis (e.g., by measuring accuracy via some re-sampling technique such as n-fold cross-validation). A solution to this problem is attainable through the construction of meta-learning systems. These systems can provide automatic and systematic user guidance by mapping a particular task to a suitable model (or combination of models). Second, a problem commonly observed in the practical use of ML and DM tools is how to profit from the repetitive use of a predictive model over similar tasks. The successful ap- plication of models in real-world scenarios requires a continuous adaptation to new needs. Rather than starting afresh on new tasks, we expect the learning mechanism itself to re-learn, taking into account previous experience (Thrun, 1998,Pratt et al., 1991,Caruana, 1997,Vilalta and Drissi, 2002). Again, meta-learning systems can help control the process of exploiting cumulative expertise by searching for patterns across tasks. Our goal in this chapter is to give an overview of different techniques necessary to build meta-learning systems. To impose some structure, we begin by describing an idealized meta- learning architecture comprising a variety of relevant component techniques. We then look at how each technique has been studied and implemented by previous research. We hope that by proceeding in this way the reader can not only learn from past work, but in addition gain some insight on how to construct meta-learning systems. We also hope to show how recent advances in meta-learning are increasingly filling the gaps in the construction of practical model-selection assistants and task-adaptive learners, as well as in the development of a solid conceptual framework (Baxter, 1998, Baxter, 2000, Giraud-Carrier et al., 2004). This chapter is organized as follows. In the next section we illustrate an idealized meta- learning architecture and detail on its constituent parts. In Section 65.3.3 we describe previous research in meta-learning and its relation to our architecture. Section 65.3.4 describes a meta- learning tool that has been instrumental as a decision support tool in real applications. Lastly, section 65.3.5 discusses future directions and provides our conclusions. 36.2 A Meta-Learning Architecture In this section we provide a general view of a software architecture that will be used as a reference to describe many of the principles and current techniques in meta-learning. Though 36 Meta-Learning 719 not every technique in meta-learning fits into this architecture, such a general view helps us understand the challenges we need to overcome before we can turn the technology into a set of useful and practical tools. 36.2.1 Knowledge-Acquisition Mode To begin, we propose a meta-learning system that divides into two modes of operation. During the first mode, also known as the knowledge-acquisition mode, the main goal is to learn about the learning process itself. Figure 36.1 illustrates this mode of operation. We assume the input to the system is made of more than one dataset of examples (e.g., more than one set of pairs of feature vectors and classes; Figure 36.1A). Upon arrival of each dataset, the meta-learning system invokes a component responsible for extracting dataset characteristics or meta-features (Figure 36.1B). The goal of this component is to gather information that transcends the par- ticular domain of application. We look for information that can be used to generalize to other example distributions. Section 36.3.1 details current research pointing in this direction. During the knowledge acquisition mode, the learning technique (Figure 36.1C) does not exploit knowledge across different datasets or tasks. Each dataset is considered independently of the rest; the output to the system is a learning strategy (e.g., a classifier or combination of classifiers, Figure 36.1D). Statistics derived from the output model or its performance (Figure 36.1E) may also serve as a form of characterizing the task under analysis (Sections 36.3.1 and 36.3.1). Information derived from the meta-feature generator and the performance evaluation mod- ule can be combined into a meta-knowledge base (Figure 36.1F). This knowledge base is the main result of the knowledge–acquisition phase; it reflects experience accumulated across different tasks. Meta-learning is tightly linked to the process of acquiring and exploiting meta- knowledge. One can even say that advances in the field of meta-learning hinge around one specific question: how can we acquire and exploit knowledge about learning systems (i.e., meta-knowledge) to understand and improve their performance? As we describe current re- search in meta-learning we will be pointing out to different forms of meta-knowledge. 36.2.2 Advisory Mode The efficiency of the meta-learner increases as it accumulates meta-knowledge. We assume the lack of experience at the beginning of the learner’s life compels the meta-learner to use one or more learning strategies without a clear preference for one of them; experimenting with many different strategies becomes time consuming. However, as more training sets have been examined, we expect the expertise of the meta-learner to dominate in deciding which learning strategy best suits the characteristics of the training set. In the advisory mode, meta-knowledge acquired in the exploratory mode is used to con- figure the learning system in a manner that exploits the characteristics of the new data distri- bution. Meta-features extracted from the dataset (Figure 36.2B) are matched with the meta- knowledge base (Figure 36.2F) to produce a recommendation regarding the best available learning strategy. At this point we move away from the use of static base learners to the ability to do model selection or combining base learners (Figure 36.2C). Two observations are worth considering at this point. First, the nature of the match be- tween the set of meta-features and the meta-knowledge base can have several interpretations. The traditional view poses this problem as a learning problem itself where a meta-learner is invoked to output an approximating function mapping meta-features to learning strategies . Continuous and Heterogeneous k-Anonymity Through Microaggregation, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 11 :2 195 -21 2. Duncan, G. T., Keller-McNulty, S. A., Stokes, S. L. (20 01) Disclosure risk vs. data. Science 43 02 233 -24 2. Torra, V., Domingo-Ferrer, J. (20 03) Record linkage methods for multidatabase data mining, in V. Torra (ed.) Information Fusion in Data Mining, Springer, 101-1 32. Torra,. (eds.), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, 2nd ed., DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-09 823 -4_36, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 20 10 718 Ricardo Vilalta, Christophe Giraud-Carrier, and

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