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100 Barak Chizi and Oded Maimon Rokach, L., Decomposition methodology for classification tasks: a meta decomposer frame- work, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 9(2006):257–271. Rokach L., Genetic algorithm-based feature set partitioning for classification prob- lems,Pattern Recognition, 41(5):1676–1700, 2008. Rokach L., Mining manufacturing data using genetic algorithm-based feature set decompo- sition, Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 4(1):57-78, 2008. Rokach, L. and Maimon, O., Theory and applications of attribute decomposition, IEEE In- ternational Conference on Data Mining, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 473–480, 2001. Rokach L. and Maimon O., Feature Set Decomposition for Decision Trees, Journal of Intel- ligent Data Analysis, Volume 9, Number 2, 2005b, pp 131–158. Rokach, L. and Maimon, O., Clustering methods, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, pp. 321–352, 2005, Springer. 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New York: Basic Books, 1972. 6 Discretization Methods Ying Yang 1 , Geoffrey I. Webb 2 , and Xindong Wu 3 1 School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia yyang@mail.csse.monash.edu.au 2 Faculty of Information Technology Monash University, Australia geoff.webb@infotech.monash.edu 3 Department of Computer Science University of Vermont, USA xwu@cs.uvm.edu Summary. Data-mining applications often involve quantitative data. However, learning from quantitative data is often less effective and less efficient than learning from qualitative data. Discretization addresses this issue by transforming quantitative data into qualitative data. This chapter presents a comprehensive introduction to discretization. It clarifies the definition of discretization. It provides a taxonomy of discretization methods together with a survey of major discretization methods. It also discusses issues that affect the design and application of discretization methods. Key words: Discretization, quantitative data, qualitative data. Introduction Discretization is a data-processing procedure that transforms quantitative data into qualitative data. Data Mining applications often involve quantitative data. However, there exist many learning algorithms that are primarily oriented to handle qualitative data (Ker- ber, 1992, Dougherty et al., 1995, Kohavi and Sahami, 1996). Even for algorithms that can directly deal with quantitative data, learning is often less efficient and less effective (Catlett, 1991, Kerber, 1992, Richeldi and Rossotto, 1995, Frank and Wit- ten, 1999). Hence discretization has long been an active topic in Data Mining and knowledge discovery. Many discretization algorithms have been proposed. Evalua- tion of these algorithms has frequently shown that discretization helps improve the performance of learning and helps understand the learning results. This chapter presents an overview of discretization. Section 6.1 explains the ter- minology involved in discretization. It clarifies the definition of discretization, which has been defined in many differing way in previous literature. Section 6.2 presents a O. Maimon, L. Rokach (eds.), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, 2nd ed., DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-09823-4_6, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010 102 Ying Yang, Geoffrey I. Webb, and Xindong Wu comprehensive taxonomy of discretization approaches. Section 6.3 introduces typi- cal discretization algorithms corresponding to the taxonomy. Section 6.4 addresses the issue that different discretization strategies are appropriate for different learn- ing problems. Hence designing or applying discretization should not be blind to its learning context. Section 6.5 provides a summary of this chapter. 6.1 Terminology Discretization transforms one type of data to another type. In the large amount of existing literature that addresses discretization, there is considerable variation in the terminology used to describe these two data types, including ‘quantitative’ vs. ‘qual- itative’, ‘continuous’ vs. ‘discrete’, ‘ordinal’ vs. ‘nominal’, and ‘numeric’ vs. ‘cat- egorical’. It is necessary to make clear the difference among the various terms and accordingly choose the most suitable terminology for discretization. We adopt the terminology of statistics (Bluman, 1992, Samuels and Witmer, 1999), which provides two parallel ways to classify data into different types. Data can be classified into either qualitative or quantitative. Data can also be classified into different levels of measurement scales. Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 summarize this terminology. 6.1.1 Qualitative vs. quantitative Qualitative data, also often referred to as categorical data, are data that can be placed into distinct categories. Qualitative data sometimes can be arrayed in a mean- ingful order. But no arithmetic operations can be applied to them. Examples of qual- itative data are: blood type of a person: A, B, AB, O; and assignment evaluation: fail, pass, good, excellent. Quantitative data are numeric in nature. They can be ranked in order. They also admit to meaningful arithmetic operations. Quantitative data can be further classified into two groups, discrete or continuous. Discrete data assume values that can be counted. The data cannot assume all val- ues on the number line within their value range. An example is: number of children in a family. Continuous data can assume all values on the number line within their value range. The values are obtained by measuring. An example is: temperature. 6.1.2 Levels of measurement scales In addition to being classified into either qualitative or quantitative, data can also be classified by how they are categorized, counted or measured. This type of classifi- cation uses measurement scales, and four common levels of scales are: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio. 6 Discretization Methods 103 The nominal level of measurement scales classifies data into mutually exclusive (non-overlapping), exhaustive categories in which no meaningful order or ranking can be imposed on the data. An example is: blood type of a person: A, B, AB, O The ordinal level of measurement scales classifies data into categories that can be ranked. However, the differences between the ranks cannot be calculated by arith- metic. An example is: assignment evaluation: fail, pass, good, excellent. It is mean- ingful to say that the assignment evaluation of pass ranks higher than that of fail. It is not meaningful in the same way to say that the blood type of A ranks higher than that of B. The interval level of measurement scales ranks data, and the differences between units of measure can be calculated by arithmetic. However, zero in the interval level of measurement does not mean ‘nil’ or ‘nothing’ as zero in arithmetic means. An example is: Fahrenheit temperature. It has a meaningful difference of one degree between each unit. But 0 degree Fahrenheit does not mean there is no heat. It is meaningful to say that 74 degree is two degrees higher than 72 degree. It is not meaningful in the same way to say that the evaluation of excellent is two degrees higher than the evaluation of good. The ratio level of measurement scales possesses all the characteristics of interval measurement, and there exists a zero that, the same as arithmetic zero, means ‘nil’ or ‘nothing’. In consequence, true ratios exist between different units of measure. An example is: number of children in a family. It is meaningful to say that family X has twice as many children as does family Y. It is not meaningful in the same way to say that 100 degree Fahrenheit is twice as hot as 50 degree Fahrenheit. The nominal level is the lowest level of measurement scales. It is the least power- ful in that it provides the least information about the data. The ordinal level is higher, followed by the interval level. The ratio level is the highest. Any data conversion from a higher level of measurement scales to a lower level of measurement scales will lose information. Table 6.1 gives a summary of the characteristics of different levels of measurement scales. Table 6.1. Measurement Scales Level Ranking ? Arithmetic operation ? Arithmetic zero ? Nominal no no no Ordinal yes no no Interval yes yes no Ratio yes yes yes 6.1.3 Summary In summary, the following classification of data types applies: 1. qualitative data: a) nominal; b) ordinal; 104 Ying Yang, Geoffrey I. Webb, and Xindong Wu 2. quantitative data: a) interval, either discrete or continuous; b) ratio, either discrete or continuous. We believe that ‘discretization’ as it is usually applied in data mining is best de- fined as the transformation from quantitative data to qualitative data. In consequence, we will refer to data as either quantitative or qualitative throughout this chapter. 6.2 Taxonomy There exist diverse taxonomies in the existing literature to classify discretization methods. Different taxonomies emphasize different aspects of the distinctions among discretization methods. Typically, discretization methods can be either primary or composite. Primary methods accomplish discretization without reference to any other discretization method. Composite methods are built on top of some primary method(s). Primary methods can be classified as per the following taxonomies. 1. Supervised vs. Unsupervised (Dougherty et al., 1995). Methods that use the class information of the training instances to select discretization cut points are supervised. Methods that do not use the class information are unsupervised. Supervised discretization can be further characterized as error-based, entropy- based or statistics-based according to whether intervals are selected using met- rics based on error on the training data, entropy of the intervals, or some statisti- cal measure. 2. Parametric vs. Non-parametric. Parametric discretization requires input from the user, such as the maximum number of discretized intervals. Non-parametric discretization only uses information from data and does not need input from the user. 3. Hierarchical vs. Non-hierarchical. Hierarchical discretization selects cut points in an incremental process, forming an implicit hierarchy over the value range. The procedure can be split or merge (Kerber, 1992). Split discretization ini- tially has the whole value range as an interval, then continues splitting it into sub-intervals until some threshold is met. Merge discretization initially puts each value into an interval, then continues merging adjacent intervals until some threshold is met. Some discretization methods utilize both split and merge pro- cesses. For example, intervals are initially formed by splitting, and then a merge process is performed to post-process the formed intervals. Non-hierarchical dis- cretization does not form any hierarchy during discretization. For example, many methods scan the ordered values only once, sequentially forming the intervals. 4. Univariate vs. Multivariate (Bay, 2000). Methods that discretize each attribute in isolation are univariate. Methods that take into consideration relationships among attributes during discretization are multivariate. 5. Disjoint vs. Non-disjoint (Yang and Webb, 2002). Disjoint methods discretize the value range of the attribute under discretization into disjoint intervals. No 6 Discretization Methods 105 intervals overlap. Non-disjoint methods discretize the value range into intervals that can overlap. 6. Global vs. Local (Dougherty et al., 1995). Global methods discretize with re- spect to the whole training data space. They perform discretization once only, using a single set of intervals throughout a single classification task. Local meth- ods allow different sets of intervals to be formed for a single attribute, each set being applied in a different classification context. For example, different dis- cretizations of a single attribute might be applied at different nodes of a decision tree (Quinlan, 1993). 7. Eager vs. Lazy (Hsu et al., 2000, Hsu et al., 2003). Eager methods perform discretization prior to classification time. Lazy methods perform discretization during the classification time. 8. Time-sensitive vs. Time-insensitive. Under time-sensitive discretization, the qualitative value associated with a quantitative value can change along the time. That is, the same quantitative value can be discretized into different values de- pending on the previous values observed in the time series. Time-insensitive discretization only uses the stationary pro-perties of the quantitative data. 9. Ordinal vs. Nominal. Ordinal discretization transforms quantitative data into ordinal qualitative data. It aims at taking advantage of the ordering information implicit in quantitative attributes, so as not to make values 1 and 2 as dissimi- lar as values 1 and 10. Nominal discretization transforms quantitative data into nominal qualitative data. The ordering information is hence discarded. 10. Fuzzy vs. Non-fuzzy (Wu, 1995, Wu, 1999, Ishibuchi et al., 2001). Fuzzy dis- cretization first discretizes quantitative attribute values into intervals. It then places some kind of membership function at each cut point as fuzzy borders. The membership function measures the degree of each value belonging to each interval. With these fuzzy borders, a value can be discretized into a few different intervals at the same time, with varying degrees. Non-fuzzy discretization forms sharp borders without employing any membership function. Composite methods first choose some primary discretization method to form the initial cut points. They then focus on how to adjust these initial cut points to achieve certain goals. The taxonomy of a composite method sometimes is flexible, depending on the taxonomy of its primary method. 6.3 Typical methods Corresponding to our taxonomy in the previous section, we here enumerate some typical discretization methods. There are many other methods that are not reviewed due to the space limit. For a more comprehensive study on existing discretization algorithms, Yang (2003) and Wu (1995) offer good sources. 106 Ying Yang, Geoffrey I. Webb, and Xindong Wu 6.3.1 Background and terminology A term often used for describing a discretization approach is ‘cut point’. Discretiza- tion forms intervals according to the value range of the quantitative data. It then as- sociates a qualitative value to each interval. A cut point is a value among the quanti- tative data where an interval boundary is located by a discretization method. Another commonly-mentioned term is ‘boundary cut point’, which are values between two instances with different classes in the sequence of instances sorted by a quantitative attribute. It has been proved that evaluating only the boundary cut points is sufficient for finding the minimum class information entropy (Fayyad and Irani, 1993). We use the following terminology. Data comprises a set or sequence of instances. Each instance is described by a vector of attribute values. For classification learning, each instance is also labelled with a class. Each attribute is either qualitative or quan- titative. Classes are qualitative. Instances from which one learns cut points or other knowledge are training instances. If a test instance is presented, a learning algo- rithm is asked to make a prediction about the test instance according to the evidence provided by the training instances. 6.3.2 Equal-width, equal-frequency and fixed-frequency discretization We arrange to present these three methods together because they are seemingly sim- ilar but actually different. They all are typical of unsupervised discretization. They are also typical of parametric discretization. When discretizing a quantitative attribute, equal width discretization (EWD) (Catlett, 1991, Kerber, 1992, Dougherty et al., 1995) predefines k, the number of intervals. It then divides the number line between v min and v max into k intervals of equal width, where v min is the minimum observed value, v max is the maximum ob- served value. Thus the intervals have width w =(v max −v min )/k and the cut points are at v min + w,v min + 2w,···,v min +(k −1)w. When discretizing a quantitative attribute, equal-frequency discretization (EFD) (Catlett, 1991, Kerber, 1992,Dougherty et al., 1995) predefines k, the number of in- tervals. It then divides the sorted values into k intervals so that each interval contains approximately the same number of training instances. Suppose there are n training instances, each interval then contains n/k training instances with adjacent (possibly identical) values. Note that training instances with identical values must be placed in the same interval. In consequence it is not always possible to generate k equal- frequency intervals. When discretizing a quantitative attribute, fixed-frequency discretization (FFD) (Yang and Webb, 2004) predefines a sufficient interval frequency k. Then it discretizes the sorted values into intervals so that each interval has approximately 4 the same number k of training instances with adjacent (possibly identical) values. It is worthwhile contrasting EFD and FFD, both of which form intervals of equal frequency. EFD fixes the interval number that is usually arbitrarily chosen. FFD fixes 4 Just as for EFD, because of the existence of identical values, some intervals can have in- stance frequency exceeding k. 6 Discretization Methods 107 the interval frequency that is not arbitrary but to ensure each interval contains suffi- cient instances to supply information such as for estimating probability. 6.3.3 Multi-interval-entropy-minimization discretization ((MIEMD) Multi-interval-entropy-minimization discretization (Fayyad and Irani, 1993) is typ- ical of supervised discretization. It is also typical of non-parametric discretization. To discretize an attribute, MIEMD evaluates as a candidate cut point the midpoint between each successive pair of the sorted values. For evaluating each candidate cut point, the data are discretized into two intervals and the resulting class information entropy is calculated. A binary discretization is determined by selecting the cut point for which the entropy is minimal amongst all candidates. The binary discretization is applied recursively, always selecting the best cut point. A minimum description length criterion (MDL) is applied to decide when to stop discretization. 6.3.4 ChiMerge, StatDisc and InfoMerge discretization EWD and EFD are non-hierarchical discretization. MIEMD involves a split proce- dure and hence is hierarchical discretization. A typical merge approach to hierarchi- cal discretization is ChiMerge (Kerber, 1992). It uses the χ 2 (Chi square) statistic to determine if the relative class frequencies of adjacent intervals are distinctly dif- ferent or if they are similar enough to justify merging them into a single interval. The ChiMerge algorithm consists of an initialization process and a bottom-up merg- ing process. The initialization process contains two steps: (1) ascendingly sort the training instances according to their values for the attributes being discretized, (2) construct the initial discretization, in which each instance is put into its own interval. The interval merging process contains two steps, repeated continuously: (1) compute the χ 2 for each pair of adjacent intervals, (2) merge the pair of adjacent intervals with the lowest χ 2 value. Merging continues until all pairs of intervals have χ 2 values ex- ceeding a predefined χ 2 -threshold. That is, all intervals are considered significantly different by the χ 2 independence test. The recommended χ 2 -threshold is at the 0.90, 0.95 or 0.99 significant level. StatDisc discretization (Richeldi and Rossotto, 1995) extends ChiMerge to al- low any number of intervals to be merged instead of only 2 as ChiMerge does. Both ChiMerge and StatDisc are based on a statistical measure of dependency. The statis- tical measures treat an attribute and a class symmetrically. A third merge discretiza- tion, InfoMerge (Freitas and Lavington, 1996) argues that an attribute and a class should be asymmetric since one wants to predict the value of the class attribute given the discretized attribute but not the reverse. Hence InfoMerge uses information loss, which is calculated as the amount of information necessary to identify the class of an instance after merging and the amount of information before merging, to direct the merge procedure. 108 Ying Yang, Geoffrey I. Webb, and Xindong Wu 6.3.5 Cluster-based discretization The above mentioned methods are all univariate. A typical multivariate discretization technique is cluster-based discretization (Chmielewski and Grzymala-Busse, 1996). This method consists of two steps. The first step is cluster formation to determine initial intervals for the quantitative attributes. The second step is post-processing to minimize the number of discretized intervals. Instances here are deemed as points in n-dimensional space which is defined by n attribute values. During cluster formation, the median cluster analysis method is used. Clusters are initialized by allowing each instance to be a cluster. New clusters are formed by merging two existing clusters that exhibit the greatest similarity between each other. The cluster formation continues as long as the level of consistency of the partition is not less than the level of consistency of the original data. Once this process is completed, instances that belong to the same cluster are indiscernible by the subset of quantitative attributes, thus a partition on the set of training instances is induced. Clusters can be analyzed in terms of all attributes to find out cut points for each attribute simultaneously. After discretized intervals are formed, post-processing picks a pair of adjacent intervals among all quantitative attributes for merging whose resulting class entropy is the smallest. If the consistency of the dataset after the merge is above a given threshold, the merge is performed. Otherwise this pair of intervals are marked as non-mergable and the next candidate is processed. The process stops when each possible pair of adjacent intervals are marked as non-mergable. 6.3.6 ID3 discretization ID3 provides a typical example of local discretization. ID3 (Quinlan, 1986) is an inductive learning program that constructs classification rules in the form of a de- cision tree. It uses local discretization to deal with quantitative attributes. For each quantitative attribute, ID3 divides its sorted values into two intervals in all possible ways. For each division, the resulting information gain of the data is calculated. The attribute that obtains the maximum information gain is chosen to be the current tree node. And the data are divided into subsets corresponding to its two value intervals. In each subset, the same process is recursively conducted to grow the decision tree. The same attribute can be discretized differently if it appears in different branches of the decision tree. 6.3.7 Non-disjoint discretization The above mentioned methods are all disjoint discretization. Non-disjoint discretiza- tion (NDD) (Yang and Webb, 2002), on the other hand, forms overlapping inter- vals for a quantitative attribute, always locating a value toward the middle of its discretized interval. This strategy is desirable since it can efficiently form for each single quantitative value a most appropriate interval. When discretizing a quantitative attribute, suppose there are N instances. NDD identifies among the sorted values t  atomic intervals, (a  1 ,b  1 ],(a  2 ,b  2 ], ,(a  t  ,b  t  ], 6 Discretization Methods 109 each containing s  instances, so that 5 s  = s 3 s  ×t  = N. (6.1) One interval is formed for each set of three consecutive atomic intervals, such that the kth (1 ≤ k ≤ t  −2) interval (a k ,b k ] satisfies a k = a  k and b k = b  k+2 . Each value v is assigned to interval (a  i − 1 ,b  i + 1 ] where i is the index of the atomic interval (a  i ,b  i ] such that a  i < v ≤b  i , except when i = 1 in which case v is assigned to interval (a  1 ,b  3 ] and when i = t  in which case v is assigned to interval (a  t  −2 ,b  t  ]. Figure 6.1 illustrates the procedure. As a result, except in the case of falling into the first or the last atomic interval, a numeric value is always toward the middle of its corresponding interval, and intervals can overlap with each other. Atomic Interval In te r va l Fig. 6.1. Atomic Intervals Compose Actual Intervals 6.3.8 Lazy discretization The above mentioned methods are all eager. In comparison, lazy discretization (LD) (Hsu et al., 2000,Hsu et al., 2003) defers discretization until classification time. It waits until a test instance is presented to determine the cut points for each quan- titative attribute of this test instance. When classifying an instance, LD creates only one interval for each quantitative attribute containing its value from the instance, and leaves other value regions untouched. In particular, it selects a pair of cut points for each quantitative attribute such that the value is in the middle of its corresponding in- terval. Where the cut points locate is decided by LD’s primary discretization method, such as EWD. 5 Theoretically any odd number k besides 3 is acceptable in (6.1) as long as the same number k of atomic intervals are grouped together later for the probability estimation. For simplic- ity, we take k = 3 for demonstration. . 131 –158. Rokach, L. and Maimon, O., Clustering methods, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, pp. 321 –3 52, 20 05, Springer. Rokach, L. and Maimon, O., Data mining for improving the quality of manufacturing:. Section 6 .2 presents a O. Maimon, L. Rokach (eds.), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, 2nd ed., DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-09 823 -4_6, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 20 10 1 02 Ying. (Catlett, 1991, Kerber, 19 92, Richeldi and Rossotto, 1995, Frank and Wit- ten, 1999). Hence discretization has long been an active topic in Data Mining and knowledge discovery. Many discretization

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