ptg 18.5 Ajax and JSON 839 18.5.3 Putting It All Together with JSON In the next set of examples, we will create a JSON text file, with the structure of a Java- Script object (in fact, any program employing hashes or associative arrays could read this file), use an Ajax program to request the file and, after getting a response from the server, read and parse the JSON data with JavaScript’s eval() function, then place the parsed data in a div container and display it (shown in Figure 18.20). The JSON File (ajaxCar.json) 3. Output after the eval(). EXAMPLE 18.20 1 { "make":"Honda Civic", "year":2006, "price":18000, 2 "owner":{ "name":"Henry Lee", "cellphone": "222-222-2222", 3 "address":{"street": "10 Main", "city": "San Francisco", "state": "CA" } }, "dealer": "SF Honda" 4} EXPLANATION 1 This is a JSON object consisting of properties and their values (key/value pairs). 2 The owner property has nested properties. If the object is named “car”, then to get the cell phone number for the owner, the dot notation is used to separate the prop- erties; for example, car.owner.cellphone will get the value “222-222-2222”. Continues EXAMPLE 18.19 (CONTINUED) From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 840 Chapter 18 • An Introduction to Ajax (with JSON) Ajax Program with JSON and eval() 3 The address property also has nested property/value pairs. To get the value of the state, you would say car.owner.address.state. 4 JSON structure must be syntactically correct or the JavaScript eval() will not be able to evaluate properly, all strings quoted, curly braces lined up. It appears that if you want to create an array of hashes, the syntax requires an object notation rather than array notation; that is, use curly braces on the outside of the whole structure, not [ ]. EXAMPLE 18.21 <html> <head><title>Reading from an JSON file</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function makeRequest() { var httpRequest; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (httpRequest.overrideMimeType) { httpRequest.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } } if (!httpRequest) { alert('Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance'); return false; } httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { getXMLContents(httpRequest); };'GET', "file:///C:/wamp/www/ajaxCar.json", true); /* Check that you use the correct URL for your browser. IE wanted “http://localhost/ajaxCar.json”. Firefox complained about the a not well-formed .json file */ EXPLANATION ( CONTINUED) From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 18.5 Ajax and JSON 841 httpRequest.setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since', 'Sat, 03 Jan 2010 00:00:00GMT'); httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); httpRequest.send(''); function getXMLContents(httpRequest) { var httpRequest; if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) { if (httpRequest.status == 200) { textObj=document.getElementById("data"); 1 var carObject = eval('('+ httpRequest.responseText +')') ; // alert(carObject.make); Using the object’s property 2 var details=""; 3 for(var property in carObject){ if (property == "owner"){ // Nested associative // array details += "owner name = " + carObject[property].name + "<br />"; details += "owner cell phone = " carObject[property].cellphone + "<br />"; } else{ 4 details += property + " = " + carObject[property] + "<br />"; } } 5 textObj.innerHTML=details; // Put data in document } // Figure 18.20 else { alert('There was a problem with the request.'); } } } } </script> </head> <body> <span style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline" 6 onclick="makeRequest()"> Get car details </span> 7 <div id=data> </div> </body> </html> EXAMPLE 18.21 (CONTINUED) From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 842 Chapter 18 • An Introduction to Ajax (with JSON) EXPLANATION 1 The JavaScript eval() function evaluates and/or executes a string of JavaScript code. First, eval() determines if the argument is a valid string, i.e., the JSON string that was returned from the server. Then eval() parses the string. The string re- turned from the eval() is a JavaScript object. 2 The variable details will hold the properties and values of the JavaScript object. 3 JavaScript’s special for/in loop provides a mechanism for stepping through all the properties of an object. It iterates through the carObject, retrieving both properties and values to be placed in the div container on line 8. If the property is “owner”, it has a nested set of key/value pairs as shown here: { "make":"Honda Civic", "year":2006, "price":18000, "owner":{ "name":"Henry Lee", "cellphone": "222-222-2222", "address":{"street": "10 Main", "city": "San Francisco", "state": "CA" } }, "dealer": "SF Honda" } The special for/in loop iterates through the object’s properties. To get the value of a property, the property is placed between square brackets (associative array) pre- ceded by the name of the object. In a nested object, the dot syntax is used to get to the nested property as: carObject[“owner”].name or carObject[“owner”].ad- dress.street. 4 Each time through the loop, a property and its value will be added to the details variable until all properties/values have been collected. In this example, the ad- dress was not included, only to keep the program size smaller. 5 The DOM’s innerHTML property will be assigned all of the details collected for the carObject and placed in the div container on line 8, Figure 18.20. 6 When the user clicks this button, the makeRequest() function will be called to cre- ate an Ajax request object and handle the JSON data (see page 840). 7 This is the div container where the display data will be placed. The results is shown in Figure 18.20. From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 18.5 Ajax and JSON 843 18.5.4 Solving the eval() Security Problem Using the JavaScript eval() function to parse Ajax data is not recommended as a secure approach for handling data coming from an Ajax request as it makes the program vul- nerable to cross-site scripting (XSS). There are a number of sites that deal specifically with this issue 4 (see If your browser supports native JSON, you can use the JSON parse() method to take the place of eval(). If the browser doesn’t support native JSON, there are public domain libraries available that are easy to download and use with no fuss. Example 18.22 is a simple test to see if your browser supports JSON. This script was executed using Firefox 3.5.7 and Internet Explorer 8.0. Firefox ran the script without a problem (see Figure 18.21), whereas Internet Explorer produced an error that it didn’t recognize “JSON” (see Figure 18.22). The problem was easy to solve by downloading the json2 library and including it in the script, see Example 18.23 . Figure 18.20 After reading and parsing data from a JSON file. 4. “The eval technique is subject to security vulnerabilities if the data and the entire JavaScript environment is not within the control of a single trusted source. If the data is itself not trusted, for example, it may be subject to malicious JavaScript code injection attacks; unless some additional means is used to validate the data first.”— EXAMPLE 18.22 <script type="text/javascript"> // Testing native JSON support Firefox 1 var jsonString = '{"name":"Joe Shmoe", "phone":"415-111-1111"}'; 2 var employee=JSON.parse(jsonString); 3 alert("Name: " + +"\nPhone: "+; </script> From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 844 Chapter 18 • An Introduction to Ajax (with JSON) EXPLANATION 1 The string called jsonString consists of what will represent a JavaScript object with properties and values. The data in a .json file would not have the outer single quotes. 2 The JSON.parse() method evaluates the string and converts it to a JavaScript ob- ject, the same way the JavaScript eval() function works when evaluating an ex- pression (discussed in “The eval() Function” on page 118). 3 Using the JavaScript object, we can get the name and phone values for the object with the dot syntax. Figure 18.21 JSON support with Firefox. Figure 18.22 Internet Explorer 8: This version does not recognize the JSON parse() method. From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 18.5 Ajax and JSON 845 Douglas Crockford at has provided a set of routines that will convert any JavaScript data type into a JSON string. Go to for a free download of the most current library for parsing and stringifying JSON objects, json2.js. With this library you can read JSON strings and write them to the server. Example 18.24 demonstrates how to use the json2.js library to create a JavaScript object from the text coming from the JSON file. The steps are: 1. Make sure the .json file is in the correct object format. (The MIME type is “application/json” and may have to be set in your server so that Firefox does not read the JSON file as an XML file resulting in a “not well-formed” error.) 2. At the top of your Ajax program add the <script> tag src attribute to the name of the JSON library, in this case “json2.js”: <script type="text/javascript" src="json2.js"> 3. In the Ajax program, read the object in as text from the XMLHttpRequest object’s responseText property into a string variable. 4. Use the JSON.parse() method to turn the string into a JavaScript object. 5. Use the properties and values of the object to get the information from the object such as,, and so on. EXAMPLE 18.23 1 <script type="text/javascript" src="json2.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> 2 var jsonString = '{"name":"Joe Shmoe", "phone":"415-111-1111"}'; 3 var employee=JSON.parse(jsonString); alert("Name: " + + "\nPhone: "+; </script> EXPLANATION 1 The JavaScript program will use the json2.js library. 2 A string is created containing the text that will be parsed by the library’s JSON.parse() method. 3 The JSON.parse() method converts the string, called jsonString, into a JavaScript object (see Figure 18.23). Figure 18.23 After adding the json2.js library, Internet Explorer works fine. From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 846 Chapter 18 • An Introduction to Ajax (with JSON) Jason and Ajax Using JSON Library EXAMPLE 18.24 1 <script type="text/javascript" src="json2.js"> /* Add the src attribute to your Ajax program to include the json2.js libaray Code for creating the XMLHttpRequest object is not included here. You can find it in Example 18.1. */ 2 function getXMLContents(httpRequest) { if (httpRequest.readyState == 4) { if (httpRequest.status == 200) { textObj=document.getElementById("data"); 3 var jasonString = httpRequest.responseText; alert(jasonString); // see Figure 18.24. 4 var carObject=JSON.parse(jasonString); var details=""; 5 for(var property in carObject){ if (property == "owner"){ details += "owner name = " + carObject[property].name + "<br />"; details += "owner cell phone = " + carObject[property].cellphone + "<br />"; } else{ details += property + " = " + carObject[property] + "<br />"; } } textObj.innerHTML=details; // see Figure 18.25. } else { alert('There was a problem with the request.'); } } } </script> </head> <body> <span style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline" 6 onclick="makeRequest('ajaxCar.json')"> Get car details </span> 7 <div id="data"> </div> </body> </html> From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 18.5 Ajax and JSON 847 EXPLANATION 1 The json2 library provides methods to encode JavaScript objects to JSON, and de- code the resulting text back to JavaScript objects. The original json2 library doc- umentation can be found at 2 This function is where the server’s response is handled and parsed. The XML- HttpRequest object, called httpRequest in this example, was returned from the functions not listed but found in Example 18.1. 3 The XMLHttpRequest object’s responseText property contains the response from the server request, a string of text from the “ajaxCar.json” file (see Figure 18.24). 4 The JSON.parse method from the json2 library takes a string and turns it into a JavaScript object. 5 The special for loop is going through all the properties in the carObject, retrieving both properties and values to be placed in the div container on line 7. 6 The JSON file will be requested from the server. It has a .json extension. The URL might be http://localhost/ajaxCar.json, depending on your browser. 7 The <div> tag is given an id called “data”. See Figure 18.25. Figure 18.24 The JSON string. From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 848 Chapter 18 • An Introduction to Ajax (with JSON) 18.6 Debugging Ajax with Firebug Firebug (see Figure 18.26) is a Firefox extension that lets you debug and profile your Ajax, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and DOM applications by using tabbed browsing and a console for errors and log messages. Firebug appears either as a separate window or as a small panel at the bottom of your browser. The FireBug console can log all Ajax requests live, and allows you to inspect the responses that are normally invisible. You can see the value of the XMLHttpRequest object, the server’s status, the readyState, and so on. and with the Script debugger step through the your program line by line or stop at specified breakpoints watching the changes in real time. Firebug’s inspectors allow you to see the CSS rules and watch DOM nodes as they are being created, modified, and removed by JavaScript in real time. Firebug’s Script tab contains a powerful debugger that lets you pause JavaScript execution on any line. You can then step forward line-by- line to analyze how the state of the program changes in real time. Firebug also lets you specify the circumstances under which a breakpoint is triggered and lets you browse code as well as edit it. Figure 18.25 After parsing the JSON string. From the Library of WoweBook.Com . The string re- turned from the eval() is a JavaScript object. 2 The variable details will hold the properties and values of the JavaScript object. 3 JavaScript s special for/in loop provides a. Chapter 18 • An Introduction to Ajax (with JSON) EXPLANATION 1 The JavaScript eval() function evaluates and/or executes a string of JavaScript code. First, eval() determines if the argument is a. data and the entire JavaScript environment is not within the control of a single trusted source. If the data is itself not trusted, for example, it may be subject to malicious JavaScript code injection