ptg 17.5 Form Validation with Regular Expressions 765 17.5 Form Validation with Regular Expressions When you fill out a form on the Web, you are typically asked for your name, phone number, address (a popup menu of all the states is usually provided), and then all sorts of credit card information. Sometimes it takes four or five tries to get it right because you didn’t complete the form exactly the way you were asked. A message will appear and you won’t be allowed to submit the form until you get it right. Behind the scenes a JavaScript program is validating the form. 17.5.1 Checking for Empty Fields There’s a form waiting to be filled out. Some of the fields are optional, and some are man- datory. The question is this: Did the user fill in the mandatory fields? If he or she didn’t, the form can’t be processed properly. Checking for empty or null fields is one of the first things you might want to do. Figure 17.37 Subpatterns are used in string replacement. EXAMPLE 17.36 <html> <head><title>Checking for Empty Fields</title> <script type="text/javascript"> 1 function validate_text(form1) { 2 if ( form1.user_name.value == "" || form1.user_name.value == null){ alert("You must enter your name."); return false; } 3 if ( form1.user_phone.value == "" || form1.user_phone.value == null){ alert("You must enter your phone."); return false; } Continues From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 766 Chapter 17 • Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching else { 4 return true; } } </script> </head> <body> <hr /> <h2> Checking for Empty fields </h2> 5 <form name="formtest" action="/cgi-bin/form1.cgi" method="get" onSubmit="return validate_text(formtest)"> Please enter your name: <br /> 6 <input type="text" size=50 name="user_name" /> <p> Please enter your phone number: <br /> 7 <input type="text" size=30 name="user_phone" /> </p><p> <input type=submit value="Send"> <input type=reset value="Clear"> </p> </form> </body> </html> EXPLANATION 1 A user-defined function called validate_text() is defined. It takes one parameter, a reference to a form. 2 If the value in the first text field is an empty string (represents a string with no text) or null (represents no value), the user is sent an alert asking him or her to fill in his or her name. If a false value is returned, the form is not submitted. 3 If the value in the second text field is an empty string or null, the user is sent an alert asking him or her to fill in a phone number. If a false value is returned, the form is not submitted. 4 If both text boxes were filled out, a true value is returned, and the form will be submitted to the server’s CGI program whose URL is listed in the action attribute of the form. 5 The onSubmit event is triggered when the user clicks the submit button. The han- dler function, validate_text(), will be called with a reference to this form. 6 The input type for this form is a text box that will get the name of the user. 7 Another text box is created to hold the phone number of the user. See Figure 17.38. EXAMPLE 17.36 (CONTINUED) From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 17.5 Form Validation with Regular Expressions 767 17.5.2 Checking for Numeric Zip Codes If you ask the user for a five-digit zip code, it is easy to check using a regular expression by matching for exactly five digits: /^\d{5}$/ Here is another way to say the same thing: /^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/ Some longer zip codes contain a dash followed by four numbers. This long zip code format could be represented as: /^\d{5}-?\d{4}$/ The beginning and end of line anchors prevent the matched string from containing any extraneous characters at either end of the string. See Example 17.37. Figure 17.38 The user left the phone number field empty, so the form was not submitted. EXAMPLE 17.37 <html> <head><title>Testing for a Valid Zip Code</title> <script type="text/javascript"> 1 function ok_Zip(zip){ 2 var regex=/^\d{5}$/;// Match for 5 numbers 3 if ( regex.test(zip.value) == false) { alert("Zip code must contain exactly five numbers!"); zip.focus(); return false; } Continues From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 768 Chapter 17 • Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching 4 if ( zip.value == ""){ alert("You must enter a zip code"); zip.focus(); return false; } return true; } </script> </head> <body> <big> <form name="ZipTest" action="/error" > Enter your zip code: <input type="text" name="zipcode" size=5 /> <input type="button" value="Check zip" 5 onClick="if( ok_Zip(ZipTest.zipcode)) { alert('Zip is valid.')}" /> <br /><input type="reset"> </form> </big> </body> </html> EXPLANATION 1 The function, called ok_Zip(), is defined to validate the zip code entered by the user. 2 The regular expression reads: Look for exactly five digits. The beginning of line and end of line anchors ensure that there will not be any extraneous characters before or after the five digits. 3 The regular expression test() method checks that the value entered by the user is a valid zip code. If not, an alert dialog box will tell the user, focus will be returned to the text box, and false will be returned. 4 If the user doesn’t enter anything, an alert dialog box will appear, focus will be re- turned to the text box, and false will be returned. 5 The onClick event is triggered when the user clicks the Check zip button. A Java- Script statement to call the ok_Zip() function is assigned to the event. If the user en- tered a valid zip code, the alert dialog box will pop up and say so. See Figure 17.39. EXAMPLE 17.37 (CONTINUED) From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 17.5 Form Validation with Regular Expressions 769 17.5.3 Checking for Alphabetic Data To test for entries that must consist strictly of alphabetic input, such as a name, state, or country field, the regular expression character set can be used; for example, /[a-zA-z]+/ is a regular expression that matches a string containing one or more uppercase or low- ercase letters, and /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ matches a string containing only one or more upper- case or lowercase letters, because the character set is enclosed within the beginning and ending anchor metacharacters. To represent one or more alphanumeric word characters, [A-Za-z0-9_], you can use the \w metasymbol; for example, /\w+/ represents one or more alphanumeric word characters. Figure 17.39 The user enters a five-digit zip code (top); the user enters nothing (middle); the user enters four digits and one letter (bottom). From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 770 Chapter 17 • Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching EXAMPLE 17.38 <html> <head><title>Testing for Alphabetic Characters</title> <script type="text/javascript"> 1 function okAlpha(form){ 2 var regex=/^[a-zA-Z]+$/; //Match for upper- or lowercase letters if ( regex.test(form.fname.value) == false) { alert("First name must contain alphabetic characters!"); form.fname.focus(); return false; } 3 if ( form.fname.value == ""){ alert("You must enter your first name."); form.fname.focus(); return false; } 4 return true; } </script> </head> <body> <big> 5 <form name="alphaTest" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/" 6 onSubmit="return okAlpha(this)" /> Enter your first name: <input type="text" 7 name="fname" size=20 /> <p> 8 <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <input type="reset" /> </form> </big> </body> </html> EXPLANATION 1 A function called okAlpha() is defined. It takes one parameter, a reference to a form. Its purpose is to make sure the user entered only alphabetic characters in the form. 2 A regular expression is created. It reads: Starting at the beginning of the line, find one or more uppercase or lowercase letters in the character class [A-Za-z] fol- lowed by the end of line anchor ($). The regular expression is tested against the input that came in from a text box named text. If it doesn’t match, the alert box will notify the user, and false is returned to the onSubmit handler on line 6. The form will not be submitted. From the Library of WoweBook.Com ptg 17.5 Form Validation with Regular Expressions 771 17.5.4 Removing Extraneous Characters Removing Spaces and Dashes. To remove any unwanted spaces or dashes from user input, the String object’s replace() method can be used to find the characters and replace them with nothing, as shown in Example 17.39. 3 If the user didn’t enter anything at all and the field is empty, another alert will be sent to the user, and false will be returned. The form will not be submitted. 4 If the user entered only alphabetic characters in his or her name, true will be re- turned, and the form will be submitted. 5 This is where the HTML form starts. 6 The onSubmit handler will be triggered when the user clicks the Submit button, and the okAlpha() function will be called, passing a reference to the form called alphaTest. 7 The user enters his or her name in the text field called fname. 8 After filling out the form, the user will click the Submit button, thereby triggering the onSubmit handler on line 6. See Figure 17.40. Figure 17.40 The user has a digit in her name. She can only enter alphabetic characters, or she will see the warning. EXAMPLE 17.39 <html> <head><title>Removing Spaces and Dashes</title></head> <body bgcolor="magenta"> <big> <h2>Removing Spaces and Hyphens</h2> <script type= "text/javascript"> 1 var string="444- 33 - 12 34" 2 var regex = /[ -]+/g; 3 var newString=string.replace(regex, ""); document.write("The original string: "+string); Continues EXPLANATION ( CONTINUED) From the Library of WoweBook.Com . appear and you won’t be allowed to submit the form until you get it right. Behind the scenes a JavaScript program is validating the form. 17.5.1 Checking for Empty Fields There’s a form waiting. 17.36 <html> <head><title>Checking for Empty Fields</title> <script type="text /javascript& quot;> 1 function validate_text(form1) { 2 if ( form1.user_name.value == "". <head><title>Testing for a Valid Zip Code</title> <script type="text /javascript& quot;> 1 function ok_Zip(zip){ 2 var regex=/^d{5}$/;// Match for 5 numbers 3 if