Mining Graph Patterns 387 Algorithm 21 ORIGAMI(𝐷, 𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑝, 𝛼, 𝛽) Input: Graph dataset 𝐷, minimum support min sup, 𝛼, 𝛽 Output: 𝛼-orthogonal, 𝛽-representative set ℛ 1: 𝐸𝑀=Edge-Map(𝐷); 2: ℱ 1 =Find-Frequent-Edges(𝐷, 𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑝); 3: ˆ ℳ = 𝜙; 4: while stopping condition() ∕= true do 5: 𝑀=Random-Maximal-Graph(𝐷, ℱ 1 , 𝐸𝑀, 𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑢𝑝); 6: ˆ ℳ = ˆ ℳ ∪𝑀; 7: ℛ=Orthogonal-Representative-Sets( ˆ ℳ, 𝛼, 𝛽); 8: return ℛ; 4.2 Randomized Maximal Subgraph Mining As the first step, ORIGAMI mines a set of maximal subgraphs, on which the 𝛼-orthogonal, 𝛽-representative graph pattern set is generated. This is based on the observation that the number of maximal frequent subgraphs is much fewer than that of frequent subgraphs, and the maximal subgraphs provide a synopsis of the frequent ones to some extent. Thus it is reasonable to mine the repre- sentative orthogonal pattern set based on the maximal subgraphs rather than the frequent ones. However, even mining all of maximal subgraphs could be infeasible in some real world applications. To avoid this problem, ORIGAMI first finds a sample ˆ ℳ of the complete set of maximal frequent subgraphs ℳ. The goal is to find a set of maximal subgraphs, ˆ ℳ, which is as diverse as possible. To achieve this goal, ORIGAMI avoids using combinatorial enumer- ation to mine maximal subgraph patterns. Instead, it adopts a random walk approach to enumerate a diverse set of maximal subgraphs from the positive border of such maximal patterns. The randomized mining algorithm starts with an empty pattern and iteratively adds a random edge during each extension, un- til a maximal subgraph 𝑀 is generated and no more edges can be added. This process walks a random chain in the partial order of frequent subgraphs. To extend an intermediate pattern, 𝑆 𝑘 ⊆ 𝑀, it chooses a random vertex 𝑣 from which the extension will be attempted. Then a random edge 𝑒 incident on 𝑣 is selected for extension. If no such edge is found, no extension is possible from the vertex. When no vertices can have any further extension in 𝑆 𝑘 , the random walk terminates and 𝑆 𝑘 = 𝑀 is the maximal graph. On the other hand, if a random edge 𝑒 is found, the other endpoint 𝑣 ′ of this edge is randomly selected. By adding the edge 𝑒 and its endpoint 𝑣 ′ , a candidate subgraph pattern 𝑆 𝑘+1 is generated and its support is computed. This random walk process repeats until 388 MANAGING AND MINING GRAPH DATA no further extension is possible on any vertex. Then the maximal subgraph 𝑀 is returned. Ideally, the random chain walks would cover different regions of the pattern space, thus would produce dissimilar maximal patterns. However, in practice, this may not be the case, since duplicate maximal subgraphs can be generated in the following ways: (1) multiple iterations following overlapping chains, or (2) multiple iterations following different chains but leading to the same max- imal pattern. Let’s consider a maximal subgraph 𝑀 of size 𝑛. Let 𝑒 1 𝑒 2 𝑒 𝑛 be a sequence of random edge extensions, corresponding to a random chain walk leading from an empty graph 𝜙 to the maximal graph 𝑀 . The probability of a particular edge sequence leading from 𝜙 to 𝑀 is given as 𝑃 [(𝑒 1 𝑒 2 𝑒 𝑛 )] = 𝑃 (𝑒 1 ) 𝑛 ∏ 𝑖=2 𝑃 (𝑒 𝑖 ∣𝑒 1 𝑒 𝑖−1 ). (4.1) Let 𝐸𝑆(𝑀) denote the set of all valid edge sequences for a graph 𝑀. The probability that a graph 𝑀 is generated in a random walk is proportional to ∑ 𝑒 1 𝑒 2 𝑒 𝑛 ∈𝐸𝑆(𝑀) 𝑃 [(𝑒 1 𝑒 2 𝑒 𝑛 )]. (4.2) The probability of obtaining a specific maximal pattern depends on the num- ber of chains or edge sequences leading to that pattern and the size of the pat- tern. According to Eq.(4.1), as a graph grows larger, the probability of the edge sequence becomes smaller. So this random walk approach in general favors a maximal subgraph of smaller size than one of larger size. To avoid generat- ing duplicate maximal subgraphs, a termination condition is designed based on an estimate of the collision rate of the generated patterns. Intuitively the collision rate keeps track of the number of duplicate patterns seen within the same or across different random walks. As a random walk chain is traversed, ORIGAMI maintains the signature of the intermediate patterns in a bounded size hash table. As an intermediate or maximal subgraph is generated, its signa- ture is added to the hash table and the collision rate is updated. If the collision rate exceeds a threshold 𝜖, the method could (1) abort further extension along the current path and randomly choose another path; or (2) trigger the termina- tion condition across different walks, since it implies that the same part of the search space is being revisited. 4.3 Orthogonal Representative Set Generation Given a set of maximal subgraphs ˆ ℳ, the next step is to extract an 𝛼- orthogonal 𝛽-representative set from it. We can construct a meta-graph Γ( ˆ ℳ) to measure similarity between graph patterns in ˆ ℳ, in which each node rep- Mining Graph Patterns 389 resents a maximal subgraph pattern, and an edge exists between two nodes if their similarity is bounded by 𝛼. Then the problem of finding an 𝛼-orthogonal pattern set can be modeled as finding a maximal clique in the similarity graph Γ( ˆ ℳ). For a given 𝛼, there could be multiple 𝛼-orthogonal pattern sets as feasible solutions. We could use the size of the residue set to measure the goodness of an 𝛼-orthogonal set. An optimal 𝛼-orthogonal 𝛽-representative set is the one which minimizes the size of the residue set. [10] proved that this problem is NP-hard. Given the hardness result, ORIGAMI resorts to approximate algorithms to solve the problem which guarantees local optimality. The algorithm starts with a random maximal clique in the similarity graph Γ( ˆ ℳ) and tries to improve it. At each state transition, another maximal clique which is a local neighbor of the current maximal clique is chosen. If the new state has a better solution, the new state is accepted as the current state and the process continues. The process terminates when all neighbors of the current state have equal or larger residue sizes. Two maximal cliques of size 𝑚 and 𝑛 (assume 𝑚 ≥ 𝑛) are considered neighbors if they share exactly 𝑛 − 1 vertices. The state transition procedure selectively removes one vertex from the maximal clique of the cur- rent state and then expands it to obtain another maximal clique which satisfies the neighborhood constraints. 5. Conclusions Frequent subgraph mining is one of the fundamental tasks in graph data mining. The inherent complexity in graph data causes the combinatorial ex- plosion problem. As a result, a mining algorithm may take a long time or even forever to complete the mining process on some real graph datasets. 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Furthermore, the input is accessed in a sequential fashion, therefore, can be viewed as a stream of data elements. The restriction limits the model and yet, algorithms exist for many graph problems in the streaming model. We sur- vey a set of algorithms that compute graph statistics, matching and distance in a graph, and random walks. These are basic graph problems and the algorithms that compute them may be used as building blocks in graph-data management and mining. Keywords: Streaming algorithms, Massive graph, matching, graph distance, random walk on graph 1. Introduction In recent years, graphs of massive size have emerged in many applications. For example, in telecommunication networks, the phone numbers that call each other form a call graphs. On the Internet, the web pages and the links between them form the web graph. Also in applications such as structured data mining, the relationships among the data items in the data set are often modeled as graphs. These graphs are massive and often have a large number of nodes and connections (edges). New challenges arise when computing with massive graphs. It is possible to store a massive graph on a large capacity storage device. However, large capacity comes with a price: random accesses in these devices are often quite © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010 C.C. Aggarwal and H. Wang (eds.), Managing and Mining Graph Data, Advances in Database Systems 40, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6045-0_13, 393 394 MANAGING AND MINING GRAPH DATA slow (comparing to random accesses in the main memory). In some cases, it is not necessary (or even not possible) to store the graph. Algorithms that deal with massive graphs have to consider these properties. In traditional computational models, when calculating the complexity of an algorithm, all storage devices are treated indifferently and the union of them (main memory as well as disks) are abstracted as a single memory space. Basic operations in this memory space, such as access to a random location, take an equal (constant) amount of time. However, on a real computer, access to data in main memory takes much less time than access to data on the disk. Clearly, computational complexities derived using traditional model in these cases cannot reflect the complexity of the real computation. To consider the difference between memory and storage types, several new computational models are proposed. In the external memory model [44] the memory is divide into two types: internal (main memory) and external (disks). Accesses to external memory are viewed as one measurement of the algo- rithm’s complexity. Despite the fact that access to the external memory is slow and accounts heavily in the algorithm’s complexity measure, an external algorithm can still store all the input data in the external memory and make random access to the data. Compare to the external memory model, the streaming model of computa- tion takes the difference between the main memory and the storage device to a new level. The streaming model completely eliminates random access to the input data. The main memory is viewed as a workspace in the streaming model where the computation sketches temporary results and performs frequent ran- dom accesses. The inputs to the computation, however, can only be accessed in a sequential fashion, i.e., as a stream of data items. (The input may be stored on some device and accessed sequentially or the input itself may be a stream of data items. For example, in the Internet routing system, the routers forward packets at such a high speed that there may not be enough time for them to store the packets on slow storage devices.) The size of the workspace is much smaller than the input data. In many cases, it is also expected that the process of each data item in the stream take small amount of time and therefore the computation be done in near-linear time (with respect to the size of the input). Streaming computation model is different from sampling. In the sampling model, the computation is allowed to perform random accesses to the inputs. With these accesses, it takes a few samples from the input and then computes on these samples. In some cases, the computation may not see the whole input. In the streaming model, the computation is allowed to access the input only in a sequential fashion but the whole input data can be viewed in this way. A non-adaptive sampling algorithm can be trivially transformed into a streaming algorithm. However, an adaptive sampling algorithm that takes advantage of A Survey on Streaming Algorithms for Massive Graphs 395 the random access allowed by the sampling model cannot be directly adapted into the streaming model. The streaming model was formally proposed in [29]. However, before [29], there were studies [30, 25] that considered similar models, without using the term stream or streaming. Since [29], there has been a large body of work on algorithms and complexity in this model ( [3, 24, 31, 27, 26, 37, 32] as a few examples). Some example problems considered in the streaming model are computing statistics, norms and histogram constructions. Muthu’s book [37] gives an excellent elaboration on the topics of general streaming algorithms and applications. In this survey, we consider streaming algorithms for graph problems. It is no surprise that the computation model is limited. Some graph problems therefore cannot be solved using the model. However, there are still many graph prob- lems (e.g. graph connectivity [22, 45], spanning tree [22]) for which one can obtain solutions or approximation algorithms. We will survey approximate al- gorithms for computing graph statistics, matching and distance in a graph, and random walk on a graph in the streaming model. We remark that this is not a comprehensive survey covering all the graph problems that have been con- sidered in the streaming model. Rather, we will focus on the set of aforemen- tioned topics. Many papers cited here also give lower bounds for the problems as well as algorithms. We will focus on the algorithms and omit discussion on the lower bounds. Finally we remark that although these algorithms are not direct graph mining algorithms. They compute basic graph-theoretic problems and may be utilized in massive graph mining and management systems. 2. Streaming Model for Massive Graphs We give a detailed description of the streaming model in this section. Streaming is a general computation model and is not just for graphs. However, since this survey concerns only graph problems and algorithms, we will fo- cus on graph streaming computation. We consider mainly undirected graphs. The graphs can be weighted—i.e., there is a weight function 𝑤 : 𝐸 → ℝ + that assigns a non-negative weight to each edge. We denote by 𝐺(𝑉, 𝐸) a graph 𝐺 with vertex (node) set 𝑉 = {𝑣 1 , 𝑣 2 , . . . , 𝑣 𝑛 } and edge set 𝐸 = {𝑒 1 , 𝑒 2 , . . . , 𝑒 𝑚 }where 𝑛 is the number of vertices and 𝑚 the number of edges. Definition 13.1. A graph stream is a sequence of edges 𝑒 𝑖 1 , 𝑒 𝑖 2 , . . . , 𝑒 𝑖 𝑚 , where 𝑒 𝑖 𝑗 ∈ 𝐸 and 𝑖 1 , 𝑖 2 , . . . , 𝑖 𝑚 is an arbitrary permutation of [𝑚] = {1, 2, . . . , 𝑚}. While an algorithm goes through the stream, the graph is revealed one edge at a time. The edges may be presented in any order. There are variants of graph stream in which the adjacency matrix or the adjacency list of the graph is presented as a stream. In such cases, the edges incident to each vertex are 396 MANAGING AND MINING GRAPH DATA grouped together in the stream. (It is sometimes called the incident stream.) Definition 13.1 is more general and accounts for graphs whose edges may be generated in an arbitrary order. We now summarize the definitions of streaming computation in [29, 28, 16, 22] as follows: A streaming algorithm for massive graph is an algorithm that computes some function for the graph and has the following properties: 1 The input to the streaming algorithm is a graph stream. 2 The streaming algorithm accesses the data elements (edges) in the stream in a sequential order. The order of the data elements in the stream is not controlled by the algorithm. 3 The algorithm uses a workspace that is much smaller in size than the input. It can perform unrestricted random access in the workspace. The amount of workspace required by the streaming algorithm is an impor- tant complexity measure of the algorithm. 4 As the input data stream by, the algorithm needs to process each data element quickly. The time needed by the algorithm to process each data element in the stream is another important complexity measure of the algorithm. 5 The algorithms are restricted to access the input stream in a sequential fashion. However, they may go through the stream in multiple, but a small number, of passes. The third important complexity measure of the algorithm is the number of passes required. These properties characterize the algorithm’s behavior during the time when it goes through the input data stream. Before this time, the algorithm may perform certain pre-processing on the workspace (but not on the input stream). After going through the data stream, the algorithm may undertake some post- processing on the workspace. The pre and post-processing only concern the workspace and are essentially computations in the traditional model. Considering the three complexity measures: the workspace size, the per- element processing time, and the number of passes that the algorithm needs to go through the stream, an efficient streaming computation means that the algorithm’s complexity measures are small. For example, many streaming al- gorithms use polylog(𝑁) space (polylog(⋅) means 𝑂(log 𝑐 (⋅)) where c is a con- stant) when the input size is 𝑁. The streaming-clustering algorithm in [28] uses 𝑂(𝑁 𝜖 ) space for a small 0 < 𝜖 < 1. Many graph streaming algorithms uses 𝑂(𝑛 ⋅ polylog(𝑛)) space. Some streaming algorithms process a data el- ement in 𝑂(1) time. Others may need polylog(𝑁) time. Many streaming algorithms access the input stream in one pass. There are also multiple-pass algorithms [36, 22, 40]. . statistics, matching and distance in a graph, and random walks. These are basic graph problems and the algorithms that compute them may be used as building blocks in graph- data management and mining. Keywords:. for graph data. In Proc. 2007 Int. Conf. Machine Learning (ICML’07), pages 919–926, 2007. 392 MANAGING AND MINING GRAPH DATA [28] N. Vanetik, E. Gudes, and S. E. Shimony. Computing frequent graph patterns. Satamoto, and S. Arikawa. Efficient substructure discovery from large semi-structured data. In Proc. 2002 SIAM Int. Conf. Data Mining (SDM’02), pages 158–174, 2002. 390 MANAGING AND MINING GRAPH DATA [2]